using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; //TODO - redo all timekeeping in terms of master clock namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo { public partial class NES : IEmulator { static readonly bool USE_DATABASE = true; public RomStatus RomStatus; public NES(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, byte[] fdsbios = null) { CoreComm = comm; CoreComm.CpuTraceAvailable = true; BootGodDB.Initialize(); SetPalette(Palettes.FCEUX_Standard); videoProvider = new MyVideoProvider(this); Init(game, rom, fdsbios); ControllerDefinition = new ControllerDefinition(NESController); if (board is FDS) { var b = board as FDS; ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Eject"); for (int i = 0; i < b.NumSides; i++) ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Insert " + i); CoreComm.UsesDriveLed = true; b.SetDriveLightCallback((val) => CoreComm.DriveLED = val); } if (vs_io) { ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("VS Coin 1"); ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("VS Coin 2"); } } private NES() { BootGodDB.Initialize(); } public void WriteLogTimestamp() { if (ppu != null) Console.Write("[{0:d5}:{1:d3}:{2:d3}]", Frame,, ppu.ppur.status.cycle); } public void LogLine(string format, params object[] args) { if (ppu != null) Console.WriteLine("[{0:d5}:{1:d3}:{2:d3}] {3}", Frame,, ppu.ppur.status.cycle, string.Format(format, args)); } NESWatch GetWatch(NESWatch.EDomain domain, int address) { if (domain == NESWatch.EDomain.Sysbus) { NESWatch ret = sysbus_watch[address] ?? new NESWatch(this, domain, address); sysbus_watch[address] = ret; return ret; } return null; } class NESWatch { public enum EDomain { Sysbus } public NESWatch(NES nes, EDomain domain, int address) { Address = address; Domain = domain; if (domain == EDomain.Sysbus) { watches = nes.sysbus_watch; } } public int Address; public EDomain Domain; public enum EFlags { None = 0, GameGenie = 1, ReadPrint = 2 } EFlags flags; public void Sync() { if (flags == EFlags.None) watches[Address] = null; else watches[Address] = this; } public void SetGameGenie(byte? compare, byte value) { flags |= EFlags.GameGenie; Compare = compare; Value = value; Sync(); } public bool HasGameGenie { get { return (flags & EFlags.GameGenie) != 0; } } public byte ApplyGameGenie(byte curr) { if (!HasGameGenie) { return curr; } else if (curr == Compare || Compare == null) { Console.WriteLine("applied game genie"); return (byte)Value; } else { return curr; } } public void RemoveGameGenie() { flags &= ~EFlags.GameGenie; Sync(); } byte? Compare; byte Value; NESWatch[] watches; } public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } public DisplayType DisplayType { get { return _display_type; } } class MyVideoProvider : IVideoProvider { public int ntsc_top = 8; public int ntsc_bottom = 231; public int pal_top = 0; public int pal_bottom = 239; public int left = 0; public int right = 255; NES emu; public MyVideoProvider(NES emu) { this.emu = emu; } int[] pixels = new int[256 * 240]; public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { return pixels; } public void FillFrameBuffer() { int the_top; int the_bottom; if (emu.DisplayType == DisplayType.NTSC) { the_top = ntsc_top; the_bottom = ntsc_bottom; } else { the_top = pal_top; the_bottom = pal_bottom; } int backdrop = 0; if (emu.CoreComm != null) backdrop = emu.CoreComm.NES_BackdropColor; bool useBackdrop = (backdrop & 0xFF000000) != 0; //TODO - we could recalculate this on the fly (and invalidate/recalculate it when the palette is changed) int width = BufferWidth; for (int x = left; x <= right; x++) { for (int y = the_top; y <= the_bottom; y++) { short pixel = emu.ppu.xbuf[(y << 8) + x]; if ((pixel & 0x8000) != 0 && useBackdrop) { pixels[((y - the_top) * width) + (x - left)] = backdrop; } else pixels[((y - the_top) * width) + (x - left)] = emu.palette_compiled[pixel & 0x7FFF]; } } } public int VirtualWidth { get { return BufferWidth; } } public int BufferWidth { get { return right - left + 1; } } public int BackgroundColor { get { return 0; } } public int BufferHeight { get { if (emu.DisplayType == DisplayType.NTSC) { return ntsc_bottom - ntsc_top + 1; } else { return pal_bottom - pal_top + 1; } } } } public int NTSC_FirstDrawLine { get { return videoProvider.ntsc_top; } set { videoProvider.ntsc_top = value; CoreComm.ScreenLogicalOffsetY = videoProvider.ntsc_top; } } public int NTSC_LastDrawLine { get { return videoProvider.ntsc_bottom; } set { videoProvider.ntsc_bottom = value; } } public int PAL_FirstDrawLine { get { return videoProvider.pal_top; } set { videoProvider.pal_top = value; CoreComm.ScreenLogicalOffsetY = videoProvider.pal_top; } } public int PAL_LastDrawLine { get { return videoProvider.pal_bottom; } set { videoProvider.pal_bottom = value; } } public void SetClipLeftAndRight(bool clip) { if (clip) { videoProvider.left = 8; videoProvider.right = 248; } else { videoProvider.left = 0; videoProvider.right = 255; } CoreComm.ScreenLogicalOffsetX = videoProvider.left; videoProvider.FillFrameBuffer(); } MyVideoProvider videoProvider; public IVideoProvider VideoProvider { get { return videoProvider; } } public ISoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return magicSoundProvider; } } public ISyncSoundProvider SyncSoundProvider { get { return magicSoundProvider; } } public bool StartAsyncSound() { return true; } public void EndAsyncSound() { } public static readonly ControllerDefinition NESController = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "NES Controller", BoolButtons = { "P1 Up", "P1 Down", "P1 Left", "P1 Right", "P1 Select", "P1 Start", "P1 B", "P1 A", "Reset", "Power", "P2 Up", "P2 Down", "P2 Left", "P2 Right", "P2 Select", "P2 Start", "P2 B", "P2 A" } }; public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition { get; private set; } IController controller; public IController Controller { get { return controller; } set { controller = value; } } interface IPortDevice { void Write(int value); byte Read(bool peek); void Update(); } //static INPUTC GPC = { ReadGP, 0, StrobeGP, UpdateGP, 0, 0, LogGP, LoadGP }; class JoypadPortDevice : NullPortDevice { int state; NES nes; int player; public JoypadPortDevice(NES nes, int player) { this.nes = nes; this.player = player; } void Strobe() { value = 0; foreach ( string str in new string[] { "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " Right", "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " Left", "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " Down", "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " Up", "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " Start", "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " Select", "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " B", "P" + (player + 1).ToString() + " A" } ) { value <<= 1; value |= nes.Controller.IsPressed(str) ? 1 : 0; } } public override void Write(int value) { if (state == 1 && value == 0) Strobe(); state = value; } public override byte Read(bool peek) { int ret = value & 1; if(!peek) value >>= 1; // more information is needed return (byte)(ret | (nes.DB & 0xe0)); } public override void Update() { } int value; } class NullPortDevice : IPortDevice { public virtual void Write(int value) { } public virtual byte Read(bool peek) { return 0xFF; } public virtual void Update() { } } int _frame; int _lagcount; bool lagged = true; bool islag = false; public int Frame { get { return _frame; } set { _frame = value; } } public void ResetFrameCounter() { _frame = 0; _lagcount = 0; islag = false; } public long Timestamp { get; private set; } public int LagCount { get { return _lagcount; } set { _lagcount = value; } } public bool IsLagFrame { get { return islag; } } public bool DeterministicEmulation { get { return true; } } public byte[] ReadSaveRam() { if (board is FDS) return (board as FDS).ReadSaveRam(); if (board == null || board.SaveRam == null) return null; return (byte[])board.SaveRam.Clone(); } public void StoreSaveRam(byte[] data) { if (board is FDS) { (board as FDS).StoreSaveRam(data); return; } if (board == null || board.SaveRam == null) return; Array.Copy(data, board.SaveRam, data.Length); } public void ClearSaveRam() { if (board is FDS) { (board as FDS).ClearSaveRam(); return; } if (board == null || board.SaveRam == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < board.SaveRam.Length; i++) board.SaveRam[i] = 0; } public bool SaveRamModified { get { if (board == null) return false; if (board is FDS) return true; if (board.SaveRam == null) return false; return true; } set { } } private IList memoryDomains; private void SetupMemoryDomains() { var domains = new List(); var RAM = new MemoryDomain("RAM", 0x800, Endian.Little, addr => ram[addr & 0x07FF], (addr, value) => ram[addr & 0x07FF] = value); var SystemBus = new MemoryDomain("System Bus", 0x10000, Endian.Little, addr => ReadMemory((ushort)addr), (addr, value) => ApplySystemBusPoke(addr, value)); //WriteMemory((ushort)addr, value)); var PPUBus = new MemoryDomain("PPU Bus", 0x4000, Endian.Little, addr => ppu.ppubus_peek(addr), (addr, value) => ppu.ppubus_write(addr, value)); var CIRAMdomain = new MemoryDomain("CIRAM (nametables)", 0x800, Endian.Little, addr => CIRAM[addr & 0x07FF], (addr, value) => CIRAM[addr & 0x07FF] = value); var OAMdoman = new MemoryDomain("OAM", 64 * 4, Endian.Unknown, addr => ppu.OAM[addr & (64 * 4 - 1)], (addr, value) => ppu.OAM[addr & (64 * 4 - 1)] = value); domains.Add(RAM); domains.Add(SystemBus); domains.Add(PPUBus); domains.Add(CIRAMdomain); domains.Add(OAMdoman); if (!(board is FDS) && board.SaveRam != null) { var BatteryRam = new MemoryDomain("Battery RAM", board.SaveRam.Length, Endian.Little, addr => board.SaveRam[addr], (addr, value) => board.SaveRam[addr] = value); domains.Add(BatteryRam); } var PRGROM = new MemoryDomain("PRG ROM", cart.prg_size * 1024, Endian.Little, addr => board.ROM[addr], (addr, value) => board.ROM[addr] = value); domains.Add(PRGROM); if (board.VROM != null) { var CHRROM = new MemoryDomain("CHR VROM", cart.chr_size * 1024, Endian.Little, addr => board.VROM[addr], (addr, value) => board.VROM[addr] = value); domains.Add(CHRROM); } if (board.VRAM != null) { var VRAM = new MemoryDomain("VRAM", board.VRAM.Length, Endian.Little, addr => board.VRAM[addr], (addr, value) => board.VRAM[addr] = value); domains.Add(VRAM); } if (board.WRAM != null) { var WRAM = new MemoryDomain("WRAM", board.WRAM.Length, Endian.Little, addr => board.WRAM[addr], (addr, value) => board.WRAM[addr] = value); domains.Add(WRAM); } // if there were more boards with special ram sets, we'd want to do something more general if (board is FDS) domains.Add((board as FDS).GetDiskPeeker()); else if (board is ExROM) domains.Add((board as ExROM).GetExRAM()); memoryDomains = domains.AsReadOnly(); } public string SystemId { get { return "NES"; } } public IList MemoryDomains { get { return memoryDomains; } } public MemoryDomain MainMemory { get { return memoryDomains[0]; } } public string GameName { get { return game_name; } } public enum EDetectionOrigin { None, BootGodDB, GameDB, INES, UNIF, FDS } StringWriter LoadReport; void LoadWriteLine(string format, params object[] arg) { Console.WriteLine(format, arg); LoadReport.WriteLine(format, arg); } void LoadWriteLine(object arg) { LoadWriteLine("{0}", arg); } class MyWriter : StringWriter { public MyWriter(TextWriter _loadReport) { loadReport = _loadReport; } TextWriter loadReport; public override void WriteLine(string format, params object[] arg) { Console.WriteLine(format, arg); loadReport.WriteLine(format, arg); } public override void WriteLine(string value) { Console.WriteLine(value); loadReport.WriteLine(value); } } public unsafe void Init(GameInfo gameInfo, byte[] rom, byte[] fdsbios = null) { LoadReport = new StringWriter(); LoadWriteLine("------"); LoadWriteLine("BEGIN NES rom analysis:"); byte[] file = rom; Type boardType = null; CartInfo choice = null; CartInfo iNesHeaderInfo = null; List hash_sha1_several = new List(); string hash_sha1 = null, hash_md5 = null; Unif unif = null; origin = EDetectionOrigin.None; if (file.Length < 16) throw new Exception("Alleged NES rom too small to be anything useful"); if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("UNIF"))) { LoadWriteLine("Found UNIF header:"); LoadWriteLine("Since this is UNIF we can confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); unif = new Unif(new MemoryStream(file)); hash_sha1 = unif.GetCartInfo().sha1; hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); } else if (file.Take(4).SequenceEqual(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("FDS\x1A"))) { // there's not much else to do with FDS images other than to feed them to the board origin = EDetectionOrigin.FDS; LoadWriteLine("Found FDS header."); if (fdsbios == null) throw new Exception("Missing FDS Bios!"); cart = new CartInfo(); var fdsboard = new FDS(); fdsboard.biosrom = fdsbios; fdsboard.SetDiskImage(rom); fdsboard.Create(this); fdsboard.Configure(origin); board = fdsboard; //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; if (cart.vram_size != 0) board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; board.PostConfigure(); HardReset(); return; } else { fixed (byte* bfile = &file[0]) { var header = (iNES_HEADER*)bfile; if (!header->CheckID()) throw new InvalidOperationException("iNES header not found"); header->Cleanup(); //now that we know we have an iNES header, we can try to ignore it. hash_sha1 = "sha1:" + Util.Hash_SHA1(file, 16, file.Length - 16); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash_sha1); hash_md5 = "md5:" + Util.Hash_MD5(file, 16, file.Length - 16); LoadWriteLine("Found iNES header:"); iNesHeaderInfo = header->Analyze(new MyWriter(LoadReport)); LoadWriteLine("Since this is iNES we can (somewhat) confidently parse PRG/CHR banks to hash."); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_sha1); LoadWriteLine("headerless rom hash: {0}", hash_md5); if (iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size == 16) { //8KB prg can't be stored in iNES format, which counts 16KB prg banks. //so a correct hash will include only 8KB. LoadWriteLine("Since this rom has a 16 KB PRG, we'll hash it as 8KB too for bootgod's DB:"); var msTemp = new MemoryStream(); msTemp.Write(file, 16, 8 * 1024); //add prg msTemp.Write(file, 16 + 16 * 1024, iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size * 1024); //add chr msTemp.Flush(); var bytes = msTemp.ToArray(); var hash = "sha1:" + Util.Hash_SHA1(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); hash_sha1_several.Add(hash); hash = "md5:" + Util.Hash_MD5(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); LoadWriteLine(" PRG (8KB) + CHR hash: {0}", hash); } } } if (USE_DATABASE) choice = IdentifyFromBootGodDB(hash_sha1_several); if (choice == null) { LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in nescartdb"); if (USE_DATABASE) { if (hash_md5 != null) choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_md5); if (choice == null) { choice = IdentifyFromGameDB(hash_sha1); } } if (choice == null) { LoadWriteLine("Could not locate game in bizhawk gamedb"); if (unif != null) { LoadWriteLine("Using information from UNIF header"); choice = unif.GetCartInfo(); = new NESGameInfo(); = gameInfo.Name; origin = EDetectionOrigin.UNIF; } if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { LoadWriteLine("Attempting inference from iNES header"); choice = iNesHeaderInfo; string iNES_board = iNESBoardDetector.Detect(choice); if (iNES_board == null) throw new Exception("couldnt identify NES rom"); choice.board_type = iNES_board; //try spinning up a board with 8K wram and with 0K wram to see if one answers try { boardType = FindBoard(choice, origin); } catch { } if (boardType == null) { if (choice.wram_size == 8) choice.wram_size = 0; else if (choice.wram_size == 0) choice.wram_size = 8; try { boardType = FindBoard(choice, origin); } catch { } if (boardType != null) LoadWriteLine("Ambiguous iNES wram size resolved as {0}k", choice.wram_size); } LoadWriteLine("Chose board from iNES heuristics: " + iNES_board); = gameInfo.Name; origin = EDetectionOrigin.INES; } } else { origin = EDetectionOrigin.GameDB; LoadWriteLine("Chose board from bizhawk gamedb: " + choice.board_type); //gamedb entries that dont specify prg/chr sizes can infer it from the ines header if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) choice.prg_size = iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size; if (choice.chr_size == -1) choice.chr_size = iNesHeaderInfo.chr_size; if (choice.vram_size == -1) choice.vram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.vram_size; if (choice.wram_size == -1) choice.wram_size = iNesHeaderInfo.wram_size; } else if (unif != null) { if (choice.prg_size == -1) choice.prg_size = unif.GetCartInfo().prg_size; if (choice.chr_size == -1) choice.chr_size = unif.GetCartInfo().chr_size; // unif has no wram\vram sizes; hope the board impl can figure it out... if (choice.vram_size == -1) choice.vram_size = 0; if (choice.wram_size == -1) choice.wram_size = 0; } } } else { LoadWriteLine("Chose board from nescartdb:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); origin = EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB; } //TODO - generate better name with region and system game_name =; //find a INESBoard to handle this boardType = FindBoard(choice, origin); if (boardType == null) throw new Exception("No class implements the necessary board type: " + choice.board_type); if (choice.DB_GameInfo != null) choice.bad = choice.DB_GameInfo.IsRomStatusBad(); LoadWriteLine("Final game detection results:"); LoadWriteLine(choice); LoadWriteLine("\"" + game_name + "\""); LoadWriteLine("Implemented by: class " + boardType.Name); if (choice.bad) { LoadWriteLine("~~ ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, THIS DUMP IS KNOWN TO BE *BAD* ~~"); LoadWriteLine("~~ YOU SHOULD FIND A BETTER FILE ~~"); } LoadWriteLine("END NES rom analysis"); LoadWriteLine("------"); board = CreateBoardInstance(boardType); cart = choice; board.Create(this); board.Configure(origin); if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.BootGodDB) { RomStatus = RomStatus.GoodDump; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Identified from BootGod's database"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.UNIF) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from UNIF header; somewhat suspicious"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.INES) { RomStatus = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation = "Inferred from iNES header; potentially wrong"; } if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.GameDB) { if (choice.bad) { RomStatus = RomStatus.BadDump; } else { RomStatus = choice.DB_GameInfo.Status; } } LoadReport.Flush(); CoreComm.RomStatusDetails = LoadReport.ToString(); //create the board's rom and vrom if (iNesHeaderInfo != null) { //pluck the necessary bytes out of the file board.ROM = new byte[choice.prg_size * 1024]; Array.Copy(file, 16, board.ROM, 0, board.ROM.Length); if (choice.chr_size > 0) { board.VROM = new byte[choice.chr_size * 1024]; int vrom_offset = iNesHeaderInfo.prg_size * 1024; Array.Copy(file, 16 + vrom_offset, board.VROM, 0, board.VROM.Length); } } else { board.ROM = unif.GetPRG(); board.VROM = unif.GetCHR(); } //create the vram and wram if necessary if (cart.wram_size != 0) board.WRAM = new byte[cart.wram_size * 1024]; if (cart.vram_size != 0) board.VRAM = new byte[cart.vram_size * 1024]; board.PostConfigure(); HardReset(); } void SyncState(Serializer ser) { int version = 2; ser.BeginSection("NES"); ser.Sync("version", ref version); ser.Sync("Frame", ref _frame); ser.Sync("Lag", ref _lagcount); ser.Sync("IsLag", ref islag); cpu.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("ram", ref ram, false); ser.Sync("CIRAM", ref CIRAM, false); ser.Sync("cpu_accumulate", ref cpu_accumulate); ser.Sync("_irq_apu", ref _irq_apu); ser.Sync("sprdma_countdown", ref sprdma_countdown); ser.Sync("cpu_step", ref cpu_step); ser.Sync("cpu_stepcounter", ref cpu_stepcounter); ser.Sync("cpu_deadcounter", ref cpu_deadcounter); if (vs_io) { ser.Sync("vs_coin1", ref vs_coin1); ser.Sync("vs_coin2", ref vs_coin2); } ser.BeginSection("Board"); board.SyncState(ser); if (board is NESBoardBase && !((NESBoardBase)board).SyncStateFlag) throw new InvalidOperationException("the current NES mapper didnt call base.SyncState"); ser.EndSection(); ppu.SyncState(ser); apu.SyncState(ser); if (version >= 2) ser.Sync("DB", ref DB); ser.EndSection(); } public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateTextWriter(writer)); } public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateTextReader(reader)); } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter bw) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateBinaryWriter(bw)); } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader br) { SyncState(Serializer.CreateBinaryReader(br)); } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); SaveStateBinary(bw); bw.Flush(); return ms.ToArray(); } } } //todo // //cpu bus junk bits //UBER DOC // //A VERY NICE board assignments list // //why not make boards communicate over the actual board pinouts // //a mappers list // //some ppu tests //