using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Atari._2600 { /* X07 (Atariage) ----- Apparently, this was only used on one cart: Stella's Stocking. Similar to EF, there are 16 4K banks, for a total of up to 64K of ROM. The addresses to select banks is below the ROM area, however. The following TWO masks are used: A13 A0 ---------------- 0 1xxx nnnn 1101 This means the address 80B selects bank 0, 81B selects bank 1, etc. In addition to this, there is another way: A13 A0 ---------------- 0 0xxx 0nxx xxxx This is somewhat special purpose: Accessing here does nothing, unless one of the last two banks are selected (banks 14 or 15). In that case, the new bank is: 111n i.e. accessing 0000 will select bank 14 (Eh, 1110b) while accessing 0040 will select bank 15 (Fh, 1111b). This allows for bankswitching by accessing TIA registers at 00-3F or 40-7F without incurring any overhead. */ class mX07 : MapperBase { int rombank_2k = 0; public override byte ReadMemory(ushort addr) { Address(addr); if (addr < 0x1000) { return base.ReadMemory(addr); } else { return core.rom[(rombank_2k << 12) + (addr & 0xFFF)]; } } public override void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { Address(addr); if (addr < 0x1000) base.WriteMemory(addr, value); } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("rombank_2k", ref rombank_2k); } void Address(ushort addr) { if ((addr & 0x180F) == 0x080D) { bank((addr & 0xF0) >> 4); } else if ((addr & 0x1880) == 0) { if ((rombank_2k & 0xE) == 0xE) { bank(((addr & 0x40) >> 6) | (rombank_2k & 0xE)); } } } private void bank(int bank) { rombank_2k = (bank & 0x0F); } } }