using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600 { public partial class Atari2600 { public object GetSettings() { return Settings.Clone(); } public object GetSyncSettings() { return SyncSettings.Clone(); } public bool PutSettings(object o) { A2600Settings newSettings = (A2600Settings)o; if (Settings == null || Settings.SECAMColors != newSettings.SECAMColors) { if (_tia != null) _tia.SetSECAM(newSettings.SECAMColors); } Settings = newSettings; return false; } public bool PutSyncSettings(object o) { SyncSettings = (A2600SyncSettings)o; return false; } public class A2600Settings { [JsonIgnore] private int _ntscTopLine = 24; [JsonIgnore] private int _ntscBottomLine = 248; [JsonIgnore] private int _palTopLine = 24; [JsonIgnore] private int _palBottomLine = 296; [Description("Sets whether or not the Background layer will be displayed")] public bool ShowBG { get; set; } [Description("Sets whether or not the Player 1 layer will be displayed")] public bool ShowPlayer1 { get; set; } [Description("Sets whether or not the Player 2 layer will be displayed")] public bool ShowPlayer2 { get; set; } [Description("Sets whether or not the Missle 1 layer will be displayed")] public bool ShowMissle1 { get; set; } [Description("Sets whether or not the Missle 2 layer will be displayed")] public bool ShowMissle2 { get; set; } [Description("Sets whether or not the Ball layer will be displayed")] public bool ShowBall { get; set; } [Description("Sets whether or not the Playfield layer will be displayed")] public bool ShowPlayfield { get; set; } [Description("If true, PAL mode will show with SECAM (French) colors.")] public bool SECAMColors { get; set; } public int NTSCTopLine { get { return this._ntscTopLine; } set { _ntscTopLine = Math.Min(64, Math.Max(value, 0)); } } public int NTSCBottomLine { get { return _ntscBottomLine; } set { _ntscBottomLine = Math.Min(260, Math.Max(value, 192)); } } public int PALTopLine { get { return this._palTopLine; } set { this._palTopLine = Math.Min(64, Math.Max(value, 0)); } } public int PALBottomLine { get { return this._palBottomLine; } set { this._palBottomLine = Math.Min(310, Math.Max(value, 192)); } } public Color BackgroundColor { get; set; } public A2600Settings Clone() { return (A2600Settings)MemberwiseClone(); } public static A2600Settings GetDefaults() { return new A2600Settings { ShowBG = true, ShowPlayer1 = true, ShowPlayer2 = true, ShowMissle1 = true, ShowMissle2 = true, ShowBall = true, ShowPlayfield = true, BackgroundColor = Color.Black, SECAMColors = false }; } } public class A2600SyncSettings { [Description("Set the TV Type switch on the console to B&W or Color")] public bool BW { get; set; } [Description("Set the Left Difficulty switch on the console")] public bool LeftDifficulty { get; set; } [Description("Set the Right Difficulty switch on the console")] public bool RightDifficulty { get; set; } [Description("Super Charger only, sets whether or not to skip the BIOS intro")] public bool FastScBios { get; set; } public A2600SyncSettings Clone() { return (A2600SyncSettings)MemberwiseClone(); } public static A2600SyncSettings GetDefaults() { return new A2600SyncSettings { BW = false, LeftDifficulty = true, RightDifficulty = true }; } } } }