using System.IO; using System.Linq; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class SaveSlotManager { private readonly bool[] _slots = new bool[10]; private readonly bool[] _redo = new bool[10]; public SaveSlotManager() { Update(); } public void Update() { if (Global.Game == null || Global.Emulator == null) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _slots[i] = false; } return; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var file = new FileInfo( PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game) + "." + "QuickSave" + i + ".State" ); if (file.Directory != null && file.Directory.Exists == false) { file.Directory.Create(); } _slots[i] = file.Exists; } } public bool HasSavestateSlots { get { Update(); return _slots.Any(slot => slot); } } public bool HasSlot(int slot) { if (Global.Emulator is NullEmulator) { return false; } if (slot < 0 || slot > 10) { return false; } Update(); return _slots[slot]; } public void ClearRedoList() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _redo[i] = false; } } public void ToggleRedo(int slot) { if (slot < 0 || slot > 9) { return; } _redo[slot] ^= true; } public bool IsRedo(int slot) { if (slot < 0 || slot > 9) { return false; } return _redo[slot]; } public void Clear() { ClearRedoList(); Update(); } public void SwapBackupSavestate(string path) { // Takes the .state and .bak files and swaps them var state = new FileInfo(path); var backup = new FileInfo(path + ".bak"); var temp = new FileInfo(path + ".bak.tmp"); if (!state.Exists || !backup.Exists) { return; } if (temp.Exists) { temp.Delete(); } backup.CopyTo(path + ".bak.tmp"); backup.Delete(); state.CopyTo(path + ".bak"); state.Delete(); temp.CopyTo(path); temp.Delete(); ToggleRedo(Global.Config.SaveSlot); } } }