using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Common.CollectionExtensions; using BizHawk.Common.IOExtensions; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ComponentModel; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public partial class TasMovie { public Func ClientSettingsForSave { get; set; } public Action GetClientSettingsOnLoad { get; set; } protected override void Write(string fn) { var file = new FileInfo(fn); if (!file.Directory.Exists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(file.Directory.ToString()); } using (var bs = new BinaryStateSaver(fn, false)) { bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Movieheader, tw => tw.WriteLine(Header.ToString())); bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Comments, tw => tw.WriteLine(CommentsString())); bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Subtitles, tw => tw.WriteLine(Subtitles.ToString())); bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.SyncSettings, tw => tw.WriteLine(SyncSettingsJson)); bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Input, tw => tw.WriteLine(RawInputLog())); // TasProj extras bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.StateHistorySettings, tw => tw.WriteLine(StateManager.Settings.ToString())); if (StateManager.Settings.SaveStateHistory) { bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.StateHistory, (BinaryWriter bw) => StateManager.Save(bw)); } bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.LagLog, (BinaryWriter bw) => LagLog.Save(bw)); bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Markers, tw => tw.WriteLine(Markers.ToString())); if (StartsFromSavestate) { if (TextSavestate != null) { bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.CorestateText, (TextWriter tw) => tw.Write(TextSavestate)); } else { bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Corestate, (BinaryWriter bw) => bw.Write(BinarySavestate)); } } else if (StartsFromSaveRam) { bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.MovieSaveRam, (BinaryWriter bw) => bw.Write(SaveRam)); } if (ClientSettingsForSave != null) { var clientSettingsJson = ClientSettingsForSave(); bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.ClientSettings, (TextWriter tw) => tw.Write(clientSettingsJson)); } if (VerificationLog.Any()) { bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.VerificationLog, tw => tw.WriteLine(InputLogToString(VerificationLog))); } if (Branches.Any()) { Branches.Save(bs); if (StateManager.Settings.BranchStatesInTasproj) { bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.BranchStateHistory, (BinaryWriter bw) => StateManager.SaveBranchStates(bw)); } } bs.PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Session, tw => tw.WriteLine(Session.ToString())); } Changes = false; } public override bool Load(bool preload) { var file = new FileInfo(Filename); if (!file.Exists) { return false; } using (var bl = BinaryStateLoader.LoadAndDetect(Filename, true)) { if (bl == null) { return false; } ClearBeforeLoad(); ClearTasprojExtras(); bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Movieheader, true, delegate(TextReader tr) { string line; while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { var pair = line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (pair.Length > 1) { Header.Add(pair[0], pair[1]); } } } }); bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Comments, true, delegate(TextReader tr) { string line; while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { Comments.Add(line); } } }); bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Subtitles, true, delegate(TextReader tr) { string line; while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { Subtitles.AddFromString(line); } } }); bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.SyncSettings, true, delegate(TextReader tr) { string line; while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { SyncSettingsJson = line; } } }); bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Input, true, delegate(TextReader tr) // Note: ExtractInputLog will clear Lag and State data potentially, this must come before loading those { var errorMessage = string.Empty; IsCountingRerecords = false; ExtractInputLog(tr, out errorMessage); IsCountingRerecords = true; }); if (StartsFromSavestate) { bl.GetCoreState( delegate(BinaryReader br, long length) { BinarySavestate = br.ReadBytes((int)length); }, delegate(TextReader tr) { TextSavestate = tr.ReadToEnd(); }); } else if (StartsFromSaveRam) { bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.MovieSaveRam, false, delegate(BinaryReader br, long length) { SaveRam = br.ReadBytes((int)length); }); } // TasMovie enhanced information if (bl.HasLump(BinaryStateLump.LagLog)) { bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.LagLog, false, delegate(BinaryReader br, long length) { LagLog.Load(br); }); } bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.StateHistorySettings, false, delegate(TextReader tr) { StateManager.Settings.PopulateFromString(tr.ReadToEnd()); }); if(!preload) { if (StateManager.Settings.SaveStateHistory) { bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.StateHistory, false, delegate(BinaryReader br, long length) { StateManager.Load(br); }); } // Movie should always have a state at frame 0. if (!this.StartsFromSavestate) StateManager.Capture(); } bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Markers, false, delegate(TextReader tr) { string line; while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { Markers.Add(new TasMovieMarker(line)); } } }); if (GetClientSettingsOnLoad != null && bl.HasLump(BinaryStateLump.ClientSettings)) { string clientSettings = string.Empty; bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.ClientSettings, true, delegate(TextReader tr) { string line; while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { clientSettings = line; } } }); GetClientSettingsOnLoad(clientSettings); } if (bl.HasLump(BinaryStateLump.VerificationLog)) { bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.VerificationLog, true, delegate(TextReader tr) { VerificationLog.Clear(); while (true) { var line = tr.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { break; } if (line.StartsWith("|")) { VerificationLog.Add(line); } } }); } Branches.Load(bl, this); if (StateManager.Settings.BranchStatesInTasproj) { bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.BranchStateHistory, false, delegate(BinaryReader br, long length) { StateManager.LoadBranchStates(br); }); } bl.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Session, false, delegate(TextReader tr) { Session.PopulateFromString(tr.ReadToEnd()); }); } Changes = false; return true; } private void ClearTasprojExtras() { LagLog.Clear(); StateManager.Clear(); Markers.Clear(); ChangeLog.ClearLog(); } private static string InputLogToString(IStringLog log) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var record in log) { sb.AppendLine(record); } return sb.ToString(); } } }