using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
// TODO: message callback / event handler
// TODO: consider other event handlers, switching modes?
public interface IMovie
#region Status
bool IsCountingRerecords { get; set; }
bool IsActive { get; }
bool IsPlaying { get; }
bool IsRecording { get; }
bool IsFinished { get; }
bool Changes { get; }
#region Properties
/// Gets the total number of frames that count towards the completion time of the movie
/// Possibly (but unlikely different from InputLogLength (could be infinity, or maybe an implementation automatically discounts empty frames at the end of a movie, etc)
double FrameCount { get; }
/// Gets the actual length of the input log, should only be used by code that iterates or needs a real length
int InputLogLength { get; }
/// Returns the file extension for this implementation
string PreferredExtension { get; }
/// Sync Settings from the Core
string SyncSettingsJson { get; set; }
SubtitleList Subtitles { get; }
IList Comments { get; }
// savestate anchor.
string TextSavestate { get; set; }
byte[] BinarySavestate { get; set; }
ulong Rerecords { get; set; }
bool StartsFromSavestate { get; set; }
string GameName { get; set; }
string SystemID { get; set; }
string Hash { get; set; }
string Author { get; set; }
string Core { get; set; }
string Platform { get; set; }
string EmulatorVersion { get; set; }
string FirmwareHash { get; set; }
string BoardName { get; set; }
/// Loads from the HawkFile the minimal amount of information needed to determine Header info and Movie length
/// This method is intended to be more performant than a full load
bool PreLoadHeaderAndLength(HawkFile hawkFile);
/// Returns header key value pairs stored in the movie file
IDictionary HeaderEntries { get; }
/// Forces the creation of a backup file of the current movie state
void SaveBackup();
/// Creates an instance of the Input log entry used to generate the input log
ILogEntryGenerator LogGeneratorInstance();
#region File Handling API
// Filename of the movie, settable by the client
string Filename { get; set; }
/// Tells the movie to load the contents of Filename
/// Return whether or not the file was successfully loaded
bool Load();
/// Instructs the movie to save the current contents to Filename
void Save();
/// Extracts the current input log from the user.
/// This is provided as the means for putting the input log into savestates,
/// for the purpose of out of order savestate loading (known as "bullet-proof rerecording")
/// returns a string represntation of the input log in its current state
string GetInputLog();
/// Compares the input log inside reader with the movie's current input to see if the reader's input belongs to the same timeline,
/// in other words, if reader's input is completely contained in the movie's input, then it is considered in the same timeline
/// The reader containing the contents of the input log
/// Returns an error message, if any
/// Returns whether or not the input log in reader is in the same timeline as the movie
bool CheckTimeLines(TextReader reader, out string errorMessage);
/// Takes reader and extracts the input log, then replaces the movies input log with it
/// The reader containing the contents of the input log
/// Returns an error message, if any
bool ExtractInputLog(TextReader reader, out string errorMessage);
#region Mode Handling API
/// Tells the movie to start recording from the beginning.
void StartNewRecording();
/// Tells the movie to start playback from the beginning
void StartNewPlayback();
/// Sets the movie to inactive (note that it will still be in memory)
/// The saveChanges flag will tell the movie to save its contents to disk
/// if true, will save to disk
void Stop(bool saveChanges = true);
/// Switches to record mode
void SwitchToRecord();
/// Switches to playback mode
void SwitchToPlay();
#region Editing API
/// Replaces the given frame's input with an empty frame
void ClearFrame(int frame);
/// Adds the given input to the movie
/// Note: this edits the input log without the normal movie recording logic applied
void AppendFrame(IController source);
/// Replaces the input at the given frame with the given input
/// Note: this edits the input log without the normal movie recording logic applied
void PokeFrame(int frame, IController source);
/// Records the given input into the given frame,
/// This is subject to normal movie recording logic
void RecordFrame(int frame, IController source);
/// Instructs the movie to remove all input from its input log after frame,
/// AFter truncating, frame will be the last frame of input in the movie's input log
/// The frame at which to truncate
void Truncate(int frame);
/// Gets a single frame of input from the movie at the given frame
/// The input will be in the same format as represented in the input log when saved as a file
/// The frame of input to be retrieved
/// a string representation of a log entry from the input log file itself
string GetInput(int frame);
/// Gets a single frame of input via a controller state
/// The frame of input to be retrieved
/// A controller state representing the specified frame of input, if frame is out of range, will return null
IController GetInputState(int frame);