#if WINDOWS using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using SlimDX.DirectSound; using SlimDX.Multimedia; using BizHawk.Client.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public class DirectSoundSoundOutput : ISoundOutput { private bool _disposed; private Sound _sound; private DirectSound _device; private SecondarySoundBuffer _deviceBuffer; private int _actualWriteOffsetBytes = -1; private int _filledBufferSizeBytes; private long _lastWriteTime; private int _lastWriteCursor; public DirectSoundSoundOutput(Sound sound, IntPtr mainWindowHandle) { _sound = sound; var deviceInfo = DirectSound.GetDevices().FirstOrDefault(d => d.Description == Global.Config.SoundDevice); _device = deviceInfo != null ? new DirectSound(deviceInfo.DriverGuid) : new DirectSound(); _device.SetCooperativeLevel(mainWindowHandle, CooperativeLevel.Priority); } public void Dispose() { if (_disposed) return; _device.Dispose(); _device = null; _disposed = true; } public static IEnumerable GetDeviceNames() { return DirectSound.GetDevices().Select(d => d.Description).ToList(); } private int BufferSizeSamples { get; set; } private int BufferSizeBytes { get { return BufferSizeSamples * Sound.BlockAlign; } } public int MaxSamplesDeficit { get; private set; } public void ApplyVolumeSettings(double volume) { // I'm not sure if this is "technically" correct but it works okay int range = (int)Volume.Maximum - (int)Volume.Minimum; _deviceBuffer.Volume = (int)(Math.Pow(volume, 0.1) * range) + (int)Volume.Minimum; } public void StartSound() { BufferSizeSamples = Sound.MillisecondsToSamples(Global.Config.SoundBufferSizeMs); // 35 to 65 milliseconds depending on how big the buffer is. This is a trade-off // between more frequent but less severe glitches (i.e. catching underruns before // they happen and filling the buffer with silence) or less frequent but more // severe glitches. At least on my Windows 8 machines, the distance between the // play and write cursors can be up to 30 milliseconds, so that would be the // absolute minimum we could use here. int minBufferFullnessMs = Math.Min(35 + ((Global.Config.SoundBufferSizeMs - 60) / 2), 65); MaxSamplesDeficit = BufferSizeSamples - Sound.MillisecondsToSamples(minBufferFullnessMs); var format = new WaveFormat { SamplesPerSecond = Sound.SampleRate, BitsPerSample = Sound.BytesPerSample * 8, Channels = Sound.ChannelCount, FormatTag = WaveFormatTag.Pcm, BlockAlignment = Sound.BlockAlign, AverageBytesPerSecond = Sound.SampleRate * Sound.BlockAlign }; var desc = new SoundBufferDescription { Format = format, Flags = BufferFlags.GlobalFocus | BufferFlags.Software | BufferFlags.GetCurrentPosition2 | BufferFlags.ControlVolume, SizeInBytes = BufferSizeBytes }; _deviceBuffer = new SecondarySoundBuffer(_device, desc); _actualWriteOffsetBytes = -1; _filledBufferSizeBytes = 0; _lastWriteTime = 0; _lastWriteCursor = 0; _deviceBuffer.Play(0, SlimDX.DirectSound.PlayFlags.Looping); } public void StopSound() { _deviceBuffer.Stop(); _deviceBuffer.Dispose(); _deviceBuffer = null; BufferSizeSamples = 0; } public int CalculateSamplesNeeded() { long currentWriteTime = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); int playCursor = _deviceBuffer.CurrentPlayPosition; int writeCursor = _deviceBuffer.CurrentWritePosition; bool isInitializing = _actualWriteOffsetBytes == -1; bool detectedUnderrun = false; if (!isInitializing) { double elapsedSeconds = (currentWriteTime - _lastWriteTime) / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency; double bufferSizeSeconds = (double)BufferSizeSamples / Sound.SampleRate; int cursorDelta = CircularDistance(_lastWriteCursor, writeCursor, BufferSizeBytes); cursorDelta += BufferSizeBytes * (int)Math.Round((elapsedSeconds - (cursorDelta / (double)(Sound.SampleRate * Sound.BlockAlign))) / bufferSizeSeconds); _filledBufferSizeBytes -= cursorDelta; detectedUnderrun = _filledBufferSizeBytes < 0; } if (isInitializing || detectedUnderrun) { _actualWriteOffsetBytes = writeCursor; _filledBufferSizeBytes = 0; } int samplesNeeded = CircularDistance(_actualWriteOffsetBytes, playCursor, BufferSizeBytes) / Sound.BlockAlign; if (isInitializing || detectedUnderrun) { _sound.HandleInitializationOrUnderrun(detectedUnderrun, ref samplesNeeded); } _lastWriteTime = currentWriteTime; _lastWriteCursor = writeCursor; return samplesNeeded; } private int CircularDistance(int start, int end, int size) { return (end - start + size) % size; } public void WriteSamples(short[] samples, int sampleCount) { if (sampleCount == 0) return; _deviceBuffer.Write(samples, 0, sampleCount * Sound.ChannelCount, _actualWriteOffsetBytes, LockFlags.None); _actualWriteOffsetBytes = (_actualWriteOffsetBytes + (sampleCount * Sound.BlockAlign)) % BufferSizeBytes; _filledBufferSizeBytes += sampleCount * Sound.BlockAlign; } } } #endif