using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600 { /* This is another 8K bankswitching method with two 4K banks. The rationale is that it's cheap and easy to implement with only a single 74HC153 or 253 dual 4:1 multiplexer. This multiplexer can act as a 1 bit latch AND the inverter for A12. To bankswitch, the following mask it used: A13 A0 ---------------- 0 1xxx xBxx xxxx Each bit corresponds to one of the 13 address lines. a 0 or 1 means that bit must be 0 or 1 to trigger the bankswitch. x is a bit that is not concidered (it can be either 0 or 1 and is thus a "don't care" bit). B is the bank we will select. sooo, accessing 0800 will select bank 0, and 0840 will select bank 1. */ internal class m0840 : MapperBase { private int _bank4K; public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("bank_4k", ref _bank4K); } public override void HardReset() { _bank4K = 0; base.HardReset(); } private byte ReadMem(ushort addr, bool peek) { if (!peek) { Address(addr); } if (addr < 0x1000) { return base.ReadMemory(addr); } return Core.Rom[(_bank4K << 12) + (addr & 0xFFF)]; } public override byte ReadMemory(ushort addr) { return ReadMem(addr, false); } public override byte PeekMemory(ushort addr) { return ReadMem(addr, true); } private void WriteMem(ushort addr, byte value, bool poke) { if (!poke) { Address(addr); } if (addr < 0x1000) { base.WriteMemory(addr, value); } } public override void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { WriteMem(addr, value, poke: false); } public override void PokeMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { WriteMem(addr, value, poke: true); } private void Address(ushort addr) { switch (addr & 0x1840) { case 0x0800: _bank4K = 0; break; case 0x0840: _bank4K = 1; break; } } } }