using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Common; //HOW TO USE //we dont expect anyone to use this fully yet. It's just over-engineered for future use. //for now, just use it when you truly dont know what to do with a file. //This system depends heavily on the provided extension. We're not going to exhaustively try every format all the time. If someone loads a cue which is named .sfc, we cant cope with that. //However, common mistakes will be handled, on an as-needed basis. //TODO - check for archives too? further, check archive contents (probably just based on filename)? //TODO - parameter to enable checks vs firmware, game databases //TODO (in client) - costly hashes could happen only once the file type is known (and a hash for that filetype could be used) namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores { /// /// Each of these should ideally represent a single file type. /// However for now they just may resemble a console, and a core would know how to parse some set of those after making its own determination. /// If formats are very similar but with small differences, and that determination can be made, then it will be in the ExtraInfo in the FileIDResult /// public enum FileIDType { None, Multiple, //dont think this makes sense. shouldnt the multiple options be returned? Disc, //an unknown disc PSX, PSX_EXE, PSF, PSP, Saturn, MegaCD, PCE, SGX, TurboCD, INES, FDS, UNIF, NSF, SFC, N64, GB, GBC, GBA, NDS, COL, SG, SMS, GG, S32X, SMD, // WS, WSC, NGC, C64, ZXSpectrum, AmstradCPC, INT, A26, A52, A78, LNX, JAD, SBI, M3U, //audio codec formats WAV, APE, MPC, FLAC, MP3, //can't be ID'd very readily.. //misc disc-related files: ECM } public class FileIDResult { public FileIDResult() { } public FileIDResult(FileIDType type, int confidence) { FileIDType = type; Confidence = confidence; } public FileIDResult(FileIDType type) { FileIDType = type; } /// /// a percentage between 0 and 100 assessing the confidence of this result /// public int Confidence; /// /// /// public FileIDType FileIDType; /// /// extra information which could be easily gotten during the file ID (region, suspected homebrew, CRC invalid, etc.) /// public Dictionary ExtraInfo = new Dictionary(); } public class FileIDResults : List { public FileIDResults() { } public FileIDResults(FileIDResult item) { base.Add(item); } public new void Sort() { base.Sort((x, y) => x.Confidence.CompareTo(y.Confidence)); } /// /// indicates whether the client should try again after mounting the disc image for further inspection /// public bool ShouldTryDisc; } public class FileID { /// /// parameters for an Identify job /// public class IdentifyParams { /// /// The extension of the original file (with or without the .) /// public string Extension; /// /// a seekable stream which can be used /// public Stream SeekableStream; /// /// the file in question mounted as a disc /// public DiscSystem.Disc Disc; } class IdentifyJob { public Stream Stream; public string Extension; public DiscSystem.Disc Disc; } /// /// performs wise heuristics to identify a file. /// this will attempt to return early if a confident result can be produced. /// public FileIDResults Identify(IdentifyParams p) { IdentifyJob job = new IdentifyJob() { Stream = p.SeekableStream, Disc = p.Disc }; //if we have a disc, that's a separate codepath if (job.Disc != null) return IdentifyDisc(job); FileIDResults ret = new FileIDResults(); string ext = p.Extension; if(ext != null) { ext = ext.TrimStart('.').ToUpper(); job.Extension = ext; } if (job.Extension == "CUE") { ret.ShouldTryDisc = true; return ret; } if(job.Extension != null) { //first test everything associated with this extension ExtensionInfo handler = null; if (ExtensionHandlers.TryGetValue(ext, out handler)) { foreach (var del in handler.Testers) { var fidr = del(job); if (fidr.FileIDType == FileIDType.None) continue; ret.Add(fidr); } ret.Sort(); //add a low confidence result just based on extension, if it doesnt exist if(ret.Find( (x) => x.FileIDType == handler.DefaultForExtension) == null) { var fidr = new FileIDResult(handler.DefaultForExtension, 5); ret.Add(fidr); } } } ret.Sort(); //if we didnt find anything high confidence, try all the testers (TODO) return ret; } /// /// performs wise heuristics to identify a file (simple version) /// public FileIDType IdentifySimple(IdentifyParams p) { var ret = Identify(p); if (ret.ShouldTryDisc) return FileIDType.Disc; if (ret.Count == 0) return FileIDType.None; else if(ret.Count == 1) return ret[0].FileIDType; else if (ret[0].Confidence == ret[1].Confidence) return FileIDType.Multiple; else return ret[0].FileIDType; } FileIDResults IdentifyDisc(IdentifyJob job) { var discIdentifier = new DiscSystem.DiscIdentifier(job.Disc); //DiscSystem could use some newer approaches from this file (instead of parsing ISO filesystem... maybe?) switch (discIdentifier.DetectDiscType()) { case DiscSystem.DiscType.SegaSaturn: return new FileIDResults(new FileIDResult(FileIDType.Saturn, 100)); case DiscSystem.DiscType.SonyPSP: return new FileIDResults(new FileIDResult(FileIDType.PSP, 100)); case DiscSystem.DiscType.SonyPSX: return new FileIDResults(new FileIDResult(FileIDType.PSX, 100)); case DiscSystem.DiscType.MegaCD: return new FileIDResults(new FileIDResult(FileIDType.MegaCD, 100)); case DiscSystem.DiscType.TurboCD: return new FileIDResults(new FileIDResult(FileIDType.TurboCD, 5)); case DiscSystem.DiscType.UnknownCDFS: case DiscSystem.DiscType.UnknownFormat: default: return new FileIDResults(new FileIDResult()); } } class SimpleMagicRecord { public int Offset; public string Key; public int Length = -1; public Func ExtraCheck; } //some of these (NES, UNIF for instance) should be lower confidence probably... //if you change some of the Length arguments for longer keys, please make notes about why static class SimpleMagics { public static SimpleMagicRecord INES = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "NES" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord UNIF = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "UNIF" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord NSF = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "NESM\x1A" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord FDS_HEADERLESS = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "\x01*NINTENDO-HVC*" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord FDS_HEADER = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "FDS\x1A" }; //the GBA nintendo logo.. we'll only use 16 bytes of it but theyre all here, for reference //we cant expect these roms to be normally sized, but we may be able to find other features of the header to use for extra checks public static SimpleMagicRecord GBA = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 4, Length = 16, Key = "\x24\xFF\xAE\x51\x69\x9A\xA2\x21\x3D\x84\x82\x0A\x84\xE4\x09\xAD\x11\x24\x8B\x98\xC0\x81\x7F\x21\xA3\x52\xBE\x19\x93\x09\xCE\x20\x10\x46\x4A\x4A\xF8\x27\x31\xEC\x58\xC7\xE8\x33\x82\xE3\xCE\xBF\x85\xF4\xDF\x94\xCE\x4B\x09\xC1\x94\x56\x8A\xC0\x13\x72\xA7\xFC\x9F\x84\x4D\x73\xA3\xCA\x9A\x61\x58\x97\xA3\x27\xFC\x03\x98\x76\x23\x1D\xC7\x61\x03\x04\xAE\x56\xBF\x38\x84\x00\x40\xA7\x0E\xFD\xFF\x52\xFE\x03\x6F\x95\x30\xF1\x97\xFB\xC0\x85\x60\xD6\x80\x25\xA9\x63\xBE\x03\x01\x4E\x38\xE2\xF9\xA2\x34\xFF\xBB\x3E\x03\x44\x78\x00\x90\xCB\x88\x11\x3A\x94\x65\xC0\x7C\x63\x87\xF0\x3C\xAF\xD6\x25\xE4\x8B\x38\x0A\xAC\x72\x21\xD4\xF8\x07" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord NDS = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0xC0, Length = 16, Key = "\x24\xFF\xAE\x51\x69\x9A\xA2\x21\x3D\x84\x82\x0A\x84\xE4\x09\xAD\x11\x24\x8B\x98\xC0\x81\x7F\x21\xA3\x52\xBE\x19\x93\x09\xCE\x20\x10\x46\x4A\x4A\xF8\x27\x31\xEC\x58\xC7\xE8\x33\x82\xE3\xCE\xBF\x85\xF4\xDF\x94\xCE\x4B\x09\xC1\x94\x56\x8A\xC0\x13\x72\xA7\xFC\x9F\x84\x4D\x73\xA3\xCA\x9A\x61\x58\x97\xA3\x27\xFC\x03\x98\x76\x23\x1D\xC7\x61\x03\x04\xAE\x56\xBF\x38\x84\x00\x40\xA7\x0E\xFD\xFF\x52\xFE\x03\x6F\x95\x30\xF1\x97\xFB\xC0\x85\x60\xD6\x80\x25\xA9\x63\xBE\x03\x01\x4E\x38\xE2\xF9\xA2\x34\xFF\xBB\x3E\x03\x44\x78\x00\x90\xCB\x88\x11\x3A\x94\x65\xC0\x7C\x63\x87\xF0\x3C\xAF\xD6\x25\xE4\x8B\x38\x0A\xAC\x72\x21\xD4\xF8\x07" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord GB = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset=0x104, Length = 16, Key = "\xCE\xED\x66\x66\xCC\x0D\x00\x0B\x03\x73\x00\x83\x00\x0C\x00\x0D\x00\x08\x11\x1F\x88\x89\x00\x0E\xDC\xCC\x6E\xE6\xDD\xDD\xD9\x99\xBB\xBB\x67\x63\x6E\x0E\xEC\xCC\xDD\xDC\x99\x9F\xBB\xB9\x33\x3E" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord S32X = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0x100, Key = "SEGA 32X" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord SEGAGENESIS = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0x100, Key = "SEGA GENESIS" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord SEGAMEGADRIVE = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0x100, Key = "SEGA MEGA DRIVE" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord SEGASATURN = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "SEGA SEGASATURN" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord SEGADISCSYSTEM = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "SEGADISCSYSTEM" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord PSX = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0x24E0, Key = " Licensed by Sony Computer Entertainment" }; //there might be other ideas for checking in mednafen sources, if we need them public static SimpleMagicRecord PSX_EXE = new SimpleMagicRecord { Key = "PS-X EXE\0" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord PSP = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0x8000, Key = "\x01CD001\x01\0x00PSP GAME" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord PSF = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "PSF\x1" }; // public static SimpleMagicRecord A78 = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "\x01ATARI7800" }; //could be at various offsets? public static SimpleMagicRecord TMR_SEGA = new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0x7FF0, Key = "TMR SEGA" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord SBI = new SimpleMagicRecord { Key = "SBI\0" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord M3U = new SimpleMagicRecord { Key = "#EXTM3U" }; //note: M3U may not have this. EXTM3U only has it. We'll still catch it by extension though. public static SimpleMagicRecord ECM = new SimpleMagicRecord { Key = "ECM\0" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord FLAC = new SimpleMagicRecord { Key = "fLaC" }; public static SimpleMagicRecord MPC = new SimpleMagicRecord { Key = "MP+", ExtraCheck = (s) => { s.Position += 3; return s.ReadByte() >= 7; } }; public static SimpleMagicRecord APE = new SimpleMagicRecord { Key = "MAC " }; public static SimpleMagicRecord[] WAV = new SimpleMagicRecord[] { new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 0, Key = "RIFF" }, new SimpleMagicRecord { Offset = 8, Key = "WAVEfmt " } }; } class ExtensionInfo { public ExtensionInfo(FileIDType defaultForExtension, FormatTester tester) { Testers = new List(1); if(tester != null) Testers.Add(tester); DefaultForExtension = defaultForExtension; } public FileIDType DefaultForExtension; public List Testers; } /// /// testers to try for each extension, along with a default for the extension /// static Dictionary ExtensionHandlers = new Dictionary { { "NES", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.INES, Test_INES ) }, { "FDS", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.FDS, Test_FDS ) }, { "GBA", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.GBA, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.GBA,SimpleMagics.GBA) ) }, { "NDS", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.NDS, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.NDS,SimpleMagics.NDS) ) }, { "UNF", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.UNIF, Test_UNIF ) }, { "UNIF", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.UNIF, Test_UNIF ) }, { "GB", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.GB, Test_GB_GBC ) }, { "GBC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.GBC, Test_GB_GBC ) }, { "N64", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.N64, Test_N64 ) }, { "Z64", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.N64, Test_N64 ) }, { "V64", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.N64, Test_N64 ) }, { "A78", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.A78, Test_A78 ) }, { "SMS", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SMS, Test_SMS ) }, { "BIN", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.Multiple, Test_BIN_ISO ) }, { "ISO", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.Multiple, Test_BIN_ISO ) }, { "M3U", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.M3U, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.M3U,SimpleMagics.M3U) ) }, { "JAD", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.Multiple, Test_JAD_JAC ) }, { "JAC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.Multiple, Test_JAD_JAC ) }, { "SBI", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SBI, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.SBI,SimpleMagics.SBI) ) }, { "EXE", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.PSX_EXE, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.PSX_EXE,SimpleMagics.PSX_EXE) ) }, //royal mess { "MD", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SMD, null ) }, { "SMD", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SMD, null ) }, { "GEN", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SMD, null ) }, //nothing yet... { "PSF", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.PSF, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.PSF,SimpleMagics.PSF) ) }, { "INT", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.INT, null) }, { "SFC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SFC, null) }, { "SMC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SFC, null) }, { "LNX", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.LNX, null ) }, { "SG", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SG, null ) }, { "SGX", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.SGX, null ) }, { "COL", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.COL, null ) }, { "A52", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.A52, null ) }, { "A26", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.A26, null ) }, { "PCE", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.PCE, null ) }, { "GG", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.GG, null ) }, { "WS", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.WS, null ) }, { "WSC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.WSC, null ) }, { "NGC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.NGC, null ) }, { "32X", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.S32X, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.S32X,SimpleMagics.S32X) ) }, //various C64 formats.. can we distinguish between these? { "PRG", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.C64, null ) }, { "D64", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.C64, null ) }, { "T64", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.C64, null ) }, { "G64", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.C64, null ) }, { "CRT", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.C64, null ) }, { "NIB", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.C64, null ) }, //not supported yet //for now { "ROM", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.Multiple, null ) }, //could be MSX too { "MP3", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.MP3, null ) }, { "WAV", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.WAV, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.WAV,SimpleMagics.WAV) ) }, { "APE", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.APE, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.APE,SimpleMagics.APE) ) }, { "MPC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.MPC, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.MPC,SimpleMagics.MPC) ) }, { "FLAC", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.FLAC, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.FLAC,SimpleMagics.FLAC) ) }, { "ECM", new ExtensionInfo(FileIDType.ECM, (j)=>Test_Simple(j,FileIDType.ECM,SimpleMagics.ECM) ) }, }; delegate FileIDResult FormatTester(IdentifyJob job); static int[] no_offsets = new int[] { 0 }; /// /// checks for the magic string (bytewise ASCII check) at the given address /// static bool CheckMagic(Stream stream, IEnumerable recs, params int[] offsets) { if (offsets.Length == 0) offsets = no_offsets; foreach (int n in offsets) { bool ok = true; foreach (var r in recs) { if (!CheckMagicOne(stream, r, n)) { ok = false; break; } } if (ok) return true; } return false; } static bool CheckMagic(Stream stream, SimpleMagicRecord rec, params int[] offsets) { return CheckMagic(stream, new SimpleMagicRecord[] { rec }, offsets); } static bool CheckMagicOne(Stream stream, SimpleMagicRecord rec, int offset) { stream.Position = rec.Offset + offset; string key = rec.Key; int len = rec.Length; if (len == -1) len = key.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int n = stream.ReadByte(); if (n == -1) return false; if (n != key[i]) return false; } if (rec.ExtraCheck != null) { stream.Position = rec.Offset + offset; return rec.ExtraCheck(stream); } else return true; } static int ReadByte(Stream stream, int ofs) { stream.Position = ofs; return stream.ReadByte(); } static FileIDResult Test_INES(IdentifyJob job) { if (!CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.INES)) return new FileIDResult(); var ret = new FileIDResult(FileIDType.INES, 100); //an INES file should be a multiple of 8k, with the 16 byte header. //if it isnt.. this is fishy. if (((job.Stream.Length - 16) & (8 * 1024 - 1)) != 0) ret.Confidence = 50; return ret; } static FileIDResult Test_FDS(IdentifyJob job) { if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.FDS_HEADER)) return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.FDS, 90); //kind of a small header.. if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.FDS_HEADERLESS)) return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.FDS, 95); return new FileIDResult(); } /// /// all magics must pass /// static FileIDResult Test_Simple(IdentifyJob job, FileIDType type, SimpleMagicRecord[] magics) { var ret = new FileIDResult(type); if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, magics)) return new FileIDResult(type, 100); else return new FileIDResult(); } static FileIDResult Test_Simple(IdentifyJob job, FileIDType type, SimpleMagicRecord magic) { var ret = new FileIDResult(type); if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, magic)) return new FileIDResult(type, 100); else return new FileIDResult(); } static FileIDResult Test_UNIF(IdentifyJob job) { if (!CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.UNIF)) return new FileIDResult(); //TODO - simple parser (for starters, check for a known chunk being next, see var ret = new FileIDResult(FileIDType.UNIF, 100); return ret; } static FileIDResult Test_GB_GBC(IdentifyJob job) { if (!CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.GB)) return new FileIDResult(); var ret = new FileIDResult(FileIDType.GB, 100); int type = ReadByte(job.Stream, 0x143); if ((type & 0x80) != 0) ret.FileIDType = FileIDType.GBC; //could check cart type and rom size for extra info if necessary return ret; } static FileIDResult Test_SMS(IdentifyJob job) { // //actually, not sure how to handle this yet return new FileIDResult(); } static FileIDResult Test_N64(IdentifyJob job) { // .Z64 = No swapping // .N64 = Word Swapped // .V64 = Byte Swapped //not sure how to check for these yet... var ret = new FileIDResult(FileIDType.N64, 5); if (job.Extension == "V64") ret.ExtraInfo["byteswap"] = true; if (job.Extension == "N64") ret.ExtraInfo["wordswap"] = true; return ret; } static FileIDResult Test_A78(IdentifyJob job) { int len = (int)job.Stream.Length; //we may have a header to analyze if (len % 1024 == 128) { if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.A78)) new FileIDResult(FileIDType.A78, 100); } else if (len % 1024 == 0) { } else { } return new FileIDResult(0); } static FileIDResult Test_BIN_ISO(IdentifyJob job) { //ok, this is complicated. //there are lots of mislabeled bins/isos so lets just treat them the same (mostly) //if the BIN cant be recognized, but it is small, it is more likely some other rom BIN than a disc (turbocd or other) if (job.Extension == "BIN") { //first we can check for SMD magic words. //since this extension is ambiguous, we can't be completely sure about it. but it's almost surely accurate if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.SEGAGENESIS)) { var ret = new FileIDResult(FileIDType.SMD, 95); ret.ExtraInfo["type"] = "genesis"; return ret; } if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.SEGAMEGADRIVE)) { var ret = new FileIDResult(FileIDType.SMD, 95); ret.ExtraInfo["type"] = "megadrive"; } } //well... guess it's a disc. //since it's just a bin, we dont need the user to provide a DiscSystem disc. //lets just analyze this as best we can. //of course, it's a lot of redundant logic with the discsystem disc checker. //but you kind of need different approaches when loading a hugely unstructured bin file //discsystem won't really even be happy mounting a .bin anyway, and we don't want it to be //for PSX, we have a magic word to look for. //it's at 0x24E0 with a mode2 (2352 byte) track 1. //what if its 2048 byte? //i found a ".iso" which was actually 2352 byte sectors.. //found a hilarious ".bin.iso" which was actually 2352 byte sectors //so, I think it's possible that every valid PSX disc is mode2 in the track 1 if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.PSX)) { var ret = new FileIDResult(FileIDType.PSX, 95); //this is an unreliable way to get a PSX game! ret.ExtraInfo["unreliable"] = true; return ret; } //it's not proven that this is reliable. this is actually part of the Mode 1 CDFS header. perhaps it's mobile? //if it's mobile, we'll need to mount it as an ISO file here via discsystem if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.PSP)) return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.PSP, 95); //if this was an ISO, we might discover the magic word at offset 0... //if it was a mode2/2352 bin, we might discover it at offset 16 (after the data sector header) if(CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.SEGASATURN,0)) return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.Saturn, job.Extension == "ISO" ? 95 : 90); if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.SEGASATURN, 16)) return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.Saturn, job.Extension == "BIN" ? 95 : 90); if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.SEGADISCSYSTEM, 0)) return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.MegaCD, job.Extension == "ISO" ? 95 : 90); if (CheckMagic(job.Stream, SimpleMagics.SEGADISCSYSTEM, 16)) return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.MegaCD, job.Extension == "BIN" ? 95 : 90); if (job.Extension == "ISO") return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.Disc, 1); else return new FileIDResult(FileIDType.Multiple, 1); } static FileIDResult Test_JAD_JAC(IdentifyJob job) { //TBD //just mount it as a disc and send it through the disc checker? return null; } } }