using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Windows.Forms; using swf = System.Windows.Forms; using sd = System.Drawing; using sdi = System.Drawing.Imaging; using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL; using SlimDX.Direct3D9; using d3d9=SlimDX.Direct3D9; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics; using gl=OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; namespace BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.SlimDX { public class IGL_SlimDX9 : IGL { static Direct3D d3d; private Device dev; INativeWindow OffscreenNativeWindow; public string API { get { return "D3D9"; } } public IGL_SlimDX9() { if (d3d == null) { d3d = new Direct3D(); } //make an 'offscreen context' so we can at least do things without having to create a window OffscreenNativeWindow = new OpenTK.NativeWindow(); OffscreenNativeWindow.ClientSize = new sd.Size(8, 8); CreateDevice(); } private void DestroyDevice() { if (dev != null) { dev.Dispose(); dev = null; } } public void CreateDevice() { DestroyDevice(); //just create some present params so we can get the device created var pp = new PresentParameters { BackBufferWidth = 8, BackBufferHeight = 8, DeviceWindowHandle = OffscreenNativeWindow.WindowInfo.Handle, PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate }; var flags = CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing; if ((d3d.GetDeviceCaps(0, DeviceType.Hardware).DeviceCaps & DeviceCaps.HWTransformAndLight) != 0) { flags = CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing; } dev = new Device(d3d, 0, DeviceType.Hardware, pp.DeviceWindowHandle, flags, pp); } void IDisposable.Dispose() { } public void Clear(OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.ClearBufferMask mask) { } public IBlendState CreateBlendState(gl.BlendingFactorSrc colorSource, gl.BlendEquationMode colorEquation, gl.BlendingFactorDest colorDest, gl.BlendingFactorSrc alphaSource, gl.BlendEquationMode alphaEquation, gl.BlendingFactorDest alphaDest) { return null; } public void SetClearColor(sd.Color color) { } public unsafe void BindArrayData(void* pData) { } public void FreeTexture(Texture2d tex) { var dtex = tex.Opaque as d3d9.Texture; dtex.Dispose(); } public IntPtr GetEmptyHandle() { return new IntPtr(0); } public IntPtr GetEmptyUniformHandle() { return new IntPtr(-1); } class ShaderWrapper { public d3d9.ConstantTable ct; public d3d9.VertexShader vs; public d3d9.PixelShader ps; } public Shader CreateFragmentShader(string source, bool required) { ShaderWrapper sw = new ShaderWrapper(); string errors; using (var bytecode = d3d9.ShaderBytecode.Compile(source, null, null, "psmain", "ps_2_0", ShaderFlags.None, out errors)) { sw.ct = bytecode.ConstantTable; = new PixelShader(dev, bytecode); } Shader s = new Shader(this, IntPtr.Zero, true); s.Opaque = sw; return s; } public Shader CreateVertexShader(string source, bool required) { ShaderWrapper sw = new ShaderWrapper(); string errors; using (var bytecode = d3d9.ShaderBytecode.Compile(source, null, null, "vsmain", "vs_2_0", ShaderFlags.None, out errors)) { sw.ct = bytecode.ConstantTable; sw.vs = new VertexShader(dev, bytecode); } Shader s = new Shader(this, IntPtr.Zero, true); s.Opaque = sw; return s; } public void FreeShader(IntPtr shader) { } public void SetBlendState(IBlendState rsBlend) { //TODO for real } class MyBlendState : IBlendState { } static MyBlendState _rsBlendNoneOpaque = new MyBlendState(), _rsBlendNoneVerbatim = new MyBlendState(), _rsBlendNormal = new MyBlendState(); public IBlendState BlendNoneCopy { get { return _rsBlendNoneVerbatim; } } public IBlendState BlendNoneOpaque { get { return _rsBlendNoneOpaque; } } public IBlendState BlendNormal { get { return _rsBlendNormal; } } public Pipeline CreatePipeline(VertexLayout vertexLayout, Shader vertexShader, Shader fragmentShader, bool required) { VertexElement[] ves = new VertexElement[vertexLayout.Items.Count]; foreach (var kvp in vertexLayout.Items) { var item = kvp.Value; d3d9.DeclarationType decltype = DeclarationType.Float1; switch (item.AttribType) { case gl.VertexAttribPointerType.Float: if (item.Components == 1) decltype = DeclarationType.Float1; else if (item.Components == 2) decltype = DeclarationType.Float2; else if (item.Components == 3) decltype = DeclarationType.Float3; else if (item.Components == 4) decltype = DeclarationType.Float4; else throw new NotSupportedException(); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } d3d9.DeclarationUsage usage = DeclarationUsage.Position; byte usageIndex = 0; switch(item.Usage) { case AttributeUsage.Position: usage = DeclarationUsage.Position; break; case AttributeUsage.Texcoord0: usage = DeclarationUsage.TextureCoordinate; break; case AttributeUsage.Texcoord1: usage = DeclarationUsage.TextureCoordinate; usageIndex = 1; break; case AttributeUsage.Color0: usage = DeclarationUsage.Color; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } ves[kvp.Key] = new VertexElement(0, (short)item.Offset, decltype, DeclarationMethod.Default, usage, usageIndex); } var pw = new PipelineWrapper(); pw.VertexDeclaration = new VertexDeclaration(dev, ves); Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(this,IntPtr.Zero,true, vertexLayout, new List()); pipeline.Opaque = pw; return pipeline; } class PipelineWrapper { public d3d9.VertexDeclaration VertexDeclaration; } public VertexLayout CreateVertexLayout() { return new VertexLayout(this, new IntPtr(0)); } public void BindTexture2d(Texture2d tex) { } public void SetTextureWrapMode(Texture2d tex, bool clamp) { } public void DrawArrays(PrimitiveType mode, int first, int count) { } public void BindPipeline(Pipeline pipeline) { } public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, bool value) { } public unsafe void SetPipelineUniformMatrix(PipelineUniform uniform, Matrix4 mat, bool transpose) { } public unsafe void SetPipelineUniformMatrix(PipelineUniform uniform, ref Matrix4 mat, bool transpose) { } public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector4 value) { } public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector2 value) { } public void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, float value) { } public unsafe void SetPipelineUniform(PipelineUniform uniform, Vector4[] values) { } public void SetPipelineUniformSampler(PipelineUniform uniform, IntPtr texHandle) { } public void TexParameter2d(gl.TextureParameterName pname, int param) { //if (CurrentBoundTexture == null) // return; //TextureWrapper tw = TextureWrapperForTexture(CurrentBoundTexture); //if (pname == TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter) // tw.MinFilter = (TextureMinFilter)param; //if (pname == TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter) // tw.MagFilter = (TextureMagFilter)param; } public Texture2d LoadTexture(sd.Bitmap bitmap) { using (var bmp = new BitmapBuffer(bitmap, new BitmapLoadOptions())) return (this as IGL).LoadTexture(bmp); } public Texture2d LoadTexture(Stream stream) { using (var bmp = new BitmapBuffer(stream, new BitmapLoadOptions())) return (this as IGL).LoadTexture(bmp); } public Texture2d CreateTexture(int width, int height) { return null; } public Texture2d WrapGLTexture2d(IntPtr glTexId, int width, int height) { //TODO - need to rip the texturedata. we had code for that somewhere... return null; } public void LoadTextureData(Texture2d tex, BitmapBuffer bmp) { sdi.BitmapData bmp_data = bmp.LockBits(); d3d9.Texture dtex = tex.Opaque as d3d9.Texture; var dr = dtex.LockRectangle(0, LockFlags.None); //TODO - do we need to handle odd sizes, weird pitches here? dr.Data.WriteRange(bmp_data.Scan0, bmp.Width * bmp.Height); dtex.UnlockRectangle(0); bmp.UnlockBits(bmp_data); } public Texture2d LoadTexture(BitmapBuffer bmp) { var tex = new d3d9.Texture(dev, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, 1, d3d9.Usage.None, d3d9.Format.A8R8G8B8, d3d9.Pool.Managed); var ret = new Texture2d(this, IntPtr.Zero, tex, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); LoadTextureData(ret, bmp); return ret; } public unsafe BitmapBuffer ResolveTexture2d(Texture2d tex) { //todo return null; } public Texture2d LoadTexture(string path) { //todo //using (var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) // return (this as IGL).LoadTexture(fs); return null; } public Matrix4 CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(int w, int h) { return CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(new sd.Size(w, h)); } public Matrix4 CreateGuiViewMatrix(int w, int h) { return CreateGuiViewMatrix(new sd.Size(w, h)); } public Matrix4 CreateGuiProjectionMatrix(sd.Size dims) { Matrix4 ret = Matrix4.Identity; ret.M11 = 2.0f / (float)dims.Width; ret.M22 = 2.0f / (float)dims.Height; return ret; } public Matrix4 CreateGuiViewMatrix(sd.Size dims) { Matrix4 ret = Matrix4.Identity; ret.M22 = -1.0f; ret.M41 = -(float)dims.Width * 0.5f; // -0.5f; ret.M42 = (float)dims.Height * 0.5f; // +0.5f; return ret; } public void SetViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) { } public void SetViewport(int width, int height) { } public void SetViewport(sd.Size size) { SetViewport(size.Width, size.Height); } public void SetViewport(swf.Control control) { } public void BeginControl(GLControlWrapper_SlimDX9 control) { } public void EndControl(GLControlWrapper_SlimDX9 control) { } public void SwapControl(GLControlWrapper_SlimDX9 control) { } public void FreeRenderTarget(RenderTarget rt) { //int id = rt.Id.ToInt32(); //var rtw = ResourceIDs.Lookup[id] as RenderTargetWrapper; //rtw.Target.Dispose(); //ResourceIDs.Free(rt.Id); } public unsafe RenderTarget CreateRenderTarget(int w, int h) { //Texture2d tex = null; //var rt = new RenderTarget(this, ResourceIDs.Alloc(ResourceIdManager.EResourceType.RenderTarget), tex); //int id = rt.Id.ToInt32(); //RenderTargetWrapper rtw = new RenderTargetWrapper(this); //rtw.Target = rt; //ResourceIDs.Lookup[id] = rtw; //return rt; return null; } public void BindRenderTarget(RenderTarget rt) { //if (rt == null) //{ // //null means to use the default RT for the current control // CurrentRenderTargetWrapper = CurrentControl.RenderTargetWrapper; //} //else //{ // CurrentRenderTargetWrapper = RenderTargetWrapperForRt(rt); //} } public void RefreshControlSwapChain(GLControlWrapper_SlimDX9 control) { if (control.SwapChain != null) { control.SwapChain.Dispose(); control.SwapChain = null; } var pp = new PresentParameters { BackBufferWidth = Math.Max(8,control.ClientSize.Width), BackBufferHeight = Math.Max(8, control.ClientSize.Height), BackBufferCount = 2, BackBufferFormat = Format.X8R8G8B8, DeviceWindowHandle = control.Handle, Windowed = true, PresentationInterval = control.Vsync ? PresentInterval.One : PresentInterval.Immediate }; control.SwapChain = new SwapChain(dev, pp); } public IGraphicsControl Internal_CreateGraphicsControl() { var ret = new GLControlWrapper_SlimDX9(this); RefreshControlSwapChain(ret); return ret; } public void DrawArrays(gl.PrimitiveType mode, int first, int count) { } } //class IGL_SlimDX }