using System; // Credits: // Original emulator written by Mitsutaka Okazaki 2001. // Original conversion to C# by Ben Ryves. // TODO The savestate support here is very simplistic and incomplete. However, this does not result in desyncs as the YM2413 is write-only. // TODO This should eventually be replaced, due to 1) uncertain licensing terms 2) This is not a native C# implementation, but a naive port. namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Sound { public sealed class YM2413 : ISoundProvider { public byte DetectionValue; public byte RegisterLatch; public OPLL opll; public YM2413() { MaxVolume = short.MaxValue; opll = OPLL_new(3579545, 44100); } public void Reset() { OPLL_reset(opll); DetectionValue = 0; RegisterLatch = 0; } public void Write(byte value) { OPLL_writeReg(opll, RegisterLatch, value); } public void Write(byte register, byte value) { OPLL_writeReg(opll, register, value); } public void DiscardSamples() { } public int MaxVolume { get; set; } public void GetSamples(short[] samples) { for (int i=0; i> (b)); } /* Leave the lower b bit(s). */ static int LOWBITS(int c, int b) { return ((c) & ((1 << (b)) - 1)); } /* Expand x which is s bits to d bits. */ static int EXPAND_BITS(int x, int s, int d) { return ((x) << ((d) - (s))); } /* Expand x which is s bits to d bits and fill expanded bits '1' */ static int EXPAND_BITS_X(int x, int s, int d) { return (((x) << ((d) - (s))) | ((1 << ((d) - (s))) - 1)); } /* Adjust envelope speed which depends on sampling rate. */ static uint RATE_ADJUST(double x) { return (rate == 49716 ? (uint)x : (uint)((double)(x) * clk / 72 / rate + 0.5)); } /* added 0.5 to round the value*/ static OPLL_SLOT MOD(OPLL o, int x) { return ((o).slot[(x) << 1]); } static OPLL_SLOT CAR(OPLL o, int x) { return ((o).slot[((x) << 1) | 1]); } static bool BIT(uint s, int b) { return (((s) >> (b)) & 1) != 0; } static bool BIT(int s, int b) { return (((s) >> (b)) & 1) != 0; } /* Input clock */ static uint clk = 844451141; /* Sampling rate */ static uint rate = 3354932; /* WaveTable for each envelope amp */ static short[] fullsintable = new short[PG_WIDTH]; static short[] halfsintable = new short[PG_WIDTH]; static short[][] waveform = new short[2][] { fullsintable, halfsintable }; /* LFO Table */ static int[] pmtable = new int[PM_PG_WIDTH]; static int[] amtable = new int[AM_PG_WIDTH]; /* Phase delta for LFO */ static uint pm_dphase; static uint am_dphase; /* dB to Liner table */ static short[] DB2LIN_TABLE = new short[(DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE) * 2]; /* Liner to Log curve conversion table (for Attack rate). */ static short[] AR_ADJUST_TABLE = new short[1 << EG_BITS]; /* Empty voice data */ //static OPLL_PATCH null_patch = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* Basic voice Data */ static OPLL_PATCH[,] default_patch = new OPLL_PATCH[OPLL_TONE_NUM, (16 + 3) * 2]; /* Definition of envelope mode */ public enum OPLL_EG_STATE { READY, ATTACK, DECAY, SUSHOLD, SUSTINE, RELEASE, SETTLE, FINISH }; /* Phase incr table for Attack */ static uint[,] dphaseARTable = new uint[16, 16]; /* Phase incr table for Decay and Release */ static uint[,] dphaseDRTable = new uint[16, 16]; /* KSL + TL Table */ static uint[, , ,] tllTable = new uint[16, 8, 1 << TL_BITS, 4]; static int[, ,] rksTable = new int[2, 8, 2]; /* Phase incr table for PG */ static uint[, ,] dphaseTable = new uint[512, 8, 16]; /*************************************************** Create tables ****************************************************/ static int Min(int i, int j) { if (i < j) return i; else return j; } /* Table for AR to LogCurve. */ static void makeAdjustTable() { AR_ADJUST_TABLE[0] = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1; for (int i = 1; i < (1 << EG_BITS); i++) AR_ADJUST_TABLE[i] = (short)((double)(1 << EG_BITS) - 1 - ((1 << EG_BITS) - 1) * Math.Log(i) / Math.Log10(127)); } /* Table for dB(0 -- (1<= DB_MUTE) DB2LIN_TABLE[i] = 0; DB2LIN_TABLE[i + DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE] = (short)(-DB2LIN_TABLE[i]); } } /* Liner(+0.0 - +1.0) to dB((1<> (20 - DP_BITS)); } static double dB2(double x) { return ((x) * 2); } static void makeTllTable() { double[] kltable = new double[] { dB2 (0.000), dB2 (9.000), dB2 (12.000), dB2 (13.875), dB2 (15.000), dB2 (16.125), dB2 (16.875), dB2 (17.625), dB2 (18.000), dB2 (18.750), dB2 (19.125), dB2 (19.500), dB2 (19.875), dB2 (20.250), dB2 (20.625), dB2 (21.000) }; int tmp; int fnum, block, TL, KL; for (fnum = 0; fnum < 16; fnum++) for (block = 0; block < 8; block++) for (TL = 0; TL < 64; TL++) for (KL = 0; KL < 4; KL++) { if (KL == 0) { tllTable[fnum, block, TL, KL] = TL2EG((uint)TL); } else { tmp = (int)(kltable[fnum] - dB2(3.000) * (7 - block)); if (tmp <= 0) tllTable[fnum, block, TL, KL] = TL2EG((uint)TL); else tllTable[fnum, block, TL, KL] = (uint)((tmp >> (3 - KL)) / EG_STEP) + TL2EG((uint)TL); } } } /* Rate Table for Attack */ static void makeDphaseARTable() { int AR, Rks, RM, RL; for (AR = 0; AR < 16; AR++) for (Rks = 0; Rks < 16; Rks++) { RM = AR + (Rks >> 2); RL = Rks & 3; if (RM > 15) RM = 15; switch (AR) { case 0: dphaseARTable[AR, Rks] = 0; break; case 15: dphaseARTable[AR, Rks] = 0;/*EG_DP_WIDTH;*/ break; default: dphaseARTable[AR, Rks] = RATE_ADJUST((uint)((3 * (RL + 4) << (RM + 1)))); break; } } } /* Rate Table for Decay and Release */ static void makeDphaseDRTable() { int DR, Rks, RM, RL; for (DR = 0; DR < 16; DR++) for (Rks = 0; Rks < 16; Rks++) { RM = DR + (Rks >> 2); RL = Rks & 3; if (RM > 15) RM = 15; switch (DR) { case 0: dphaseDRTable[DR, Rks] = 0; break; default: dphaseDRTable[DR, Rks] = RATE_ADJUST((uint)((RL + 4) << (RM - 1))); break; } } } static void makeRksTable() { int fnum8, block, KR; for (fnum8 = 0; fnum8 < 2; fnum8++) for (block = 0; block < 8; block++) for (KR = 0; KR < 2; KR++) { if (KR != 0) rksTable[fnum8, block, KR] = (block << 1) + fnum8; else rksTable[fnum8, block, KR] = block >> 1; } } static void OPLL_dump2patch(byte[] dump, OPLL_PATCH[] patch) { patch[0].am = (uint)(dump[0] >> 7) & 1; patch[1].am = (uint)(dump[1] >> 7) & 1; patch[0].pm = (uint)(dump[0] >> 6) & 1; patch[1].pm = (uint)(dump[1] >> 6) & 1; patch[0].eg = (uint)(dump[0] >> 5) & 1; patch[1].eg = (uint)(dump[1] >> 5) & 1; patch[0].kr = (uint)(dump[0] >> 4) & 1; patch[1].kr = (uint)(dump[1] >> 4) & 1; patch[0].ml = (uint)(dump[0]) & 15; patch[1].ml = (uint)(dump[1]) & 15; patch[0].kl = (uint)(dump[2] >> 6) & 3; patch[1].kl = (uint)(dump[3] >> 6) & 3; patch[0].tl = (uint)(dump[2]) & 63; patch[0].fb = (uint)(dump[3]) & 7; patch[0].wf = (uint)(dump[3] >> 3) & 1; patch[1].wf = (uint)(dump[3] >> 4) & 1; patch[0].ar = (uint)(dump[4] >> 4) & 15; patch[1].ar = (uint)(dump[5] >> 4) & 15; patch[0].dr = (uint)(dump[4]) & 15; patch[1].dr = (uint)(dump[5]) & 15; patch[0].sl = (uint)(dump[6] >> 4) & 15; patch[1].sl = (uint)(dump[7] >> 4) & 15; patch[0].rr = (uint)(dump[6]) & 15; patch[1].rr = (uint)(dump[7]) & 15; } static void OPLL_getDefaultPatch(int type, int num, OPLL_PATCH[] patch) { byte[] r = new byte[8]; Array.Copy(default_inst[type], num * 16, r, 0, r.Length); OPLL_dump2patch(r, patch); } static void makeDefaultPatch() { for (int i = 0; i < OPLL_TONE_NUM; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 19; j++) { default_patch[i, j * 2 + 0] = new OPLL_PATCH(); default_patch[i, j * 2 + 1] = new OPLL_PATCH(); OPLL_getDefaultPatch(i, j, new[] { default_patch[i, j * 2 + 0], default_patch[i, j * 2 + 1] }); } } } /************************************************************ Calc Parameters ************************************************************/ static uint calc_eg_dphase(OPLL_SLOT slot) { switch (slot.eg_mode) { case OPLL_EG_STATE.ATTACK: return dphaseARTable[, slot.rks]; case OPLL_EG_STATE.DECAY: return dphaseDRTable[slot.patch.dr, slot.rks]; case OPLL_EG_STATE.SUSHOLD: return 0; case OPLL_EG_STATE.SUSTINE: return dphaseDRTable[slot.patch.rr, slot.rks]; case OPLL_EG_STATE.RELEASE: if (slot.sustine != 0) return dphaseDRTable[5, slot.rks]; else if ( != 0) return dphaseDRTable[slot.patch.rr, slot.rks]; else return dphaseDRTable[7, slot.rks]; case OPLL_EG_STATE.SETTLE: return dphaseDRTable[15, 0]; case OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH: return 0; default: return 0; } } /************************************************************* OPLL public interfaces *************************************************************/ const int SLOT_BD1 = 12; const int SLOT_BD2 = 13; const int SLOT_HH = 14; const int SLOT_SD = 15; const int SLOT_TOM = 16; const int SLOT_CYM = 17; static void UPDATE_PG(OPLL_SLOT S) { (S).dphase = dphaseTable[(S).fnum, (S).block, (S)]; } static void UPDATE_TLL(OPLL_SLOT S) { if (S.type == 0) { (S).tll = tllTable[((S).fnum) >> 5, (S).block, (S), (S).patch.kl]; } else { (S).tll = tllTable[((S).fnum) >> 5, (S).block, (S).volume, (S).patch.kl]; } } static void UPDATE_RKS(OPLL_SLOT S) { (S).rks = (uint)rksTable[((S).fnum) >> 8, (S).block, (S)]; } static void UPDATE_WF(OPLL_SLOT S) { (S).sintbl = waveform[(S)]; } static void UPDATE_EG(OPLL_SLOT S) { (S).eg_dphase = calc_eg_dphase(S); } static void UPDATE_ALL(OPLL_SLOT S) { UPDATE_PG(S); UPDATE_TLL(S); UPDATE_RKS(S); UPDATE_WF(S); UPDATE_EG(S); /* EG should be updated last. */ } /* Slot key on */ static void slotOn(OPLL_SLOT slot) { slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.ATTACK; slot.eg_phase = 0; slot.phase = 0; UPDATE_EG(slot); } /* Slot key on without reseting the phase */ static void slotOn2(OPLL_SLOT slot) { slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.ATTACK; slot.eg_phase = 0; UPDATE_EG(slot); } /* Slot key off */ static void slotOff(OPLL_SLOT slot) { if (slot.eg_mode == OPLL_EG_STATE.ATTACK) slot.eg_phase = (uint)EXPAND_BITS(AR_ADJUST_TABLE[HIGHBITS(slot.eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS)], EG_BITS, EG_DP_BITS); slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.RELEASE; UPDATE_EG(slot); } /* Channel key on */ static void keyOn(OPLL opll, int i) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[i * 2] == 0) slotOn(MOD(opll, i)); if (opll.slot_on_flag[i * 2 + 1] == 0) slotOn(CAR(opll, i)); opll.key_status[i] = 1; } /* Channel key off */ static void keyOff(OPLL opll, int i) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[i * 2 + 1] != 0) slotOff(CAR(opll, i)); opll.key_status[i] = 0; } static void keyOn_BD(OPLL opll) { keyOn(opll, 6); } static void keyOn_SD(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD] == 0) slotOn(CAR(opll, 7)); } static void keyOn_TOM(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM] == 0) slotOn(MOD(opll, 8)); } static void keyOn_HH(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] == 0) slotOn2(MOD(opll, 7)); } static void keyOn_CYM(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] == 0) slotOn2(CAR(opll, 8)); } /* Drum key off */ static void keyOff_BD(OPLL opll) { keyOff(opll, 6); } static void keyOff_SD(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD] == 0) slotOff(CAR(opll, 7)); } static void keyOff_TOM(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM] != 0) slotOff(MOD(opll, 8)); } static void keyOff_HH(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] != 0) slotOff(MOD(opll, 7)); } static void keyOff_CYM(OPLL opll) { if (opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] != 0) slotOff(CAR(opll, 8)); } /* Change a voice */ static void setPatch(OPLL opll, int i, int num) { opll.patch_number[i] = num; MOD(opll, i).patch = opll.patch[num * 2 + 0]; CAR(opll, i).patch = opll.patch[num * 2 + 1]; } /* Change a rhythm voice */ static void setSlotPatch(OPLL_SLOT slot, OPLL_PATCH patch) { slot.patch = patch; } /* Set sustine parameter */ static void setSustine(OPLL opll, int c, int sustine) { CAR(opll, c).sustine = sustine; if (MOD(opll, c).type != 0) MOD(opll, c).sustine = sustine; } /* Volume : 6bit ( Volume register << 2 ) */ static void setVolume(OPLL opll, int c, int volume) { CAR(opll, c).volume = volume; } static void setSlotVolume(OPLL_SLOT slot, int volume) { slot.volume = volume; } /* Set F-Number ( fnum : 9bit ) */ static void setFnumber(OPLL opll, int c, int fnum) { CAR(opll, c).fnum = fnum; MOD(opll, c).fnum = fnum; } /* Set Block data (block : 3bit ) */ static void setBlock(OPLL opll, int c, int block) { CAR(opll, c).block = block; MOD(opll, c).block = block; } /* Change Rhythm Mode */ static void update_rhythm_mode(OPLL opll) { if ((opll.patch_number[6] & 0x10) != 0) { if ((opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD2] | (opll.reg[0x0e] & 32)) == 0) { opll.slot[SLOT_BD1].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; opll.slot[SLOT_BD2].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; setPatch(opll, 6, opll.reg[0x36] >> 4); } } else if ((opll.reg[0x0e] & 32) != 0) { opll.patch_number[6] = 16; opll.slot[SLOT_BD1].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; opll.slot[SLOT_BD2].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; setSlotPatch(opll.slot[SLOT_BD1], opll.patch[16 * 2 + 0]); setSlotPatch(opll.slot[SLOT_BD2], opll.patch[16 * 2 + 1]); } if ((opll.patch_number[7] & 0x10) != 0) { if (!((opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] != 0 && opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD] != 0) | ((opll.reg[0x0e] & 32) != 0))) { opll.slot[SLOT_HH].type = 0; opll.slot[SLOT_HH].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; opll.slot[SLOT_SD].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; setPatch(opll, 7, opll.reg[0x37] >> 4); } } else if ((opll.reg[0x0e] & 32) != 0) { opll.patch_number[7] = 17; opll.slot[SLOT_HH].type = 1; opll.slot[SLOT_HH].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; opll.slot[SLOT_SD].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; setSlotPatch(opll.slot[SLOT_HH], opll.patch[17 * 2 + 0]); setSlotPatch(opll.slot[SLOT_SD], opll.patch[17 * 2 + 1]); } if ((opll.patch_number[8] & 0x10) != 0) { if (!((opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] != 0 && opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM] != 0) | ((opll.reg[0x0e] & 32) != 0))) { opll.slot[SLOT_TOM].type = 0; opll.slot[SLOT_TOM].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; opll.slot[SLOT_CYM].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; setPatch(opll, 8, opll.reg[0x38] >> 4); } } else if ((opll.reg[0x0e] & 32) != 0) { opll.patch_number[8] = 18; opll.slot[SLOT_TOM].type = 1; opll.slot[SLOT_TOM].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; opll.slot[SLOT_CYM].eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; setSlotPatch(opll.slot[SLOT_TOM], opll.patch[18 * 2 + 0]); setSlotPatch(opll.slot[SLOT_CYM], opll.patch[18 * 2 + 1]); } } static void update_key_status(OPLL opll) { int ch; for (ch = 0; ch < 9; ch++) opll.slot_on_flag[ch * 2] = opll.slot_on_flag[ch * 2 + 1] = (opll.reg[0x20 + ch]) & 0x10; if ((opll.reg[0x0e] & 32) != 0) { opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD1] |= (opll.reg[0x0e] & 0x10); opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_BD2] |= (opll.reg[0x0e] & 0x10); opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_SD] |= (opll.reg[0x0e] & 0x08); opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_HH] |= (opll.reg[0x0e] & 0x01); opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_TOM] |= (opll.reg[0x0e] & 0x04); opll.slot_on_flag[SLOT_CYM] |= (opll.reg[0x0e] & 0x02); } } void OPLL_copyPatch(OPLL opll, int num, OPLL_PATCH patch) { opll.patch[num] = (OPLL_PATCH)patch.Clone(); } /*********************************************************** Initializing ***********************************************************/ static void OPLL_SLOT_reset(OPLL_SLOT slot, int type) { slot.type = type; slot.sintbl = waveform[0]; slot.phase = 0; slot.dphase = 0; slot.output[0] = 0; slot.output[1] = 0; = 0; slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; slot.eg_phase = EG_DP_WIDTH; slot.eg_dphase = 0; slot.rks = 0; slot.tll = 0; slot.sustine = 0; slot.fnum = 0; slot.block = 0; slot.volume = 0; slot.pgout = 0; slot.egout = 0; slot.patch = new OPLL_PATCH(); } static void public_refresh() { makeDphaseTable(); makeDphaseARTable(); makeDphaseDRTable(); pm_dphase = (uint)RATE_ADJUST(PM_SPEED * PM_DP_WIDTH / (clk / 72)); am_dphase = (uint)RATE_ADJUST(AM_SPEED * AM_DP_WIDTH / (clk / 72)); } static void maketables(uint c, uint r) { if (c != clk) { clk = c; makePmTable(); makeAmTable(); makeDB2LinTable(); makeAdjustTable(); makeTllTable(); makeRksTable(); makeSinTable(); makeDefaultPatch(); } if (r != rate) { rate = r; public_refresh(); } } OPLL OPLL_new(uint clk, uint rate) { OPLL opll = new OPLL(); int i; maketables(clk, rate); for (i = 0; i < 19 * 2; i++) opll.patch[i] = new OPLL_PATCH(); opll.mask = 0; OPLL_reset(opll); OPLL_reset_patch(opll, 0); return opll; } /* Reset patch datas by system default. */ void OPLL_reset_patch(OPLL opll, int type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 19 * 2; i++) OPLL_copyPatch(opll, i, default_patch[type % OPLL_TONE_NUM, i]); } /* Reset whole of OPLL except patch datas. */ void OPLL_reset(OPLL opll) { int i; opll.adr = 0; opll.output = 0; opll.pm_phase = 0; opll.am_phase = 0; opll.noise_seed = 0xffff; opll.mask = 0; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) OPLL_SLOT_reset(opll.slot[i], i % 2); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { opll.key_status[i] = 0; setPatch(opll, i, 0); } for (i = 0; i < 0x40; i++) OPLL_writeReg(opll, (uint)i, 0); opll.realstep = (uint)((1 << 31) / rate); opll.opllstep = (uint)((1 << 31) / (clk / 72)); opll.oplltime = 0; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) opll.pan[i] = 3; opll.sprev[0] = opll.sprev[1] = 0; opll.snext[0] = opll.snext[1] = 0; } /* Force Refresh (When external program changes some parameters). */ void OPLL_forceRefresh(OPLL opll) { int i; if (opll == null) return; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) setPatch(opll, i, opll.patch_number[i]); for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { UPDATE_PG(opll.slot[i]); UPDATE_RKS(opll.slot[i]); UPDATE_TLL(opll.slot[i]); UPDATE_WF(opll.slot[i]); UPDATE_EG(opll.slot[i]); } } void OPLL_set_rate(OPLL opll, uint r) { if (opll.quality) rate = 49716; else rate = r; public_refresh(); rate = r; } void OPLL_set_quality(OPLL opll, bool q) { opll.quality = q; OPLL_set_rate(opll, rate); } /********************************************************* Generate wave data *********************************************************/ /* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 2PI). */ static int wave2_2pi(int e) { return ((SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS) > 0) ? ((e) >> (SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS)) : ((e) << (PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS)); } /* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 4PI). */ static int wave2_4pi(int e) { return ((e) << (1 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS)); /*if ((SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1) == 0) { return (e); } else if ((SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1) > 0) { return ((e) >> (SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 1)); } else { return ((e) << (1 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS)); }*/ } /* Convert Amp(0 to EG_HEIGHT) to Phase(0 to 8PI). */ static int wave2_8pi(int e) { return ((e) << (2 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS)); /* if ((SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2) == 0) { return (e); } else if ((SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2) > 0) { return ((e) >> (SLOT_AMP_BITS - PG_BITS - 2)); } else { return ((e) << (2 + PG_BITS - SLOT_AMP_BITS)); } */ } /* Update AM, PM unit */ static void update_ampm(OPLL opll) { opll.pm_phase = (uint)((opll.pm_phase + pm_dphase) & (PM_DP_WIDTH - 1)); opll.am_phase = (int)((opll.am_phase + am_dphase) & (AM_DP_WIDTH - 1)); opll.lfo_am = amtable[HIGHBITS((uint)opll.am_phase, AM_DP_BITS - AM_PG_BITS)]; opll.lfo_pm = pmtable[HIGHBITS(opll.pm_phase, PM_DP_BITS - PM_PG_BITS)]; } /* PG */ static void calc_phase(OPLL_SLOT slot, int lfo) { if ( != 0) slot.phase += (uint)((slot.dphase * lfo) >> PM_AMP_BITS); else slot.phase += slot.dphase; slot.phase &= unchecked((uint)(DP_WIDTH - 1)); slot.pgout = HIGHBITS(slot.phase, DP_BASE_BITS); } /* Update Noise unit */ static void update_noise(OPLL opll) { if ((opll.noise_seed & 1) != 0) opll.noise_seed ^= 0x8003020; opll.noise_seed >>= 1; } /* EG */ static uint S2E(double x) { return (SL2EG((uint)(x / SL_STEP)) << (EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS)); } static uint[] SL = new[] { S2E (0.0), S2E (3.0), S2E (6.0), S2E (9.0), S2E (12.0), S2E (15.0), S2E (18.0), S2E (21.0), S2E (24.0), S2E (27.0), S2E (30.0), S2E (33.0), S2E (36.0), S2E (39.0), S2E (42.0), S2E (48.0) }; static void calc_envelope(OPLL_SLOT slot, int lfo) { uint egout; switch (slot.eg_mode) { case OPLL_EG_STATE.ATTACK: egout = (uint)AR_ADJUST_TABLE[HIGHBITS(slot.eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS)]; slot.eg_phase += slot.eg_dphase; if ((EG_DP_WIDTH & slot.eg_phase) != 0 || ( == 15)) { egout = 0; slot.eg_phase = 0; slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.DECAY; UPDATE_EG(slot); } break; case OPLL_EG_STATE.DECAY: egout = HIGHBITS(slot.eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS); slot.eg_phase += slot.eg_dphase; if (slot.eg_phase >= SL[]) { if ( != 0) { slot.eg_phase = SL[]; slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.SUSHOLD; UPDATE_EG(slot); } else { slot.eg_phase = SL[]; slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.SUSTINE; UPDATE_EG(slot); } } break; case OPLL_EG_STATE.SUSHOLD: egout = HIGHBITS(slot.eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS); if ( == 0) { slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.SUSTINE; UPDATE_EG(slot); } break; case OPLL_EG_STATE.SUSTINE: case OPLL_EG_STATE.RELEASE: egout = HIGHBITS(slot.eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS); slot.eg_phase += slot.eg_dphase; if (egout >= (1 << EG_BITS)) { slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH; egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1; } break; case OPLL_EG_STATE.SETTLE: egout = HIGHBITS(slot.eg_phase, EG_DP_BITS - EG_BITS); slot.eg_phase += slot.eg_dphase; if (egout >= (1 << EG_BITS)) { slot.eg_mode = OPLL_EG_STATE.ATTACK; egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1; UPDATE_EG(slot); } break; case OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH: egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1; break; default: egout = (1 << EG_BITS) - 1; break; } if ( != 0) egout = (uint)(EG2DB(egout + slot.tll) + lfo); else egout = EG2DB(egout + slot.tll); if (egout >= DB_MUTE) egout = unchecked((uint)DB_MUTE - 1); slot.egout = egout | 3; } /* CARRIOR */ static int calc_slot_car(OPLL_SLOT slot, int fm) { if (slot.egout + 1 >= DB_MUTE) { slot.output[0] = 0; } else { slot.output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot.sintbl[(slot.pgout + wave2_8pi(fm)) & (PG_WIDTH - 1)] + slot.egout]; } slot.output[1] = (slot.output[1] + slot.output[0]) >> 1; return slot.output[1]; } /* MODULATOR */ static int calc_slot_mod(OPLL_SLOT slot) { int fm; slot.output[1] = slot.output[0]; if (slot.egout + 1 >= DB_MUTE) { slot.output[0] = 0; } else if (slot.patch.fb != 0) { fm = wave2_4pi( >> (int)(7 - slot.patch.fb); slot.output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot.sintbl[(slot.pgout + fm) & (PG_WIDTH - 1)] + slot.egout]; } else { slot.output[0] = DB2LIN_TABLE[slot.sintbl[slot.pgout] + slot.egout]; } = (slot.output[1] + slot.output[0]) >> 1; return; } /* TOM */ static int calc_slot_tom(OPLL_SLOT slot) { if (slot.egout + 1 >= DB_MUTE) return 0; return DB2LIN_TABLE[slot.sintbl[slot.pgout] + slot.egout]; } /* SNARE */ static int calc_slot_snare(OPLL_SLOT slot, uint noise) { if (slot.egout + 1 >= DB_MUTE) return 0; if (BIT(slot.pgout, 7)) return DB2LIN_TABLE[(noise != 0 ? DB_POS(0.0) : DB_POS(15.0)) + slot.egout]; else return DB2LIN_TABLE[(noise != 0 ? DB_NEG(0.0) : DB_NEG(15.0)) + slot.egout]; } /* TOP-CYM */ static int calc_slot_cym(OPLL_SLOT slot, uint pgout_hh) { uint dbout; if (slot.egout + 1 >= DB_MUTE) return 0; else if ( /* the same as fmopl.c */ ((BIT(pgout_hh, PG_BITS - 8) ^ BIT(pgout_hh, PG_BITS - 1)) | BIT(pgout_hh, PG_BITS - 7)) ^ /* different from fmopl.c */ (BIT(slot.pgout, PG_BITS - 7) & !BIT(slot.pgout, PG_BITS - 5)) ) dbout = DB_NEG(3.0); else dbout = DB_POS(3.0); return DB2LIN_TABLE[dbout + slot.egout]; } /* HI-HAT */ static int calc_slot_hat(OPLL_SLOT slot, int pgout_cym, uint noise) { uint dbout; if (slot.egout + 1 >= DB_MUTE) return 0; else if ( /* the same as fmopl.c */ ((BIT(slot.pgout, PG_BITS - 8) ^ BIT(slot.pgout, PG_BITS - 1)) | BIT(slot.pgout, PG_BITS - 7)) ^ /* different from fmopl.c */ (BIT(pgout_cym, PG_BITS - 7) & !BIT(pgout_cym, PG_BITS - 5)) ) { if (noise != 0) dbout = DB_NEG(12.0); else dbout = DB_NEG(24.0); } else { if (noise != 0) dbout = DB_POS(12.0); else dbout = DB_POS(24.0); } return DB2LIN_TABLE[dbout + slot.egout]; } static short calc(OPLL opll) { int inst = 0, perc = 0, output = 0; int i; update_ampm(opll); update_noise(opll); for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { calc_phase(opll.slot[i], opll.lfo_pm); calc_envelope(opll.slot[i], opll.lfo_am); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(i)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, i).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) inst += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, i), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, i))); /* CH6 */ if (opll.patch_number[6] <= 15) { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(6)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 6).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) inst += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 6), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 6))); } else { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_BD) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 6).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) perc += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 6), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 6))); } /* CH7 */ if (opll.patch_number[7] <= 15) { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(7)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 7).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) inst += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 7), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 7))); } else { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_HH) == 0 && (MOD(opll, 7).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) perc += calc_slot_hat(MOD(opll, 7), (int)CAR(opll, 8).pgout, opll.noise_seed & 1); if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_SD) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 7).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) perc -= calc_slot_snare(CAR(opll, 7), opll.noise_seed & 1); } /* CH8 */ if (opll.patch_number[8] <= 15) { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(8)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 8).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) inst += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 8), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 8))); } else { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_TOM) == 0 && (MOD(opll, 8).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) perc += calc_slot_tom(MOD(opll, 8)); if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CYM) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 8).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) perc -= calc_slot_cym(CAR(opll, 8), MOD(opll, 7).pgout); } output = inst + (perc << 1); return (short)(output << 3); } short OPLL_calc(OPLL opll) { if (!opll.quality) return calc(opll); while (opll.realstep > opll.oplltime) { opll.oplltime += opll.opllstep; opll.prev =; = calc(opll); } opll.oplltime -= opll.realstep; opll.output = (short)(((double) * (opll.opllstep - opll.oplltime) + (double)opll.prev * opll.oplltime) / opll.opllstep); return (short)opll.output; } uint OPLL_setMask(OPLL opll, uint mask) { uint ret; if (opll != null) { ret = opll.mask; opll.mask = mask; return ret; } else return 0; } uint OPLL_toggleMask(OPLL opll, uint mask) { uint ret; if (opll != null) { ret = opll.mask; opll.mask ^= mask; return ret; } else return 0; } /**************************************************** I/O Ctrl *****************************************************/ void OPLL_writeReg(OPLL opll, uint reg, uint data) { int i, v, ch; data = data & 0xff; reg = reg & 0x3f; opll.reg[reg] = (byte)data; switch (reg) { case 0x00: opll.patch[0].am = (data >> 7) & 1; opll.patch[0].pm = (data >> 6) & 1; opll.patch[0].eg = (data >> 5) & 1; opll.patch[0].kr = (data >> 4) & 1; opll.patch[0].ml = (data) & 15; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_PG(MOD(opll, i)); UPDATE_RKS(MOD(opll, i)); UPDATE_EG(MOD(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x01: opll.patch[1].am = (data >> 7) & 1; opll.patch[1].pm = (data >> 6) & 1; opll.patch[1].eg = (data >> 5) & 1; opll.patch[1].kr = (data >> 4) & 1; opll.patch[1].ml = (data) & 15; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_PG(CAR(opll, i)); UPDATE_RKS(CAR(opll, i)); UPDATE_EG(CAR(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x02: opll.patch[0].kl = (data >> 6) & 3; opll.patch[0].tl = (data) & 63; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_TLL(MOD(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x03: opll.patch[1].kl = (data >> 6) & 3; opll.patch[1].wf = (data >> 4) & 1; opll.patch[0].wf = (data >> 3) & 1; opll.patch[0].fb = (data) & 7; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_WF(MOD(opll, i)); UPDATE_WF(CAR(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x04: opll.patch[0].ar = (data >> 4) & 15; opll.patch[0].dr = (data) & 15; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_EG(MOD(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x05: opll.patch[1].ar = (data >> 4) & 15; opll.patch[1].dr = (data) & 15; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_EG(CAR(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x06: opll.patch[0].sl = (data >> 4) & 15; opll.patch[0].rr = (data) & 15; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_EG(MOD(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x07: opll.patch[1].sl = (data >> 4) & 15; opll.patch[1].rr = (data) & 15; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (opll.patch_number[i] == 0) { UPDATE_EG(CAR(opll, i)); } } break; case 0x0e: update_rhythm_mode(opll); if ((data & 32) != 0) { if ((data & 0x10) != 0) keyOn_BD(opll); else keyOff_BD(opll); if ((data & 0x8) != 0) keyOn_SD(opll); else keyOff_SD(opll); if ((data & 0x4) != 0) keyOn_TOM(opll); else keyOff_TOM(opll); if ((data & 0x2) != 0) keyOn_CYM(opll); else keyOff_CYM(opll); if ((data & 0x1) != 0) keyOn_HH(opll); else keyOff_HH(opll); } update_key_status(opll); UPDATE_ALL(MOD(opll, 6)); UPDATE_ALL(CAR(opll, 6)); UPDATE_ALL(MOD(opll, 7)); UPDATE_ALL(CAR(opll, 7)); UPDATE_ALL(MOD(opll, 8)); UPDATE_ALL(CAR(opll, 8)); break; case 0x0f: break; case 0x10: case 0x11: case 0x12: case 0x13: case 0x14: case 0x15: case 0x16: case 0x17: case 0x18: ch = (int)(reg - 0x10); setFnumber(opll, ch, (int)data + ((opll.reg[0x20 + ch] & 1) << 8)); UPDATE_ALL(MOD(opll, ch)); UPDATE_ALL(CAR(opll, ch)); break; case 0x20: case 0x21: case 0x22: case 0x23: case 0x24: case 0x25: case 0x26: case 0x27: case 0x28: ch = (int)(reg - 0x20); setFnumber(opll, ch, (int)((data & 1) << 8) + opll.reg[0x10 + ch]); setBlock(opll, ch, (int)(data >> 1) & 7); setSustine(opll, ch, (int)(data >> 5) & 1); if ((data & 0x10) != 0) keyOn(opll, ch); else keyOff(opll, ch); UPDATE_ALL(MOD(opll, ch)); UPDATE_ALL(CAR(opll, ch)); update_key_status(opll); update_rhythm_mode(opll); break; case 0x30: case 0x31: case 0x32: case 0x33: case 0x34: case 0x35: case 0x36: case 0x37: case 0x38: i = (int)((data >> 4) & 15); v = (int)(data & 15); if ((opll.reg[0x0e] & 32) != 0 && (reg >= 0x36)) { switch (reg) { case 0x37: setSlotVolume(MOD(opll, 7), i << 2); break; case 0x38: setSlotVolume(MOD(opll, 8), i << 2); break; default: break; } } else { setPatch(opll, (int)(reg - 0x30), i); } setVolume(opll, (int)(reg - 0x30), v << 2); UPDATE_ALL(MOD(opll, (int)(reg - 0x30))); UPDATE_ALL(CAR(opll, (int)(reg - 0x30))); break; default: break; } } void OPLL_writeIO(OPLL opll, uint adr, uint val) { if ((adr & 1) != 0) OPLL_writeReg(opll, opll.adr, val); else opll.adr = val; } /* STEREO MODE (OPT) */ void OPLL_set_pan(OPLL opll, uint ch, uint pan) { opll.pan[ch & 15] = pan & 3; } static void calc_stereo(OPLL opll, int[] output) { int[] b = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* Ignore, Right, Left, Center */ int[] r = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* Ignore, Right, Left, Center */ int i; update_ampm(opll); update_noise(opll); for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { calc_phase(opll.slot[i], opll.lfo_pm); calc_envelope(opll.slot[i], opll.lfo_am); } for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(i)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, i).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) b[opll.pan[i]] += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, i), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, i))); if (opll.patch_number[6] <= 15) { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(6)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 6).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) b[opll.pan[6]] += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 6), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 6))); } else { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_BD) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 6).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) r[opll.pan[9]] += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 6), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 6))); } if (opll.patch_number[7] <= 15) { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(7)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 7).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) b[opll.pan[7]] += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 7), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 7))); } else { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_HH) == 0 && (MOD(opll, 7).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) r[opll.pan[10]] += calc_slot_hat(MOD(opll, 7), (int)CAR(opll, 8).pgout, opll.noise_seed & 1); if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_SD) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 7).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) r[opll.pan[11]] -= calc_slot_snare(CAR(opll, 7), opll.noise_seed & 1); } if (opll.patch_number[8] <= 15) { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CH(8)) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 8).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) b[opll.pan[8]] += calc_slot_car(CAR(opll, 8), calc_slot_mod(MOD(opll, 8))); } else { if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_TOM) == 0 && (MOD(opll, 8).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) r[opll.pan[12]] += calc_slot_tom(MOD(opll, 8)); if ((opll.mask & OPLL_MASK_CYM) == 0 && (CAR(opll, 8).eg_mode != OPLL_EG_STATE.FINISH)) r[opll.pan[13]] -= calc_slot_cym(CAR(opll, 8), MOD(opll, 7).pgout); } output[1] = (b[1] + b[3] + ((r[1] + r[3]) << 1)) << 3; output[0] = (b[2] + b[3] + ((r[2] + r[3]) << 1)) << 3; } void OPLL_calc_stereo(OPLL opll, int[] output) { if (!opll.quality) { calc_stereo(opll, output); return; } while (opll.realstep > opll.oplltime) { opll.oplltime += opll.opllstep; opll.sprev[0] = opll.snext[0]; opll.sprev[1] = opll.snext[1]; calc_stereo(opll, opll.snext); } opll.oplltime -= opll.realstep; output[0] = (short)(((double)opll.snext[0] * (opll.opllstep - opll.oplltime) + (double)opll.sprev[0] * opll.oplltime) / opll.opllstep); output[1] = (short)(((double)opll.snext[1] * (opll.opllstep - opll.oplltime) + (double)opll.sprev[1] * opll.oplltime) / opll.opllstep); } /* voice data */ public sealed class OPLL_PATCH : ICloneable { public uint tl, fb, eg, ml, ar, dr, sl, rr, kr, kl, am, pm, wf; public object Clone() { OPLL_PATCH o = new OPLL_PATCH(); =; o.fb = this.fb; =; =; =; o.dr = this.dr; =; o.rr = this.rr; =; o.kl = this.kl; =; =; =; return o; } } /* slot */ public sealed class OPLL_SLOT { public OPLL_PATCH patch; public int type; /* 0 : modulator 1 : carrier */ /* OUTPUT */ public int feedback; public int[] output = new int[2]; /* Output value of slot */ /* for Phase Generator (PG) */ public short[] sintbl; /* Wavetable */ public uint phase; /* Phase */ public uint dphase; /* Phase increment amount */ public uint pgout; /* output */ /* for Envelope Generator (EG) */ public int fnum; /* F-Number */ public int block; /* Block */ public int volume; /* Current volume */ public int sustine; /* Sustine 1 = ON, 0 = OFF */ public uint tll; /* Total Level + Key scale level*/ public uint rks; /* Key scale offset (Rks) */ public OPLL_EG_STATE eg_mode; /* Current state */ public uint eg_phase; /* Phase */ public uint eg_dphase; /* Phase increment amount */ public uint egout; /* output */ } public sealed class OPLL { public uint adr; public int output; public uint realstep; public uint oplltime; public uint opllstep; public int prev, next; public int[] sprev = new int[2], snext = new int[2]; public uint[] pan = new uint[16]; /* Register */ public byte[] reg = new byte[0x40]; public int[] slot_on_flag = new int[18]; /* Pitch Modulator */ public uint pm_phase; public int lfo_pm; /* Amp Modulator */ public int am_phase; public int lfo_am; public bool quality; /* Noise Generator */ public uint noise_seed; /* Channel Data */ public int[] patch_number = new int[9]; public int[] key_status = new int[9]; /* Slot */ public OPLL_SLOT[] slot = new OPLL_SLOT[18]; /* Voice Data */ public OPLL_PATCH[] patch = new OPLL_PATCH[19 * 2]; public int[] patch_update = new int[2]; /* flag for check patch update */ public uint mask; public OPLL() { for (int i = 0; i < this.slot.Length; ++i) this.slot[i] = new OPLL_SLOT(); for (int i = 0; i < this.patch.Length; i++) this.patch[i] = new OPLL_PATCH(); } } #endregion } }