/* Mednafen - Multi-system Emulator * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mednafen.h" #include "mednafen-endian.h" #include #include #include "driver.h" #include "general.h" #include "state.h" #include "video.h" #define RLSB MDFNSTATE_RLSB //0x80000000 int32 smem_read(StateMem *st, void *buffer, uint32 len) { if((len + st->loc) > st->len) return(0); memcpy(buffer, st->data + st->loc, len); st->loc += len; return(len); } int32 smem_write(StateMem *st, void *buffer, uint32 len) { if((len + st->loc) > st->malloced) { uint32 newsize = (st->malloced >= 32768) ? st->malloced : (st->initial_malloc ? st->initial_malloc : 32768); while(newsize < (len + st->loc)) newsize *= 2; st->data = (uint8 *)realloc(st->data, newsize); st->malloced = newsize; } memcpy(st->data + st->loc, buffer, len); st->loc += len; if(st->loc > st->len) st->len = st->loc; return(len); } int32 smem_putc(StateMem *st, int value) { uint8 tmpval = value; if(smem_write(st, &tmpval, 1) != 1) return(-1); return(1); } int32 smem_tell(StateMem *st) { return(st->loc); } int32 smem_seek(StateMem *st, uint32 offset, int whence) { switch(whence) { case SEEK_SET: st->loc = offset; break; case SEEK_END: st->loc = st->len - offset; break; case SEEK_CUR: st->loc += offset; break; } if(st->loc > st->len) { st->loc = st->len; return(-1); } if(st->loc < 0) { st->loc = 0; return(-1); } return(0); } int smem_write32le(StateMem *st, uint32 b) { uint8 s[4]; s[0]=b; s[1]=b>>8; s[2]=b>>16; s[3]=b>>24; return((smem_write(st, s, 4)<4)?0:4); } int smem_read32le(StateMem *st, uint32 *b) { uint8 s[4]; if(smem_read(st, s, 4) < 4) return(0); *b = s[0] | (s[1] << 8) | (s[2] << 16) | (s[3] << 24); return(4); } static bool ValidateSFStructure(SFORMAT *sf) { SFORMAT *saved_sf = sf; while(sf->size || sf->name) { SFORMAT *sub_sf = saved_sf; while(sub_sf->size || sub_sf->name) { if(sf != sub_sf) { if(!strncmp(sf->name, sub_sf->name, 32)) fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate state variable name: %.32s\n", sf->name); } sub_sf++; } sf++; } return(1); } static bool SubWrite(StateMem *st, SFORMAT *sf, const char *name_prefix = NULL) { // FIXME? It's kind of slow, and we definitely don't want it on with state rewinding... ValidateSFStructure(sf); while(sf->size || sf->name) // Size can sometimes be zero, so also check for the text name. These two should both be zero only at the end of a struct. { if(!sf->size || !sf->v) { sf++; continue; } if(sf->size == (uint32)~0) /* Link to another struct. */ { if(!SubWrite(st, (SFORMAT *)sf->v, name_prefix)) return(0); sf++; continue; } int32 bytesize = sf->size; char nameo[1 + 256]; int slen; slen = trio_snprintf(nameo + 1, 256, "%s%s", name_prefix ? name_prefix : "", sf->name); nameo[0] = slen; if(slen >= 255) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: state variable name possibly too long: %s %s %s %d\n", sf->name, name_prefix, nameo, slen); slen = 255; } smem_write(st, nameo, 1 + nameo[0]); smem_write32le(st, bytesize); /* Flip the byte order... */ if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { } else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB64) Endian_A64_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint64)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16)); else if(sf->flags & RLSB) Endian_V_NE_to_LE(sf->v, bytesize); // Special case for the evil bool type, to convert bool to 1-byte elements. // Don't do it if we're only saving the raw data. if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { for(int32 bool_monster = 0; bool_monster < bytesize; bool_monster++) { uint8 tmp_bool = ((bool *)sf->v)[bool_monster]; //printf("Bool write: %.31s\n", sf->name); smem_write(st, &tmp_bool, 1); } } else smem_write(st, (uint8 *)sf->v, bytesize); /* Now restore the original byte order. */ if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { } else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB64) Endian_A64_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint64)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint32)); else if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize / sizeof(uint16)); else if(sf->flags & RLSB) Endian_V_LE_to_NE(sf->v, bytesize); sf++; } return(TRUE); } static int WriteStateChunk(StateMem *st, const char *sname, SFORMAT *sf) { int32 data_start_pos; int32 end_pos; uint8 sname_tmp[32]; memset(sname_tmp, 0, sizeof(sname_tmp)); strncpy((char *)sname_tmp, sname, 32); if(strlen(sname) > 32) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: section name is too long: %s\n", sname); smem_write(st, sname_tmp, 32); smem_write32le(st, 0); // We'll come back and write this later. data_start_pos = smem_tell(st); if(!SubWrite(st, sf)) return(0); end_pos = smem_tell(st); smem_seek(st, data_start_pos - 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, end_pos - data_start_pos); smem_seek(st, end_pos, SEEK_SET); return(end_pos - data_start_pos); } struct compare_cstr { bool operator()(const char *s1, const char *s2) const { return(strcmp(s1, s2) < 0); } }; typedef std::map SFMap_t; static void MakeSFMap(SFORMAT *sf, SFMap_t &sfmap) { while(sf->size || sf->name) // Size can sometimes be zero, so also check for the text name. These two should both be zero only at the end of a struct. { if(!sf->size || !sf->v) { sf++; continue; } if(sf->size == (uint32)~0) /* Link to another SFORMAT structure. */ MakeSFMap((SFORMAT *)sf->v, sfmap); else { assert(sf->name); if(sfmap.find(sf->name) != sfmap.end()) fprintf(stderr, "Duplicate save state variable in internal emulator structures(CLUB THE PROGRAMMERS WITH BREADSTICKS): %s\n", sf->name); sfmap[sf->name] = sf; } sf++; } } // Fast raw chunk reader static void DOReadChunk(StateMem *st, SFORMAT *sf) { while(sf->size || sf->name) // Size can sometimes be zero, so also check for the text name. // These two should both be zero only at the end of a struct. { if(!sf->size || !sf->v) { sf++; continue; } if(sf->size == (uint32) ~0) // Link to another SFORMAT struct { DOReadChunk(st, (SFORMAT *)sf->v); sf++; continue; } int32 bytesize = sf->size; // Loading raw data, bool types are stored as they appear in memory, not as single bytes in the full state format. // In the SFORMAT structure, the size member for bool entries is the number of bool elements, not the total in-memory size, // so we adjust it here. if(sf->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) bytesize *= sizeof(bool); smem_read(st, (uint8 *)sf->v, bytesize); sf++; } } static int ReadStateChunk(StateMem *st, SFORMAT *sf, int size) { int temp; { SFMap_t sfmap; SFMap_t sfmap_found; // Used for identifying variables that are missing in the save state. MakeSFMap(sf, sfmap); temp = smem_tell(st); while(smem_tell(st) < (temp + size)) { uint32 recorded_size; // In bytes uint8 toa[1 + 256]; // Don't change to char unless cast toa[0] to unsigned to smem_read() and other places. if(smem_read(st, toa, 1) != 1) { puts("Unexpected EOF"); return(0); } if(smem_read(st, toa + 1, toa[0]) != toa[0]) { puts("Unexpected EOF?"); return 0; } toa[1 + toa[0]] = 0; smem_read32le(st, &recorded_size); SFMap_t::iterator sfmit; sfmit = sfmap.find((char *)toa + 1); if(sfmit != sfmap.end()) { SFORMAT *tmp = sfmit->second; uint32 expected_size = tmp->size; // In bytes if(recorded_size != expected_size) { fprintf(stderr, "Variable in save state wrong size: %s. Need: %d, got: %d\n", toa + 1, expected_size, recorded_size); if(smem_seek(st, recorded_size, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { puts("Seek error"); return(0); } } else { sfmap_found[tmp->name] = tmp; smem_read(st, (uint8 *)tmp->v, expected_size); if(tmp->flags & MDFNSTATE_BOOL) { // Converting downwards is necessary for the case of sizeof(bool) > 1 for(int32 bool_monster = expected_size - 1; bool_monster >= 0; bool_monster--) { ((bool *)tmp->v)[bool_monster] = ((uint8 *)tmp->v)[bool_monster]; } } if(tmp->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB64) Endian_A64_LE_to_NE(tmp->v, expected_size / sizeof(uint64)); else if(tmp->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB32) Endian_A32_LE_to_NE(tmp->v, expected_size / sizeof(uint32)); else if(tmp->flags & MDFNSTATE_RLSB16) Endian_A16_LE_to_NE(tmp->v, expected_size / sizeof(uint16)); else if(tmp->flags & RLSB) Endian_V_LE_to_NE(tmp->v, expected_size); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown variable in save state: %s\n", toa + 1); if(smem_seek(st, recorded_size, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { puts("Seek error"); return(0); } } } // while(...) for(SFMap_t::const_iterator it = sfmap.begin(); it != sfmap.end(); it++) { if(sfmap_found.find(it->second->name) == sfmap_found.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "Variable missing from save state: %s\n", it->second->name); } } assert(smem_tell(st) == (temp + size)); } return 1; } static int CurrentState = 0; /* This function is called by the game driver(NES, GB, GBA) to save a state. */ int MDFNSS_StateAction(StateMem *st, int load, int data_only, std::vector §ions) { std::vector::iterator section; if(load) { { char sname[32]; for(section = sections.begin(); section != sections.end(); section++) { int found = 0; uint32 tmp_size; uint32 total = 0; while(smem_read(st, (uint8 *)sname, 32) == 32) { if(smem_read32le(st, &tmp_size) != 4) return(0); total += tmp_size + 32 + 4; // Yay, we found the section if(!strncmp(sname, section->name, 32)) { if(!ReadStateChunk(st, section->sf, tmp_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading chunk: %s\n", section->name); return(0); } found = 1; break; } else { if(smem_seek(st, tmp_size, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { puts("Chunk seek failure"); return(0); } } } if(smem_seek(st, -total, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { puts("Reverse seek error"); return(0); } if(!found && !section->optional) // Not found. We are sad! { fprintf(stderr, "Section missing: %.32s\n", section->name); return(0); } } } } else { for(section = sections.begin(); section != sections.end(); section++) { if(!WriteStateChunk(st, section->name, section->sf)) return(0); } } return(1); } int MDFNSS_StateAction(StateMem *st, int load, int data_only, SFORMAT *sf, const char *name, bool optional) { std::vector love; love.push_back(SSDescriptor(sf, name, optional)); return(MDFNSS_StateAction(st, load, 0, love)); } int MDFNSS_SaveSM(StateMem *st, int, int, const MDFN_Surface*, const MDFN_Rect*, const MDFN_Rect*) { static const char *header_magic = "MDFNSVST"; uint8 header[32]; int neowidth = 0, neoheight = 0; memset(header, 0, sizeof(header)); memcpy(header, header_magic, 8); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 16, MEDNAFEN_VERSION_NUMERIC); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 24, neowidth); MDFN_en32lsb(header + 28, neoheight); smem_write(st, header, 32); if(!MDFNGameInfo->StateAction(st, 0, 0)) return(0); uint32 sizy = smem_tell(st); smem_seek(st, 16 + 4, SEEK_SET); smem_write32le(st, sizy); return(1); } int MDFNSS_LoadSM(StateMem *st, int, int) { uint8 header[32]; uint32 stateversion; smem_read(st, header, 32); if(memcmp(header, "MEDNAFENSVESTATE", 16) && memcmp(header, "MDFNSVST", 8)) return(0); stateversion = MDFN_de32lsb(header + 16); return(MDFNGameInfo->StateAction(st, stateversion, 0)); }