using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using BizHawk.Client.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using System.Drawing; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public partial class VirtualPad : UserControl { private readonly PadSchema _schema; private bool _readOnly; public void UpdateValues() { PadControls.ForEach(c => c.UpdateValues()); } private List PadControls { get { return PadBox.Controls .OfType() .ToList(); } } public string PadSchemaDisplayName { get { return _schema.DisplayName; } } public bool ReadOnly { get { return _readOnly; } set { _readOnly = value; PadControls.ForEach(c => c.ReadOnly = value); } } public VirtualPad(PadSchema schema) { SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); InitializeComponent(); Dock = DockStyle.Top | DockStyle.Left; _schema = schema; } private void VirtualPadControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Size = UIHelper.Scale(_schema.DefaultSize); MaximumSize = UIHelper.Scale(_schema.MaxSize ?? _schema.DefaultSize); PadBox.Text = _schema.DisplayName; foreach (var button in _schema.Buttons) { switch (button.Type) { case PadSchema.PadInputType.Boolean: var buttonControl = new VirtualPadButton { Name = button.Name, Text = button.DisplayName, Location = UIHelper.Scale(button.Location), Image = button.Icon, }; if (button.Icon != null && UIHelper.AutoScaleFactorX > 1F && UIHelper.AutoScaleFactorY > 1F) { // When scaling up, unfortunately the icon will look too small, but at least we can make the rest of the button bigger buttonControl.AutoSize = false; buttonControl.Size = UIHelper.Scale(button.Icon.Size) + new Size(6, 6); } PadBox.Controls.Add(buttonControl); break; case PadSchema.PadInputType.AnalogStick: PadBox.Controls.Add(new VirtualPadAnalogStick { Name = button.Name, SecondaryName = (button.SecondaryNames != null && button.SecondaryNames.Any()) ? button.SecondaryNames[0] : "", Location = UIHelper.Scale(button.Location), Size = UIHelper.Scale(new Size(180 + 79, 200 + 9)), RangeX = new float[] { button.MinValue, button.MidValue, button.MaxValue }, RangeY = new float[] { button.MinValueSec, button.MidValueSec, button.MaxValueSec }, }); break; case PadSchema.PadInputType.TargetedPair: PadBox.Controls.Add(new VirtualPadTargetScreen { Name = button.Name, Location = UIHelper.Scale(button.Location), TargetSize = button.TargetSize, XName = button.Name, YName = button.SecondaryNames[0], RangeX = button.MaxValue, RangeY = button.MaxValue // TODO: ability to have a different Y than X }); break; case PadSchema.PadInputType.FloatSingle: PadBox.Controls.Add(new VirtualPadAnalogButton { Name = button.Name, DisplayName = button.DisplayName, Location = UIHelper.Scale(button.Location), Size = UIHelper.Scale(button.TargetSize), MinValue = button.MinValue, MaxValue = button.MaxValue, Orientation = button.Orientation }); break; case PadSchema.PadInputType.DiscManager: PadBox.Controls.Add(new VirtualPadDiscManager(button.SecondaryNames) { Name = button.Name, //DisplayName = button.DisplayName, Location = UIHelper.Scale(button.Location), Size = UIHelper.Scale(button.TargetSize), OwnerEmulator = button.OwnerEmulator }); break; } } } public void Clear() { PadControls.ForEach(p => p.Clear()); } public void ClearBoolean() { PadControls .OfType() .ToList() .ForEach(p => p.Clear()); } public void Set(IController controller) { PadControls.ForEach(c => c.Set(controller)); } public void SetPrevious(IController previous) { PadControls .OfType() .ToList() .ForEach(c => c.SetPrevious(previous)); } public void BumpAnalog(int? x, int? y) { PadControls .OfType() .ToList() .ForEach(a => a.Bump(x, y)); PadControls .OfType() .ToList() .ForEach(a => a.Bump(x)); PadControls .OfType() .ToList() .ForEach(a => a.Bump(x, y)); } } }