/* * PicoDrive * (c) Copyright Dave, 2004 * (C) notaz, 2006-2009 * * This work is licensed under the terms of MAME license. * See COPYING file in the top-level directory. */ #include "pico_int.h" int line_base_cycles; extern const unsigned char hcounts_32[]; extern const unsigned char hcounts_40[]; #ifndef UTYPES_DEFINED typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned short u16; typedef unsigned int u32; #define UTYPES_DEFINED #endif int (*PicoDmaHook)(unsigned int source, int len, unsigned short **srcp, unsigned short **limitp) = NULL; static __inline void AutoIncrement(void) { Pico.video.addr=(unsigned short)(Pico.video.addr+Pico.video.reg[0xf]); } static void VideoWrite(u16 d) { unsigned int a=Pico.video.addr; switch (Pico.video.type) { case 1: if(a&1) d=(u16)((d<<8)|(d>>8)); // If address is odd, bytes are swapped (which game needs this?) Pico.vram [(a>>1)&0x7fff]=d; if (a - ((unsigned)(Pico.video.reg[5]&0x7f) << 9) < 0x400) rendstatus |= PDRAW_DIRTY_SPRITES; break; case 3: Pico.m.dirtyPal = 1; Pico.cram [(a>>1)&0x003f]=d; break; // wraps (Desert Strike) case 5: Pico.vsram[(a>>1)&0x003f]=d; break; //default:elprintf(EL_ANOMALY, "VDP write %04x with bad type %i", d, Pico.video.type); break; } AutoIncrement(); } static unsigned int VideoRead(void) { unsigned int a=0,d=0; a=Pico.video.addr; a>>=1; switch (Pico.video.type) { case 0: d=Pico.vram [a&0x7fff]; break; case 8: d=Pico.cram [a&0x003f]; break; case 4: d=Pico.vsram[a&0x003f]; break; default:elprintf(EL_ANOMALY, "VDP read with bad type %i", Pico.video.type); break; } AutoIncrement(); return d; } static int GetDmaLength(void) { struct PicoVideo *pvid=&Pico.video; int len=0; // 16-bit words to transfer: len =pvid->reg[0x13]; len|=pvid->reg[0x14]<<8; // Charles MacDonald: if(!len) len = 0xffff; return len; } static void DmaSlow(int len) { u16 *pd=0, *pdend, *r; unsigned int a=Pico.video.addr, a2, d; unsigned char inc=Pico.video.reg[0xf]; unsigned int source; source =Pico.video.reg[0x15]<<1; source|=Pico.video.reg[0x16]<<9; source|=Pico.video.reg[0x17]<<17; elprintf(EL_VDPDMA, "DmaSlow[%i] %06x->%04x len %i inc=%i blank %i [%i] @ %06x", Pico.video.type, source, a, len, inc, (Pico.video.status&8)||!(Pico.video.reg[1]&0x40), SekCyclesDone(), SekPc); Pico.m.dma_xfers += len; SekCyclesBurnRun(CheckDMA()); if ((source&0xe00000)==0xe00000) { // Ram pd=(u16 *)(Pico.ram+(source&0xfffe)); pdend=(u16 *)(Pico.ram+0x10000); } else if (PicoAHW & PAHW_MCD) { elprintf(EL_VDPDMA, "DmaSlow CD, r3=%02x", Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[3]); if(source<0x20000) { // Bios area pd=(u16 *)(Pico_mcd->bios+(source&~1)); pdend=(u16 *)(Pico_mcd->bios+0x20000); } else if ((source&0xfc0000)==0x200000) { // Word Ram source -= 2; if (!(Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[3]&4)) { // 2M mode pd=(u16 *)(Pico_mcd->word_ram2M+(source&0x3fffe)); pdend=(u16 *)(Pico_mcd->word_ram2M+0x40000); } else { if (source < 0x220000) { // 1M mode int bank = Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[3]&1; pd=(u16 *)(Pico_mcd->word_ram1M[bank]+(source&0x1fffe)); pdend=(u16 *)(Pico_mcd->word_ram1M[bank]+0x20000); } else { DmaSlowCell(source, a, len, inc); return; } } } else if ((source&0xfe0000)==0x020000) { // Prg Ram u8 *prg_ram = Pico_mcd->prg_ram_b[Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[3]>>6]; pd=(u16 *)(prg_ram+(source&0x1fffe)); pdend=(u16 *)(prg_ram+0x20000); } else { elprintf(EL_VDPDMA|EL_ANOMALY, "DmaSlow[%i] %06x->%04x: FIXME: unsupported src", Pico.video.type, source, a); return; } } else { // if we have DmaHook, let it handle ROM because of possible DMA delay if (PicoDmaHook && PicoDmaHook(source, len, &pd, &pdend)); else if (source%04x: invalid src", Pico.video.type, source, a); return; } } // overflow protection, might break something.. if (len > pdend - pd) { len = pdend - pd; elprintf(EL_VDPDMA|EL_ANOMALY, "DmaSlow overflow"); } switch (Pico.video.type) { case 1: // vram r = Pico.vram; if (inc == 2 && !(a&1) && a+len*2 < 0x10000) { // most used DMA mode memcpy16(r + (a>>1), pd, len); a += len*2; } else { for(; len; len--) { d=*pd++; if(a&1) d=(d<<8)|(d>>8); r[a>>1] = (u16)d; // will drop the upper bits // AutoIncrement a=(u16)(a+inc); // didn't src overlap? //if(pd >= pdend) pd-=0x8000; // should be good for RAM, bad for ROM } } rendstatus |= PDRAW_DIRTY_SPRITES; break; case 3: // cram Pico.m.dirtyPal = 1; r = Pico.cram; for(a2=a&0x7f; len; len--) { r[a2>>1] = (u16)*pd++; // bit 0 is ignored // AutoIncrement a2+=inc; // didn't src overlap? //if(pd >= pdend) pd-=0x8000; // good dest? if(a2 >= 0x80) break; // Todds Adventures in Slime World / Andre Agassi tennis } a=(a&0xff00)|a2; break; case 5: // vsram[a&0x003f]=d; r = Pico.vsram; for(a2=a&0x7f; len; len--) { r[a2>>1] = (u16)*pd++; // AutoIncrement a2+=inc; // didn't src overlap? //if(pd >= pdend) pd-=0x8000; // good dest? if(a2 >= 0x80) break; } a=(a&0xff00)|a2; break; default: if (Pico.video.type != 0 || (EL_LOGMASK & EL_VDPDMA)) elprintf(EL_VDPDMA|EL_ANOMALY, "DMA with bad type %i", Pico.video.type); break; } // remember addr Pico.video.addr=(u16)a; } static void DmaCopy(int len) { u16 a=Pico.video.addr; unsigned char *vr = (unsigned char *) Pico.vram; unsigned char *vrs; unsigned char inc=Pico.video.reg[0xf]; int source; elprintf(EL_VDPDMA, "DmaCopy len %i [%i]", len, SekCyclesDone()); Pico.m.dma_xfers += len; Pico.video.status |= 2; // dma busy source =Pico.video.reg[0x15]; source|=Pico.video.reg[0x16]<<8; vrs=vr+source; if (source+len > 0x10000) len=0x10000-source; // clip?? for (; len; len--) { vr[a] = *vrs++; // AutoIncrement a=(u16)(a+inc); } // remember addr Pico.video.addr=a; rendstatus |= PDRAW_DIRTY_SPRITES; } // check: Contra, Megaman // note: this is still inaccurate static void DmaFill(int data) { int len; unsigned short a=Pico.video.addr; unsigned char *vr=(unsigned char *) Pico.vram; unsigned char high = (unsigned char) (data >> 8); unsigned char inc=Pico.video.reg[0xf]; len=GetDmaLength(); elprintf(EL_VDPDMA, "DmaFill len %i inc %i [%i]", len, inc, SekCyclesDone()); Pico.m.dma_xfers += len; Pico.video.status |= 2; // dma busy // from Charles MacDonald's genvdp.txt: // Write lower byte to address specified vr[a] = (unsigned char) data; a=(u16)(a+inc); if (!inc) len=1; for (; len; len--) { // Write upper byte to adjacent address // (here we are byteswapped, so address is already 'adjacent') vr[a] = high; // Increment address register a=(u16)(a+inc); } // remember addr Pico.video.addr=a; // update length Pico.video.reg[0x13] = Pico.video.reg[0x14] = 0; // Dino Dini's Soccer (E) (by Haze) rendstatus |= PDRAW_DIRTY_SPRITES; } static void CommandDma(void) { struct PicoVideo *pvid=&Pico.video; int len=0,method=0; if ((pvid->reg[1]&0x10)==0) return; // DMA not enabled len=GetDmaLength(); method=pvid->reg[0x17]>>6; if (method< 2) DmaSlow(len); // 68000 to VDP if (method==3) DmaCopy(len); // VRAM Copy } static void CommandChange(void) { struct PicoVideo *pvid=&Pico.video; unsigned int cmd=0,addr=0; cmd=pvid->command; // Get type of transfer 0xc0000030 (v/c/vsram read/write) pvid->type=(unsigned char)(((cmd>>2)&0xc)|(cmd>>30)); // Get address 0x3fff0003 addr =(cmd>>16)&0x3fff; addr|=(cmd<<14)&0xc000; pvid->addr=(unsigned short)addr; // Check for dma: if (cmd&0x80) CommandDma(); } static void DrawSync(int blank_on) { if (Pico.m.scanline < 224 && !(PicoOpt & POPT_ALT_RENDERER) && !PicoSkipFrame && DrawScanline <= Pico.m.scanline) { //elprintf(EL_ANOMALY, "sync"); PicoDrawSync(Pico.m.scanline, blank_on); } } PICO_INTERNAL_ASM void PicoVideoWrite(unsigned int a,unsigned short d) { struct PicoVideo *pvid=&Pico.video; //if (Pico.m.scanline < 224) // elprintf(EL_STATUS, "PicoVideoWrite [%06x] %04x", a, d); a&=0x1c; if (a==0x00) // Data port 0 or 2 { // try avoiding the sync.. if (Pico.m.scanline < 224 && (pvid->reg[1]&0x40) && !(!pvid->pending && ((pvid->command & 0xc00000f0) == 0x40000010 && Pico.vsram[pvid->addr>>1] == d)) ) DrawSync(0); if (pvid->pending) { CommandChange(); pvid->pending=0; } // If a DMA fill has been set up, do it if ((pvid->command&0x80) && (pvid->reg[1]&0x10) && (pvid->reg[0x17]>>6)==2) { DmaFill(d); } else { // preliminary FIFO emulation for Chaos Engine, The (E) if (!(pvid->status&8) && (pvid->reg[1]&0x40) && !(PicoOpt&POPT_DIS_VDP_FIFO)) // active display? { pvid->status&=~0x200; // FIFO no longer empty pvid->lwrite_cnt++; if (pvid->lwrite_cnt >= 4) pvid->status|=0x100; // FIFO full if (pvid->lwrite_cnt > 4) { SekCyclesBurnRun(32); // penalty // 488/12-8 } elprintf(EL_ASVDP, "VDP data write: %04x [%06x] {%i} #%i @ %06x", d, Pico.video.addr, Pico.video.type, pvid->lwrite_cnt, SekPc); } VideoWrite(d); } return; } if (a==0x04) // Control (command) port 4 or 6 { if (pvid->pending) { if (d & 0x80) DrawSync(0); // only need sync for DMA // Low word of command: pvid->command&=0xffff0000; pvid->command|=d; pvid->pending=0; CommandChange(); } else { if ((d&0xc000)==0x8000) { // Register write: int num=(d>>8)&0x1f; int dold=pvid->reg[num]; int blank_on = 0; pvid->type=0; // register writes clear command (else no Sega logo in Golden Axe II) if (num > 0x0a && !(pvid->reg[1]&4)) { elprintf(EL_ANOMALY, "%02x written to reg %02x in SMS mode @ %06x", d, num, SekPc); return; } if (num == 1 && !(d&0x40) && SekCyclesDone() - line_base_cycles <= 488-390) blank_on = 1; DrawSync(blank_on); pvid->reg[num]=(unsigned char)d; switch (num) { case 0x00: elprintf(EL_INTSW, "hint_onoff: %i->%i [%i] pend=%i @ %06x", (dold&0x10)>>4, (d&0x10)>>4, SekCyclesDone(), (pvid->pending_ints&0x10)>>4, SekPc); goto update_irq; case 0x01: elprintf(EL_INTSW, "vint_onoff: %i->%i [%i] pend=%i @ %06x", (dold&0x20)>>5, (d&0x20)>>5, SekCyclesDone(), (pvid->pending_ints&0x20)>>5, SekPc); goto update_irq; case 0x05: //elprintf(EL_STATUS, "spritep moved to %04x", (unsigned)(Pico.video.reg[5]&0x7f) << 9); if (d^dold) rendstatus |= PDRAW_SPRITES_MOVED; break; case 0x0c: // renderers should update their palettes if sh/hi mode is changed if ((d^dold)&8) Pico.m.dirtyPal = 2; break; } return; update_irq: #ifndef EMU_CORE_DEBUG // update IRQ level if (!SekShouldInterrupt()) // hack { int lines, pints, irq=0; lines = (pvid->reg[1] & 0x20) | (pvid->reg[0] & 0x10); pints = (pvid->pending_ints&lines); if (pints & 0x20) irq = 6; else if (pints & 0x10) irq = 4; SekInterrupt(irq); // update line if (irq) SekEndRun(24); // make it delayed } #endif } else { // High word of command: pvid->command&=0x0000ffff; pvid->command|=d<<16; pvid->pending=1; } } } } PICO_INTERNAL_ASM unsigned int PicoVideoRead(unsigned int a) { a&=0x1c; if (a==0x04) // control port { struct PicoVideo *pv=&Pico.video; unsigned int d; d=pv->status; //if (PicoOpt&POPT_ALT_RENDERER) d|=0x0020; // sprite collision (Shadow of the Beast) if (SekCyclesDone() - line_base_cycles >= 488-88) d|=0x0004; // H-Blank (Sonic3 vs) d |= ((pv->reg[1]&0x40)^0x40) >> 3; // set V-Blank if display is disabled d |= (pv->pending_ints&0x20)<<2; // V-int pending? if (d&0x100) pv->status&=~0x100; // FIFO no longer full pv->pending = 0; // ctrl port reads clear write-pending flag (Charles MacDonald) elprintf(EL_SR, "SR read: %04x @ %06x", d, SekPc); return d; } // H-counter info (based on Generator): // frame: // | <- hblank? -> | // start <416> hint <36> hdisplay <38> end // CPU cycles // |---------...---------|------------|-------------| // 0 B6 E4 FF // 40 cells // 0 93 E8 FF // 32 cells // Gens (?) v-render // start hint hdisplay <404> | // |---------------------|--------------------------| // E4 (hc[0x43]==0) 07 B1 // 40 // E8 (hc[0x45]==0) 05 91 // 32 // check: Sonic 3D Blast bonus, Cannon Fodder, Chase HQ II, 3 Ninjas kick back, Road Rash 3, Skitchin', Wheel of Fortune if ((a&0x1c)==0x08) { unsigned int d; d = (SekCyclesDone() - line_base_cycles) & 0x1ff; // FIXME if (Pico.video.reg[12]&1) d = hcounts_40[d]; else d = hcounts_32[d]; elprintf(EL_HVCNT, "hv: %02x %02x (%i) @ %06x", d, Pico.video.v_counter, SekCyclesDone(), SekPc); return d | (Pico.video.v_counter << 8); } if (a==0x00) // data port { return VideoRead(); } return 0; } unsigned int PicoVideoRead8(unsigned int a) { unsigned int d; a&=0x1d; switch (a) { case 0: return VideoRead() >> 8; case 1: return VideoRead() & 0xff; case 4: // control port/status reg d = Pico.video.status >> 8; if (d&1) Pico.video.status&=~0x100; // FIFO no longer full Pico.video.pending = 0; elprintf(EL_SR, "SR read (h): %02x @ %06x", d, SekPc); return d; case 5: d = Pico.video.status & 0xff; //if (PicoOpt&POPT_ALT_RENDERER) d|=0x0020; // sprite collision (Shadow of the Beast) d |= ((Pico.video.reg[1]&0x40)^0x40) >> 3; // set V-Blank if display is disabled d |= (Pico.video.pending_ints&0x20)<<2; // V-int pending? if (SekCyclesDone() - line_base_cycles >= 488-88) d |= 4; // H-Blank Pico.video.pending = 0; elprintf(EL_SR, "SR read (l): %02x @ %06x", d, SekPc); return d; case 8: // hv counter elprintf(EL_HVCNT, "vcounter: %02x (%i) @ %06x", Pico.video.v_counter, SekCyclesDone(), SekPc); return Pico.video.v_counter; case 9: d = (SekCyclesDone() - line_base_cycles) & 0x1ff; // FIXME if (Pico.video.reg[12]&1) d = hcounts_40[d]; else d = hcounts_32[d]; elprintf(EL_HVCNT, "hcounter: %02x (%i) @ %06x", d, SekCyclesDone(), SekPc); return d; } return 0; } // vim:shiftwidth=2:ts=2:expandtab