using System; using LuaInterface; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public sealed class JoypadLuaLibrary : LuaLibraryBase { public JoypadLuaLibrary(Lua lua) : base(lua) { } public JoypadLuaLibrary(Lua lua, Action logOutputCallback) : base(lua, logOutputCallback) { } public override string Name { get { return "joypad"; } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "get", "returns a lua table of the controller buttons pressed. If supplied, it will only return a table of buttons for the given controller" )] public LuaTable Get(int? controller = null) { var buttons = Lua.NewTable(); var adaptor = Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter; foreach (var button in adaptor.Source.Definition.BoolButtons) { if (!controller.HasValue) { buttons[button] = adaptor.IsPressed(button); } else if (button.Length >= 3 && button.Substring(0, 2) == "P" + controller) { buttons[button.Substring(3)] = adaptor.IsPressed("P" + controller + " " + button.Substring(3)); } } foreach (var button in adaptor.Source.Definition.FloatControls) { if (controller == null) { buttons[button] = adaptor.GetFloat(button); } else if (button.Length >= 3 && button.Substring(0, 2) == "P" + controller) { buttons[button.Substring(3)] = adaptor.GetFloat("P" + controller + " " + button.Substring(3)); } } buttons["clear"] = null; buttons["getluafunctionslist"] = null; buttons["output"] = null; return buttons; } // TODO: what about float controls? [LuaMethodAttributes( "getimmediate", "returns a lua table of any controller buttons currently pressed by the user" )] public LuaTable GetImmediate() { var buttons = Lua.NewTable(); foreach (var button in Global.ActiveController.Definition.BoolButtons) { buttons[button] = Global.ActiveController.IsPressed(button); } return buttons; } [LuaMethodAttributes( "setfrommnemonicstr", "sets the given buttons to their provided values for the current frame, string will be interpretted the same way an entry from a movie input log would be" )] public void SetFromMnemonicStr(string inputLogEntry) { try { var lg = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerInstance(); lg.SetControllersAsMnemonic(inputLogEntry); foreach (var button in lg.Definition.BoolButtons) { Global.LuaAndAdaptor.SetButton(button, lg.IsPressed(button)); } foreach (var floatButton in lg.Definition.FloatControls) { Global.LuaAndAdaptor.SetFloat(floatButton, lg.GetFloat(floatButton)); } } catch (Exception) { Log("invalid mnemonic string: " + inputLogEntry); } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "set", "sets the given buttons to their provided values for the current frame" )] public void Set(LuaTable buttons, int? controller = null) { try { foreach (var button in buttons.Keys) { var invert = false; bool? theValue; var theValueStr = buttons[button].ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(theValueStr)) { if (theValueStr.ToLower() == "false") { theValue = false; } else if (theValueStr.ToLower() == "true") { theValue = true; } else { invert = true; theValue = null; } } else { theValue = null; } var toPress = button.ToString(); if (controller.HasValue) { toPress = "P" + controller + " " + button; } if (!invert) { if (theValue.HasValue) // Force { Global.LuaAndAdaptor.SetButton(toPress, theValue.Value); Global.ActiveController.Overrides(Global.LuaAndAdaptor); } else // Unset { Global.LuaAndAdaptor.UnSet(toPress); Global.ActiveController.Overrides(Global.LuaAndAdaptor); } } else // Inverse { Global.LuaAndAdaptor.SetInverse(toPress); Global.ActiveController.Overrides(Global.LuaAndAdaptor); } } } catch { /*Eat it*/ } } [LuaMethodAttributes( "setanalog", "sets the given analog controls to their provided values for the current frame. Note that unlike set() there is only the logic of overriding with the given value." )] public void SetAnalog(LuaTable controls, object controller = null) { try { foreach (var name in controls.Keys) { var theValueStr = controls[name].ToString(); float? theValue = null; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(theValueStr)) { float f; if (float.TryParse(theValueStr, out f)) theValue = f; } if (controller == null) { Global.StickyXORAdapter.SetFloat(name.ToString(), theValue); } else { Global.StickyXORAdapter.SetFloat("P" + controller + " " + name, theValue); } } } catch { /*Eat it*/ } } } }