using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Drawing; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { /// /// Captures savestates and manages the logic of adding, retrieving, /// invalidating/clearing of states. Also does memory management and limiting of states /// public class TasStateManager : IDisposable { // TODO: pass this in, and find a solution to a stale reference (this is instantiated BEFORE a new core instance is made, making this one stale if it is simply set in the constructor private IStatable Core => Global.Emulator.AsStatable(); public Action InvalidateCallback { get; set; } private void CallInvalidateCallback(int index) { InvalidateCallback?.Invoke(index); } private readonly List _lowPriorityStates = new List(); internal NDBDatabase NdbDatabase { get; set; } private Guid _guid = Guid.NewGuid(); private SortedList _states = new SortedList(); private string StatePath { get { var basePath = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "TAStudio states"].Path, null); return Path.Combine(basePath, _guid.ToString()); } } private bool _isMountedForWrite; private readonly TasMovie _movie; private ulong _expectedStateSize; private readonly int _minFrequency = 1; private const int MaxFrequency = 16; private int MaxStates => (int)(Settings.Cap / _expectedStateSize) + (int)((ulong)Settings.DiskCapacitymb * 1024 * 1024 / _expectedStateSize); private int FileStateGap => 1 << Settings.FileStateGap; private int StateFrequency { get { int freq = (int)_expectedStateSize / Settings.MemStateGapDivider / 1024; if (freq < _minFrequency) { return _minFrequency; } if (freq > MaxFrequency) { return MaxFrequency; } return freq; } } public TasStateManager(TasMovie movie) { _movie = movie; Settings = new TasStateManagerSettings(Global.Config.DefaultTasProjSettings); _accessed = new List(); if (_movie.StartsFromSavestate) { SetState(0, _movie.BinarySavestate); } } public void Dispose() { // States and BranchStates don't need cleaning because they would only contain an ndbdatabase entry which was demolished by the below NdbDatabase?.Dispose(); } /// /// Mounts this instance for write access. Prior to that it's read-only /// public void MountWriteAccess() { if (_isMountedForWrite) { return; } _isMountedForWrite = true; int limit = 0; _expectedStateSize = (ulong)Core.SaveStateBinary().Length; if (_expectedStateSize > 0) { limit = MaxStates; } _states = new SortedList(limit); if (_expectedStateSize > int.MaxValue) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } NdbDatabase = new NDBDatabase(StatePath, Settings.DiskCapacitymb * 1024 * 1024, (int)_expectedStateSize); } public TasStateManagerSettings Settings { get; set; } /// /// Retrieves the savestate for the given frame, /// If this frame does not have a state currently, will return an empty array /// /// A savestate for the given frame or an empty array if there isn't one public KeyValuePair this[int frame] { get { if (frame == 0) { return new KeyValuePair(0, InitialState); } if (_states.ContainsKey(frame)) { StateAccessed(frame); return new KeyValuePair(frame, _states[frame].State); } return new KeyValuePair(-1, new byte[0]); } } private readonly List _accessed; public byte[] InitialState { get { if (_movie.StartsFromSavestate) { return _movie.BinarySavestate; } return _states[0].State; } } /// /// Requests that the current emulator state be captured /// Unless force is true, the state may or may not be captured depending on the logic employed by "greenzone" management /// public void Capture(bool force = false) { bool shouldCapture; int frame = Global.Emulator.Frame; if (_movie.StartsFromSavestate && frame == 0) // Never capture frame 0 on savestate anchored movies since we have it anyway { shouldCapture = false; } else if (force) { shouldCapture = force; } else if (frame == 0) // For now, long term, TasMovie should have a .StartState property, and a tasproj file for the start state in non-savestate anchored movies { shouldCapture = true; } else if (_movie.Markers.IsMarker(frame + 1)) { shouldCapture = true; // Markers shoudl always get priority } else { shouldCapture = frame % StateFrequency == 0; } if (shouldCapture) { SetState(frame, (byte[])Core.SaveStateBinary().Clone(), skipRemoval: false); } } private void MaybeRemoveStates() { // Loop, because removing a state that has a duplicate won't save any space while (Used + _expectedStateSize > Settings.Cap || DiskUsed > (ulong)Settings.DiskCapacitymb * 1024 * 1024) { Point shouldRemove = StateToRemove(); RemoveState(shouldRemove.X, shouldRemove.Y); } if (Used > Settings.Cap) { int lastMemState = -1; do { lastMemState++; } while (_states[_accessed[lastMemState].Frame] == null); MoveStateToDisk(_accessed[lastMemState].Frame); } } /// /// X is the frame of the state, Y is the branch (-1 for current). /// private Point StateToRemove() { // X is frame, Y is branch Point shouldRemove = new Point(-1, -1); if (_branchStates.Any() && Settings.EraseBranchStatesFirst) { var kvp = _branchStates.Count > 1 ? _branchStates.ElementAt(1) : _branchStates.ElementAt(0); shouldRemove.X = kvp.Key; shouldRemove.Y = kvp.Value.Keys[0]; return shouldRemove; } int i = 0; int markerSkips = MaxStates / 2; // lowPrioritySates (e.g. states with only lag frames between them) do { if (_lowPriorityStates.Count > i) { shouldRemove = FindState(_lowPriorityStates[i]); } else { break; } // Keep marker states markerSkips--; if (markerSkips < 0) { shouldRemove.X = -1; } i++; } while ((StateIsMarker(shouldRemove.X, shouldRemove.Y) && markerSkips > -1) || shouldRemove.X == 0); // by last accessed markerSkips = MaxStates / 2; if (shouldRemove.X < 1) { i = 0; do { if (_accessed.Count > i) { shouldRemove = FindState(_accessed[i]); } else { break; } // Keep marker states markerSkips--; if (markerSkips < 0) { shouldRemove.X = -1; } i++; } while ((StateIsMarker(shouldRemove.X, shouldRemove.Y) && markerSkips > -1) || shouldRemove.X == 0); } if (shouldRemove.X < 1) // only found marker states above { if (_branchStates.Any() && !Settings.EraseBranchStatesFirst) { var kvp = _branchStates.Count > 1 ? _branchStates.ElementAt(1) : _branchStates.ElementAt(0); shouldRemove.X = kvp.Key; shouldRemove.Y = kvp.Value.Keys[0]; } else { StateManagerState s = _states.Values[1]; shouldRemove.X = s.Frame; shouldRemove.Y = -1; } } return shouldRemove; } private bool StateIsMarker(int frame, int branch) { if (frame == -1) { return false; } if (branch == -1) { return _movie.Markers.IsMarker(_states[frame].Frame + 1); } if (_movie.GetBranch(_movie.BranchIndexByHash(branch)).Markers == null) { return _movie.Markers.IsMarker(_states[frame].Frame + 1); } return _movie.GetBranch(branch).Markers.Any(m => m.Frame + 1 == frame); } private bool AllLag(int from, int upTo) { if (upTo >= Global.Emulator.Frame) { upTo = Global.Emulator.Frame - 1; if (!Global.Emulator.AsInputPollable().IsLagFrame) { return false; } } for (int i = from; i < upTo; i++) { if (_movie[i].Lagged == false) { return false; } } return true; } private void MoveStateToDisk(int index) { Used -= (ulong)_states[index].Length; _states[index].MoveToDisk(); } private void MoveStateToMemory(int index) { _states[index].MoveToRAM(); Used += (ulong)_states[index].Length; } internal void SetState(int frame, byte[] state, bool skipRemoval = true) { if (!skipRemoval) // skipRemoval: false only when capturing new states { MaybeRemoveStates(); // Remove before adding so this state won't be removed. } if (_states.ContainsKey(frame)) { if (StateHasDuplicate(frame, -1) != -2) { Used += (ulong)state.Length; } _states[frame].State = state; } else { Used += (ulong)state.Length; _states.Add(frame, new StateManagerState(this, state, frame)); } StateAccessed(frame); int i = _states.IndexOfKey(frame); if (i > 0 && AllLag(_states.Keys[i - 1], _states.Keys[i])) { _lowPriorityStates.Add(_states[frame]); } } private void RemoveState(int frame, int branch = -1) { if (branch == -1) { _accessed.Remove(_states[frame]); } else if (_accessed.Contains(_branchStates[frame][branch]) && !Settings.EraseBranchStatesFirst) { _accessed.Remove(_branchStates[frame][branch]); } StateManagerState state; bool hasDuplicate = StateHasDuplicate(frame, branch) != -2; if (branch == -1) { state = _states[frame]; if (_states[frame].IsOnDisk) { _states[frame].Dispose(); } else { Used -= (ulong)_states[frame].Length; } _states.RemoveAt(_states.IndexOfKey(frame)); } else { state = _branchStates[frame][branch]; if (_branchStates[frame][branch].IsOnDisk) { _branchStates[frame][branch].Dispose(); } _branchStates[frame].RemoveAt(_branchStates[frame].IndexOfKey(branch)); if (_branchStates[frame].Count == 0) { _branchStates.Remove(frame); } } if (!hasDuplicate) { _lowPriorityStates.Remove(state); } } private void StateAccessed(int frame) { if (frame == 0 && _movie.StartsFromSavestate) { return; } StateManagerState state = _states[frame]; bool removed = _accessed.Remove(state); _accessed.Add(state); if (_states[frame].IsOnDisk) { if (!_states[_accessed[0].Frame].IsOnDisk) { MoveStateToDisk(_accessed[0].Frame); } MoveStateToMemory(frame); } if (!removed && _accessed.Count > MaxStates) { _accessed.RemoveAt(0); } } public bool HasState(int frame) { if (_movie.StartsFromSavestate && frame == 0) { return true; } return _states.ContainsKey(frame); } /// /// Clears out all savestates after the given frame number /// public bool Invalidate(int frame) { bool anyInvalidated = false; if (Any()) { if (!_movie.StartsFromSavestate && frame == 0) // Never invalidate frame 0 on a non-savestate-anchored movie { frame = 1; } List> statesToRemove = _states.Where(s => s.Key >= frame).ToList(); anyInvalidated = statesToRemove.Any(); foreach (var state in statesToRemove) { RemoveState(state.Key); } CallInvalidateCallback(frame); } return anyInvalidated; } /// /// Clears all state information /// public void Clear() { _states.Clear(); _accessed.Clear(); Used = 0; ClearDiskStates(); } public void ClearStateHistory() { if (_states.Any()) { StateManagerState power = _states.Values.First(s => s.Frame == 0); StateAccessed(power.Frame); _states.Clear(); _accessed.Clear(); SetState(0, power.State); Used = (ulong)power.State.Length; ClearDiskStates(); } } private void ClearDiskStates() { NdbDatabase?.Clear(); } /// /// Deletes/moves states to follow the state storage size limits. /// Used after changing the settings. /// public void LimitStateCount() { while (Used + DiskUsed > Settings.CapTotal) { Point s = StateToRemove(); RemoveState(s.X, s.Y); } int index = -1; while (DiskUsed > (ulong)Settings.DiskCapacitymb * 1024uL * 1024uL) { do { index++; } while (!_accessed[index].IsOnDisk); _accessed[index].MoveToRAM(); } if (Used > Settings.Cap) { MaybeRemoveStates(); } } private List ExcludeStates() { List ret = new List(); ulong saveUsed = Used + DiskUsed; // respect state gap no matter how small the resulting size will be // still leave marker states for (int i = 1; i < _states.Count; i++) { if (_movie.Markers.IsMarker(_states.ElementAt(i).Key + 1) || _states.ElementAt(i).Key % FileStateGap == 0) { continue; } ret.Add(i); if (_states.ElementAt(i).Value.IsOnDisk) { saveUsed -= _expectedStateSize; } else { saveUsed -= (ulong)_states.ElementAt(i).Value.Length; } } // if the size is still too big, exclude states form the beginning // still leave marker states int index = 0; while (saveUsed > (ulong)Settings.DiskSaveCapacitymb * 1024 * 1024) { do { index++; if (index >= _states.Count) { break; } } while (_movie.Markers.IsMarker(_states.ElementAt(index).Key + 1)); if (index >= _states.Count) { break; } ret.Add(index); if (_states.ElementAt(index).Value.IsOnDisk) { saveUsed -= _expectedStateSize; } else { saveUsed -= (ulong)_states.ElementAt(index).Value.Length; } } // if there are enough markers to still be over the limit, remove marker frames index = 0; while (saveUsed > (ulong)Settings.DiskSaveCapacitymb * 1024 * 1024) { index++; if (!ret.Contains(index)) { ret.Add(index); } if (_states.ElementAt(index).Value.IsOnDisk) { saveUsed -= _expectedStateSize; } else { saveUsed -= (ulong)_states.ElementAt(index).Value.Length; } } return ret; } public void Save(BinaryWriter bw) { List noSave = ExcludeStates(); bw.Write(_states.Count - noSave.Count); for (int i = 0; i < _states.Count; i++) { if (noSave.Contains(i)) { continue; } StateAccessed(_states.ElementAt(i).Key); KeyValuePair kvp = _states.ElementAt(i); bw.Write(kvp.Key); bw.Write(kvp.Value.Length); bw.Write(kvp.Value.State); ////_movie.ReportProgress(100d / States.Count * i); } } public void Load(BinaryReader br) { _states.Clear(); try { int nstates = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < nstates; i++) { int frame = br.ReadInt32(); int len = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] data = br.ReadBytes(len); // whether we should allow state removal check here is an interesting question // nothing was edited yet, so it might make sense to show the project untouched first SetState(frame, data); ////States.Add(frame, data); ////Used += len; } } catch (EndOfStreamException) { } } public void SaveBranchStates(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(_branchStates.Count); foreach (var s in _branchStates) { bw.Write(s.Key); bw.Write(s.Value.Count); foreach (var t in s.Value) { bw.Write(t.Key); t.Value.Write(bw); } } } public void LoadBranchStates(BinaryReader br) { try { int c = br.ReadInt32(); _branchStates = new SortedList>(c); while (c > 0) { int key = br.ReadInt32(); int c2 = br.ReadInt32(); var list = new SortedList(c2); while (c2 > 0) { int key2 = br.ReadInt32(); var state = StateManagerState.Read(br, this); list.Add(key2, state); c2--; } _branchStates.Add(key, list); c--; } } catch (EndOfStreamException) { // Bad! } } public KeyValuePair GetStateClosestToFrame(int frame) { var s = _states.LastOrDefault(state => state.Key < frame); return this[s.Key]; } // Map: // 4 bytes - total savestate count // [Foreach state] // 4 bytes - frame // 4 bytes - length of savestate // 0 - n savestate private ulong _used; private ulong Used { get { return _used; } set { // TODO: Shouldn't we throw an exception? Debug.Fail only runs in debug mode? if (value > 0xf000000000000000) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("ulong Used underfow!"); } else { _used = value; } } } private ulong DiskUsed { get { if (NdbDatabase == null) { return 0; } return (ulong)NdbDatabase.Consumed; } } public int StateCount => _states.Count; public bool Any() { if (_movie.StartsFromSavestate) { return _states.Count > 0; } return _states.Count > 1; } public int LastKey { get { if (_states.Count == 0) { return 0; } return _states.Last().Key; } } public int LastEmulatedFrame { get { if (StateCount > 0) { return LastKey; } return 0; } } #region Branches private SortedList> _branchStates = new SortedList>(); /// /// Checks if the state at frame in the given branch (-1 for current) has any duplicates. /// /// Index of the branch (-1 for current) of the first match. If no match, returns -2. private int StateHasDuplicate(int frame, int branchHash) { StateManagerState stateToMatch; // Get the state instance if (branchHash == -1) { stateToMatch = _states[frame]; } else { if (!_branchStates[frame].ContainsKey(branchHash)) { return -2; } stateToMatch = _branchStates[frame][branchHash]; // Check the current branch for duplicate. if (_states.ContainsKey(frame) && _states[frame] == stateToMatch) { return -1; } } // Check if there are any branch states for the given frame. if (!_branchStates.ContainsKey(frame) || _branchStates[frame] == null || branchHash == -1) { return -2; } // Loop through branch states for the given frame. SortedList stateList = _branchStates[frame]; for (int i = 0; i < stateList.Count; i++) { // Don't check the branch containing the state to match. if (i == _movie.BranchIndexByHash(branchHash)) { continue; } if (stateList.Values[i] == stateToMatch) { return i; } } return -2; // No match. } private Point FindState(StateManagerState s) { Point ret = new Point(0, -1); ret.X = s.Frame; if (!_states.ContainsValue(s)) { if (_branchStates.ContainsKey(s.Frame)) { int index = _branchStates[s.Frame].Values.IndexOf(s); ret.Y = _branchStates[s.Frame].Keys.ElementAt(index); } if (ret.Y == -1) { return new Point(-1, -2); } } return ret; } public void AddBranch() { int branchHash = _movie.BranchHashByIndex(_movie.BranchCount - 1); foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in _states) { if (!_branchStates.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { _branchStates.Add(kvp.Key, new SortedList()); } SortedList stateList = _branchStates[kvp.Key]; if (stateList == null) // when does this happen? { stateList = new SortedList(); _branchStates[kvp.Key] = stateList; } // We aren't creating any new states, just adding a reference to an already-existing one; so Used doesn't need to be updated. stateList.Add(branchHash, kvp.Value); } } public void RemoveBranch(int index) { int branchHash = _movie.BranchHashByIndex(index); foreach (KeyValuePair> kvp in _branchStates.ToList()) { SortedList stateList = kvp.Value; if (stateList == null) { continue; } /* if (stateList.ContainsKey(branchHash)) { if (stateHasDuplicate(kvp.Key, branchHash) == -2) { if (!stateList[branchHash].IsOnDisk) Used -= (ulong)stateList[branchHash].Length; } } */ stateList.Remove(branchHash); if (stateList.Count == 0) { _branchStates.Remove(kvp.Key); } } } public void UpdateBranch(int index) { if (index == -1) // backup branch is outsider { return; } int branchHash = _movie.BranchHashByIndex(index); // RemoveBranch foreach (KeyValuePair> kvp in _branchStates.ToList()) { SortedList stateList = kvp.Value; if (stateList == null) { continue; } /* if (stateList.ContainsKey(branchHash)) { if (stateHasDuplicate(kvp.Key, branchHash) == -2) { if (!stateList[branchHash].IsOnDisk) Used -= (ulong)stateList[branchHash].Length; } } */ stateList.Remove(branchHash); if (stateList.Count == 0) { _branchStates.Remove(kvp.Key); } } // AddBranch foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in _states) { if (!_branchStates.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)) { _branchStates.Add(kvp.Key, new SortedList()); } SortedList stateList = _branchStates[kvp.Key]; if (stateList == null) { stateList = new SortedList(); _branchStates[kvp.Key] = stateList; } stateList.Add(branchHash, kvp.Value); } } public void LoadBranch(int index) { if (index == -1) // backup branch is outsider { return; } int branchHash = _movie.BranchHashByIndex(index); ////Invalidate(0); // Not a good way of doing it? foreach (KeyValuePair> kvp in _branchStates) { if (kvp.Key == 0 && _states.ContainsKey(0)) { continue; // TODO: It might be a better idea to just not put state 0 in BranchStates. } if (kvp.Value.ContainsKey(branchHash)) { SetState(kvp.Key, kvp.Value[branchHash].State); } } } #endregion } }