using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBA { public static class LibmGBA { const string dll = "mgba.dll"; const CallingConvention cc = CallingConvention.Cdecl; [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizDestroy(IntPtr ctx); [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern IntPtr BizCreate(byte[] bios, byte[] data, int length, [In]OverrideInfo dbinfo, bool skipBios); [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizReset(IntPtr ctx); public enum SaveType : int { Autodetect = -1, ForceNone = 0, Sram = 1, Flash512 = 2, Flash1m = 3, Eeprom = 4 } [Flags] public enum Hardware : int { None = 0, Rtc = 1, Rumble = 2, LightSensor = 4, Gyro = 8, Tilt = 16, GbPlayer = 32, GbPlayerDetect = 64, NoOverride = 0x8000 // can probably ignore this } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class OverrideInfo { public SaveType Savetype; public Hardware Hardware; public uint IdleLoop = IDLE_LOOP_NONE; public const uint IDLE_LOOP_NONE = unchecked((uint)0xffffffff); } [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern bool BizAdvance(IntPtr ctx, LibVBANext.Buttons keys, int[] vbuff, ref int nsamp, short[] sbuff, long time, short gyrox, short gyroy, short gyroz, byte luma); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class MemoryAreas { public IntPtr bios; public IntPtr wram; public IntPtr iwram; public IntPtr mmio; public IntPtr palram; public IntPtr vram; public IntPtr oam; public IntPtr rom; public IntPtr sram; public int sram_size; } [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizGetMemoryAreas(IntPtr ctx, [Out]MemoryAreas dst); [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int BizGetSaveRam(IntPtr ctx, byte[] dest, int maxsize); [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizPutSaveRam(IntPtr ctx, byte[] src, int size); /// /// start a savestate operation /// /// /// private parameter to be passed to BizFinishGetState /// size of buffer to be allocated for BizFinishGetState /// if false, operation failed and BizFinishGetState should not be called [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern bool BizStartGetState(IntPtr ctx, ref IntPtr p, ref int size); /// /// finish a savestate operation. if StartGetState returned true, this must be called else memory leaks /// /// returned by BizStartGetState /// buffer of length size /// returned by BizStartGetState [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizFinishGetState(IntPtr p, byte[] dest, int size); [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern bool BizPutState(IntPtr ctx, byte[] src, int size); [Flags] public enum Layers : int { BG0 = 1, BG1 = 2, BG2 = 4, BG3 = 8, OBJ = 16 } [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizSetLayerMask(IntPtr ctx, Layers mask); [Flags] public enum Sounds : int { CH0 = 1, CH1 = 2, CH2 = 4, CH3 = 8, CHA = 16, CHB = 32 } [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizSetSoundMask(IntPtr ctx, Sounds mask); [DllImport(dll, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern void BizGetRegisters(IntPtr ctx, int[] dest); } }