// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" u32 sceMp4Init() { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4Init()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4Finish() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4Finish()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4Create() { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4Create()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4GetNumberOfSpecificTrack() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetNumberOfSpecificTrack()"); return 1; } u32 sceMp4GetMovieInfo() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetMovieInfo()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4CreatesceMp4GetNumberOfMetaData() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetNumberOfMetaData()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4Delete() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4Delete()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4AacDecodeInitResource() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4AacDecodeInitResource()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4GetAvcTrackInfoData() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetAvcTrackInfoData()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4TrackSampleBufConstruct() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4TrackSampleBufConstruct()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4TrackSampleBufQueryMemSize() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4TrackSampleBufQueryMemSize()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4GetSampleInfo() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetSampleInfo()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4GetSampleNumWithTimeStamp() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetSampleNumWithTimeStamp()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4TrackSampleBufFlush() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4TrackSampleBufFlush()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4AacDecodeInit() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4AacDecodeInit()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4GetAacTrackInfoData() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetAacTrackInfoData()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4GetNumberOfMetaData() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4GetNumberOfMetaData()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4RegistTrack() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4RegistTrack()"); return 0; } u32 sceMp4SearchSyncSampleNum() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceMp4SearchSyncSampleNum()"); return 0; } const HLEFunction sceMp4[] = { {0x68651CBC, WrapU_V, "sceMp4Init"}, {0x9042B257, WrapU_V, "sceMp4Finish"}, {0xB1221EE7, WrapU_V, "sceMp4Create"}, {0x538C2057, WrapU_V, "sceMp4Delete"}, {0x113E9E7B, WrapU_V, "sceMp4GetNumberOfMetaData"}, {0x7443AF1D, WrapU_V, "sceMp4GetMovieInfo"}, {0x5EB65F26, WrapU_V, "sceMp4GetNumberOfSpecificTrack"}, {0x7ADFD01C, WrapU_V, "sceMp4RegistTrack"}, {0xBCA9389C, WrapU_V, "sceMp4TrackSampleBufQueryMemSize"}, {0x9C8F4FC1, WrapU_V, "sceMp4TrackSampleBufConstruct"}, {0x0F0187D2, WrapU_V, "sceMp4GetAvcTrackInfoData"}, {0x9CE6F5CF, WrapU_V, "sceMp4GetAacTrackInfoData"}, {0x4ED4AB1E, WrapU_V, "sceMp4AacDecodeInitResource"}, {0x10EE0D2C, WrapU_V, "sceMp4AacDecodeInit"}, {0x496E8A65, WrapU_V, "sceMp4TrackSampleBufFlush"}, {0xB4B400D1, WrapU_V, "sceMp4GetSampleNumWithTimeStamp"}, {0xF7C51EC1, WrapU_V, "sceMp4GetSampleInfo"}, {0x74A1CA3E, WrapU_V, "sceMp4SearchSyncSampleNum"}, {0xD8250B75, 0, "sceMp4PutSampleNum"}, {0x8754ECB8, 0, "sceMp4TrackSampleBufAvailableSize"}, {0x31BCD7E0, 0, "sceMp4TrackSampleBufPut"}, {0x5601A6F0, 0, "sceMp4GetAacAu"}, {0x7663CB5C, 0, "sceMp4AacDecode"}, {0x503A3CBA, 0, "sceMp4GetAvcAu"}, {0x01C76489, 0, "sceMp4TrackSampleBufDestruct"}, {0x6710FE77, 0, "sceMp4UnregistTrack"}, {0x5D72B333, 0, "sceMp4AacDecodeExit"}, {0x7D332394, 0, "sceMp4AacDecodeTermResource"}, {0x131BDE57, 0, "sceMp4InitAu"}, {0x17EAA97D, 0, "sceMp4GetAvcAuWithoutSampleBuf"}, {0x28CCB940, 0, "sceMp4GetTrackEditList"}, {0x3069C2B5, 0, "sceMp4GetAvcParamSet"}, {0xD2AC9A7E, 0, "sceMp4GetMetaData"}, {0x4FB5B756, 0, "sceMp4GetMetaDataInfo"}, {0x427BEF7F, 0, "sceMp4GetTrackNumOfEditList"}, {0x532029B8, 0, "sceMp4GetAacAuWithoutSampleBuf"}, {0xA6C724DC, 0, "sceMp4GetSampleNum"}, {0x3C2183C7, 0, "mp4msv_3C2183C7"}, {0x9CA13D1A, 0, "mp4msv_9CA13D1A"}, }; void Register_sceMp4() { RegisterModule("sceMp4", ARRAY_SIZE(sceMp4), sceMp4); }