using System; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision { public sealed class PSG : ISoundProvider { private readonly BlipBuffer _blip = new BlipBuffer(4096); private short[] _sampleBuffer = new short[0]; public PSG() { _blip.SetRates(894866 / 4.0, 44100); } public ushort[] Register = new ushort[16]; public int total_clock; // TODO: what is this used for? public void Reset() { clock_A = clock_B = clock_C = 0x1000; noise_clock = 0x20; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { Register[i] = 0x0000; } sync_psg_state(); DiscardSamples(); } public void DiscardSamples() { _blip.Clear(); _sampleClock = 0; } public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples) { throw new NotSupportedException("Async is not available"); } public bool CanProvideAsync => false; public SyncSoundMode SyncMode => SyncSoundMode.Sync; public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode) { if (mode != SyncSoundMode.Sync) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only Sync mode is supported."); } } public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp) { _blip.EndFrame((uint)_sampleClock); _sampleClock = 0; nsamp = _blip.SamplesAvailable(); int targetLength = nsamp * 2; if (_sampleBuffer.Length != targetLength) { _sampleBuffer = new short[targetLength]; } _blip.ReadSamplesLeft(_sampleBuffer, nsamp); for (int i = 0; i < _sampleBuffer.Length; i += 2) { _sampleBuffer[i + 1] = _sampleBuffer[i]; } samples = _sampleBuffer; } public void GetSamples(short[] samples) { throw new Exception(); } private static readonly int[] VolumeTable = { 0x0000, 0x0055, 0x0079, 0x00AB, 0x00F1, 0x0155, 0x01E3, 0x02AA, 0x03C5, 0x0555, 0x078B, 0x0AAB, 0x0F16, 0x1555, 0x1E2B, 0x2AAA }; private int _sampleClock; private int _latchedSample; private int TotalExecutedCycles; private int PendingCycles; private int psg_clock; private int sq_per_A, sq_per_B, sq_per_C; private int clock_A, clock_B, clock_C; private int vol_A, vol_B, vol_C; private bool A_on, B_on, C_on; private bool A_up, B_up, C_up; private bool A_noise, B_noise, C_noise; private int env_per; private int env_clock; private int env_shape; private int env_E; private int E_up_down; private int env_vol_A, env_vol_B, env_vol_C; private int noise_clock; private int noise_per; private int noise = 0x1; public Func ReadMemory; public Func WriteMemory; public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.BeginSection(nameof(PSG)); ser.Sync(nameof(Register), ref Register, false); ser.Sync("Toal_executed_cycles", ref TotalExecutedCycles); ser.Sync("Pending_Cycles", ref PendingCycles); ser.Sync(nameof(psg_clock), ref psg_clock); ser.Sync(nameof(clock_A), ref clock_A); ser.Sync(nameof(clock_B), ref clock_B); ser.Sync(nameof(clock_C), ref clock_C); ser.Sync(nameof(noise_clock), ref noise_clock); ser.Sync(nameof(env_clock), ref env_clock); ser.Sync(nameof(A_up), ref A_up); ser.Sync(nameof(B_up), ref B_up); ser.Sync(nameof(C_up), ref C_up); ser.Sync(nameof(noise), ref noise); ser.Sync(nameof(env_E), ref env_E); ser.Sync(nameof(E_up_down), ref E_up_down); sync_psg_state(); ser.EndSection(); } public ushort? ReadPSG(ushort addr, bool peek) { if (addr >= 0x01F0 && addr <= 0x01FF) { return (ushort)(Register[addr - 0x01F0]); } return null; } private void sync_psg_state() { sq_per_A = (Register[0] & 0xFF) | (((Register[4] & 0xF) << 8)); if (sq_per_A == 0) { sq_per_A = 0x1000; } sq_per_B = (Register[1] & 0xFF) | (((Register[5] & 0xF) << 8)); if (sq_per_B == 0) { sq_per_B = 0x1000; } sq_per_C = (Register[2] & 0xFF) | (((Register[6] & 0xF) << 8)); if (sq_per_C == 0) { sq_per_C = 0x1000; } env_per = (Register[3] & 0xFF) | (((Register[7] & 0xFF) << 8)); if (env_per == 0) { env_per = 0x10000; } env_per *= 2; A_on = Register[8].Bit(0); B_on = Register[8].Bit(1); C_on = Register[8].Bit(2); A_noise = Register[8].Bit(3); B_noise = Register[8].Bit(4); C_noise = Register[8].Bit(5); noise_per = Register[9] & 0x1F; if (noise_per == 0) { noise_per = 0x20; } var shape_select = Register[10] & 0xF; if (shape_select < 4) env_shape = 0; else if (shape_select < 8) env_shape = 1; else env_shape = 2 + (shape_select - 8); vol_A = Register[11] & 0xF; env_vol_A = (Register[11] >> 4) & 0x3; vol_B = Register[12] & 0xF; env_vol_B = (Register[12] >> 4) & 0x3; vol_C = Register[13] & 0xF; env_vol_C = (Register[13] >> 4) & 0x3; } public bool WritePSG(ushort addr, ushort value, bool poke) { if (addr >= 0x01F0 && addr <= 0x01FF) { var reg = addr - 0x01F0; value &= 0xFF; if (reg == 4 || reg == 5 || reg == 6 || reg == 10) value &= 0xF; if (reg == 9) value &= 0x1F; if (reg == 11 || reg == 12 || reg == 13) value &= 0x3F; Register[addr - 0x01F0] = value; sync_psg_state(); if (reg == 10) { env_clock = env_per; if (env_shape == 0 || env_shape == 2 || env_shape == 3 || env_shape == 4 || env_shape == 5) { env_E = 15; E_up_down = -1; } else { env_E = 0; E_up_down = 1; } } return true; } return false; } public void generate_sound(int cycles_to_do) { // there are 4 cpu cycles for every psg cycle bool sound_out_A; bool sound_out_B; bool sound_out_C; for (int i = 0; i < cycles_to_do; i++) { psg_clock++; if (psg_clock == 4) { psg_clock = 0; total_clock++; clock_A--; clock_B--; clock_C--; noise_clock--; env_clock--; // clock noise if (noise_clock == 0) { noise = (noise >> 1) ^ (noise.Bit(0) ? 0x10004 : 0); noise_clock = noise_per; } if (env_clock == 0) { env_clock = env_per; env_E += E_up_down; if (env_E == 16 || env_E == -1) { // we just completed a period of the envelope, determine what to do now based on the envelope shape if (env_shape == 0 || env_shape == 1 || env_shape == 3 || env_shape == 9) { E_up_down = 0; env_E = 0; } else if (env_shape == 5 || env_shape == 7) { E_up_down = 0; env_E = 15; } else if (env_shape == 4 || env_shape == 8) { if (env_E == 16) { env_E = 15; E_up_down = -1; } else { env_E = 0; E_up_down = 1; } } else if (env_shape == 2) { env_E = 15; } else { env_E = 0; } } } if (clock_A == 0) { A_up = !A_up; clock_A = sq_per_A; } if (clock_B == 0) { B_up = !B_up; clock_B = sq_per_B; } if (clock_C == 0) { C_up = !C_up; clock_C = sq_per_C; } sound_out_A = (noise.Bit(0) | A_noise) & (A_on | A_up); sound_out_B = (noise.Bit(0) | B_noise) & (B_on | B_up); sound_out_C = (noise.Bit(0) | C_noise) & (C_on | C_up); // now calculate the volume of each channel and add them together int v; if (env_vol_A == 0) { v = (short)(sound_out_A ? VolumeTable[vol_A] : 0); } else { int shift_A = 3 - env_vol_A; if (shift_A < 0) shift_A = 0; v = (short)(sound_out_A ? (VolumeTable[env_E] >> shift_A) : 0); } if (env_vol_B == 0) { v += (short)(sound_out_B ? VolumeTable[vol_B] : 0); } else { int shift_B = 3 - env_vol_B; if (shift_B < 0) shift_B = 0; v += (short)(sound_out_B ? (VolumeTable[env_E] >> shift_B) : 0); } if (env_vol_C == 0) { v += (short)(sound_out_C ? VolumeTable[vol_C] : 0); } else { int shift_C = 3 - env_vol_C; if (shift_C < 0) shift_C = 0; v += (short)(sound_out_C ? (VolumeTable[env_E] >> shift_C) : 0); } if (v != _latchedSample) { _blip.AddDelta((uint)_sampleClock, v - _latchedSample); _latchedSample = v; } _sampleClock++; } } } } }