using System; using System.IO; using Newtonsoft.Json; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sony.PSX; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { [ImportExtension(".pjm")] public class PjmImport : MovieImporter { protected override void RunImport() { Bk2Movie movie = Result.Movie; movie.HeaderEntries[HeaderKeys.PLATFORM] = "PSX"; using (var fs = SourceFile.OpenRead()) { using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs)) { var info = ParseHeader(movie, "PJM ", br); fs.Seek(info.ControllerDataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (info.BinaryFormat) { ParseBinaryInputLog(br, movie, info); } else { ParseTextInputLog(br, movie, info); } } } movie.Save(); } protected MiscHeaderInfo ParseHeader(Bk2Movie movie, string expectedMagic, BinaryReader br) { var info = new MiscHeaderInfo(); string magic = new string(br.ReadChars(4)); if (magic != expectedMagic) { Result.Errors.Add("Not a " + expectedMagic + "file: invalid magic number in file header."); return info; } uint movieVersionNumber = br.ReadUInt32(); if (movieVersionNumber != 2) { Result.Warnings.Add($"Unexpected movie version: got {movieVersionNumber}, expecting 2"); } // 008: UInt32 emulator version. br.ReadUInt32(); byte flags = br.ReadByte(); byte flags2 = br.ReadByte(); if ((flags & 0x02) != 0) { Result.Errors.Add("Movie starts from savestate; this is currently unsupported."); } if ((flags & 0x04) != 0) { movie.HeaderEntries[HeaderKeys.PAL] = "1"; } if ((flags & 0x08) != 0) { Result.Errors.Add("Movie contains embedded memory cards; this is currently unsupported."); } if ((flags & 0x10) != 0) { Result.Errors.Add("Movie contains embedded cheat list; this is currently unsupported."); } if ((flags & 0x20) != 0 || (flags2 & 0x06) != 0) { Result.Errors.Add("Movie relies on emulator hacks; this is currently unsupported."); } if ((flags & 0x40) != 0) { info.BinaryFormat = false; } if ((flags & 0x80) != 0 || (flags2 & 0x01) != 0) { Result.Errors.Add("Movie uses multitap; this is currently unsupported."); return info; } // Player 1 controller type switch (br.ReadByte()) { // It seems to be inconsistent in the files I looked at which of these is used // to mean no controller present. case 0: case 8: info.Player1Type = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None; break; case 4: info.Player1Type = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.Pad; break; case 7: info.Player1Type = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock; break; default: Result.Errors.Add("Movie has unrecognised controller type for Player 1."); return info; } // Player 2 controller type switch (br.ReadByte()) { case 0: case 8: info.Player2Type = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None; break; case 4: info.Player2Type = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.Pad; break; case 7: info.Player2Type = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock; break; default: Result.Errors.Add("Movie has unrecognised controller type for Player 2."); return info; } var syncsettings = new Octoshock.SyncSettings { FIOConfig = { Devices8 = new[] { info.Player1Type, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, info.Player2Type, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None } } }; // Annoying kludge to force the json serializer to serialize the type name for "o" object. // For just the "o" object to have type information, it must be cast to a superclass such // that the TypeNameHandling.Auto decides to serialize the type as well as the object // contents. As such, the object cast is NOT redundant var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Auto }; movie.SyncSettingsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { o = (object)syncsettings }, jsonSettings); info.FrameCount = br.ReadUInt32(); uint rerecordCount = br.ReadUInt32(); movie.HeaderEntries[HeaderKeys.RERECORDS] = rerecordCount.ToString(); // 018: UInt32 savestateOffset // 01C: UInt32 memoryCard1Offset // 020: UInt32 memoryCard2Offset // 024: UInt32 cheatListOffset // 028: UInt32 cdRomIdOffset // Source format is just the first up-to-8 alphanumeric characters of the CD label, // so not so useful. br.ReadBytes(20); info.ControllerDataOffset = br.ReadUInt32(); uint authorNameLength = br.ReadUInt32(); char[] authorName = br.ReadChars((int)authorNameLength); movie.HeaderEntries[HeaderKeys.AUTHOR] = new string(authorName); info.ParseSuccessful = true; return info; } protected void ParseBinaryInputLog(BinaryReader br, Bk2Movie movie, MiscHeaderInfo info) { Octoshock.SyncSettings settings = new Octoshock.SyncSettings(); SimpleController controllers = new SimpleController(); settings.FIOConfig.Devices8 = new[] { info.Player1Type, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, info.Player2Type, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None }; controllers.Definition = Octoshock.CreateControllerDefinition(settings); string[] buttons = { "Select", "L3", "R3", "Start", "Up", "Right", "Down", "Left", "L2", "R2", "L1", "R1", "Triangle", "Circle", "Cross", "Square" }; bool isCdTrayOpen = false; int cdNumber = 1; for (int frame = 0; frame < info.FrameCount; ++frame) { if (info.Player1Type != OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None) { ushort controllerState = br.ReadUInt16(); // As L3 and R3 don't exist on a standard gamepad, handle them separately later. Unfortunately // due to the layout, we handle select separately too first. controllers["P1 Select"] = (controllerState & 0x1) != 0; for (int button = 3; button < buttons.Length; button++) { controllers["P1 " + buttons[button]] = ((controllerState >> button) & 0x1) != 0; if (((controllerState >> button) & 0x1) != 0 && button > 15) { continue; } } if (info.Player1Type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock) { controllers["P1 L3"] = (controllerState & 0x2) != 0; controllers["P1 R3"] = (controllerState & 0x4) != 0; Tuple leftX = new Tuple("P1 LStick X", (float)br.ReadByte()); Tuple leftY = new Tuple("P1 LStick Y", (float)br.ReadByte()); Tuple rightX = new Tuple("P1 RStick X", (float)br.ReadByte()); Tuple rightY = new Tuple("P1 RStick Y", (float)br.ReadByte()); controllers.AcceptNewFloats(new[] { leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY }); } } if (info.Player2Type != OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None) { ushort controllerState = br.ReadUInt16(); for (int button = 0; button < buttons.Length; button++) { controllers["P2 " + buttons[button]] = ((controllerState >> button) & 0x1) != 0; if (((controllerState >> button) & 0x1) != 0 && button > 15) { continue; } } if (info.Player2Type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock) { Tuple leftX = new Tuple("P2 LStick X", (float)br.ReadByte()); Tuple leftY = new Tuple("P2 LStick Y", (float)br.ReadByte()); Tuple rightX = new Tuple("P2 RStick X", (float)br.ReadByte()); Tuple rightY = new Tuple("P2 RStick Y", (float)br.ReadByte()); controllers.AcceptNewFloats(new[] { leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY }); } } byte controlState = br.ReadByte(); controllers["Reset"] = (controlState & 0x02) != 0; if ((controlState & 0x04) != 0) { if (isCdTrayOpen) { controllers["Close"] = true; cdNumber++; } else { controllers["Open"] = true; } isCdTrayOpen = !isCdTrayOpen; } else { controllers["Close"] = false; controllers["Open"] = false; } Tuple discSelect = new Tuple("Disc Select", cdNumber); controllers.AcceptNewFloats(new[] { discSelect }); if ((controlState & 0xFC) != 0) { Result.Warnings.Add("Ignored toggle hack flag on frame " + frame); } movie.AppendFrame(controllers); } } protected void ParseTextInputLog(BinaryReader br, Bk2Movie movie, MiscHeaderInfo info) { Octoshock.SyncSettings settings = new Octoshock.SyncSettings(); SimpleController controllers = new SimpleController(); settings.FIOConfig.Devices8 = new[] { info.Player1Type, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, info.Player2Type, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None }; controllers.Definition = Octoshock.CreateControllerDefinition(settings); string[] buttons = { "Select", "L3", "R3", "Start", "Up", "Right", "Down", "Left", "L2", "R2", "L1", "R1", "Triangle", "Circle", "Cross", "Square" }; bool isCdTrayOpen = false; int cdNumber = 1; for (int frame = 0; frame < info.FrameCount; ++frame) { if (info.Player1Type != OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None) { // As L3 and R3 don't exist on a standard gamepad, handle them separately later. Unfortunately // due to the layout, we handle select separately too first. controllers["P1 Select"] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; if (info.Player1Type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock) { controllers["P1 L3"] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; controllers["P1 R3"] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; } for (int button = 3; button < buttons.Length; button++) { controllers["P1 " + buttons[button]] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; } if (info.Player1Type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock) { // The analog controls are encoded as four space-separated numbers with a leading space string leftXRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); string leftYRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); string rightXRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); string rightYRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); Tuple leftX = new Tuple("P1 LStick X", float.Parse(leftXRaw)); Tuple leftY = new Tuple("P1 LStick Y", float.Parse(leftYRaw)); Tuple rightX = new Tuple("P1 RStick X", float.Parse(rightXRaw)); Tuple rightY = new Tuple("P1 RStick Y", float.Parse(rightYRaw)); controllers.AcceptNewFloats(new[] { leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY }); } } // Each controller is terminated with a pipeline. br.ReadChar(); if (info.Player2Type != OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None) { // As L3 and R3 don't exist on a standard gamepad, handle them separately later. Unfortunately // due to the layout, we handle select separately too first. controllers["P2 Select"] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; if (info.Player2Type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock) { controllers["P2 L3"] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; controllers["P2 R3"] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; } for (int button = 3; button < buttons.Length; button++) { controllers["P2 " + buttons[button]] = br.ReadChar() != '.'; } if (info.Player2Type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock) { // The analog controls are encoded as four space-separated numbers with a leading space string leftXRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); string leftYRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); string rightXRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); string rightYRaw = new string(br.ReadChars(4)).Trim(); Tuple leftX = new Tuple("P2 LStick X", float.Parse(leftXRaw)); Tuple leftY = new Tuple("P2 LStick Y", float.Parse(leftYRaw)); Tuple rightX = new Tuple("P2 RStick X", float.Parse(rightXRaw)); Tuple rightY = new Tuple("P2 RStick Y", float.Parse(rightYRaw)); controllers.AcceptNewFloats(new[] { leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY }); } } // Each controller is terminated with a pipeline. br.ReadChar(); byte controlState = br.ReadByte(); controllers["Reset"] = (controlState & 0x02) != 0; if ((controlState & 0x04) != 0) { if (isCdTrayOpen) { controllers["Close"] = true; cdNumber++; } else { controllers["Open"] = true; } isCdTrayOpen = !isCdTrayOpen; } else { controllers["Close"] = false; controllers["Open"] = false; } Tuple discSelect = new Tuple("Disc Select", cdNumber); controllers.AcceptNewFloats(new[] { discSelect }); if ((controlState & 0xFC) != 0) { Result.Warnings.Add("Ignored toggle hack flag on frame " + frame); } // Each controller is terminated with a pipeline. br.ReadChar(); movie.AppendFrame(controllers); } } protected class MiscHeaderInfo { public bool BinaryFormat { get; set; } = true; public uint ControllerDataOffset { get; set; } public uint FrameCount { get; set; } public OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType Player1Type { get; set; } public OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType Player2Type { get; set; } public bool ParseSuccessful { get; set; } } } }