// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. // This is pretty much a stub implementation. Doesn't actually do anything, just tries to return values // to keep games happy anyway. So, no ATRAC3 music until someone has reverse engineered Atrac3+. #include "Core/HLE/HLE.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/Reporting.h" #include "Common/ChunkFile.h" #include "sceKernel.h" #include "sceUtility.h" #include "sceKernelMemory.h" #include "sceAtrac.h" #define ATRAC_ERROR_API_FAIL 0x80630002 #define ATRAC_ERROR_NO_ATRACID 0x80630003 #define ATRAC_ERROR_INVALID_CODECTYPE 0x80630004 #define ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID 0x80630005 #define ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_LOADED 0x80630009 #define ATRAC_ERROR_NO_DATA 0x80630010 #define ATRAC_ERROR_SECOND_BUFFER_NEEDED 0x80630012 #define ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE 0x80630013 #define ATRAC_ERROR_ADD_DATA_IS_TOO_BIG 0x80630018 #define ATRAC_ERROR_UNSET_PARAM 0x80630021 #define ATRAC_ERROR_SECOND_BUFFER_NOT_NEEDED 0x80630022 #define ATRAC_ERROR_BUFFER_IS_EMPTY 0x80630023 #define ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_DECODED 0x80630024 #define AT3_MAGIC 0x0270 #define AT3_PLUS_MAGIC 0xFFFE #define PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS 0x00001000 #define PSP_MODE_AT_3 0x00001001 const int FMT_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x20746D66; const int DATA_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x61746164; const int SMPL_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x6C706D73; const int FACT_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x74636166; const int PSP_ATRAC_ALLDATA_IS_ON_MEMORY = -1; const int PSP_ATRAC_NONLOOP_STREAM_DATA_IS_ON_MEMORY = -2; const int PSP_ATRAC_LOOP_STREAM_DATA_IS_ON_MEMORY = -3; const u32 ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES = 0x400; const u32 ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES = 0x800; #ifdef USE_FFMPEG // Urgh! Why is this needed? #ifdef ANDROID #ifndef UINT64_C #define UINT64_C(c) (c ## ULL) #endif #endif extern "C" { #include #include #include } #endif // USE_FFMPEG #include "Core/HW/atrac3plus.h" struct InputBuffer { u32 addr; u32 size; u32 offset; u32 writableBytes; u32 neededBytes; u32 filesize; u32 fileoffset; }; struct Atrac; int __AtracSetContext(Atrac *atrac); void _AtracGenarateContext(Atrac *atrac, SceAtracId *context); struct AtracLoopInfo { int cuePointID; int type; int startSample; int endSample; int fraction; int playCount; }; struct Atrac { Atrac() : atracID(-1), data_buf(0), decodePos(0), decodeEnd(0), atracChannels(2), atracOutputChannels(2), atracBitrate(64), atracBytesPerFrame(0), atracBufSize(0), currentSample(0), endSample(-1), firstSampleoffset(0), loopinfoNum(0), loopNum(0) { memset(&first, 0, sizeof(first)); memset(&second, 0, sizeof(second)); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG pFormatCtx = 0; pAVIOCtx = 0; pCodecCtx = 0; pSwrCtx = 0; pFrame = 0; #endif // USE_FFMPEG decoder_context = 0; atracContext = 0; sampleQueue.clear(); } ~Atrac() { CleanStuff(); } void CleanStuff() { #ifdef USE_FFMPEG ReleaseFFMPEGContext(); #endif // USE_FFMPEG if (data_buf) delete [] data_buf; data_buf = 0; Atrac3plus_Decoder::CloseContext(&decoder_context); sampleQueue.clear(); if (atracContext.Valid()) kernelMemory.Free(atracContext.ptr); } void DoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(atracChannels); p.Do(atracOutputChannels); p.Do(atracID); p.Do(first); p.Do(atracBufSize); p.Do(codeType); p.Do(currentSample); p.Do(endSample); p.Do(firstSampleoffset); u32 has_data_buf = data_buf != NULL; p.Do(has_data_buf); if (has_data_buf) { if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ) { data_buf = new u8[first.filesize]; } p.DoArray(data_buf, first.filesize); } if (p.mode == p.MODE_READ && data_buf != NULL) { __AtracSetContext(this); } p.Do(second); p.Do(decodePos); p.Do(decodeEnd); p.Do(atracBitrate); p.Do(atracBytesPerFrame); p.Do(loopinfo); p.Do(loopinfoNum); p.Do(loopStartSample); p.Do(loopEndSample); p.Do(loopNum); p.Do(atracContext); p.DoMarker("Atrac"); } void Analyze(); u32 getDecodePosBySample(int sample) { int atracSamplesPerFrame = (codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES : ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES); return (u32)(firstSampleoffset + sample / atracSamplesPerFrame * atracBytesPerFrame ); } int getRemainFrames() { // games would like to add atrac data when it wants. // Do not try to guess when it want to add data. // Just return current remainFrames. int remainFrame; if (first.fileoffset >= first.filesize || currentSample >= endSample) remainFrame = PSP_ATRAC_ALLDATA_IS_ON_MEMORY; else { // guess the remain frames. remainFrame = ((int)first.size - (int)decodePos) / atracBytesPerFrame; if (remainFrame < 0) remainFrame = 0; } return remainFrame; } int atracID; u8* data_buf; u32 decodePos; u32 decodeEnd; u16 atracChannels; u16 atracOutputChannels; u32 atracBitrate; u16 atracBytesPerFrame; u32 atracBufSize; int currentSample; int endSample; // Offset of the first sample in the input buffer int firstSampleoffset; std::vector loopinfo; int loopinfoNum; int loopStartSample; int loopEndSample; int loopNum; u32 codeType; InputBuffer first; InputBuffer second; Atrac3plus_Decoder::BufferQueue sampleQueue; void* decoder_context; PSPPointer atracContext; #ifdef USE_FFMPEG AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx; AVIOContext *pAVIOCtx; AVCodecContext *pCodecCtx; SwrContext *pSwrCtx; AVFrame *pFrame; int audio_stream_index; void ReleaseFFMPEGContext() { if (pFrame) av_free(pFrame); if (pAVIOCtx && pAVIOCtx->buffer) av_free(pAVIOCtx->buffer); if (pAVIOCtx) av_free(pAVIOCtx); if (pSwrCtx) swr_free(&pSwrCtx); if (pCodecCtx) avcodec_close(pCodecCtx); if (pFormatCtx) avformat_close_input(&pFormatCtx); pFormatCtx = 0; pAVIOCtx = 0; pCodecCtx = 0; pSwrCtx = 0; pFrame = 0; } void SeekToSample(int sample) { s64 seek_pos = (s64)sample; av_seek_frame(pFormatCtx, audio_stream_index, seek_pos, 0); } #endif // USE_FFMPEG }; const int PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS = 6; static bool atracInited = true; static Atrac *atracIDs[PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS]; static int atracIDTypes[PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS]; void __AtracInit() { atracInited = true; memset(atracIDs, 0, sizeof(atracIDs)); // Start with 2 of each in this order. atracIDTypes[0] = PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS; atracIDTypes[1] = PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS; atracIDTypes[2] = PSP_MODE_AT_3; atracIDTypes[3] = PSP_MODE_AT_3; atracIDTypes[4] = 0; atracIDTypes[5] = 0; #ifdef USE_FFMPEG avcodec_register_all(); av_register_all(); #endif // USE_FFMPEG Atrac3plus_Decoder::Init(); } void __AtracDoState(PointerWrap &p) { p.Do(atracInited); for (int i = 0; i < PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS; ++i) { bool valid = atracIDs[i] != NULL; p.Do(valid); if (valid) { p.Do(atracIDs[i]); } else { delete atracIDs[i]; atracIDs[i] = NULL; } } p.DoArray(atracIDTypes, PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS); p.DoMarker("sceAtrac"); } void __AtracShutdown() { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(atracIDs); ++i) { delete atracIDs[i]; atracIDs[i] = NULL; } Atrac3plus_Decoder::Shutdown(); } Atrac *getAtrac(int atracID) { if (atracID < 0 || atracID >= PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS) { return NULL; } return atracIDs[atracID]; } int createAtrac(Atrac *atrac, int codecType) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)ARRAY_SIZE(atracIDs); ++i) { if (atracIDTypes[i] == codecType && atracIDs[i] == 0) { atracIDs[i] = atrac; atrac->atracID = i; return i; } } return ATRAC_ERROR_NO_ATRACID; } int deleteAtrac(int atracID) { if (atracID >= 0 && atracID < PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS) { if (atracIDs[atracID] != NULL) { delete atracIDs[atracID]; atracIDs[atracID] = NULL; return 0; } } return ATRAC_ERROR_BAD_ATRACID; } int getCodecType(int addr) { int at3magic = Memory::Read_U16(addr+20); if (at3magic == AT3_MAGIC) { return PSP_MODE_AT_3; } else if (at3magic == AT3_PLUS_MAGIC) { return PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS; } return 0; } void Atrac::Analyze() { // reset some values currentSample = 0; endSample = -1; loopNum = 0; loopinfoNum = 0; loopinfo.clear(); loopStartSample = -1; loopEndSample = -1; decodePos = 0; if (first.size < 0x100) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Atrac buffer very small: %d", first.size); return; } if (!Memory::IsValidAddress(first.addr)) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "Atrac buffer at invalid address: %08x-%08x", first.addr, first.size); return; } // TODO: Validate stuff. // RIFF size excluding chunk header. first.filesize = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + 4) + 8; u32 offset = 12; int atracSampleoffset = 0; this->decodeEnd = first.filesize; bool bfoundData = false; while ((first.filesize - offset) >= 8 && !bfoundData) { int chunkMagic = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + offset); u32 chunkSize = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + offset + 4); offset += 8; if (chunkSize > first.filesize - offset) break; switch (chunkMagic) { case FMT_CHUNK_MAGIC: { if (chunkSize >= 16) { int codeMagic = Memory::Read_U16(first.addr + offset); if (codeMagic == AT3_MAGIC) codeType = PSP_MODE_AT_3; else if (codeMagic == AT3_PLUS_MAGIC) codeType = PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS; else codeType = 0; atracChannels = Memory::Read_U16(first.addr + offset + 2); // int atracSamplerate = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + offset + 4); ;Should always be 44100Hz int avgBytesPerSec = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + offset + 8); atracBitrate = avgBytesPerSec * 8; atracBytesPerFrame = Memory::Read_U16(first.addr + offset + 12); } } break; case FACT_CHUNK_MAGIC: { if (chunkSize >= 8) { endSample = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + offset); atracSampleoffset = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + offset + 4); } } break; case SMPL_CHUNK_MAGIC: { if (chunkSize < 36) break; int checkNumLoops = Memory::Read_U32(first.addr + offset + 28); if (chunkSize >= 36 + (u32)checkNumLoops * 24) { loopinfoNum = checkNumLoops; loopinfo.resize(loopinfoNum); u32 loopinfoAddr = first.addr + offset + 36; for (int i = 0; i < loopinfoNum; i++, loopinfoAddr += 24) { loopinfo[i].cuePointID = Memory::Read_U32(loopinfoAddr); loopinfo[i].type = Memory::Read_U32(loopinfoAddr + 4); loopinfo[i].startSample = Memory::Read_U32(loopinfoAddr + 8) - atracSampleoffset; loopinfo[i].endSample = Memory::Read_U32(loopinfoAddr + 12) - atracSampleoffset; loopinfo[i].fraction = Memory::Read_U32(loopinfoAddr + 16); loopinfo[i].playCount = Memory::Read_U32(loopinfoAddr + 20); if (loopinfo[i].endSample > endSample) loopinfo[i].endSample = endSample; } } } break; case DATA_CHUNK_MAGIC: { bfoundData = true; firstSampleoffset = offset; } break; } offset += chunkSize; } // set the loopStartSample and loopEndSample by loopinfo if (loopinfoNum > 0) { loopStartSample = loopinfo[0].startSample; loopEndSample = loopinfo[0].endSample; } else { loopStartSample = loopEndSample = -1; } // if there is no correct endsample, try to guess it if (endSample < 0) { int atracSamplesPerFrame = (codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES : ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES); endSample = (first.filesize / atracBytesPerFrame) * atracSamplesPerFrame; } } u32 sceAtracGetAtracID(int codecType) { if (codecType != PSP_MODE_AT_3 && codecType != PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracGetAtracID(%i): invalid codecType", codecType); return ATRAC_ERROR_INVALID_CODECTYPE; } Atrac *atrac = new Atrac(); atrac->codeType = codecType; int atracID = createAtrac(atrac, codecType); if (atracID < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracGetAtracID(%i): no free ID", codecType); delete atrac; return atracID; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "%d=sceAtracGetAtracID(%i)", atracID, codecType); return atracID; } u32 _AtracAddStreamData(int atracID, u8 *buf, u32 bytesToAdd) { Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) return 0; int addbytes = std::min(bytesToAdd, atrac->first.filesize - atrac->first.fileoffset); memcpy(atrac->data_buf + atrac->first.fileoffset, buf, addbytes); atrac->first.size += bytesToAdd; if (atrac->first.size > atrac->first.filesize) atrac->first.size = atrac->first.filesize; atrac->first.fileoffset = atrac->first.size; atrac->first.writableBytes = 0; if (atrac->atracContext.Valid()) { // refresh atracContext _AtracGenarateContext(atrac, atrac->atracContext); } return 0; } // PSP allow games to add stream data to a temp buf, the buf size is given by "atracBufSize "here. // "first.offset" means how many bytes the temp buf has been written, // and "first.writableBytes" means how many bytes the temp buf is allowed to write // (We always have "first.offset + first.writableBytes = atracBufSize"). // We only reset the temp buf when games call sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo, // because that function would tell games how to add the left stream data. u32 sceAtracAddStreamData(int atracID, u32 bytesToAdd) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracAddStreamData(%i, %08x)", atracID, bytesToAdd); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { return 0; } else { // TODO if (bytesToAdd > atrac->first.writableBytes) return ATRAC_ERROR_ADD_DATA_IS_TOO_BIG; if (atrac->data_buf && (bytesToAdd > 0)) { int addbytes = std::min(bytesToAdd, atrac->first.filesize - atrac->first.fileoffset); Memory::Memcpy(atrac->data_buf + atrac->first.fileoffset, atrac->first.addr + atrac->first.offset, addbytes); } atrac->first.size += bytesToAdd; if (atrac->first.size > atrac->first.filesize) atrac->first.size = atrac->first.filesize; atrac->first.fileoffset = atrac->first.size; atrac->first.writableBytes -= bytesToAdd; atrac->first.offset += bytesToAdd; } return 0; } u32 _AtracDecodeData(int atracID, u8* outbuf, u32 *SamplesNum, u32* finish, int *remains) { Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); u32 ret = 0; if (atrac != NULL) { // We already passed the end - return an error (many games check for this.) if (atrac->currentSample >= atrac->endSample && atrac->loopNum == 0) { *SamplesNum = 0; *finish = 1; *remains = 0; ret = ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_DECODED; } else { // TODO: This isn't at all right, but at least it makes the music "last" some time. u32 numSamples = 0; u32 atracSamplesPerFrame = (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES : ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3 && atrac->pCodecCtx) { int forceseekSample = atrac->currentSample * 2 > atrac->endSample ? 0 : atrac->endSample; atrac->SeekToSample(forceseekSample); atrac->SeekToSample(atrac->currentSample); AVPacket packet; int got_frame, avret; while (av_read_frame(atrac->pFormatCtx, &packet) >= 0) { if (packet.stream_index == atrac->audio_stream_index) { got_frame = 0; avret = avcodec_decode_audio4(atrac->pCodecCtx, atrac->pFrame, &got_frame, &packet); if (avret < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio %d", avret); av_free_packet(&packet); // Avoid getting stuck in a loop (Virtua Tennis) *SamplesNum = 0; *finish = 1; *remains = 0; return ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_DECODED; } if (got_frame) { // got a frame int decoded = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, atrac->pFrame->channels, atrac->pFrame->nb_samples, (AVSampleFormat)atrac->pFrame->format, 1); u8* out = outbuf; numSamples = atrac->pFrame->nb_samples; avret = swr_convert(atrac->pSwrCtx, &out, atrac->pFrame->nb_samples, (const u8**)atrac->pFrame->extended_data, atrac->pFrame->nb_samples); if (avret < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "swr_convert: Error while converting %d", avret); } } av_free_packet(&packet); if (got_frame) break; } } } else #endif // USE_FFMPEG if (atrac->decoder_context) { static u8 buf[0x8000]; if (atrac->sampleQueue.getQueueSize() < ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracChannels) { int decodebytes = 0; atrac->decodePos = atrac->getDecodePosBySample(atrac->currentSample); int inbytes = std::max((int)atrac->first.size - (int)atrac->decodePos, 0); inbytes = std::min(inbytes, (int)atrac->atracBytesPerFrame); if (inbytes > 0 && inbytes == atrac->atracBytesPerFrame) { Atrac3plus_Decoder::Decode(atrac->decoder_context, atrac->data_buf + atrac->decodePos, inbytes, &decodebytes, buf); atrac->sampleQueue.push(buf, decodebytes); } } s16* out = (s16*)outbuf; memset(out, 0, ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracOutputChannels); int gotsize = atrac->sampleQueue.pop_front(buf, ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracChannels); numSamples = gotsize / sizeof(s16) / atrac->atracChannels; s16* in = (s16*)buf; for (u32 i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { s16 sampleL = *in++; s16 sampleR = sampleL; if (atrac->atracChannels == 2) sampleR = *in++; *out++ = sampleL; if (atrac->atracOutputChannels == 2) *out++ = sampleR; } numSamples = ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES; } else { numSamples = atrac->endSample - atrac->currentSample; if (atrac->currentSample >= atrac->endSample) { numSamples = 0; } else if (numSamples > atracSamplesPerFrame) { numSamples = atracSamplesPerFrame; } if (numSamples == 0 && (atrac->loopNum != 0)) { numSamples = atracSamplesPerFrame; } memset(outbuf, 0, numSamples * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracOutputChannels); } *SamplesNum = numSamples; // update current sample and decodePos atrac->currentSample += numSamples; atrac->decodePos = atrac->getDecodePosBySample(atrac->currentSample); int finishFlag = 0; if (atrac->loopNum != 0 && (atrac->currentSample + atracSamplesPerFrame > atrac->loopEndSample || (numSamples == 0 && atrac->first.size >= atrac->first.filesize))) { atrac->currentSample = atrac->loopStartSample; if (atrac->loopNum > 0) atrac->loopNum --; } else if (atrac->currentSample >= atrac->endSample || (numSamples == 0 && atrac->first.size >= atrac->first.filesize)) finishFlag = 1; *finish = finishFlag; *remains = atrac->getRemainFrames(); } if (atrac->atracContext.Valid()) { // refresh atracContext _AtracGenarateContext(atrac, atrac->atracContext); } // TODO: Can probably remove this after we validate no wrong ids? } else { memset(outbuf, 0, 4); *SamplesNum = 1; *finish = 1; *remains = -1; } return ret; } u32 sceAtracDecodeData(int atracID, u32 outAddr, u32 numSamplesAddr, u32 finishFlagAddr, u32 remainAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracDecodeData(%i, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, outAddr, numSamplesAddr, finishFlagAddr, remainAddr); u32 numSamples = 0; u32 finish = 0; int remains = 0; int ret = _AtracDecodeData(atracID, Memory::GetPointer(outAddr), &numSamples, &finish, &remains); Memory::Write_U32(numSamples, numSamplesAddr); Memory::Write_U32(finish, finishFlagAddr); Memory::Write_U32(remains, remainAddr); return ret; } u32 sceAtracEndEntry() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceAtracEndEntry()"); return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(int atracID, int sample, u32 bufferInfoAddr) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(%i, %i, %08x)",atracID, sample, bufferInfoAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { // TODO: Write the right stuff instead. Memory::Memset(bufferInfoAddr, 0, 32); //return -1; } else { int Sampleoffset = atrac->getDecodePosBySample(sample); int minWritebytes = std::max(Sampleoffset - (int)atrac->first.size, 0); // reset the temp buf for adding more stream data atrac->first.writableBytes = std::min(atrac->first.filesize - atrac->first.size, atrac->atracBufSize); atrac->first.offset = 0; // minWritebytes should not be bigger than writeablebytes minWritebytes = std::min(minWritebytes, (int)atrac->first.writableBytes); Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.addr, bufferInfoAddr); Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.writableBytes, bufferInfoAddr + 4); Memory::Write_U32(minWritebytes, bufferInfoAddr + 8); Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.fileoffset, bufferInfoAddr + 12); Memory::Write_U32(atrac->second.addr, bufferInfoAddr + 16); Memory::Write_U32(atrac->second.writableBytes, bufferInfoAddr + 20); Memory::Write_U32(atrac->second.neededBytes, bufferInfoAddr + 24); Memory::Write_U32(atrac->second.fileoffset, bufferInfoAddr + 28); } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetBitrate(int atracID, u32 outBitrateAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetBitrate(%i, %08x)", atracID, outBitrateAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { return -1; } else { atrac->atracBitrate = ( atrac->atracBytesPerFrame * 352800 ) / 1000; if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS) atrac->atracBitrate = ((atrac->atracBitrate >> 11) + 8) & 0xFFFFFFF0; else atrac->atracBitrate = (atrac->atracBitrate + 511) >> 10; if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outBitrateAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->atracBitrate, outBitrateAddr); } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetChannel(int atracID, u32 channelAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetChannel(%i, %08x)", atracID, channelAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { return -1; } else { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(channelAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->atracChannels, channelAddr); } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetLoopStatus(int atracID, u32 loopNumAddr, u32 statusAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetLoopStatus(%i, %08x, %08x)", atracID, loopNumAddr, statusAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } else { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(loopNumAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->loopNum, loopNumAddr); // return audio's loopinfo in at3 file if (Memory::IsValidAddress(statusAddr)) { if (atrac->loopinfoNum > 0) Memory::Write_U32(1, statusAddr); else Memory::Write_U32(0, statusAddr); } } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo(int atracID, u32 errorAddr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo(%i, %08x)", atracID, errorAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } else { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(errorAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(0, errorAddr); } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetMaxSample(int atracID, u32 maxSamplesAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetMaxSample(%i, %08x)", atracID, maxSamplesAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } else { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(maxSamplesAddr)) { int atracSamplesPerFrame = (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES : ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES); Memory::Write_U32(atracSamplesPerFrame, maxSamplesAddr); } } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition(int atracID, u32 outposAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition(%i, %08x)", atracID, outposAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { return -1; } else { if (atrac->currentSample >= atrac->endSample) return ATRAC_ERROR_ALL_DATA_DECODED; if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outposAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->currentSample, outposAddr); } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetNextSample(int atracID, u32 outNAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetNextSample(%i, %08x)", atracID, outNAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; Memory::Write_U32(1, outNAddr); } else { if (atrac->currentSample >= atrac->endSample) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outNAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(0, outNAddr); } else { u32 numSamples = atrac->endSample - atrac->currentSample; u32 atracSamplesPerFrame = (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES : ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES); if (numSamples > atracSamplesPerFrame) numSamples = atracSamplesPerFrame; if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outNAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(numSamples, outNAddr); } } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetRemainFrame(int atracID, u32 remainAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetRemainFrame(%i, %08x)", atracID, remainAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(remainAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(12, remainAddr); } else { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(remainAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->getRemainFrames(), remainAddr); } return 0; } u32 sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo(int atracID, u32 outposAddr, u32 outBytesAddr) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo(%i, %08x, %08x)", atracID, outposAddr, outBytesAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outposAddr) && atrac) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->second.fileoffset, outposAddr); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outBytesAddr) && atrac) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->second.writableBytes, outBytesAddr); // TODO: Maybe don't write the above? return ATRAC_ERROR_SECOND_BUFFER_NOT_NEEDED; } u32 sceAtracGetSoundSample(int atracID, u32 outEndSampleAddr, u32 outLoopStartSampleAddr, u32 outLoopEndSampleAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetSoundSample(%i, %08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, outEndSampleAddr, outLoopStartSampleAddr, outLoopEndSampleAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } else { if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outEndSampleAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->endSample, outEndSampleAddr); // outEndSample if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outLoopStartSampleAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->loopStartSample, outLoopStartSampleAddr); // outLoopStartSample if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outLoopEndSampleAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->loopEndSample, outLoopEndSampleAddr); // outLoopEndSample } return 0; } // Games call this function to get some info for add more stream data, // such as where the data read from, where the data add to, // and how many bytes are allowed to add. u32 sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo(int atracID, u32 writeAddr, u32 writableBytesAddr, u32 readOffsetAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo(%i, %08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, writeAddr, writableBytesAddr, readOffsetAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } else { // reset the temp buf for adding more stream data atrac->first.writableBytes = std::min(atrac->first.filesize - atrac->first.size, atrac->atracBufSize); atrac->first.offset = 0; if (Memory::IsValidAddress(writeAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.addr, writeAddr); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(writableBytesAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.writableBytes, writableBytesAddr); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(readOffsetAddr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.fileoffset, readOffsetAddr); } return 0; } u32 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(int atracID) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracReleaseAtracID(%i)", atracID); return deleteAtrac(atracID); } u32 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(int atracID, int sample, int bytesWrittenFirstBuf, int bytesWrittenSecondBuf) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracResetPlayPosition(%i, %i, %i, %i)", atracID, sample, bytesWrittenFirstBuf, bytesWrittenSecondBuf); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } else { if (bytesWrittenFirstBuf > 0) sceAtracAddStreamData(atracID, bytesWrittenFirstBuf); atrac->currentSample = sample; #ifdef USE_FFMPEG if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3 && atrac->pCodecCtx) { atrac->SeekToSample(sample); } else #endif // USE_FFMPEG { atrac->decodePos = atrac->getDecodePosBySample(sample); } } return 0; } #ifdef USE_FFMPEG int _AtracReadbuffer(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) { Atrac *atrac = (Atrac *)opaque; if (atrac->decodePos > atrac->first.filesize) return -1; int size = std::min((int)atrac->atracBufSize, buf_size); size = std::max(std::min(((int)atrac->first.size - (int)atrac->decodePos), size), 0); if (size > 0) memcpy(buf, atrac->data_buf + atrac->decodePos, size); atrac->decodePos += size; return size; } int64_t _AtracSeekbuffer(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence) { Atrac *atrac = (Atrac*)opaque; if (offset > atrac->first.filesize) return -1; switch (whence) { case SEEK_SET: atrac->decodePos = (u32)offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: atrac->decodePos += (u32)offset; break; case SEEK_END: atrac->decodePos = atrac->first.filesize - (u32)offset; break; #ifdef USE_FFMPEG case AVSEEK_SIZE: return atrac->first.filesize; #endif } return atrac->decodePos; } #endif // USE_FFMPEG #ifdef USE_FFMPEG int __AtracUpdateOutputMode(Atrac *atrac, int wanted_channels) { if (atrac->pSwrCtx && atrac->atracOutputChannels == wanted_channels) return 0; atrac->atracOutputChannels = wanted_channels; int64_t wanted_channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(wanted_channels); int64_t dec_channel_layout = av_get_default_channel_layout(atrac->atracChannels); atrac->pSwrCtx = swr_alloc_set_opts ( atrac->pSwrCtx, wanted_channel_layout, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, atrac->pCodecCtx->sample_rate, dec_channel_layout, atrac->pCodecCtx->sample_fmt, atrac->pCodecCtx->sample_rate, 0, NULL ); if (!atrac->pSwrCtx) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "swr_alloc_set_opts: Could not allocate resampler context"); return -1; } if (swr_init(atrac->pSwrCtx) < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "swr_init: Failed to initialize the resampling context"); return -1; } return 0; } #endif // USE_FFMPEG int __AtracSetContext(Atrac *atrac) { if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS) { atrac->decoder_context = Atrac3plus_Decoder::OpenContext(); return 0; } #ifdef USE_FFMPEG u8* tempbuf = (u8*)av_malloc(atrac->atracBufSize); atrac->pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context(); atrac->pAVIOCtx = avio_alloc_context(tempbuf, atrac->atracBufSize, 0, (void*)atrac, _AtracReadbuffer, NULL, _AtracSeekbuffer); atrac->pFormatCtx->pb = atrac->pAVIOCtx; int ret; // Load audio buffer if((ret = avformat_open_input((AVFormatContext**)&atrac->pFormatCtx, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "avformat_open_input: Cannot open input %d", ret); return -1; } if((ret = avformat_find_stream_info(atrac->pFormatCtx, NULL)) < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "avformat_find_stream_info: Cannot find stream information %d", ret); return -1; } AVCodec *pCodec; // select the audio stream ret = av_find_best_stream(atrac->pFormatCtx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &pCodec, 0); if (ret < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "av_find_best_stream: Cannot find a audio stream in the input file %d", ret); return -1; } atrac->audio_stream_index = ret; atrac->pCodecCtx = atrac->pFormatCtx->streams[atrac->audio_stream_index]->codec; // open codec if ((ret = avcodec_open2(atrac->pCodecCtx, pCodec, NULL)) < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "avcodec_open2: Cannot open audio decoder %d", ret); return -1; } if ((ret = __AtracUpdateOutputMode(atrac, atrac->atracOutputChannels)) < 0) return ret; // alloc audio frame atrac->pFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); // reinit decodePos, because ffmpeg had changed it. atrac->decodePos = 0; #endif return 0; } int _AtracSetData(Atrac *atrac, u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) { if (atrac->first.size > atrac->first.filesize) atrac->first.size = atrac->first.filesize; atrac->first.fileoffset = atrac->first.size; // got the size of temp buf, and calculate writableBytes and offset atrac->atracBufSize = bufferSize; atrac->first.writableBytes = (u32)std::max((int)bufferSize - (int)atrac->first.size, 0); atrac->first.offset = atrac->first.size; // some games may reuse an atracID for playing sound atrac->CleanStuff(); if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "This is an atrac3 audio"); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG atrac->data_buf = new u8[atrac->first.filesize]; Memory::Memcpy(atrac->data_buf, buffer, std::min(bufferSize, atrac->first.filesize)); return __AtracSetContext(atrac); #endif // USE_FFMPEG } else if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS) { if (atrac->atracChannels == 1) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "This is an atrac3+ mono audio"); } else { WARN_LOG(HLE, "This is an atrac3+ stereo audio"); } atrac->data_buf = new u8[atrac->first.filesize]; Memory::Memcpy(atrac->data_buf, buffer, std::min(bufferSize, atrac->first.filesize)); return __AtracSetContext(atrac); } return 0; } int _AtracSetData(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize, bool needReturnAtracID = false) { Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) return -1; int ret = _AtracSetData(atrac, buffer, bufferSize); if (needReturnAtracID && ret >= 0) ret = atracID; // not sure the real delay time return hleDelayResult(ret, "atrac set data", 100); } u32 sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer(int atracID, u32 halfBuffer, u32 readSize, u32 halfBufferSize) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer(%i, %08x, %8x, %8x)", atracID, halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); if (readSize > halfBufferSize) return ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE; Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); int ret = 0; if (atrac != NULL) { atrac->first.addr = halfBuffer; atrac->first.size = readSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 2; ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, halfBuffer, halfBufferSize); } return ret; } u32 sceAtracSetSecondBuffer(int atracID, u32 secondBuffer, u32 secondBufferSize) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceAtracSetSecondBuffer(%i, %08x, %8x)", atracID, secondBuffer, secondBufferSize); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } return 0; } u32 sceAtracSetData(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetData(%i, %08x, %08x)", atracID, buffer, bufferSize); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); int ret = 0; if (atrac != NULL) { atrac->first.addr = buffer; atrac->first.size = bufferSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 2; ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize); } return ret; } int sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) { int codecType = getCodecType(buffer); Atrac *atrac = new Atrac(); atrac->first.addr = buffer; atrac->first.size = bufferSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 2; int atracID = createAtrac(atrac, codecType); if (atracID < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(%08x, %08x): no free ID", buffer, bufferSize); delete atrac; return atracID; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "%d=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(%08x, %08x)", atracID, buffer, bufferSize); int ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize, true); if (ret < 0) return ret; return atracID; } int sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(u32 halfBuffer, u32 readSize, u32 halfBufferSize) { if (readSize > halfBufferSize) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x): incorrect read size", halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); return ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE; } int codecType = getCodecType(halfBuffer); Atrac *atrac = new Atrac(); atrac->first.addr = halfBuffer; atrac->first.size = readSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 2; int atracID = createAtrac(atrac, codecType); if (atracID < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x): no free ID", halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); delete atrac; return atracID; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "%d=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); int ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, halfBuffer, halfBufferSize, true); if (ret < 0) return ret; return atracID; } u32 sceAtracStartEntry() { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceAtracStartEntry(.)"); return 0; } u32 sceAtracSetLoopNum(int atracID, int loopNum) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetLoopNum(%i, %i)", atracID, loopNum); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (atrac) { if (atrac->loopinfoNum == 0) return ATRAC_ERROR_UNSET_PARAM; atrac->loopNum = loopNum; if (loopNum != 0 && atrac->loopinfoNum == 0) { // Just loop the whole audio atrac->loopStartSample = 0; atrac->loopEndSample = atrac->endSample; } } return 0; } int sceAtracReinit(int at3Count, int at3plusCount) { for (int i = 0; i < PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS; ++i) { if (atracIDs[i] != NULL) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracReinit(%d, %d): cannot reinit while IDs in use", at3Count, at3plusCount); return SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_BUSY; } } memset(atracIDTypes, 0, sizeof(atracIDTypes)); int next = 0; int space = PSP_NUM_ATRAC_IDS; // This seems to deinit things. Mostly, it cause a reschedule on next deinit (but -1, -1 does not.) if (at3Count == 0 && at3plusCount == 0) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracReinit(%d, %d): deinit", at3Count, at3plusCount); atracInited = false; return hleDelayResult(0, "atrac reinit", 200); } // First, ATRAC3+. These IDs seem to cost double (probably memory.) // Intentionally signed. 9999 tries to allocate, -1 does not. for (int i = 0; i < at3plusCount; ++i) { space -= 2; if (space >= 0) { atracIDTypes[next++] = PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS; } } for (int i = 0; i < at3Count; ++i) { space -= 1; if (space >= 0) { atracIDTypes[next++] = PSP_MODE_AT_3; } } // If we ran out of space, we still initialize some, but return an error. int result = space >= 0 ? 0 : SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (atracInited || next == 0) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracReinit(%d, %d)", at3Count, at3plusCount); atracInited = true; return result; } else { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracReinit(%d, %d): init", at3Count, at3plusCount); atracInited = true; return hleDelayResult(result, "atrac reinit", 400); } } int sceAtracGetOutputChannel(int atracID, u32 outputChanPtr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracGetOutputChannel(%i, %08x)", atracID, outputChanPtr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (Memory::IsValidAddress(outputChanPtr)) Memory::Write_U32(atrac ? atrac->atracOutputChannels : 2, outputChanPtr); return 0; } int sceAtracIsSecondBufferNeeded(int atracID) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceAtracIsSecondBufferNeeded(%i)", atracID); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { //return -1; } return 0; } int sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer(int atracID, u32 MOutHalfBuffer, u32 readSize, u32 MOutHalfBufferSize) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer(%i, %08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, MOutHalfBuffer, readSize, MOutHalfBufferSize); if (readSize > MOutHalfBufferSize) return ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE; Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); int ret = 0; if (atrac != NULL) { atrac->first.addr = MOutHalfBuffer; atrac->first.size = readSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 1; ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, MOutHalfBuffer, MOutHalfBufferSize); } return ret; } u32 sceAtracSetMOutData(int atracID, u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetMOutData(%i, %08x, %08x)", atracID, buffer, bufferSize); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); int ret = 0; if (atrac != NULL) { atrac->first.addr = buffer; atrac->first.size = bufferSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 1; ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize); } return ret; } int sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID(u32 buffer, u32 bufferSize) { int codecType = getCodecType(buffer); Atrac *atrac = new Atrac(); atrac->first.addr = buffer; atrac->first.size = bufferSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 1; int atracID = createAtrac(atrac, codecType); if (atracID < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID(%08x, %08x): no free ID", buffer, bufferSize); delete atrac; return atracID; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "%d=sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID(%08x, %08x)", atracID, buffer, bufferSize); int ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, buffer, bufferSize, true); if (ret < 0) return ret; return atracID; } int sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBufferAndGetID(u32 halfBuffer, u32 readSize, u32 halfBufferSize) { if (readSize > halfBufferSize) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x): incorrect read size", halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); return ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE; } int codecType = getCodecType(halfBuffer); Atrac *atrac = new Atrac(); atrac->first.addr = halfBuffer; atrac->first.size = readSize; atrac->Analyze(); atrac->atracOutputChannels = 1; int atracID = createAtrac(atrac, codecType); if (atracID < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x): no free ID", halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); delete atrac; return atracID; } INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); int ret = _AtracSetData(atracID, halfBuffer, halfBufferSize, true); if (ret < 0) return ret; return atracID; } int sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID(u32 buffer, int bufferSize, int fileSize, u32 metadataSizeAddr) { int codecType = getCodecType(buffer); Atrac *atrac = new Atrac(); atrac->first.addr = buffer; atrac->first.size = bufferSize; atrac->Analyze(); int atracID = createAtrac(atrac, codecType); if (atracID < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID(%08x, %i, %i, %08x): no free ID", buffer, bufferSize, fileSize, metadataSizeAddr); delete atrac; return atracID; } ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL %d=sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID(%08x, %i, %i, %08x)", atracID, buffer, bufferSize, fileSize, metadataSizeAddr); return atracID; } int _AtracGetIDByContext(u32 contextAddr) { int atracID = (int)Memory::Read_U32(contextAddr + 0xfc); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (atrac) __AtracUpdateOutputMode(atrac, 1); #endif // USE_FFMPEG return atracID; } void _AtracGenarateContext(Atrac *atrac, SceAtracId *context) { context->info.buffer = atrac->first.addr; context->info.bufferByte = atrac->atracBufSize; context->info.secondBuffer = atrac->second.addr; context->info.secondBufferByte = atrac->second.size; context->info.codec = atrac->codeType; context->info.loopNum = atrac->loopNum; context->info.loopStart = atrac->loopStartSample > 0 ? atrac->loopStartSample : 0; context->info.loopEnd = atrac->loopEndSample > 0 ? atrac->loopEndSample : 0; if (atrac->first.size >= atrac->first.filesize) { // state 2, all data loaded context->info.state = 2; } else if (atrac->loopinfoNum == 0) { // state 3, lack some data, no loop info context->info.state = 3; } else { // state 6, lack some data, has loop info context->info.state = 6; } context->info.samplesPerChan = (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES : ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES); context->info.sampleSize = atrac->atracBytesPerFrame; context->info.numChan = atrac->atracChannels; context->info.dataOff = atrac->firstSampleoffset; context->info.endSample = atrac->endSample; context->info.dataEnd = atrac->first.filesize; context->info.curOff = atrac->first.size; context->info.decodePos = atrac->getDecodePosBySample(atrac->currentSample); context->info.streamDataByte = atrac->first.size - atrac->firstSampleoffset; u8* buf = (u8*)context; *(u32*)(buf + 0xfc) = atrac->atracID; } int _sceAtracGetContextAddress(int atracID) { Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (!atrac) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "_sceAtracGetContextAddress(%i): bad atrac id", atracID); return 0; } if (!atrac->atracContext.Valid()) { // allocate a new atracContext u32 contextsize = 256; atrac->atracContext = kernelMemory.Alloc(contextsize, false, "Atrac Context"); if (atrac->atracContext.Valid()) Memory::Memset(atrac->atracContext.ptr, 0, 256); WARN_LOG(HLE, "%08x=_sceAtracGetContextAddress(%i): allocated new context", atrac->atracContext.ptr, atracID); } else WARN_LOG(HLE, "%08x=_sceAtracGetContextAddress(%i)", atrac->atracContext.ptr, atracID); if (atrac->atracContext.Valid()) _AtracGenarateContext(atrac, atrac->atracContext); if (atrac->currentSample >= atrac->endSample && atrac->loopNum == 0) { // This is a hack method to release those already finished atrac3 voice. // It should be removed after the real issue solved. deleteAtrac(atracID); return 0; } return atrac->atracContext.ptr; } static u8 at3Header[] ={0x52,0x49,0x46,0x46,0x3b,0xbe,0x00,0x00,0x57,0x41,0x56,0x45,0x66,0x6d,0x74,0x20,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x70,0x02,0x02,0x00,0x44,0xac,0x00,0x00,0x4d,0x20,0x00,0x00,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0e,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x64,0x61,0x74,0x61,0xc0,0xbd,0x00,0x00}; static const u16 at3HeaderMap[][4] = { { 0x00C0, 0x1, 0x8, 0x00 }, { 0x0098, 0x1, 0x8, 0x00 }, { 0x0180, 0x2, 0x10, 0x00 }, { 0x0130, 0x2, 0x10, 0x00 }, { 0x00C0, 0x2, 0x10, 0x01 } }; static const int at3HeaderMapSize = sizeof(at3HeaderMap)/(sizeof(u16) * 4); bool initAT3Decoder(Atrac *atrac, u32 dataSize = 0xffb4a8) { for (int i = 0; i < at3HeaderMapSize; i ++) { if (at3HeaderMap[i][0] == atrac->atracBytesPerFrame && at3HeaderMap[i][1] == atrac->atracChannels) { *(u32*)(at3Header + 0x04) = dataSize + sizeof(at3Header) - 8; *(u16*)(at3Header + 0x16) = atrac->atracChannels; *(u16*)(at3Header + 0x20) = atrac->atracBytesPerFrame; atrac->atracBitrate = ( atrac->atracBytesPerFrame * 352800 ) / 1000; atrac->atracBitrate = (atrac->atracBitrate + 511) >> 10; *(u32*)(at3Header + 0x1c) = atrac->atracBitrate * 1000 / 8; at3Header[0x29] = (u8)at3HeaderMap[i][2]; at3Header[0x2c] = (u8)at3HeaderMap[i][3]; at3Header[0x2e] = (u8)at3HeaderMap[i][3]; *(u32*)(at3Header + sizeof(at3Header) - 4) = dataSize; return true; } } return false; } static u8 at3plusHeader[] = {0x52,0x49,0x46,0x46,0x00,0xb5,0xff,0x00,0x57,0x41,0x56,0x45,0x66,0x6d,0x74,0x20,0x34,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x02,0x00,0x44,0xac,0x00,0x00,0xa0,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0xe8,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x22,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xbf,0xaa,0x23,0xe9,0x58,0xcb,0x71,0x44,0xa1,0x19,0xff,0xfa,0x01,0xe4,0xce,0x62,0x01,0x00,0x28,0x5c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x66,0x61,0x63,0x74,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x64,0x61,0x74,0x61,0xa8,0xb4,0xff,0x00}; static const u16 at3plusHeaderMap[][3] = { { 0x00C0, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x1724, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0180, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x2224, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0178, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x2E24, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0230, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x4524, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x02E8, 0x1, 0x0 }, { 0x5C24, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0118, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0x2228, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0178, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0x2E28, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0230, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0x4528, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x02E8, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0x5C28, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x03A8, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0x7428, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0460, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0x8B28, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x05D0, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0xB928, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0748, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0xE828, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0x0800, 0x2, 0x0 }, { 0xFF28, 0x0, 0x0 } }; static const int at3plusHeaderMapSize = sizeof(at3plusHeaderMap)/(sizeof(u16) * 3); bool initAT3plusDecoder(Atrac *atrac, u32 dataSize = 0xffb4a8) { for (int i = 0; i < at3plusHeaderMapSize; i += 2) { if (at3plusHeaderMap[i][0] == atrac->atracBytesPerFrame && at3plusHeaderMap[i][1] == atrac->atracChannels) { *(u32*)(at3plusHeader + 0x04) = dataSize + sizeof(at3plusHeader) - 8; *(u16*)(at3plusHeader + 0x16) = atrac->atracChannels; *(u16*)(at3plusHeader + 0x20) = atrac->atracBytesPerFrame; atrac->atracBitrate = ( atrac->atracBytesPerFrame * 352800 ) / 1000; atrac->atracBitrate = ((atrac->atracBitrate >> 11) + 8) & 0xFFFFFFF0; *(u32*)(at3plusHeader + 0x1c) = atrac->atracBitrate * 1000 / 8; *(u16*)(at3plusHeader + 0x3e) = at3plusHeaderMap[i + 1][0]; *(u32*)(at3plusHeader + sizeof(at3plusHeader) - 4) = dataSize; return true; } } return false; } int sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder(int atracID, u32 paramsAddr) { INFO_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder(%i, %08x)", atracID, paramsAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); if (atrac && Memory::IsValidAddress(paramsAddr)) { atrac->atracChannels = Memory::Read_U32(paramsAddr); atrac->atracOutputChannels = Memory::Read_U32(paramsAddr + 4); atrac->atracBufSize = Memory::Read_U32(paramsAddr + 8); atrac->atracBytesPerFrame = atrac->atracBufSize; atrac->first.writableBytes = atrac->atracBytesPerFrame; atrac->CleanStuff(); INFO_LOG(HLE, "Channels: %i outputChannels: %i bytesperFrame: %x", atrac->atracChannels, atrac->atracOutputChannels, atrac->atracBytesPerFrame); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3) { WARN_LOG(HLE, "This is an atrac3 audio (low level)"); int headersize = sizeof(at3Header); initAT3Decoder(atrac); atrac->firstSampleoffset = headersize; atrac->first.size = headersize; atrac->first.filesize = headersize + atrac->atracBytesPerFrame; atrac->data_buf = new u8[atrac->first.filesize]; memcpy(atrac->data_buf, at3Header, headersize); atrac->currentSample = 0; __AtracSetContext(atrac); return 0; } #endif // USE_FFMPEG if (atrac->codeType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS){ atrac->data_buf = new u8[atrac->atracBytesPerFrame]; __AtracSetContext(atrac); return 0; } } return 0; } int sceAtracLowLevelDecode(int atracID, u32 sourceAddr, u32 sourceBytesConsumedAddr, u32 samplesAddr, u32 sampleBytesAddr) { DEBUG_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL sceAtracLowLevelDecode(%i, %08x, %08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, sourceAddr, sourceBytesConsumedAddr, samplesAddr, sampleBytesAddr); Atrac *atrac = getAtrac(atracID); #ifdef USE_FFMPEG if (Memory::IsValidAddress(sourceAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(sourceBytesConsumedAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(samplesAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(sampleBytesAddr) && atrac && atrac->pCodecCtx) { u32 sourcebytes = atrac->first.writableBytes; if (sourcebytes > 0) { Memory::Memcpy(atrac->data_buf + atrac->first.size, sourceAddr, sourcebytes); atrac->first.size += sourcebytes; } int numSamples = 0; int forceseekSample = 0x200000; atrac->SeekToSample(forceseekSample); atrac->SeekToSample(atrac->currentSample); AVPacket packet; int got_frame, avret; while (av_read_frame(atrac->pFormatCtx, &packet) >= 0) { if (packet.stream_index == atrac->audio_stream_index) { got_frame = 0; avret = avcodec_decode_audio4(atrac->pCodecCtx, atrac->pFrame, &got_frame, &packet); if (avret < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "atracID: %i, avcodec_decode_audio4: Error decoding audio %d", atracID, avret); av_free_packet(&packet); break; } if (got_frame) { // got a frame int decoded = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, atrac->pFrame->channels, atrac->pFrame->nb_samples, (AVSampleFormat)atrac->pFrame->format, 1); u8* out = Memory::GetPointer(samplesAddr); numSamples = atrac->pFrame->nb_samples; avret = swr_convert(atrac->pSwrCtx, &out, atrac->pFrame->nb_samples, (const u8**)atrac->pFrame->extended_data, atrac->pFrame->nb_samples); if (avret < 0) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "swr_convert: Error while converting %d", avret); } } av_free_packet(&packet); if (got_frame) break; } } atrac->currentSample += numSamples; numSamples = ATRAC3_MAX_SAMPLES; Memory::Write_U32(numSamples * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracOutputChannels, sampleBytesAddr); atrac->SeekToSample(atrac->currentSample); if (atrac->decodePos >= atrac->first.size) { atrac->first.writableBytes = atrac->atracBytesPerFrame; atrac->first.size = atrac->firstSampleoffset; atrac->currentSample = 0; } else atrac->first.writableBytes = 0; Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.writableBytes, sourceBytesConsumedAddr); return 0; } #endif // USE_FFMPEG if (Memory::IsValidAddress(sourceAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(sourceBytesConsumedAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(samplesAddr) && Memory::IsValidAddress(sampleBytesAddr) && atrac && atrac->decoder_context) { u32 sourcebytes = atrac->first.writableBytes; static u8 buf[0x8000]; if (sourcebytes > 0) { int decodebytes = 0; Atrac3plus_Decoder::Decode(atrac->decoder_context, Memory::GetPointer(sourceAddr), sourcebytes, &decodebytes, buf); atrac->sampleQueue.push(buf, decodebytes); } s16* out = (s16*)Memory::GetPointer(samplesAddr); memset(out, 0, ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracOutputChannels); int gotsize = atrac->sampleQueue.pop_front(buf, ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracChannels); int numSamples = gotsize / sizeof(s16) / atrac->atracChannels; s16* in = (s16*)buf; for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { s16 sampleL = *in++; s16 sampleR = sampleL; if (atrac->atracChannels == 2) sampleR = *in++; *out++ = sampleL; if (atrac->atracOutputChannels == 2) *out++ = sampleR; } numSamples = ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES; Memory::Write_U32(numSamples * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracOutputChannels, sampleBytesAddr); int space = atrac->sampleQueue.getQueueSize(); if (space < ATRAC3PLUS_MAX_SAMPLES * sizeof(s16) * atrac->atracChannels) atrac->first.writableBytes = atrac->atracBytesPerFrame; else atrac->first.writableBytes = 0; Memory::Write_U32(atrac->first.writableBytes, sourceBytesConsumedAddr); return 0; } return 0; } int sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID(u32 halfBuffer, u32 readSize, u32 halfBufferSize) { if (readSize > halfBufferSize) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x): invalid read size", halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); return ATRAC_ERROR_INCORRECT_READ_SIZE; } if (readSize < 0 || halfBufferSize < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x): invalid buffer size", halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); return -1; } int codecType = getCodecType(halfBuffer); Atrac *atrac = new Atrac(); atrac->first.addr = halfBuffer; atrac->first.size = halfBufferSize; atrac->Analyze(); int atracID = createAtrac(atrac, codecType); if (atracID < 0) { ERROR_LOG_REPORT(HLE, "sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x): no free ID", halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); delete atrac; return atracID; } ERROR_LOG(HLE, "UNIMPL %d=sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID(%08x, %08x, %08x)", atracID, halfBuffer, readSize, halfBufferSize); return createAtrac(atrac, codecType); } const HLEFunction sceAtrac3plus[] = { {0x7db31251,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracAddStreamData"}, {0x6a8c3cd5,WrapU_IUUUU,"sceAtracDecodeData"}, {0xd5c28cc0,WrapU_V,"sceAtracEndEntry"}, {0x780f88d1,WrapU_I,"sceAtracGetAtracID"}, {0xca3ca3d2,WrapU_IIU,"sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting"}, {0xa554a158,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracGetBitrate"}, {0x31668baa,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracGetChannel"}, {0xfaa4f89b,WrapU_IUU,"sceAtracGetLoopStatus"}, {0xe88f759b,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracGetInternalErrorInfo"}, {0xd6a5f2f7,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracGetMaxSample"}, {0xe23e3a35,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracGetNextDecodePosition"}, {0x36faabfb,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracGetNextSample"}, {0x9ae849a7,WrapU_IU,"sceAtracGetRemainFrame"}, {0x83e85ea0,WrapU_IUU,"sceAtracGetSecondBufferInfo"}, {0xa2bba8be,WrapU_IUUU,"sceAtracGetSoundSample"}, {0x5d268707,WrapU_IUUU,"sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo"}, {0x61eb33f5,WrapU_I,"sceAtracReleaseAtracID"}, {0x644e5607,WrapU_IIII,"sceAtracResetPlayPosition"}, {0x3f6e26b5,WrapU_IUUU,"sceAtracSetHalfwayBuffer"}, {0x83bf7afd,WrapU_IUU,"sceAtracSetSecondBuffer"}, {0x0E2A73AB,WrapU_IUU,"sceAtracSetData"}, //? {0x7a20e7af,WrapI_UU,"sceAtracSetDataAndGetID"}, {0xd1f59fdb,WrapU_V,"sceAtracStartEntry"}, {0x868120b5,WrapU_II,"sceAtracSetLoopNum"}, {0x132f1eca,WrapI_II,"sceAtracReinit"}, {0xeca32a99,WrapI_I,"sceAtracIsSecondBufferNeeded"}, {0x0fae370e,WrapI_UUU,"sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID"}, {0x2DD3E298,WrapU_IIU,"sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting"}, {0x5CF9D852,WrapI_IUUU,"sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBuffer"}, {0xF6837A1A,WrapU_IUU,"sceAtracSetMOutData"}, {0x472E3825,WrapI_UU,"sceAtracSetMOutDataAndGetID"}, {0x9CD7DE03,WrapI_UUU,"sceAtracSetMOutHalfwayBufferAndGetID"}, {0xB3B5D042,WrapI_IU,"sceAtracGetOutputChannel"}, {0x5622B7C1,WrapI_UIIU,"sceAtracSetAA3DataAndGetID"}, {0x5DD66588,WrapI_UUU,"sceAtracSetAA3HalfwayBufferAndGetID"}, {0x231FC6B7,WrapI_I<_sceAtracGetContextAddress>,"_sceAtracGetContextAddress"}, {0x1575D64B,WrapI_IU,"sceAtracLowLevelInitDecoder"}, {0x0C116E1B,WrapI_IUUUU,"sceAtracLowLevelDecode"}, }; void Register_sceAtrac3plus() { // Two names RegisterModule("sceATRAC3plus_Library", ARRAY_SIZE(sceAtrac3plus), sceAtrac3plus); RegisterModule("sceAtrac3plus", ARRAY_SIZE(sceAtrac3plus), sceAtrac3plus); }