using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
/// This class holds a watch i.e. something inside a identified by an address
/// with a specific size (8, 16 or 32bits).
/// This is an abstract class
[DebuggerDisplay("Note={Notes}, Value={ValueString}")]
public abstract partial class Watch
: IEquatable,
#region Fields
protected long _address;
protected MemoryDomain _domain;
protected DisplayType _type;
protected WatchSize _size;
protected bool _bigEndian;
protected string _notes;
protected int _changecount = 0;
#region cTor(s)
/// Initialize a new instance of
/// where you want to track
/// The address you want to track
/// A (byte, word, double word)
/// How you you want to display the value See
/// Specify the endianess. true for big endian
/// A custom note about the
/// Occurs when a is incompatible with the
protected Watch(MemoryDomain domain, long address, WatchSize size, DisplayType type, bool bigEndian, string note)
if (IsDiplayTypeAvailable(type))
this._domain = domain;
this._address = address;
this._size = size;
this._type = type;
this._bigEndian = bigEndian;
this._notes = note;
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("DisplayType {0} is invalid for this type of Watch", type.ToString()), "type");
#region Methods
#region Static
/// Generate sa from a given string
/// String is tab separate
/// Entire string, tab seperated for each value Order is:
/// -
/// 0x00
/// Address in hexadecimal
/// -
/// b,w or d
/// The , byte, word or double word
/// s, u, h, b, 1, 2, 3, f
/// The signed, unsigned,etc...
/// -
/// 0 or 1
/// Big endian or not
/// -
/// RDRAM,ROM,...
/// The
/// -
/// Plain text
/// Notes
/// 's memory domain
/// A brand new
public static Watch FromString(string line, IMemoryDomains domains)
string[] parts = line.Split(new char[] { '\t' }, 6);
if (parts.Length < 6)
if (parts.Length >= 3 && parts[2] == "_")
return SeparatorWatch.Instance;
return null;
long address;
if (long.TryParse(parts[0], NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out address))
WatchSize size = Watch.SizeFromChar(parts[1][0]);
DisplayType type = Watch.DisplayTypeFromChar(parts[2][0]);
bool bigEndian = parts[3] == "0" ? false : true;
MemoryDomain domain = domains[parts[4]];
string notes = parts[5].Trim(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
return Watch.GenerateWatch(
return null;
/// Generates a new instance
/// Can be either , , or
/// The where you want to watch
/// The address into the
/// The size
/// How the watch will be displayed
/// Endianess (true for big endian)
/// A custom note about the
/// The current watch value
/// Previous value
/// Number of changes occurs in current
/// New instance. True type is depending of size parameter
public static Watch GenerateWatch(MemoryDomain domain, long address, WatchSize size, DisplayType type, bool bigEndian, string note, long value, long prev, int changeCount)
switch (size)
case WatchSize.Separator:
return SeparatorWatch.Instance;
case WatchSize.Byte:
return new ByteWatch(domain, address, type, bigEndian, note, (byte)value, (byte)prev, changeCount);
case WatchSize.Word:
return new WordWatch(domain, address, type, bigEndian, note, (ushort)value, (ushort)prev, changeCount);
case WatchSize.DWord:
return new DWordWatch(domain, address, type, bigEndian, note, (uint)value, (uint)prev, changeCount);
/// Generates a new instance
/// Can be either , , or
/// The where you want to watch
/// The address into the
/// The size
/// How the watch will be displayed
/// Endianess (true for big endian)
/// A customp note about your watch
/// New instance. True type is depending of size parameter
public static Watch GenerateWatch(MemoryDomain domain, long address, WatchSize size, DisplayType type, bool bigEndian, string note)
return GenerateWatch(domain, address, size, type, bigEndian, note, 0, 0, 0);
/// Generates a new instance
/// Can be either , , or
/// The where you want to watch
/// The address into the
/// The size
/// How the watch will be displayed
/// Endianess (true for big endian)
/// New instance. True type is depending of size parameter
public static Watch GenerateWatch(MemoryDomain domain, long address, WatchSize size, DisplayType type, bool bigEndian)
return GenerateWatch(domain, address, size, type, bigEndian, string.Empty, 0, 0, 0);
#region Operators
/// Equality operator between two
/// First watch
/// Second watch
/// True if both watch are equals; otherwise, false
public static bool operator ==(Watch a, Watch b)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, null) || object.ReferenceEquals(b, null))
return false;
else if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, b))
return true;
return a.Equals(b);
/// Equality operator between a and a
/// The watch
/// The cheat
/// True if they are equals; otherwise, false
public static bool operator ==(Watch a, Cheat b)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, null) || object.ReferenceEquals(b, null))
return false;
else if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, b))
return true;
return a.Equals(b);
/// Inequality operator between two
/// First watch
/// Second watch
/// True if both watch are different; otherwise, false
public static bool operator !=(Watch a, Watch b)
return !(a == b);
/// Inequality operator between a and a
/// The watch
/// The cheat
/// True if they are different; otherwise, false
public static bool operator !=(Watch a, Cheat b)
return !(a == b);
/// Compare two together
/// First
/// Second
/// True if first is lesser than b; otherwise, false
/// Occurs when you try to compare two throughout different
public static bool operator <(Watch a, Watch b)
return a.CompareTo(b) < 0;
/// Compare two together
/// First
/// Second
/// True if first is greater than b; otherwise, false
/// Occurs when you try to compare two throughout different
public static bool operator >(Watch a, Watch b)
return a.CompareTo(b) > 0;
/// Compare two together
/// First
/// Second
/// True if first is lesser or equals to b; otherwise, false
/// Occurs when you try to compare two throughout different
public static bool operator <=(Watch a, Watch b)
return a.CompareTo(b) <= 0;
/// Compare two together
/// First
/// Second
/// True if first is greater or equals to b; otherwise, false
/// Occurs when you try to compare two throughout different
public static bool operator >=(Watch a, Watch b)
return a.CompareTo(b) >= 0;
#endregion Operators
#endregion Static
#region Abstracts
/// Gets a list a that can be used for this
/// An enumartion that contains all valid
public abstract IEnumerable AvailableTypes();
/// Resets the previous value; set it to the current one
public abstract void ResetPrevious();
/// Updates the Watch (read it from
public abstract void Update();
#endregion Abstracts
#region Protected
protected byte GetByte(bool bypassFreeze = false)
if (!bypassFreeze && Global.CheatList.IsActive(_domain, _address))
//LIAR logic
return Global.CheatList.GetByteValue(_domain, _address) ?? 0;
if (_domain.Size == 0)
return _domain.PeekByte(_address);
return _domain.PeekByte(_address % _domain.Size);
protected ushort GetWord(bool bypassFreeze = false)
if (!bypassFreeze && Global.CheatList.IsActive(_domain, _address))
//LIAR logic
return (ushort)(Global.CheatList.GetCheatValue(_domain, _address, WatchSize.Word) ?? 0);
if (_domain.Size == 0)
return _domain.PeekUshort(_address, _bigEndian);
return _domain.PeekUshort(_address % _domain.Size, _bigEndian); // TODO: % size stil lisn't correct since it could be the last byte of the domain
protected uint GetDWord(bool bypassFreeze = false)
if (!bypassFreeze && Global.CheatList.IsActive(_domain, _address))
//LIAR logic
return (uint)(Global.CheatList.GetCheatValue(_domain, _address, WatchSize.DWord) ?? 0);
if (_domain.Size == 0)
return _domain.PeekUint(_address, _bigEndian); // TODO: % size stil lisn't correct since it could be the last byte of the domain
return _domain.PeekUint(_address % _domain.Size, _bigEndian); // TODO: % size stil lisn't correct since it could be the last byte of the domain
protected void PokeByte(byte val)
if (_domain.Size == 0)
_domain.PokeByte(_address, val);
else _domain.PokeByte(_address % _domain.Size, val);
protected void PokeWord(ushort val)
if (_domain.Size == 0)
_domain.PokeUshort(_address, val, _bigEndian); // TODO: % size stil lisn't correct since it could be the last byte of the domain
else _domain.PokeUshort(_address % _domain.Size, val, _bigEndian); // TODO: % size stil lisn't correct since it could be the last byte of the domain
protected void PokeDWord(uint val)
if (_domain.Size == 0)
_domain.PokeUint(_address, val, _bigEndian); // TODO: % size stil lisn't correct since it could be the last byte of the domain
else _domain.PokeUint(_address % _domain.Size, val, _bigEndian); // TODO: % size stil lisn't correct since it could be the last byte of the domain
#endregion Protected
/// Sets the number of changes to 0
public void ClearChangeCount()
_changecount = 0;
#region IEquatable
/// Determines if this is equals to another
/// The to compare
/// True if both object are equals; otherwise, false
public bool Equals(Watch other)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(other, null))
return false;
return this._domain == other._domain &&
this._address == other._address &&
this._size == other._size;
#endregion IEquatable
#region IEquatable
/// Determines if this is equals to an instance of
/// The to compare
/// True if both object are equals; otherwise, false
public bool Equals(Cheat other)
return !object.ReferenceEquals(other, null) &&
this._domain == other.Domain &&
this._address == other.Address &&
this._size == other.Size;
#endregion IEquatable
#region IComparable
/// Compares two together and determine wich one comes first.
/// First we look the address and then the size
/// The other to compare to
/// 0 if they are equals, 1 if the other is greater, -1 if the other is lesser
/// Occurs when you try to compare two throughout different
public int CompareTo(Watch other)
if (this._domain != other._domain)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Watch cannot be compared through different domain");
if (this.Equals(other))
return 0;
else if (object.ReferenceEquals(other, null))
return 1;
else if (_address.Equals(other._address))
return ((int)_size).CompareTo((int)other._size);
return _address.CompareTo(other._address);
#endregion IComparable
/// Determines if this object is Equals to another
/// The object to compare
/// True if both object are equals; otherwise, false
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Watch)
return Equals((Watch)obj);
else if (obj is Cheat)
return Equals((Cheat)obj);
return base.Equals(obj);
/// Hash the current watch and gets a unique value
/// that can serves as a unique representation of current Watch
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.Domain.GetHashCode() + (int)(this.Address);
/// Determines if the specified can be
/// used for the current
/// you want to check
public bool IsDiplayTypeAvailable(DisplayType type)
return AvailableTypes().Where(d => d == type).Any();
/// Transforms the current instance into a string
/// A representation of the current
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}"
, Domain == null && Address == 0 ? "0" : Address.ToHexString((Domain.Size - 1).NumHexDigits())
, SizeAsChar
, TypeAsChar
, Convert.ToInt32(BigEndian)
, DomainName
, Notes.Trim('\r', '\n')
/// Transform the current instance into a displayable (short representation) string
/// It's used by the "Display on screen" option in the RamWatch window
/// A well formatted string representation
public virtual string ToDisplayString()
return string.Format("{0}: {1}", Notes, ValueString);
#region Properties
#region Abstracts
/// Get a string representation of difference
/// between current value and the previous one
public abstract string Diff { get; }
/// Get the maximum possible value
public abstract uint MaxValue { get; }
/// Get the current value
public abstract int Value { get; }
/// Gets the current value
/// but with stuff I don't understand
/// zero 15-nov-2015 - bypass LIAR LOGIC, see fdc9ea2aa922876d20ba897fb76909bf75fa6c92
public abstract int ValueNoFreeze { get; }
/// Get a string representation of the current value
public abstract string ValueString { get; }
/// Try to sets the value into the
/// at the current address
/// Value to set
/// True if value successfully sets; othewise, false
public abstract bool Poke(string value);
/// Get the previous value
public abstract int Previous { get; }
/// Get a string representation of the previous value
public abstract string PreviousStr { get; }
#endregion Abstracts
/// Gets the address in the
public long Address
return _address;
/// Gets the format tha should be used by string.Format()
private string AddressFormatStr
if (_domain != null)
return "X" + (_domain.Size - 1).NumHexDigits();
return string.Empty;
/// Gets the address in the formatted as string
public string AddressString
return _address.ToString(AddressFormatStr);
/// Gets or sets the endianess of current
/// True for big endian, flase for little endian
public bool BigEndian
return _bigEndian;
_bigEndian = value;
/// Gets the number of time tha value of current has changed
public int ChangeCount
return _changecount;
/// Gets or set the way current is displayed
/// Occurs when a is incompatible with the
public DisplayType Type
return _type;
if (IsDiplayTypeAvailable(value))
_type = value;
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("DisplayType {0} is invalid for this type of Watch", value.ToString()));
/// Gets or sets current
public MemoryDomain Domain
return _domain;
internal set
if (value != null &&_domain.Name == value.Name)
_domain = value;
throw new InvalidOperationException("You cannot set a different domain to a watch on the fly");
/// Gets the domain name of the current
/// It's the same of doing myWatch.Domain.Name
public string DomainName
if (_domain != null)
return _domain.Name;
return string.Empty;
/// Gets a value that defined if the current address is
/// well in the range of current
public bool IsOutOfRange
return !IsSeparator && (_domain.Size != 0 && _address >= _domain.Size);
/// Gets a value that defined if the current is actually a
public bool IsSeparator
return this is SeparatorWatch;
/// Gets or sets notes for current
public string Notes
return _notes;
_notes = value;
/// Gets the current size of the watch
public WatchSize Size
return _size;
//TODO: Replace all the following stuff by implementing ISerializable
public static string DisplayTypeToString(DisplayType type)
switch (type)
return type.ToString();
case DisplayType.FixedPoint_12_4:
return "Fixed Point 12.4";
case DisplayType.FixedPoint_20_12:
return "Fixed Point 20.12";
case DisplayType.FixedPoint_16_16:
return "Fixed Point 16.16";
public static DisplayType StringToDisplayType(string name)
switch (name)
return (DisplayType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DisplayType), name);
case "Fixed Point 12.4":
return DisplayType.FixedPoint_12_4;
case "Fixed Point 20.12":
return DisplayType.FixedPoint_20_12;
case "Fixed Point 16.16":
return DisplayType.FixedPoint_16_16;
public char SizeAsChar
switch (Size)
case WatchSize.Separator:
return 'S';
case WatchSize.Byte:
return 'b';
case WatchSize.Word:
return 'w';
case WatchSize.DWord:
return 'd';
public static WatchSize SizeFromChar(char c)
switch (c)
case 'S':
return WatchSize.Separator;
case 'b':
return WatchSize.Byte;
case 'w':
return WatchSize.Word;
case 'd':
return WatchSize.DWord;
public char TypeAsChar
switch (Type)
case DisplayType.Separator:
return '_';
case DisplayType.Unsigned:
return 'u';
case DisplayType.Signed:
return 's';
case DisplayType.Hex:
return 'h';
case DisplayType.Binary:
return 'b';
case DisplayType.FixedPoint_12_4:
return '1';
case DisplayType.FixedPoint_20_12:
return '2';
case DisplayType.FixedPoint_16_16:
return '3';
case DisplayType.Float:
return 'f';
public static DisplayType DisplayTypeFromChar(char c)
switch (c)
case '_':
return DisplayType.Separator;
case 'u':
return DisplayType.Unsigned;
case 's':
return DisplayType.Signed;
case 'h':
return DisplayType.Hex;
case 'b':
return DisplayType.Binary;
case '1':
return DisplayType.FixedPoint_12_4;
case '2':
return DisplayType.FixedPoint_20_12;
case '3':
return DisplayType.FixedPoint_16_16;
case 'f':
return DisplayType.Float;