using System;
namespace BizHawk.Client.ApiHawk
/// This class hold logic interraction for the BizHawkExternalToolUsageAttribute
/// This attribute helps ApiHawk to know how a tool can be enabled or not
public sealed class BizHawkExternalToolUsageAttribute : Attribute
#region Fields
private BizHawkExternalToolUsage _ToolUsage;
private CoreSystem _System;
private string _GameHash;
#region cTor(s)
/// Initialize a new instance of
/// i.e. what your external tool is for
/// that your external tool is used for
/// The game hash, unique game ID (see in the game database)
public BizHawkExternalToolUsageAttribute(BizHawkExternalToolUsage usage, CoreSystem system, string gameHash)
if (usage == BizHawkExternalToolUsage.EmulatorSpecific && system == CoreSystem.Null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("A system must be set");
if (usage == BizHawkExternalToolUsage.GameSpecific && gameHash.Trim() == string.Empty)
throw new InvalidOperationException("A game hash must be set");
_ToolUsage = usage;
_System = system;
_GameHash = gameHash;
/// Initialize a new instance of
/// i.e. what your external tool is for
/// that your external tool is used for
public BizHawkExternalToolUsageAttribute(BizHawkExternalToolUsage usage, CoreSystem system)
:this(usage, system, string.Empty)
/// Initialize a new instance of
public BizHawkExternalToolUsageAttribute()
:this(BizHawkExternalToolUsage.Global, CoreSystem.Null, string.Empty)
{ }
#region Properties
/// Gets the specific system used by the exetrnal tool
public CoreSystem System
return _System;
/// Gets the specific game (hash) used by the exetrnal tool
public string GameHash
return _GameHash;
/// Gets the tool usage
public BizHawkExternalToolUsage ToolUsage
return _ToolUsage;