using System; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions; using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.A7800Hawk { // Emulates the Atari 7800 Maria graphics chip public class Maria { public A7800Hawk Core { get; set; } struct GFX_Object { public byte palette; public byte width; public ushort addr; public byte h_pos; // additional entries used only in 5-byte header mode public bool write_mode; public bool ind_mode; public byte[] obj; // up to 32 bytes can compose one object } // technically there is no limit on the number of graphics objects, but since dma is automatically killed // at the end of a scanline, we have an effective limit GFX_Object[] GFX_Objects = new GFX_Object[128]; public byte[,] line_ram = new byte[2, 320]; byte temp_check = 0; int GFX_index = 0; public int[] _palette; public int[] scanline_buffer = new int[320]; // the Maria chip can directly access memory public Func ReadMemory; public int cycle; public int scanline; public int DLI_countdown; public bool sl_DMA_complete; public bool do_dma; public int DMA_phase = 0; public int DMA_phase_counter; public static int DMA_START_UP = 0; public static int DMA_HEADER = 1; public static int DMA_GRAPHICS = 2; public static int DMA_CHAR_MAP = 3; public static int DMA_SHUTDOWN_OTHER = 4; public static int DMA_SHUTDOWN_LAST = 5; public int header_read_time = 8; // default for 4 byte headers (10 for 5 bytes ones) public int graphics_read_time = 3; // depends on content of graphics header public int DMA_phase_next; public ushort display_zone_pointer; public int display_zone_counter; public byte current_DLL_offset; public ushort current_DLL_addr; public bool current_DLL_DLI; public bool current_DLL_H16; public bool current_DLL_H8; public bool global_write_mode; public int header_counter; public int header_pointer; // since headers could be 4 or 5 bytes, we need a seperate pointer // variables for drawing a pixel int color; int local_GFX_index; int temp_palette; int temp_bit_0; int temp_bit_1; int disp_mode; int pixel; // each frame contains 263 scanlines // each scanline consists of 113.5 CPU cycles (fast access) which equates to 454 Maria cycles // In total there are 29850.5 CPU cycles (fast access) in a frame public void RunFrame() { scanline = 0; global_write_mode = false; Core.Maria_regs[8] = 0x80; // indicates VBlank state // we start off in VBlank for 20 scanlines // at the end of vblank is a DMA to set up the display for the start of drawing // this is free time for the CPU to set up display lists while (scanline < 20) { Core.RunCPUCycle(); cycle++; if (cycle == 454) { scanline++; cycle = 0; Core.tia._hsyncCnt = 0; Core.cpu.RDY = true; } } // "The end of vblank is made up of a DMA startup plus a long shut down" // Since long shut down loads up the next zone, this basically loads up the DLL for the first zone sl_DMA_complete = false; do_dma = false; Core.Maria_regs[8] = 0; // we have now left VBLank for (int i=0; i<454;i++) { if(i==28 && Core.Maria_regs[0x1C].Bit(6) && !Core.Maria_regs[0x1C].Bit(5)) { Core.cpu_halt_pending = true; DMA_phase = DMA_START_UP; DMA_phase_counter = 0; do_dma = true; } else if (!sl_DMA_complete && do_dma) { RunDMA(true); } else if (sl_DMA_complete && current_DLL_DLI && !Core.cpu_is_halted) { // schedule an NMI for one maria tick into the future // (but set to 2 since it decrements immediately) DLI_countdown = 2; current_DLL_DLI = false; } if (DLI_countdown > 0) { DLI_countdown--; if (DLI_countdown == 0) { Core.cpu.NMI = true; } } Core.RunCPUCycle(); } scanline++; cycle = 0; do_dma = false; sl_DMA_complete = false; Core.cpu.RDY = true; // Now proceed with the remaining scanlines // the first one is a pre-render line, since we didn't actually put any data into the buffer yet while (scanline < Core._screen_height) { if (cycle == 28 && Core.Maria_regs[0x1C].Bit(6) && !Core.Maria_regs[0x1C].Bit(5)) { Core.cpu_halt_pending = true; DMA_phase = DMA_START_UP; DMA_phase_counter = 0; do_dma = true; sl_DMA_complete = false; } else if (!sl_DMA_complete && do_dma) { RunDMA(false); } else if (sl_DMA_complete && current_DLL_DLI && !Core.cpu_is_halted) { // schedule an NMI for one maria tick into the future // (but set to 2 since it decrements immediately) DLI_countdown = 2; current_DLL_DLI = false; } if (DLI_countdown > 0) { DLI_countdown--; if (DLI_countdown == 0) { Core.cpu.NMI = true; } } if (cycle == 428 && !sl_DMA_complete && do_dma && (DMA_phase == DMA_GRAPHICS || DMA_phase == DMA_HEADER)) { //Console.WriteLine(scanline); if (current_DLL_offset == 0) { DMA_phase = DMA_SHUTDOWN_LAST; } else { DMA_phase = DMA_SHUTDOWN_OTHER; } DMA_phase_counter = 0; } Core.RunCPUCycle(); ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Drawing Start ////////////////////////////////////////////// if (cycle >=133 && cycle < 453 && scanline > 20) { pixel = cycle - 133; local_GFX_index = (GFX_index == 1) ? 0 : 1; // whatever the current index is, we use the opposite disp_mode = Core.Maria_regs[0x1C] & 0x3; color = line_ram[local_GFX_index, pixel]; if (disp_mode == 0) { // direct read, nothing to do } else if (disp_mode == 2) // note: 1 is not used { // there is a trick here to be aware of. // the renderer has no concept of objects, as it only has information on each pixel // but objects are specified in groups of 8 pixels. // however, since objects can only be placed in 160 resolution // we can pick bits based on whether the current pixel is even or odd temp_palette = color & 0x10; temp_bit_0 = 0; temp_bit_1 = 0; if (pixel % 2 == 0) { temp_bit_1 = color & 2; temp_bit_0 = (color & 8) >> 3; } else { temp_bit_1 = (color & 1) << 1; temp_bit_0 = (color & 4) >> 2; } color = temp_palette + temp_bit_1 + temp_bit_0; } else { // same as above, we can use the pixel index to pick the bits out if (pixel % 2 == 0) { color &= 0x1E; } else { color = (color & 0x1C) + ((color & 1) << 1); } } if ((color & 0x3) != 0) { scanline_buffer[pixel] = _palette[Core.Maria_regs[color]]; } else { scanline_buffer[pixel] = _palette[Core.Maria_regs[0x00]]; } // send buffer to the video buffer Core._vidbuffer[(scanline - 21) * 320 + pixel] = scanline_buffer[pixel]; // clear the line ram line_ram[local_GFX_index, pixel] = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Drawing End ////////////////////////////////////////////// cycle++; if (cycle == 454) { scanline++; cycle = 0; Core.tia._hsyncCnt = 0; Core.cpu.RDY = true; // swap sacnline buffers if (GFX_index == 1) { GFX_index = 0; } else { GFX_index = 1; } } } } public void RunDMA(bool short_dma) { // During DMA the CPU is HALTED, This appears to happen on the falling edge of Phi2 // Current implementation is that a HALT request must be acknowledged in phi1 // if the CPU is now in halted state, start DMA if (Core.cpu_is_halted) { DMA_phase_counter++; if (DMA_phase_counter==2 && DMA_phase==DMA_START_UP) { DMA_phase_counter = 0; if (short_dma) { DMA_phase = DMA_SHUTDOWN_LAST; // also here we load up the display list list // is the timing correct? display_zone_pointer = (ushort)((Core.Maria_regs[0xC] << 8) | Core.Maria_regs[0x10]); display_zone_counter = -1; } else { DMA_phase = DMA_HEADER; } return; } if (DMA_phase == DMA_HEADER) { // get all the data from the display list header if (DMA_phase_counter==1) { header_counter++; GFX_Objects[header_counter].addr = ReadMemory((ushort)(current_DLL_addr + header_pointer)); header_pointer++; byte temp = ReadMemory((ushort)(current_DLL_addr + header_pointer)); // if there is no width, then we must have an extended header // or at the end of this list if ((temp & 0x1F) == 0) { if (!temp.Bit(6)) { // at the end of the list, time to end the DMA // check if we are at the end of the zone if (current_DLL_offset == 0) { DMA_phase_next = DMA_SHUTDOWN_LAST; } else { DMA_phase_next = DMA_SHUTDOWN_OTHER; } header_read_time = 8; header_pointer++; } else { // we are in 5 Byte header mode (i.e. using the character map) GFX_Objects[header_counter].write_mode = temp.Bit(7); global_write_mode = temp.Bit(7); GFX_Objects[header_counter].ind_mode = temp.Bit(5); header_pointer++; temp = (byte)(ReadMemory((ushort)(current_DLL_addr + header_pointer))); GFX_Objects[header_counter].addr |= (ushort)(temp << 8); header_pointer++; temp = ReadMemory((ushort)(current_DLL_addr + header_pointer)); int temp_w = (temp & 0x1F); // this is the 2's complement of width (for reasons that escape me) if (temp_w == 0) { // important note here. In 5 byte mode, width 0 actually counts as 32 GFX_Objects[header_counter].width = 32; } else { temp_w = (temp_w - 1); temp_w = (0x1F - temp_w); GFX_Objects[header_counter].width = (byte)(temp_w & 0x1F); } GFX_Objects[header_counter].palette = (byte)((temp & 0xE0) >> 5); header_pointer++; GFX_Objects[header_counter].h_pos = ReadMemory((ushort)(current_DLL_addr + header_pointer)); header_pointer++; DMA_phase_next = DMA_GRAPHICS; header_read_time = 10; } } else { int temp_w = (temp & 0x1F); // this is the 2's complement of width (for reasons that escape me) temp_w = (temp_w - 1); temp_w = (0x1F - temp_w); GFX_Objects[header_counter].width = (byte)(temp_w & 0x1F); GFX_Objects[header_counter].palette = (byte)((temp & 0xE0) >> 5); header_pointer++; temp = (byte)(ReadMemory((ushort)(current_DLL_addr + header_pointer))); GFX_Objects[header_counter].addr |= (ushort)(temp << 8); header_pointer++; GFX_Objects[header_counter].h_pos = ReadMemory((ushort)(current_DLL_addr + header_pointer)); header_pointer++; DMA_phase_next = DMA_GRAPHICS; GFX_Objects[header_counter].write_mode = global_write_mode; GFX_Objects[header_counter].ind_mode = false; header_read_time = 8; } } else if (DMA_phase_counter == header_read_time) { DMA_phase_counter = 0; DMA_phase = DMA_phase_next; } return; } if (DMA_phase == DMA_GRAPHICS) { if (DMA_phase_counter == 1) { ushort addr_t = 0; // in 5 byte mode, we first have to check if we are in direct or indirect mode if (GFX_Objects[header_counter].ind_mode) { int ch_size = 0; if (Core.Maria_regs[0x1C].Bit(4)) { graphics_read_time = 9 * GFX_Objects[header_counter].width; ch_size = 2; } else { graphics_read_time = 6 * GFX_Objects[header_counter].width; ch_size = 1; } // the address here is specified by CHAR_BASE maria registers // ushort addr = (ushort)(GFX_Objects[header_counter].addr & 0xFF); for (int i = 0; i < GFX_Objects[header_counter].width; i++) { addr_t = ReadMemory((ushort)(GFX_Objects[header_counter].addr + i)); addr_t |= (ushort)((Core.Maria_regs[0x14] + current_DLL_offset) << 8); if (((current_DLL_H16 && addr_t.Bit(12)) || (current_DLL_H8 && addr_t.Bit(11))) && (addr_t >= 0x8000)) { if (i * ch_size < 128) { GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i * ch_size] = 0; } if ((i * ch_size + 1 < 128) && (ch_size == 2)) { GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i * ch_size + 1] = 0; } if (i != 0) { if (ch_size == 1) { graphics_read_time -= 6; } else { graphics_read_time -= 9; } } } else { if (i * ch_size < 128) { GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i * ch_size] = ReadMemory(addr_t); fill_line_ram(GFX_Objects[header_counter].h_pos * 2, i, 0, ch_size, GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i * ch_size], GFX_Objects[header_counter].write_mode); } if (((i * ch_size + 1) < 128) && (ch_size == 2)) { GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i * ch_size + 1] = ReadMemory((ushort)(addr_t + 1)); fill_line_ram(GFX_Objects[header_counter].h_pos * 2, i, 1, ch_size, GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i * ch_size + 1], GFX_Objects[header_counter].write_mode); } } } } else { graphics_read_time = 3 * GFX_Objects[header_counter].width; for (int i = 0; i < GFX_Objects[header_counter].width; i++) { addr_t = (ushort)(GFX_Objects[header_counter].addr + (current_DLL_offset << 8) + i); if (((current_DLL_H16 && addr_t.Bit(12)) || (current_DLL_H8 && addr_t.Bit(11))) && (addr_t >= 0x8000)) { GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i] = 0; if (i != 0) { graphics_read_time -= 3; } } else { GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i] = ReadMemory(addr_t); fill_line_ram(GFX_Objects[header_counter].h_pos * 2, i, 0, 1, GFX_Objects[header_counter].obj[i], GFX_Objects[header_counter].write_mode); } } } } if (DMA_phase_counter == graphics_read_time || graphics_read_time == 0) { // We have read the graphics data, for this header, now return to the header list // This loop will continue until a header indicates its time to stop DMA_phase = DMA_HEADER; DMA_phase_counter = 0; } return; } if (DMA_phase == DMA_SHUTDOWN_OTHER) { if (DMA_phase_counter == 6) { Core.cpu_resume_pending = true; sl_DMA_complete = true; current_DLL_offset -= 1; // this is reduced by one for each scanline, which changes where graphics are fetched header_counter = -1; header_pointer = 0; } return; } if (DMA_phase == DMA_SHUTDOWN_LAST) { if (DMA_phase_counter==12) { Core.cpu_resume_pending = true; sl_DMA_complete = true; // on the last line of a zone, we load up the disply list list for the next zone. display_zone_counter++; ushort temp_addr = (ushort)(display_zone_pointer + 3 * display_zone_counter); byte temp = ReadMemory(temp_addr); current_DLL_addr = (ushort)(ReadMemory((ushort)(temp_addr + 1)) << 8); current_DLL_addr |= ReadMemory((ushort)(temp_addr + 2)); current_DLL_offset = (byte)(temp & 0xF); current_DLL_DLI = temp.Bit(7); current_DLL_H16 = temp.Bit(6); current_DLL_H8 = temp.Bit(5); header_counter = -1; header_pointer = 0; } return; } } } public void fill_line_ram(int temp_start, int index, int doub_size, int ch_s, byte temp_byte, bool w_m) { if (w_m) { temp_start = temp_start + index * ch_s * 4 + doub_size * 4; for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++) { if ((temp_start + z) % 512 < 320) { if (z < 2) { temp_check = (byte)((temp_byte & 0xC) + ((temp_byte >> 6) & 0x3)); } else { temp_check = (byte)(((temp_byte & 0x3) << 2) + ((temp_byte >> 4) & 0x3)); } if ((temp_check & 3) != 0) { line_ram[GFX_index, (temp_start + z) % 512] = temp_check; line_ram[GFX_index, (temp_start + z) % 512] += (byte)((GFX_Objects[header_counter].palette & 4) << 2); } else if (Core.Maria_regs[0x1C].Bit(2)) { // kangaroo mode, override transparency with zero line_ram[GFX_index, (temp_start + z) % 512] = 0; } } } } else { temp_start = temp_start + index * ch_s * 8 + doub_size * 8; for (int z = 0; z < 8; z++) { if (((temp_start + z) % 512) < 320) { if (z < 2) { temp_check = (byte)((temp_byte >> 6) & 0x3); } else if (z < 4) { temp_check = (byte)((temp_byte >> 4) & 0x3); } else if (z < 6) { temp_check = (byte)((temp_byte >> 2) & 0x3); } else { temp_check = (byte)(temp_byte & 0x3); } if (temp_check != 0) { line_ram[GFX_index, (temp_start + z) % 512] = temp_check; line_ram[GFX_index, (temp_start + z) % 512] += (byte)(GFX_Objects[header_counter].palette << 2); } else if (Core.Maria_regs[0x1C].Bit(2)) { // kangaroo mode, override transparency with zero line_ram[GFX_index, (temp_start + z) % 512] = 0; } } } } } public void Reset() { for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { GFX_Objects[i].obj = new byte[128]; } } // Most of the Maria state is captured in Maria Regs in the core // Only write Mode is persistent and outside of the regs // also since DMA is always killed at scanline boundaries, most related check variables are also not needed public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.BeginSection("Maria"); ser.Sync("GFX_index", ref GFX_index); ser.EndSection(); } } }