using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.Z80A;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.SinclairSpectrum
/// The abstract class that all emulated models will inherit from
/// * Main properties / fields / contruction*
public abstract partial class SpectrumBase
/// Index of the currently paged ROM
protected int ROMPaged;
public virtual int _ROMpaged
get { return ROMPaged; }
set { ROMPaged = value; }
/// Signs that the shadow screen has been paged in
protected bool SHADOWPaged;
/// Index of the current RAM page
public int RAMPaged;
/// Signs that all paging is disabled
protected bool PagingDisabled;
// +3/+2A only
protected bool ROMhigh = false;
protected bool ROMlow = false;
/// Signs that the +2a/+3 special paging mode is activated
protected bool SpecialPagingMode;
/// Index of the current special paging config
protected int PagingConfiguration;
/// Signs whether the disk motor is on or off
protected bool DiskMotorState;
protected bool PrinterPortStrobe;
/// The calling ZXSpectrum class (piped in via constructor)
public ZXSpectrum Spectrum { get; set; }
/// Reference to the instantiated Z80 cpu (piped in via constructor)
public Z80A CPU { get; set; }
/// ROM and extended info
public RomData RomData { get; set; }
/// The emulated ULA device
public ULABase ULADevice { get; set; }
/// The spectrum buzzer/beeper
public IBeeperDevice BuzzerDevice { get; set; }
/// Device representing the AY-3-8912 chip found in the 128k and up spectrums
public AY38912 AYDevice { get; set; }
/// The spectrum keyboard
public virtual IKeyboard KeyboardDevice { get; set; }
/// The spectrum datacorder device
public virtual DatacorderDevice TapeDevice { get; set; }
/// Holds the currently selected joysticks
public virtual IJoystick[] JoystickCollection { get; set; }
/// Signs whether the frame has ended
public bool FrameCompleted;
/// Overflow from the previous frame (in Z80 cycles)
public int OverFlow;
/// The total number of frames rendered
public int FrameCount;
/// The current cycle (T-State) that we are at in the frame
public int _frameCycles;
/// Stores where we are in the frame after each CPU cycle
public int LastFrameStartCPUTick;
/// Gets the current frame cycle according to the CPU tick count
public virtual int CurrentFrameCycle => CPU.TotalExecutedCycles - LastFrameStartCPUTick;
/// Non-Deterministic bools
public bool _render;
public bool _renderSound;
/// Mask constants
protected const int BORDER_BIT = 0x07;
protected const int EAR_BIT = 0x10;
protected const int MIC_BIT = 0x08;
protected const int TAPE_BIT = 0x40;
protected const int AY_SAMPLE_RATE = 16;
/// Executes a single frame
public virtual void ExecuteFrame(bool render, bool renderSound)
InputRead = false;
_render = render;
_renderSound = renderSound;
FrameCompleted = false;
if (_renderSound)
if (AYDevice != null)
while (CurrentFrameCycle < ULADevice.FrameLength) // UlaFrameCycleCount)
// check for interrupt
// run a single CPU instruction
// update AY
if (_renderSound)
if (AYDevice != null)
// we have reached the end of a frame
LastFrameStartCPUTick = CPU.TotalExecutedCycles - OverFlow;
// paint the buffer if needed
if (ULADevice.needsPaint && _render)
if (_renderSound)
// setup for next frame
FrameCompleted = true;
// is this a lag frame?
Spectrum.IsLagFrame = !InputRead;
/// Hard reset of the emulated machine
public virtual void HardReset()
/// Soft reset of the emulated machine
public virtual void SoftReset()
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("FrameCompleted", ref FrameCompleted);
ser.Sync("OverFlow", ref OverFlow);
ser.Sync("FrameCount", ref FrameCount);
ser.Sync("_frameCycles", ref _frameCycles);
ser.Sync("inputRead", ref inputRead);
ser.Sync("LastFrameStartCPUTick", ref LastFrameStartCPUTick);
ser.Sync("LastULAOutByte", ref LastULAOutByte);
ser.Sync("ROM0", ref ROM0, false);
ser.Sync("ROM1", ref ROM1, false);
ser.Sync("ROM2", ref ROM2, false);
ser.Sync("ROM3", ref ROM3, false);
ser.Sync("RAM0", ref RAM0, false);
ser.Sync("RAM1", ref RAM1, false);
ser.Sync("RAM2", ref RAM2, false);
ser.Sync("RAM3", ref RAM3, false);
ser.Sync("RAM4", ref RAM4, false);
ser.Sync("RAM5", ref RAM5, false);
ser.Sync("RAM6", ref RAM6, false);
ser.Sync("RAM7", ref RAM7, false);
ser.Sync("ROMPaged", ref ROMPaged);
ser.Sync("SHADOWPaged", ref SHADOWPaged);
ser.Sync("RAMPaged", ref RAMPaged);
ser.Sync("PagingDisabled", ref PagingDisabled);
ser.Sync("SpecialPagingMode", ref SpecialPagingMode);
ser.Sync("PagingConfiguration", ref PagingConfiguration);
if (AYDevice != null)
ser.Sync("tapeMediaIndex", ref tapeMediaIndex);
TapeMediaIndex = tapeMediaIndex;
ser.Sync("diskMediaIndex", ref diskMediaIndex);
DiskMediaIndex = diskMediaIndex;