using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using swf=System.Windows.Forms;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
namespace BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL
/// This is a wrapper over hopefully any OpenGL bindings..
/// And possibly, quite possibly, Direct3d.. even though none of your shaders would work. (could use nvidia CG, native dlls in necessary since this would only be for windows)
/// TODO - This really needs to be split up into an internal and a user interface. so many of the functions are made to support the smart wrappers
/// Maybe make a method that returns an interface used for advanced methods (and IGL_TK could implement that as well and just "return this:")
/// NOTE: THIS SHOULD NOT BE ASSUMED TO BE THREAD SAFE! Make a new IGL if you want to use it in a new thread. I hope that will work...
public interface IGL : IDisposable
/// Clears the specified buffer parts
void Clear(ClearBufferMask mask);
/// Sets the current clear color
void SetClearColor(Color color);
/// compile a fragment shader. This is the simplified method. A more complex method may be added later which will accept multiple sources and preprocessor definitions independently
Shader CreateFragmentShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required);
/// compile a vertex shader. This is the simplified method. A more complex method may be added later which will accept multiple sources and preprocessor definitions independently
Shader CreateVertexShader(bool cg, string source, string entry, bool required);
/// Creates a complete pipeline from the provided vertex and fragment shader handles
Pipeline CreatePipeline(VertexLayout vertexLayout, Shader vertexShader, Shader fragmentShader, bool required, string memo);
/// Binds this pipeline as the current used for rendering
void BindPipeline(Pipeline pipeline);
/// Sets a uniform sampler to use use the provided texture
void SetPipelineUniformSampler(PipelineUniform uniform, Texture2d tex);
/// Sets a uniform value
void SetPipelineUniformMatrix(PipelineUniform uniform, Matrix4 mat, bool transpose);
/// Sets a uniform value
void SetPipelineUniformMatrix(PipelineUniform uniform, ref Matrix4 mat, bool transpose);
/// sets a uniform value
void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector4 value);
/// sets a uniform value
void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector2 value);
/// sets a uniform value
void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, float value);
/// sets uniform values
void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector4[] values);
/// sets a uniform value
void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, bool value);
/// Binds array data for use with the currently-bound pipeline's VertexLayout
unsafe void BindArrayData(void* pData);
/// Begins a rendering scene; use before doing any draw calls, as per normal
void BeginScene();
/// Indicates end of scene rendering; use after alldraw calls as per normal
void EndScene();
/// Draws based on the currently set pipeline, VertexLayout and ArrayData.
/// Count is the VERT COUNT not the primitive count
void DrawArrays(PrimitiveType mode, int first, int count);
/// resolves the texture into a new BitmapBuffer
BitmapBuffer ResolveTexture2d(Texture2d texture);
/// Sets a 2d texture parameter
void TexParameter2d(Texture2d texture, TextureParameterName pname, int param);
/// creates a vertex layout resource
VertexLayout CreateVertexLayout();
/// Creates a blending state object
IBlendState CreateBlendState(BlendingFactorSrc colorSource, BlendEquationMode colorEquation, BlendingFactorDest colorDest,
BlendingFactorSrc alphaSource, BlendEquationMode alphaEquation, BlendingFactorDest alphaDest);
/// retrieves a blend state for opaque rendering
/// Alpha values are copied from the source fragment.
IBlendState BlendNoneCopy { get; }
/// retrieves a blend state for opaque rendering
/// Alpha values are written as opaque
IBlendState BlendNoneOpaque { get; }
/// retrieves a blend state for normal (non-premultiplied) alpha blending.
/// Alpha values are copied from the source fragment.
IBlendState BlendNormal { get; }
/// Sets the current blending state object
void SetBlendState(IBlendState rsBlend);
/// Creates a texture with the specified dimensions
/// TODO - pass in specifications somehow
Texture2d CreateTexture(int width, int height);
/// In case you already have the texture ID (from an opengl emulator gpu core) you can get a Texture2d with it this way.
/// Otherwise, if this isn't an OpenGL frontend implementation, I guess... try reading the texturedata out of it and making a new texture?
Texture2d WrapGLTexture2d(IntPtr glTexId, int width, int height);
/// Sets the clamp mode (for both uv) for the Texture2d.
/// The default is clamped=true.
void SetTextureWrapMode(Texture2d tex, bool clamp);
/// Loads the texture with new data. This isnt supposed to be especially versatile, it just blasts a bitmap buffer into the texture
void LoadTextureData(Texture2d tex, BitmapBuffer bmp);
/// Loads a texture from disk
Texture2d LoadTexture(string path);
/// Loads a texture from the stream
Texture2d LoadTexture(Stream stream);
/// Loads a texture from the BitmapBuffer
Texture2d LoadTexture(BitmapBuffer buffer);
/// Loads a texture from the System.Drawing.Bitmap
Texture2d LoadTexture(Bitmap bitmap);
/// sets the viewport (and scissor) according to the provided specifications
void SetViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height);
/// sets the viewport (and scissor) according to the provided specifications
void SetViewport(int width, int height);
/// sets the viewport (and scissor) according to the client area of the provided control
void SetViewport(swf.Control control);
/// sets the viewport (and scissor) according to the provided specifications
void SetViewport(Size size);
/// generates a proper 2d othographic projection for the given destination size, suitable for use in a GUI
Matrix4 CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(int w, int h);
/// generates a proper 2d othographic projection for the given destination size, suitable for use in a GUI
Matrix4 CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(Size dims);
/// generates a proper view transform for a standard 2d ortho projection, including half-pixel jitter if necessary and
/// re-establishing of a normal 2d graphics top-left origin. suitable for use in a GUI
Matrix4 CreateGuiViewMatrix(int w, int h, bool autoflip = true);
/// generates a proper view transform for a standard 2d ortho projection, including half-pixel jitter if necessary and
/// re-establishing of a normal 2d graphics top-left origin. suitable for use in a GUI
Matrix4 CreateGuiViewMatrix(Size dims, bool autoflip = true);
/// Creates a render target. Only includes a color buffer. Pixel format control TBD
RenderTarget CreateRenderTarget(int w, int h);
/// Binds a RenderTarget for current rendering
void BindRenderTarget(RenderTarget rt);
/// returns a string representing the API employed by this context
string API { get; }
/// frees the provided render target. Same as disposing the resource.
void FreeRenderTarget(RenderTarget rt);
/// frees the provided texture. Same as disposing the resource.
void FreeTexture(Texture2d tex);
/// Frees the provided pipeline. Same as disposing the resource.
void FreePipeline(Pipeline pipeline);
/// Frees the provided texture. For internal use only.
void Internal_FreeShader(Shader shader);
IGraphicsControl Internal_CreateGraphicsControl();