using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; namespace BizHawk.MultiClient { public enum MOVIEMODE { INACTIVE, PLAY, RECORD, FINISHED }; public class Movie { public MovieHeader Header = new MovieHeader(); public SubtitleList Subtitles = new SubtitleList(); public bool MakeBackup = true; //make backup before altering movie public bool IsText { get; private set; } public string Filename { get; private set; } public MOVIEMODE Mode { get; private set; } public int Rerecords { get; private set; } private int Frames; private MovieLog Log = new MovieLog(); private int lastLog; public bool StartsFromSavestate { get; private set; } public bool Loaded { get; private set; } public Movie(string filename, MOVIEMODE m) { Mode = m; lastLog = 0; Rerecords = 0; this.Filename = filename; IsText = true; Frames = 0; StartsFromSavestate = false; if (filename.Length > 0) Loaded = true; } public Movie() { Filename = ""; Mode = MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE; IsText = true; Frames = 0; StartsFromSavestate = false; Loaded = false; } public string SysID() { return Header.GetHeaderLine(MovieHeader.PLATFORM); } public string GUID() { return Header.GetHeaderLine(MovieHeader.GUID); } public string GetGameName() { return Header.GetHeaderLine(MovieHeader.GAMENAME); } public int Length() { if (Loaded) return Log.Length(); else return Frames; } public void StopMovie() { if (Mode == MOVIEMODE.RECORD) WriteMovie(); Mode = MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE; } public void StartNewRecording() { StartNewRecording(true); } public void StartNewRecording(bool truncate) { Mode = MOVIEMODE.RECORD; if (Global.Config.EnableBackupMovies && MakeBackup && Log.Length() > 0) { WriteBackup(); MakeBackup = false; } if(truncate) Log.Clear(); } public void StartPlayback() { Mode = MOVIEMODE.PLAY; } public void CommitFrame(int frameNum, IController source) { //if (Global.Emulator.Frame < Log.Length()) //{ // Log.Truncate(Global.Emulator.Frame); //} //Note: Truncation here instead of loadstate will make VBA style loadstates //(Where an entire movie is loaded then truncated on the next frame //this allows users to restore a movie with any savestate from that "timeline" MnemonicsGenerator mg = new MnemonicsGenerator(); mg.SetSource(source); Log.SetFrameAt(frameNum, mg.GetControllersAsMnemonic()); } public string GetInputFrame(int frame) { lastLog = frame; if (frame < Log.Length()) return Log.GetFrame(frame); else return ""; } public void AppendFrame(string record) { Log.AddFrame(record); } public void InsertFrame(string record, int frame) { Log.SetFrameAt(frame, record); } public void WriteMovie() { if (!Loaded) return; if (Filename == "") return; Directory.CreateDirectory(new FileInfo(Filename).Directory.FullName); if (IsText) WriteText(Filename); else WriteBinary(Filename); } public void WriteBackup() { if (!Loaded) return; if (Filename == "") return; Directory.CreateDirectory(new FileInfo(Filename).Directory.FullName); string BackupName = Filename; BackupName = BackupName.Insert(Filename.LastIndexOf("."), String.Format(".{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now)); Global.RenderPanel.AddMessage("Backup movie saved to " + BackupName); if (IsText) WriteText(BackupName); else WriteBinary(BackupName); } private void WriteText(string file) { if (file.Length == 0) return; //Nothing to write int length = Log.Length(); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file)) { Header.WriteText(sw); Subtitles.WriteText(sw); Log.WriteText(sw); } } private void WriteBinary(string file) { } private bool LoadText() { var file = new FileInfo(Filename); if (file.Exists == false) { Loaded = false; return false; } else { Header.Clear(); Log.Clear(); } using (StreamReader sr = file.OpenText()) { string str = ""; while ((str = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (str == "") { continue; } if (str.Contains(MovieHeader.RERECORDS)) { str = ParseHeader(str, MovieHeader.RERECORDS); try { Rerecords = int.Parse(str); } catch { Rerecords = 0; } } else if (str.Contains(MovieHeader.STARTSFROMSAVESTATE)) { str = ParseHeader(str, MovieHeader.STARTSFROMSAVESTATE); if (str == "1") StartsFromSavestate = true; } if (Header.AddHeaderFromLine(str)) continue; if (str.StartsWith("subtitle") || str.StartsWith("sub")) { Subtitles.AddSubtitle(str); } else if (str[0] == '|') { Log.AddFrame(str); } else { Header.Comments.Add(str); } } } Loaded = true; return true; } /// /// Load Header information only for displaying file information in dialogs such as play movie /// /// public bool PreLoadText() { Loaded = false; var file = new FileInfo(Filename); if (file.Exists == false) return false; else { Header.Clear(); Log.Clear(); } using (StreamReader sr = file.OpenText()) { string str = ""; int length = 0; while ((str = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { length += str.Length + 1; if (str == "") { continue; } else if (Header.AddHeaderFromLine(str)) continue; if (str.StartsWith("subtitle") || str.StartsWith("sub")) { Subtitles.AddSubtitle(str); } else if (str[0] == '|') { int line = str.Length + 1; length -= line; int lines = (int)file.Length - length; this.Frames = lines / line; break; } else Header.Comments.Add(str); } sr.Close(); } return true; } private bool LoadBinary() { return true; } public bool LoadMovie() { var file = new FileInfo(Filename); if (file.Exists == false) { Loaded = false; return false; } return LoadText(); } public void DumpLogIntoSavestateText(TextWriter writer) { writer.WriteLine("[Input]"); string s = MovieHeader.GUID + " " + Header.GetHeaderLine(MovieHeader.GUID); writer.WriteLine(s); for (int x = 0; x < Log.Length(); x++) writer.WriteLine(Log.GetFrame(x)); writer.WriteLine("[/Input]"); } public void LoadLogFromSavestateText(TextReader reader) { //We are in record mode so replace the movie log with the one from the savestate Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive = false; //adelikat: Hack because this is causing crashes by being true when it shouldn't! if (!Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive) { if (Global.Config.EnableBackupMovies && MakeBackup && Log.Length() > 0) { WriteBackup(); MakeBackup = false; } Log.Clear(); while (true) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) break; if (line.Trim() == "") continue; if (line == "[Input]") continue; if (line == "[/Input]") break; if (line[0] == '|') Log.AddFrame(line); } } else { int i = 0; while (true) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) break; if (line.Trim() == "") continue; if (line == "[Input]") continue; if (line == "[/Input]") break; if (line[0] == '|') { Log.SetFrameAt(i, line); i++; } } } if (Global.Emulator.Frame < Log.Length()) { Log.Truncate(Global.Emulator.Frame); } IncrementRerecords(); } public void IncrementRerecords() { Rerecords++; Header.UpdateRerecordCount(Rerecords); } public void SetRerecords(int value) { Rerecords = value; Header.SetHeaderLine(MovieHeader.RERECORDS, Rerecords.ToString()); } public void SetMovieFinished() { if (Mode == MOVIEMODE.PLAY) Mode = MOVIEMODE.FINISHED; } public string GetTime(bool preLoad) { string time = ""; double seconds; if (preLoad) seconds = GetSeconds(Frames); else seconds = GetSeconds(Log.Length()); int hours = ((int)seconds) / 3600; int minutes = (((int)seconds) / 60) % 60; double sec = seconds % 60; if (hours > 0) time += MakeDigits(hours) + ":"; time += MakeDigits(minutes) + ":"; time += Math.Round((decimal)sec, 2).ToString(); return time; } private string MakeDigits(decimal num) { return MakeDigits((int)num); } private string MakeDigits(int num) { if (num < 10) return "0" + num.ToString(); else return num.ToString(); } private double GetSeconds(int frameCount) { const double NES_PAL = 50.006977968268290849; const double NES_NTSC = (double)60.098813897440515532; const double PCE = (7159090.90909090 / 455 / 263); //~59.826 const double SMS_NTSC = (3579545 / 262.0 / 228.0); const double SMS_PAL = (3546893 / 313.0 / 228.0); const double NGP = (6144000.0 / (515 * 198)); const double VBOY = (20000000 / (259 * 384 * 4)); //~50.273 const double LYNX = 59.8; const double WSWAN = (3072000.0 / (159 * 256)); double seconds = 0; double frames = (double)frameCount; if (frames < 1) return seconds; bool pal = false; //TODO: pal flag switch (Header.GetHeaderLine(MovieHeader.PLATFORM)) { case "GG": case "SG": case "SMS": if (pal) return frames / SMS_PAL; else return frames / SMS_NTSC; case "FDS": case "NES": case "SNES": if (pal) return frames / NES_PAL; else return frames / NES_NTSC; case "PCE": return frames / PCE; //One Day! case "VBOY": return frames / VBOY; case "NGP": return frames / NGP; case "LYNX": return frames / LYNX; case "WSWAN": return frames / WSWAN; //******** case "": default: if (pal) return frames / 50.0; else return frames / 60.0; } } public int CheckTimeLines(StreamReader reader) { return -1; //Hack //This function will compare the movie data to the savestate movie data to see if they match //TODO: Will eventually check header data too such as GUI /* MovieLog l = new MovieLog(); string line; while (true) { line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line.Trim() == "") continue; else if (line == "[Input]") continue; else if (line == "[/Input]") break; else if (line[0] == '|') l.AddFrame(line); } for (int x = 0; x < Log.Length(); x++) { string xs = Log.GetFrame(x); string ys = l.GetFrame(x); //if (Log.GetFrame(x) != l.GetFrame(x)) if (xs != ys) return x; } return -1; */ } public int CompareTo(Movie Other, string parameter) { int compare = 0; if (parameter == "File") { compare = CompareFileName(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareSysID(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareGameName(Other); if (compare == 0) compare = CompareLength(Other); } } } else if (parameter == "SysID") { compare = CompareSysID(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareFileName(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareGameName(Other); if (compare == 0) compare = CompareLength(Other); } } } else if (parameter == "Game") { compare = CompareGameName(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareFileName(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareSysID(Other); if (compare == 0) compare = CompareLength(Other); } } } else if (parameter == "Length") { compare = CompareLength(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareFileName(Other); if (compare == 0) { compare = CompareSysID(Other); if (compare == 0) compare = CompareGameName(Other); } } } return compare; } private int CompareFileName(Movie Other) { string otherName = Path.GetFileName(Other.Filename); string thisName = Path.GetFileName(this.Filename); return thisName.CompareTo(otherName); } private int CompareSysID(Movie Other) { string otherSysID = Other.SysID(); string thisSysID = this.SysID(); if (thisSysID == null && otherSysID == null) return 0; else if (thisSysID == null) return -1; else if (otherSysID == null) return 1; else return thisSysID.CompareTo(otherSysID); } private int CompareGameName(Movie Other) { string otherGameName = Other.GetGameName(); string thisGameName = this.GetGameName(); if (thisGameName == null && otherGameName == null) return 0; else if (thisGameName == null) return -1; else if (otherGameName == null) return 1; else return thisGameName.CompareTo(otherGameName); } private int CompareLength(Movie Other) { int otherLength = Other.Frames; int thisLength = this.Frames; if (thisLength < otherLength) return -1; else if (thisLength > otherLength) return 1; else return 0; } private string ParseHeader(string line, string headerName) { string str; int x = line.LastIndexOf(headerName) + headerName.Length; str = line.Substring(x + 1, line.Length - x - 1); return str; } } }