//TODO hook up newer file ID stuff, think about how to combine it with the disc ID //TODO change display manager to not require 0xFF alpha channel set on videoproviders. check gdi+ and opengl! this will get us a speedup in some places //TODO Disc.Structure.Sessions[0].length_aba was 0 //TODO mednafen 0.9.37 changed some disc region detection heuristics. analyze and apply in c# side. also the SCEX id handling changed, maybe simplified //TODO - ok, think about this. we MUST load a state with the CDC completely intact. no quickly changing discs. thats madness. //well, I could savestate the disc index and validate the disc collection when loading a state. //the big problem is, it's completely at odds with the slider-based disc changing model. //but, maybe it can be reconciled with that model by using the disc ejection to our advantage. //perhaps moving the slider is meaningless if the disc is ejected--it only affects what disc is inserted when the disc gets inserted!! yeah! this might could save us! //not exactly user friendly but maybe we can build it from there with a custom UI.. a disk-changer? dunno if that would help using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Common; #pragma warning disable 649 //adelikat: Disable dumb warnings until this file is complete namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sony.PSX { [Core( "Octoshock", "Mednafen Team", isPorted: true, isReleased: true)] public unsafe partial class Octoshock : IEmulator, IVideoProvider, ISoundProvider, ISaveRam, IStatable, IDriveLight, ISettable, IRegionable, IInputPollable { public Octoshock(CoreComm comm, PSF psf, object settings, object syncSettings) { Load(comm, null, null, null, settings, syncSettings, psf); OctoshockDll.shock_PowerOn(psx); } //note: its annoying that we have to have a disc before constructing this. //might want to change that later. HOWEVER - we need to definitely have a region, at least public Octoshock(CoreComm comm, List discs, List discNames, byte[] exe, object settings, object syncSettings) { Load(comm, discs, discNames, exe, settings, syncSettings, null); OctoshockDll.shock_PowerOn(psx); } void Load(CoreComm comm, List discs, List discNames, byte[] exe, object settings, object syncSettings, PSF psf) { ConnectTracer(); CoreComm = comm; DriveLightEnabled = true; _Settings = (Settings)settings ?? new Settings(); _SyncSettings = (SyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new SyncSettings(); Discs = discs; Attach(); //assume this region for EXE and PSF, maybe not correct though string firmwareRegion = "U"; SystemRegion = OctoshockDll.eRegion.NA; if (discs != null) { HackyDiscButtons.AddRange(discNames); foreach (var disc in discs) { var discInterface = new DiscInterface(disc, (di) => { //if current disc this delegate disc, activity is happening if (di == currentDiscInterface) DriveLightOn = true; }); discInterfaces.Add(discInterface); } } else { //assume its NA region for test programs, for now. could it be read out of the ps-exe header? } if (discInterfaces.Count != 0) { //determine region of one of the discs OctoshockDll.ShockDiscInfo discInfo; OctoshockDll.shock_AnalyzeDisc(discInterfaces[0].OctoshockHandle, out discInfo); //try to acquire the appropriate firmware if (discInfo.region == OctoshockDll.eRegion.EU) firmwareRegion = "E"; if (discInfo.region == OctoshockDll.eRegion.JP) firmwareRegion = "J"; SystemRegion = discInfo.region; } //see http://problemkaputt.de/psx-spx.htm int CpuClock_n = 44100 * 768; int CpuClock_d = 1; int VidClock_n = CpuClock_n * 11; int VidClock_d = CpuClock_d * 7; if (SystemRegion == OctoshockDll.eRegion.EU) { VsyncNumerator = VidClock_n; VsyncDenominator = VidClock_d * 314 * 3406; SystemVidStandard = OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.PAL; } else { VsyncNumerator = VidClock_n; VsyncDenominator = VidClock_d * 263 * 3413; SystemVidStandard = OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC; } //TODO - known bad firmwares are a no-go. we should refuse to boot them. (thats the mednafen policy) byte[] firmware = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("PSX", firmwareRegion, true, "A PSX `" + firmwareRegion + "` region bios file is required"); //create the instance fixed (byte* pFirmware = firmware) OctoshockDll.shock_Create(out psx, SystemRegion, pFirmware); SetMemoryDomains(); InitMemCallbacks(); //set a default framebuffer based on the first frame of emulation, to cut down on flickering or whatever //this is probably quixotic, but we have to pick something { BufferWidth = 280; BufferHeight = 240; if (SystemVidStandard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.PAL) { BufferWidth = 280; BufferHeight = 288; } CurrentVideoSize = new System.Drawing.Size(BufferWidth, BufferHeight); var ri = Octoshock.CalculateResolution(SystemVidStandard, _Settings, BufferWidth, BufferHeight); BufferWidth = VirtualWidth = ri.Resolution.Width; BufferHeight = VirtualHeight = ri.Resolution.Height; //VideoProvider_Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(50,50); frameBuffer = new int[BufferWidth * BufferHeight]; } if (discInterfaces.Count != 0) { //start with first disc inserted and tray closed. it's a sensible default. //it will be possible for the user to specify a different initial configuration, but this will inform the UI CurrentTrayOpen = false; CurrentDiscIndexMounted = 1; } else if (psf == null) { //must be an exe fixed (byte* pExeBuffer = exe) OctoshockDll.shock_MountEXE(psx, pExeBuffer, exe.Length, false); //start with no disc inserted and tray closed CurrentTrayOpen = false; CurrentDiscIndexMounted = 0; OctoshockDll.shock_CloseTray(psx); } else { //must be a psf if (psf.LibData != null) fixed (byte* pBuf = psf.LibData) OctoshockDll.shock_MountEXE(psx, pBuf, psf.LibData.Length, true); fixed (byte* pBuf = psf.Data) OctoshockDll.shock_MountEXE(psx, pBuf, psf.Data.Length, false); //start with no disc inserted and tray closed CurrentTrayOpen = false; CurrentDiscIndexMounted = 0; OctoshockDll.shock_CloseTray(psx); } //setup the controller based on sync settings SetControllerButtons(); var fioCfg = _SyncSettings.FIOConfig; if (fioCfg.Multitaps[0]) { OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x01, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.Multitap); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x11, fioCfg.Devices8[0]); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x21, fioCfg.Devices8[1]); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x31, fioCfg.Devices8[2]); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x41, fioCfg.Devices8[3]); } else OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x01, fioCfg.Devices8[0]); if (fioCfg.Multitaps[1]) { OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x02, OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.Multitap); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x12, fioCfg.Devices8[4]); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x22, fioCfg.Devices8[5]); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x32, fioCfg.Devices8[6]); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x42, fioCfg.Devices8[7]); } else OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_Connect(psx, 0x02, fioCfg.Devices8[4]); var memcardTransaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockMemcardTransaction() { transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockMemcardTransaction.Connect }; if (fioCfg.Memcards[0]) OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_MemcardTransact(psx, 0x01, ref memcardTransaction); if (fioCfg.Memcards[1]) OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_MemcardTransact(psx, 0x02, ref memcardTransaction); //do this after framebuffers and peripherals and whatever crap are setup. kind of lame, but thats how it is for now StudySaveBufferSize(); } public string SystemId { get { return "PSX"; } } public static ControllerDefinition CreateControllerDefinition(SyncSettings syncSettings) { ControllerDefinition definition = new ControllerDefinition(); definition.Name = "PSX DualShock Controller"; // <-- for compatibility //ControllerDefinition.Name = "PSX FrontIO"; // TODO - later rename to this, I guess, so it's less misleading. don't want to wreck keybindings yet. var cfg = syncSettings.FIOConfig.ToLogical(); for (int i = 0; i < cfg.NumPlayers; i++) { int pnum = i + 1; var type = cfg.DevicesPlayer[i]; if (type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.NegCon) { definition.BoolButtons.AddRange(new[] { "P" + pnum + " Up", "P" + pnum + " Down", "P" + pnum + " Left", "P" + pnum + " Right", "P" + pnum + " Start", "P" + pnum + " R", "P" + pnum + " B", "P" + pnum + " A", }); definition.FloatControls.AddRange(new[] { "P" + pnum + " Twist", "P" + pnum + " 1", "P" + pnum + " 2", "P" + pnum + " L" }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }); } else { definition.BoolButtons.AddRange(new[] { "P" + pnum + " Up", "P" + pnum + " Down", "P" + pnum + " Left", "P" + pnum + " Right", "P" + pnum + " Select", "P" + pnum + " Start", "P" + pnum + " Square", "P" + pnum + " Triangle", "P" + pnum + " Circle", "P" + pnum + " Cross", "P" + pnum + " L1", "P" + pnum + " R1", "P" + pnum + " L2", "P" + pnum + " R2", }); if (type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock || type == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualAnalog) { definition.BoolButtons.Add("P" + pnum + " L3"); definition.BoolButtons.Add("P" + pnum + " R3"); definition.BoolButtons.Add("P" + pnum + " MODE"); definition.FloatControls.AddRange(new[] { "P" + pnum + " LStick X", "P" + pnum + " LStick Y", "P" + pnum + " RStick X", "P" + pnum + " RStick Y" }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 255.0f, 128.0f, 0.0f }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }); definition.FloatRanges.Add(new[] { 255.0f, 128.0f, 0.0f }); } } } definition.BoolButtons.AddRange(new[] { "Open", "Close", "Reset" }); definition.FloatControls.Add("Disc Select"); definition.FloatRanges.Add( //new[] {-1f,-1f,-1f} //this is carefully chosen so that we end up with a -1 disc by default (indicating that it's never been set) //hmm.. I don't see why this wouldn't work new[] { 0f, 1f, 1f } ); return definition; } private void SetControllerButtons() { ControllerDefinition = CreateControllerDefinition(_SyncSettings); } private int[] frameBuffer = new int[0]; private Random rand = new Random(); public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } //we can only have one active core at a time, due to the lib being so static. //so we'll track the current one here and detach the previous one whenever a new one is booted up. static Octoshock CurrOctoshockCore; IntPtr psx; bool disposed = false; public void Dispose() { if (disposed) return; disposed = true; //discs arent bound to shock core instances, but they may be mounted. kill the core instance first to effectively dereference the disc OctoshockDll.shock_Destroy(psx); psx = IntPtr.Zero; //destroy all discs we're managing (and the unmanaged octoshock resources) foreach (var di in discInterfaces) { di.Disc.Dispose(); di.Dispose(); } discInterfaces.Clear(); } /// /// Wraps the ShockDiscRef returned from the DLL and acts as a bridge between it and a DiscSystem disc /// class DiscInterface : IDisposable { public DiscInterface(DiscSystem.Disc disc, Action cbActivity) { this.Disc = disc; cbReadTOC = ShockDisc_ReadTOC; cbReadLBA = ShockDisc_ReadLBA2448; this.cbActivity = cbActivity; OctoshockDll.shock_CreateDisc(out OctoshockHandle, IntPtr.Zero, disc.Session1.LeadoutLBA, cbReadTOC, cbReadLBA, true); } OctoshockDll.ShockDisc_ReadTOC cbReadTOC; OctoshockDll.ShockDisc_ReadLBA cbReadLBA; Action cbActivity; public DiscSystem.Disc Disc; public IntPtr OctoshockHandle; public void Dispose() { OctoshockDll.shock_DestroyDisc(OctoshockHandle); OctoshockHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } int ShockDisc_ReadTOC(IntPtr opaque, OctoshockDll.ShockTOC* read_target, OctoshockDll.ShockTOCTrack* tracks101) { read_target->disc_type = (byte)Disc.TOC.Session1Format; read_target->first_track = (byte)Disc.TOC.FirstRecordedTrackNumber; //i _think_ thats what is meant here read_target->last_track = (byte)Disc.TOC.LastRecordedTrackNumber; //i _think_ thats what is meant here tracks101[0].lba = tracks101[0].adr = tracks101[0].control = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { var item = Disc.TOC.TOCItems[i]; tracks101[i].adr = (byte)(item.Exists ? 1 : 0); tracks101[i].lba = (uint)item.LBA; tracks101[i].control = (byte)item.Control; } ////the lead-out track is to be synthesized tracks101[read_target->last_track + 1].adr = 1; tracks101[read_target->last_track + 1].control = 0; tracks101[read_target->last_track + 1].lba = (uint)Disc.TOC.LeadoutLBA; //element 100 is to be copied as the lead-out track tracks101[100] = tracks101[read_target->last_track + 1]; return OctoshockDll.SHOCK_OK; } byte[] SectorBuffer = new byte[2448]; int ShockDisc_ReadLBA2448(IntPtr opaque, int lba, void* dst) { cbActivity(this); //todo - cache reader DiscSystem.DiscSectorReader dsr = new DiscSystem.DiscSectorReader(Disc); int readed = dsr.ReadLBA_2448(lba, SectorBuffer, 0); if (readed == 2448) { Marshal.Copy(SectorBuffer, 0, new IntPtr(dst), 2448); return OctoshockDll.SHOCK_OK; } else return OctoshockDll.SHOCK_ERROR; } } public List Discs; List discInterfaces = new List(); DiscInterface currentDiscInterface; public DisplayType Region { get { return SystemVidStandard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.PAL ? DisplayType.PAL : DisplayType.NTSC; } } public OctoshockDll.eRegion SystemRegion { get; private set; } public OctoshockDll.eVidStandard SystemVidStandard { get; private set; } public System.Drawing.Size CurrentVideoSize { get; private set; } public bool CurrentTrayOpen { get; private set; } public int CurrentDiscIndexMounted { get; private set; } public List HackyDiscButtons = new List(); public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; private set; } public bool DriveLightEnabled { get; private set; } public bool DriveLightOn { get; private set; } void Attach() { //attach this core as the current if (CurrOctoshockCore != null) CurrOctoshockCore.Dispose(); CurrOctoshockCore = this; //the psx instance cant be created until the desired region is known, which needs a disc, so we need the dll static attached first } static Octoshock() { } public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; LagCount = 0; IsLagFrame = false; } void SetInput() { var fioCfg = _SyncSettings.FIOConfig.ToLogical(); for (int port = 0; port < 2; port++) { for (int multiport = 0; multiport < 4; multiport++) { //note: I would not say this port addressing scheme has been completely successful //however, it may be because i was constantly constrained by having to adapt it to mednafen.. i dont know. int portNum = (port + 1) + ((multiport + 1) << 4); int slot = port * 4 + multiport; //no input to set if (fioCfg.Devices8[slot] == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.None) continue; //address differently if it isn't multitap if (!fioCfg.Multitaps[port]) portNum = port + 1; uint buttons = 0; string pstring = "P" + fioCfg.PlayerAssignments[slot] + " "; if (fioCfg.Devices8[slot] == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.NegCon) { //1,2,4 skipped (would be Select, L3, R3 on other pads) if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Start")) buttons |= 8; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Up")) buttons |= 16; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Right")) buttons |= 32; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Down")) buttons |= 64; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Left")) buttons |= 128; //256,512,1024 skipped (would be L2, R2, L1 on other pads) if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "R")) buttons |= 2048; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "B")) buttons |= 4096; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "A")) buttons |= 8192; byte twist = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "Twist"); byte analog1 = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "1"); byte analog2 = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "2"); byte analogL = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "L"); OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_SetPadInput(psx, portNum, buttons, twist, analog1, analog2, analogL); } else { if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Select")) buttons |= 1; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Start")) buttons |= 8; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Up")) buttons |= 16; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Right")) buttons |= 32; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Down")) buttons |= 64; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Left")) buttons |= 128; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "L2")) buttons |= 256; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "R2")) buttons |= 512; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "L1")) buttons |= 1024; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "R1")) buttons |= 2048; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Triangle")) buttons |= 4096; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Circle")) buttons |= 8192; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Cross")) buttons |= 16384; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "Square")) buttons |= 32768; byte left_x = 0, left_y = 0, right_x = 0, right_y = 0; if (fioCfg.Devices8[slot] == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock || fioCfg.Devices8[slot] == OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualAnalog) { if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "L3")) buttons |= 2; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "R3")) buttons |= 4; if (_controller.IsPressed(pstring + "MODE")) buttons |= 65536; left_x = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "LStick X"); left_y = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "LStick Y"); right_x = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "RStick X"); right_y = (byte)_controller.GetFloat(pstring + "RStick Y"); } OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_SetPadInput(psx, portNum, buttons, left_x, left_y, right_x, right_y); } } } } public class ResolutionInfo { public System.Drawing.Size Resolution, Padding; public System.Drawing.Size Total { get { return System.Drawing.Size.Add(Resolution, Padding); } } } /// /// Calculates what the output resolution would be for the given input resolution and settings /// public static ResolutionInfo CalculateResolution(OctoshockDll.eVidStandard standard, Settings settings, int w, int h) { ResolutionInfo ret = new ResolutionInfo(); //some of this logic is duplicated in the c++ side, be sure to check there //TODO - scanline control + framebuffer mode is majorly broken int virtual_width = 800; if (settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Basic) virtual_width = 768; if (settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Framebuffer) virtual_width = 736; int scanline_start = standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC ? settings.ScanlineStart_NTSC : settings.ScanlineStart_PAL; int scanline_end = standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC ? settings.ScanlineEnd_NTSC : settings.ScanlineEnd_PAL; int scanline_num = scanline_end - scanline_start + 1; //int scanline_num = h; // I wanted to do this, but our logic for mednafen modes here is based on un-doubled resolution. i could do a hack to divide it by 2 though int real_scanline_num = standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC ? 240 : 288; int VirtualWidth=-1, VirtualHeight=-1; switch (settings.ResolutionMode) { case eResolutionMode.Mednafen: //mednafen uses 320xScanlines as the 1x size //it does change the 1x width when doing basic clipping. //and it does easily change the height when doing scanline removal. //now, our framebuffer cropping mode is more complex... VirtualWidth = (standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC) ? 320 : 363; VirtualHeight = scanline_num; if (settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Basic) VirtualWidth = (standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC) ? 302 : 384; if (settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Framebuffer) { //mednafen typically sends us a framebuffer with overscan. 350x240 is a nominal example here. it's squished inward to 320x240 for correct PAR. //ok: here we have a framebuffer without overscan. 320x240 nominal. So the VirtualWidth of what we got is off by a factor of 109.375% //so a beginning approach would be this: //VirtualWidth = (int)(VirtualWidth * 320.0f / 350); //but that will shrink things which are already annoyingly shrunken. //therefore, lets do that, but then scale the whole window by the same factor so the width becomes unscaled and now the height is scaled up! //weird, huh? VirtualHeight = (int)(VirtualHeight * 350.0f / 320); //now unfortunately we may have lost vertical pixels. common in the case of PAL (rendering 256 on a field of 288) //therefore we'll be stretching way too much vertically here. //lets add those pixels back with a new hack if (standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.PAL) { if (h > 288) ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 576 - h); else ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 288 - h); } else { if (h > 288) ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 480 - h); else ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 240 - h); } } break; //384 / 288 = 1.3333333333333333333333333333333 case eResolutionMode.TweakedMednafen: if (standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC) { //dont make this 430, it's already been turned into 400 from 368+30 and then some fudge factor VirtualWidth = 400; VirtualHeight = (int)(scanline_num * 300.0f / 240); if (settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Basic) VirtualWidth = 378; } else { //this is a bit tricky. we know we want 400 for the virtualwidth. VirtualWidth = 400; if (settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Basic) VirtualWidth = 378; //I'll be honest, I was just guessing here mostly //I need the AR to basically work out to be 363/288 (thats what it was in mednafen mode) so... VirtualHeight = (int)(scanline_num * (400.0f/363*288) / 288); } if (settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Framebuffer) { //see discussion above VirtualHeight = (int)(VirtualHeight * 350.0f / 320); if (standard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.PAL) { if (h > 288) ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 576 - h); else ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 288 - h); } else { if (h > 288) ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 480 - h); else ret.Padding = new System.Drawing.Size(0, 240 - h); } } break; case eResolutionMode.PixelPro: VirtualWidth = virtual_width; VirtualHeight = scanline_num * 2; break; case eResolutionMode.Debug: VirtualWidth = w; VirtualHeight = h; break; } ret.Resolution = new System.Drawing.Size(VirtualWidth, VirtualHeight); return ret; } void PokeDisc() { if (CurrentDiscIndexMounted == 0) { currentDiscInterface = null; OctoshockDll.shock_PokeDisc(psx, IntPtr.Zero); } else { currentDiscInterface = discInterfaces[CurrentDiscIndexMounted - 1]; OctoshockDll.shock_PokeDisc(psx, currentDiscInterface.OctoshockHandle); } } void FrameAdvance_PrepDiscState() { //reminder: if this is the beginning of time, we can begin with the disc ejected or inserted. //if tray open is requested, and valid, apply it //in the first frame, go ahead and open it up so we have a chance to put a disc in it if (_controller.IsPressed("Open") && !CurrentTrayOpen || Frame == 0) { OctoshockDll.shock_OpenTray(psx); CurrentTrayOpen = true; } //change the disc if needed, and valid //also if frame is 0, we need to set a disc no matter what int requestedDisc = (int)_controller.GetFloat("Disc Select"); if (requestedDisc != CurrentDiscIndexMounted && CurrentTrayOpen || Frame == 0 ) { //dont replace default disc with the leave-default placeholder! if (requestedDisc == -1) { } else { CurrentDiscIndexMounted = requestedDisc; } if (CurrentDiscIndexMounted == 0 || discInterfaces.Count == 0) { currentDiscInterface = null; OctoshockDll.shock_SetDisc(psx, IntPtr.Zero); } else { currentDiscInterface = discInterfaces[CurrentDiscIndexMounted - 1]; OctoshockDll.shock_SetDisc(psx, currentDiscInterface.OctoshockHandle); } } //if tray close is requested, and valid, apply it. if (_controller.IsPressed("Close") && CurrentTrayOpen) { OctoshockDll.shock_CloseTray(psx); CurrentTrayOpen = false; } //if frame is 0 and user has made no preference, close the tray if (!_controller.IsPressed("Close") && !_controller.IsPressed("Open") && Frame == 0 && CurrentTrayOpen) { OctoshockDll.shock_CloseTray(psx); CurrentTrayOpen = false; } } private IController _controller; public void FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound) { _controller = controller; FrameAdvance_PrepDiscState(); //clear drive light. itll get set to light up by sector-reading callbacks //TODO - debounce this by a frame or so perhaps? //TODO - actually, make this feedback from the core. there should be a register or status which effectively corresponds to whether it's reading. DriveLightOn = false; Frame++; SetInput(); OctoshockDll.shock_SetLEC(psx, _SyncSettings.EnableLEC); var ropts = new OctoshockDll.ShockRenderOptions() { scanline_start = SystemVidStandard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC ? _Settings.ScanlineStart_NTSC : _Settings.ScanlineStart_PAL, scanline_end = SystemVidStandard == OctoshockDll.eVidStandard.NTSC ? _Settings.ScanlineEnd_NTSC : _Settings.ScanlineEnd_PAL, }; if (_Settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Basic) ropts.renderType = OctoshockDll.eShockRenderType.ClipOverscan; if (_Settings.HorizontalClipping == eHorizontalClipping.Framebuffer) ropts.renderType = OctoshockDll.eShockRenderType.Framebuffer; if (_Settings.DeinterlaceMode == eDeinterlaceMode.Weave) ropts.deinterlaceMode = OctoshockDll.eShockDeinterlaceMode.Weave; if (_Settings.DeinterlaceMode == eDeinterlaceMode.Bob) ropts.deinterlaceMode = OctoshockDll.eShockDeinterlaceMode.Bob; if (_Settings.DeinterlaceMode == eDeinterlaceMode.BobOffset) ropts.deinterlaceMode = OctoshockDll.eShockDeinterlaceMode.BobOffset; OctoshockDll.shock_SetRenderOptions(psx, ref ropts); //prep tracer if (Tracer.Enabled) OctoshockDll.shock_SetTraceCallback(psx, IntPtr.Zero, trace_cb); else OctoshockDll.shock_SetTraceCallback(psx, IntPtr.Zero, null); //apply soft reset if needed if (_controller.IsPressed("Reset")) OctoshockDll.shock_SoftReset(psx); //------------------------ OctoshockDll.shock_Step(psx, OctoshockDll.eShockStep.Frame); //------------------------ //lag maintenance: int pad1 = OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_PollActive(psx, 0x01, true); int pad2 = OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_PollActive(psx, 0x02, true); IsLagFrame = true; if (pad1 == OctoshockDll.SHOCK_TRUE) IsLagFrame = false; if (pad2 == OctoshockDll.SHOCK_TRUE) IsLagFrame = false; if (_Settings.GPULag) IsLagFrame = OctoshockDll.shock_GetGPUUnlagged(psx) != OctoshockDll.SHOCK_TRUE; if (IsLagFrame) LagCount++; //what happens to sound in this case? if (render == false) return; OctoshockDll.ShockFramebufferInfo fb = new OctoshockDll.ShockFramebufferInfo(); //run this once to get current logical size OctoshockDll.shock_GetFramebuffer(psx, ref fb); CurrentVideoSize = new System.Drawing.Size(fb.width, fb.height); if (_Settings.ResolutionMode == eResolutionMode.PixelPro) fb.flags = OctoshockDll.eShockFramebufferFlags.Normalize; OctoshockDll.shock_GetFramebuffer(psx, ref fb); int w = fb.width; int h = fb.height; BufferWidth = w; BufferHeight = h; var ri = CalculateResolution(this.SystemVidStandard, _Settings, w, h); VirtualWidth = ri.Resolution.Width; VirtualHeight = ri.Resolution.Height; VideoProvider_Padding = ri.Padding; int len = w * h; if (frameBuffer.Length != len) { Console.WriteLine("PSX FB size: {0},{1}", fb.width, fb.height); frameBuffer = new int[len]; } fixed (int* ptr = frameBuffer) { fb.ptr = ptr; OctoshockDll.shock_GetFramebuffer(psx, ref fb); } fixed (short* samples = sbuff) { sbuffcontains = OctoshockDll.shock_GetSamples(psx, null); if (sbuffcontains * 2 > sbuff.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException("shock_GetSamples returned too many samples: " + sbuffcontains); OctoshockDll.shock_GetSamples(psx, samples); } } public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition { get; private set; } public int Frame { get; private set; } public int LagCount { get; set; } public bool IsLagFrame { get; set; } public IInputCallbackSystem InputCallbacks { [FeatureNotImplemented] get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } [FeatureNotImplemented] public bool DeterministicEmulation { get { return true; } } public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { return frameBuffer; } public int VirtualWidth { get; private set; } public int VirtualHeight { get; private set; } public int BufferWidth { get; private set; } public int BufferHeight { get; private set; } public int BackgroundColor { get { return 0; } } public int VsyncNumerator { get; private set; } public int VsyncDenominator { get; private set; } public System.Drawing.Size VideoProvider_Padding { get; private set; } #region Debugging OctoshockDll.ShockCallback_Mem mem_cb; void ShockMemCallback(uint address, OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb type, uint size, uint value) { switch (type) { case OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb.Read: MemoryCallbacks.CallReads(address); break; case OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb.Write: MemoryCallbacks.CallWrites(address); break; case OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb.Execute: MemoryCallbacks.CallExecutes(address); break; } } void InitMemCallbacks() { mem_cb = new OctoshockDll.ShockCallback_Mem(ShockMemCallback); _memoryCallbacks.ActiveChanged += RefreshMemCallbacks; } void RefreshMemCallbacks() { OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb mask = OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb.None; if (MemoryCallbacks.HasReads) mask |= OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb.Read; if (MemoryCallbacks.HasWrites) mask |= OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb.Write; if (MemoryCallbacks.HasExecutes) mask |= OctoshockDll.eShockMemCb.Execute; OctoshockDll.shock_SetMemCb(psx, mem_cb, mask); } unsafe void SetMemoryDomains() { var mmd = new List(); IntPtr ptr; int size; OctoshockDll.shock_GetMemData(psx, out ptr, out size, OctoshockDll.eMemType.MainRAM); mmd.Add(new MemoryDomainIntPtr("MainRAM", MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, ptr, size, true, 4)); OctoshockDll.shock_GetMemData(psx, out ptr, out size, OctoshockDll.eMemType.GPURAM); mmd.Add(new MemoryDomainIntPtr("GPURAM", MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, ptr, size, true, 4)); OctoshockDll.shock_GetMemData(psx, out ptr, out size, OctoshockDll.eMemType.SPURAM); mmd.Add(new MemoryDomainIntPtr("SPURAM", MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, ptr, size, true, 4)); OctoshockDll.shock_GetMemData(psx, out ptr, out size, OctoshockDll.eMemType.BiosROM); mmd.Add(new MemoryDomainIntPtr("BiosROM", MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, ptr, size, true, 4)); OctoshockDll.shock_GetMemData(psx, out ptr, out size, OctoshockDll.eMemType.PIOMem); mmd.Add(new MemoryDomainIntPtr("PIOMem", MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, ptr, size, true, 4)); OctoshockDll.shock_GetMemData(psx, out ptr, out size, OctoshockDll.eMemType.DCache); mmd.Add(new MemoryDomainIntPtr("DCache", MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, ptr, size, true, 4)); MemoryDomains = new MemoryDomainList(mmd); (ServiceProvider as BasicServiceProvider).Register(MemoryDomains); } private IMemoryDomains MemoryDomains; #endregion #region ISoundProvider //private short[] sbuff = new short[1454 * 2]; //this is the most ive ever seen.. dont know why. two frames worth i guess private short[] sbuff = new short[1611 * 2]; //need this for pal private int sbuffcontains = 0; public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp) { samples = sbuff; nsamp = sbuffcontains; } public void DiscardSamples() { sbuffcontains = 0; } public bool CanProvideAsync { get { return false; } } public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode) { if (mode == SyncSoundMode.Async) { throw new NotSupportedException("Async mode is not supported."); } } public SyncSoundMode SyncMode { get { return SyncSoundMode.Sync; } } public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Async mode is not supported."); } #endregion #region ISaveRam public byte[] CloneSaveRam() { var cfg = _SyncSettings.FIOConfig.ToLogical(); int nMemcards = cfg.NumMemcards; var buf = new byte[128 * 1024 * nMemcards]; for (int i = 0, idx = 0, addr=0x01; i < 2; i++, addr<<=1) { if (cfg.Memcards[i]) { fixed (byte* pbuf = buf) { var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockMemcardTransaction(); transaction.buffer128k = pbuf + idx * 128 * 1024; transaction.transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockMemcardTransaction.Read; OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_MemcardTransact(psx, addr, ref transaction); idx++; } } } return buf; } public void StoreSaveRam(byte[] data) { var cfg = _SyncSettings.FIOConfig.ToLogical(); for (int i = 0, idx = 0, addr = 0x01; i < 2; i++, addr <<= 1) { if (cfg.Memcards[i]) { fixed (byte* pbuf = data) { var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockMemcardTransaction(); transaction.buffer128k = pbuf + idx * 128 * 1024; transaction.transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockMemcardTransaction.Write; OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_MemcardTransact(psx, addr, ref transaction); idx++; } } } } public bool SaveRamModified { get { var cfg = _SyncSettings.FIOConfig.ToLogical(); for (int i = 0, addr = 0x01; i < 2; i++, addr <<= 1) { if (cfg.Memcards[i]) { var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockMemcardTransaction(); transaction.transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockMemcardTransaction.CheckDirty; OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_MemcardTransact(psx, addr, ref transaction); if (OctoshockDll.shock_Peripheral_MemcardTransact(psx, addr, ref transaction) == OctoshockDll.SHOCK_TRUE) return true; } } return false; } } #endregion //ISaveRam #region Savestates //THIS IS STILL AWFUL JsonSerializer ser = new JsonSerializer() { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; class TextStateData { public int Frame; public int LagCount; public bool IsLagFrame; public bool CurrentDiscEjected; public int CurrentDiscIndexMounted; } public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer) { var s = new TextState(); s.Prepare(); var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockStateTransaction() { transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockStateTransaction.TextSave, ff = s.GetFunctionPointersSave() }; int result = OctoshockDll.shock_StateTransaction(psx, ref transaction); if (result != OctoshockDll.SHOCK_OK) throw new InvalidOperationException("eShockStateTransaction.TextSave returned error!"); s.ExtraData.IsLagFrame = IsLagFrame; s.ExtraData.LagCount = LagCount; s.ExtraData.Frame = Frame; s.ExtraData.CurrentDiscEjected = CurrentTrayOpen; s.ExtraData.CurrentDiscIndexMounted = CurrentDiscIndexMounted; ser.Serialize(writer, s); } public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader) { var s = (TextState)ser.Deserialize(reader, typeof(TextState)); s.Prepare(); var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockStateTransaction() { transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockStateTransaction.TextLoad, ff = s.GetFunctionPointersLoad() }; int result = OctoshockDll.shock_StateTransaction(psx, ref transaction); if (result != OctoshockDll.SHOCK_OK) throw new InvalidOperationException("eShockStateTransaction.TextLoad returned error!"); IsLagFrame = s.ExtraData.IsLagFrame; LagCount = s.ExtraData.LagCount; Frame = s.ExtraData.Frame; CurrentTrayOpen = s.ExtraData.CurrentDiscEjected; CurrentDiscIndexMounted = s.ExtraData.CurrentDiscIndexMounted; PokeDisc(); } byte[] savebuff; byte[] savebuff2; void StudySaveBufferSize() { var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockStateTransaction(); transaction.transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockStateTransaction.BinarySize; int size = OctoshockDll.shock_StateTransaction(psx, ref transaction); savebuff = new byte[size]; savebuff2 = new byte[savebuff.Length + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 4]; } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter writer) { fixed (byte* psavebuff = savebuff) { var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockStateTransaction() { transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockStateTransaction.BinarySave, buffer = psavebuff, bufferLength = savebuff.Length }; int result = OctoshockDll.shock_StateTransaction(psx, ref transaction); if (result != OctoshockDll.SHOCK_OK) throw new InvalidOperationException("eShockStateTransaction.BinarySave returned error!"); writer.Write(savebuff.Length); writer.Write(savebuff); // other variables writer.Write(IsLagFrame); writer.Write(LagCount); writer.Write(Frame); writer.Write(CurrentTrayOpen); writer.Write(CurrentDiscIndexMounted); } } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader reader) { fixed (byte* psavebuff = savebuff) { var transaction = new OctoshockDll.ShockStateTransaction() { transaction = OctoshockDll.eShockStateTransaction.BinaryLoad, buffer = psavebuff, bufferLength = savebuff.Length }; int length = reader.ReadInt32(); if (length != savebuff.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException("Save buffer size mismatch!"); reader.Read(savebuff, 0, length); int ret = OctoshockDll.shock_StateTransaction(psx, ref transaction); if (ret != OctoshockDll.SHOCK_OK) throw new InvalidOperationException("eShockStateTransaction.BinaryLoad returned error!"); // other variables IsLagFrame = reader.ReadBoolean(); LagCount = reader.ReadInt32(); Frame = reader.ReadInt32(); CurrentTrayOpen = reader.ReadBoolean(); CurrentDiscIndexMounted = reader.ReadInt32(); PokeDisc(); } } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { //this are objectionable shenanigans, but theyre required to get the extra info in the stream. we need a better approach. var ms = new MemoryStream(savebuff2, true); var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); SaveStateBinary(bw); bw.Flush(); if (ms.Position != savebuff2.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException(); ms.Close(); return savebuff2; } public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred { get { return true; } } #endregion #region Settings Settings _Settings = new Settings(); SyncSettings _SyncSettings; public enum eResolutionMode { PixelPro, Debug, Mednafen, TweakedMednafen } public class SyncSettings { public SyncSettings Clone() { return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this)); } public bool EnableLEC; public SyncSettings() { //initialize with historical default settings var user = new OctoshockFIOConfigUser(); user.Memcards[0] = user.Memcards[1] = true; user.Multitaps[0] = user.Multitaps[0] = false; user.Devices8[0] = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock; user.Devices8[4] = OctoshockDll.ePeripheralType.DualShock; FIOConfig = user; } public OctoshockFIOConfigUser FIOConfig; } public enum eHorizontalClipping { None, Basic, Framebuffer } public enum eDeinterlaceMode { Weave, Bob, BobOffset } public class Settings { [DisplayName("Determine Lag from GPU Frames")] [DefaultValue(false)] public bool GPULag { get; set; } [DisplayName("Resolution Mode")] [DefaultValue(eResolutionMode.PixelPro)] public eResolutionMode ResolutionMode { get; set; } [DisplayName("Horizontal Clipping")] [DefaultValue(eHorizontalClipping.None)] public eHorizontalClipping HorizontalClipping { get; set; } [DisplayName("ScanlineStart_NTSC")] [DefaultValue(0)] public int ScanlineStart_NTSC { get; set; } [DisplayName("ScanlineEnd_NTSC")] [DefaultValue(239)] public int ScanlineEnd_NTSC { get; set; } [DisplayName("ScanlineStart_PAL")] [DefaultValue(0)] public int ScanlineStart_PAL { get; set; } [DisplayName("ScanlineEnd_PAL")] [DefaultValue(287)] public int ScanlineEnd_PAL { get; set; } [DisplayName("DeinterlaceMode")] [DefaultValue(eDeinterlaceMode.Weave)] public eDeinterlaceMode DeinterlaceMode { get; set; } public void Validate() { if (ScanlineStart_NTSC < 0) ScanlineStart_NTSC = 0; if (ScanlineStart_PAL < 0) ScanlineStart_PAL = 0; if (ScanlineEnd_NTSC > 239) ScanlineEnd_NTSC = 239; if (ScanlineEnd_PAL > 287) ScanlineEnd_PAL = 287; //make sure theyre not in the wrong order if (ScanlineEnd_NTSC < ScanlineStart_NTSC) { int temp = ScanlineEnd_NTSC; ScanlineEnd_NTSC = ScanlineStart_NTSC; ScanlineStart_NTSC = temp; } if (ScanlineEnd_PAL < ScanlineStart_PAL) { int temp = ScanlineEnd_PAL; ScanlineEnd_PAL = ScanlineStart_PAL; ScanlineStart_PAL = temp; } } public Settings() { SettingsUtil.SetDefaultValues(this); } public Settings Clone() { return (Settings)MemberwiseClone(); } } public Settings GetSettings() { return _Settings.Clone(); } public SyncSettings GetSyncSettings() { return _SyncSettings.Clone(); } public bool PutSettings(Settings o) { _Settings.Validate(); _Settings = o; //TODO - store settings into core? or we can just keep doing it before frameadvance return false; } public bool PutSyncSettings(SyncSettings o) { //currently LEC and pad settings changes both require reboot bool reboot = true; //we could do it this way roughly if we need to //if(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o.FIOConfig) != JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_SyncSettings.FIOConfig) _SyncSettings = o; return reboot; } #endregion } }