using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using SlimDX.DirectInput; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Client.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { //coalesces events back into instantaneous states public class InputCoalescer : SimpleController { public void Receive(Input.InputEvent ie) { bool state = ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press; string button = ie.LogicalButton.ToString(); Buttons[button] = state; //when a button is released, all modified variants of it are released as well if (!state) { var releases = Buttons.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.Contains("+") && kvp.Key.EndsWith(ie.LogicalButton.Button)).ToArray(); foreach (var kvp in releases) Buttons[kvp.Key] = false; } } } public class ControllerInputCoalescer : SimpleController { public void Receive(Input.InputEvent ie) { bool state = ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press; string button = ie.LogicalButton.ToString(); Buttons[button] = state; //For controller input, we want Shift+X to register as both Shift and X (for Keyboard controllers) string[] subgroups = button.Split('+'); if (subgroups.Length > 0) { foreach (string s in subgroups) { Buttons[s] = state; } } //when a button is released, all modified variants of it are released as well if (!state) { var releases = Buttons.Where((kvp) => kvp.Key.Contains("+") && kvp.Key.EndsWith(ie.LogicalButton.Button)).ToArray(); foreach (var kvp in releases) Buttons[kvp.Key] = false; } } } public class Input { [Flags] public enum InputFocus { None = 0, Mouse = 1, Keyboard = 2, Pad = 4 } /// /// If your form needs this kind of input focus, be sure to say so. /// Really, this only makes sense for mouse, but I've started building it out for other things /// Why is this receiving a control, but actually using it as a Form (where the WantingMouseFocus is checked?) /// Because later we might change it to work off the control, specifically, if a control is supplied (normally actually a Form will be supplied) /// public void ControlInputFocus(System.Windows.Forms.Control c, InputFocus types, bool wants) { if (types.HasFlag(InputFocus.Mouse) && wants) WantingMouseFocus.Add(c); if (types.HasFlag(InputFocus.Mouse) && !wants) WantingMouseFocus.Remove(c); } HashSet WantingMouseFocus = new HashSet(); [Flags] public enum ModifierKey { // Summary: // The bitmask to extract modifiers from a key value. Modifiers = -65536, // // Summary: // No key pressed. None = 0, // // Summary: // The SHIFT modifier key. Shift = 65536, // // Summary: // The CTRL modifier key. Control = 131072, // // Summary: // The ALT modifier key. Alt = 262144, } public static Input Instance { get; private set; } readonly Thread UpdateThread; private Input() { UpdateThread = new Thread(UpdateThreadProc) { IsBackground = true, Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal //why not? this thread shouldn't be very heavy duty, and we want it to be responsive }; UpdateThread.Start(); } public static void Initialize() { if (OSTailoredCode.CurrentOS == OSTailoredCode.DistinctOS.Windows) { KeyInput.Initialize(); IPCKeyInput.Initialize(); GamePad.Initialize(); GamePad360.Initialize(); } else { OTK_Keyboard.Initialize(); // OTK_Gamepad.Initialize(); } Instance = new Input(); } public static void Cleanup() { if (OSTailoredCode.CurrentOS == OSTailoredCode.DistinctOS.Windows) { KeyInput.Cleanup(); GamePad.Cleanup(); } } public enum InputEventType { Press, Release } public struct LogicalButton { public LogicalButton(string button, ModifierKey modifiers) { Button = button; Modifiers = modifiers; } public readonly string Button; public readonly ModifierKey Modifiers; public bool Alt { get { return ((Modifiers & ModifierKey.Alt) != 0); } } public bool Control { get { return ((Modifiers & ModifierKey.Control) != 0); } } public bool Shift { get { return ((Modifiers & ModifierKey.Shift) != 0); } } public override string ToString() { string ret = ""; if (Control) ret += "Ctrl+"; if (Alt) ret += "Alt+"; if (Shift) ret += "Shift+"; ret += Button; return ret; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { var other = (LogicalButton)obj; return other == this; } public override int GetHashCode() { return Button.GetHashCode() ^ Modifiers.GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(LogicalButton lhs, LogicalButton rhs) { return lhs.Button == rhs.Button && lhs.Modifiers == rhs.Modifiers; } public static bool operator !=(LogicalButton lhs, LogicalButton rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } } public class InputEvent { public LogicalButton LogicalButton; public InputEventType EventType; public override string ToString() { return $"{EventType.ToString()}:{LogicalButton.ToString()}"; } } private readonly WorkingDictionary ModifierState = new WorkingDictionary(); private readonly WorkingDictionary LastState = new WorkingDictionary(); private readonly WorkingDictionary UnpressState = new WorkingDictionary(); private readonly HashSet IgnoreKeys = new HashSet(new[] { "LeftShift", "RightShift", "LeftControl", "RightControl", "LeftAlt", "RightAlt" }); private readonly WorkingDictionary FloatValues = new WorkingDictionary(); private readonly WorkingDictionary FloatDeltas = new WorkingDictionary(); private bool trackdeltas = false; void HandleButton(string button, bool newState) { bool isModifier = IgnoreKeys.Contains(button); if (EnableIgnoreModifiers && isModifier) return; if (LastState[button] && newState) return; if (!LastState[button] && !newState) return; //apply //NOTE: this is not quite right. if someone held leftshift+rightshift it would be broken. seems unlikely, though. if (button == "LeftShift") { _Modifiers &= ~ModifierKey.Shift; if (newState) _Modifiers |= ModifierKey.Shift; } if (button == "RightShift") { _Modifiers &= ~ModifierKey.Shift; if (newState) _Modifiers |= ModifierKey.Shift; } if (button == "LeftControl") { _Modifiers &= ~ModifierKey.Control; if (newState) _Modifiers |= ModifierKey.Control; } if (button == "RightControl") { _Modifiers &= ~ModifierKey.Control; if (newState) _Modifiers |= ModifierKey.Control; } if (button == "LeftAlt") { _Modifiers &= ~ModifierKey.Alt; if (newState) _Modifiers |= ModifierKey.Alt; } if (button == "RightAlt") { _Modifiers &= ~ModifierKey.Alt; if (newState) _Modifiers |= ModifierKey.Alt; } if (UnpressState.ContainsKey(button)) { if (newState) return; Console.WriteLine($"Removing Unpress {button} with {nameof(newState)} {newState}"); UnpressState.Remove(button); LastState[button] = false; return; } //dont generate events for things like Ctrl+LeftControl ModifierKey mods = _Modifiers; if (button == "LeftShift") mods &= ~ModifierKey.Shift; if (button == "RightShift") mods &= ~ModifierKey.Shift; if (button == "LeftControl") mods &= ~ModifierKey.Control; if (button == "RightControl") mods &= ~ModifierKey.Control; if (button == "LeftAlt") mods &= ~ModifierKey.Alt; if (button == "RightAlt") mods &= ~ModifierKey.Alt; var ie = new InputEvent { EventType = newState ? InputEventType.Press : InputEventType.Release, LogicalButton = new LogicalButton(button, mods) }; LastState[button] = newState; //track the pressed events with modifiers that we send so that we can send corresponding unpresses with modifiers //this is an interesting idea, which we may need later, but not yet. //for example, you may see this series of events: press:ctrl+c, release:ctrl, release:c //but you might would rather have press:ctr+c, release:ctrl+c //this code relates the releases to the original presses. //UPDATE - this is necessary for the frame advance key, which has a special meaning when it gets stuck down //so, i am adding it as of 11-sep-2011 if (newState) { ModifierState[button] = ie.LogicalButton; } else { if (ModifierState[button] != null) { LogicalButton alreadyReleased = ie.LogicalButton; var ieModified = new InputEvent { LogicalButton = (LogicalButton)ModifierState[button], EventType = InputEventType.Release }; if (ieModified.LogicalButton != alreadyReleased) _NewEvents.Add(ieModified); } ModifierState[button] = null; } _NewEvents.Add(ie); } ModifierKey _Modifiers; private readonly List _NewEvents = new List(); //do we need this? public void ClearEvents() { lock (this) { InputEvents.Clear(); } } private readonly Queue InputEvents = new Queue(); public InputEvent DequeueEvent() { lock (this) { if (InputEvents.Count == 0) return null; else return InputEvents.Dequeue(); } } void EnqueueEvent(InputEvent ie) { lock (this) { InputEvents.Enqueue(ie); } } public List> GetFloats() { List> FloatValuesCopy = new List>(); lock (FloatValues) { foreach (var kvp in FloatValues) FloatValuesCopy.Add(new Tuple(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); } return FloatValuesCopy; } void UpdateThreadProc() { while (true) { var keyEvents = OSTailoredCode.CurrentOS == OSTailoredCode.DistinctOS.Windows ? KeyInput.Update().Concat(IPCKeyInput.Update()) : OTK_Keyboard.Update(); if (OSTailoredCode.CurrentOS == OSTailoredCode.DistinctOS.Windows) { GamePad.UpdateAll(); GamePad360.UpdateAll(); } else { //TODO } //this block is going to massively modify data structures that the binding method uses, so we have to lock it all lock (this) { _NewEvents.Clear(); //analyze keys foreach (var ke in keyEvents) HandleButton(ke.Key.ToString(), ke.Pressed); lock (FloatValues) { //FloatValues.Clear(); //analyze xinput foreach (var pad in GamePad360.EnumerateDevices()) { string xname = $"X{pad.PlayerNumber} "; for (int b = 0; b < pad.NumButtons; b++) HandleButton(xname + pad.ButtonName(b), pad.Pressed(b)); foreach (var sv in pad.GetFloats()) { string n = xname + sv.Item1; float f = sv.Item2; if (trackdeltas) FloatDeltas[n] += Math.Abs(f - FloatValues[n]); FloatValues[n] = f; } } //analyze joysticks foreach (var pad in GamePad.EnumerateDevices()) { string jname = $"J{pad.PlayerNumber} "; for (int b = 0; b < pad.NumButtons; b++) HandleButton(jname + pad.ButtonName(b), pad.Pressed(b)); foreach (var sv in pad.GetFloats()) { string n = jname + sv.Item1; float f = sv.Item2; //if (n == "J5 RotationZ") // System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); if (trackdeltas) FloatDeltas[n] += Math.Abs(f - FloatValues[n]); FloatValues[n] = f; } } // analyse moose // other sorts of mouse api (raw input) could easily be added as a separate listing under a different class if (WantingMouseFocus.Contains(System.Windows.Forms.Form.ActiveForm)) { var P = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition; if (trackdeltas) { // these are relative to screen coordinates, but that's not terribly important FloatDeltas["WMouse X"] += Math.Abs(P.X - FloatValues["WMouse X"]) * 50; FloatDeltas["WMouse Y"] += Math.Abs(P.Y - FloatValues["WMouse Y"]) * 50; } // coordinate translation happens later FloatValues["WMouse X"] = P.X; FloatValues["WMouse Y"] = P.Y; var B = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons; HandleButton("WMouse L", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) != 0); HandleButton("WMouse C", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle) != 0); HandleButton("WMouse R", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) != 0); HandleButton("WMouse 1", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.XButton1) != 0); HandleButton("WMouse 2", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.XButton2) != 0); } else { //dont do this: for now, it will interfere with the virtualpad. dont do something similar for the mouse position either //unpress all buttons //HandleButton("WMouse L", false); //HandleButton("WMouse C", false); //HandleButton("WMouse R", false); //HandleButton("WMouse 1", false); //HandleButton("WMouse 2", false); } } //WHAT!? WE SHOULD NOT BE SO NAIVELY TOUCHING MAINFORM FROM THE INPUTTHREAD. ITS BUSY RUNNING. bool swallow = !GlobalWin.MainForm.AllowInput(false); foreach (var ie in _NewEvents) { //events are swallowed in some cases: if (ie.LogicalButton.Alt && !GlobalWin.MainForm.AllowInput(true)) { } else if (ie.EventType == InputEventType.Press && swallow) { } else EnqueueEvent(ie); } } //lock(this) //arbitrary selection of polling frequency: Thread.Sleep(10); } } public void StartListeningForFloatEvents() { lock (FloatValues) { FloatDeltas.Clear(); trackdeltas = true; } } public string GetNextFloatEvent() { lock (FloatValues) { foreach (var kvp in FloatDeltas) { // need to wiggle the stick a bit if (kvp.Value >= 20000.0f) return kvp.Key; } } return null; } public void StopListeningForFloatEvents() { lock (FloatValues) { trackdeltas = false; } } public void Update() { //TODO - for some reason, we may want to control when the next event processing step happens //so i will leave this method here for now.. } //returns the next Press event, if available. should be useful public string GetNextBindEvent() { //this whole process is intimately involved with the data structures, which can conflict with the input thread. lock (this) { if (InputEvents.Count == 0) return null; if (!GlobalWin.MainForm.AllowInput(false)) return null; //we only listen to releases for input binding, because we need to distinguish releases of pure modifierkeys from modified keys //if you just pressed ctrl, wanting to bind ctrl, we'd see: pressed:ctrl, unpressed:ctrl //if you just pressed ctrl+c, wanting to bind ctrl+c, we'd see: pressed:ctrl, pressed:ctrl+c, unpressed:ctrl+c, unpressed:ctrl //so its the first unpress we need to listen for while (InputEvents.Count != 0) { var ie = DequeueEvent(); //as a special perk, we'll accept escape immediately if (ie.EventType == InputEventType.Press && ie.LogicalButton.Button == "Escape") goto ACCEPT; if (ie.EventType == InputEventType.Press) continue; ACCEPT: Console.WriteLine("Bind Event: {0} ", ie); foreach (var kvp in LastState) if (kvp.Value) { Console.WriteLine($"Unpressing {kvp.Key}"); UnpressState[kvp.Key] = true; } InputEvents.Clear(); return ie.LogicalButton.ToString(); } return null; } } //controls whether modifier keys will be ignored as key press events //this should be used by hotkey binders, but we may want modifier key events //to get triggered in the main form public bool EnableIgnoreModifiers = false; //sets a key as unpressed for the binding system public void BindUnpress(System.Windows.Forms.Keys key) { //only validated for Return string keystr = key.ToString(); UnpressState[keystr] = true; LastState[keystr] = true; } } }