using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600 { /* FA (RAM Plus) ----- CBS Thought they'd throw a few tricks of their own at the 2600 with It's got 12K of ROM and 256 bytes of RAM. This works similar to F8, except there's only 3 4K ROM banks. The banks are selected by accessing 1FF8, 1FF9, and 1FFA. There's also 256 bytes of RAM mapped into 1000-11FF. The write port is at 1000-10FF, and the read port is 1100-11FF. */ internal class mFA : MapperBase { private int _toggle; private ByteBuffer _auxRam = new ByteBuffer(256); private byte ReadMem(ushort addr, bool peek) { if (!peek) { Address(addr); } if (addr < 0x1000) { return base.ReadMemory(addr); } if (addr < 0x1100) { return 0xFF; } if (addr < 0x1200) { return _auxRam[addr & 0xFF]; } return Core.Rom[(_toggle << 12) + (addr & 0xFFF)]; } public override byte ReadMemory(ushort addr) { return ReadMem(addr, false); } public override byte PeekMemory(ushort addr) { return ReadMem(addr, true); } public override void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { Address(addr); if (addr < 0x1000) { base.WriteMemory(addr, value); } else if (addr < 0x1100) { _auxRam[addr & 0xFF] = value; } } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("toggle", ref _toggle); ser.Sync("auxRam", ref _auxRam); } private void Address(ushort addr) { if (addr == 0x1FF8) _toggle = 0; if (addr == 0x1FF9) _toggle = 1; if (addr == 0x1FFA) _toggle = 2; } } }