using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Nintendo.Gameboy; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.Gameboy { /// /// Emulate the gameboy printer in managed code /// public class GambattePrinter { // A loose c->c# port of SameBoy's printer code enum CommandState : byte { GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_MAGIC1, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_MAGIC2, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_ID, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_COMPRESSION, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_LENGTH_LOW, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_LENGTH_HIGH, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_DATA, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_CHECKSUM_LOW, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_CHECKSUM_HIGH, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_ACTIVE, GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_STATUS, } enum CommandID : byte { GB_PRINTER_INIT_COMMAND = 1, GB_PRINTER_START_COMMAND = 2, GB_PRINTER_DATA_COMMAND = 4, GB_PRINTER_NOP_COMMAND = 0xF, } const int GB_PRINTER_MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH = 0x280; const int GB_PRINTER_DATA_SIZE = 0x280; const ushort SerialIRQAddress = 0x58; Gameboy gb; PrinterCallback callback; LibGambatte.LinkCallback linkCallback; CommandState command_state; CommandID command_id; bool compression; ushort length_left; byte[] command_data = new byte[GB_PRINTER_MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH]; ushort command_length; ushort checksum; byte status; byte[] image = new byte[160 * 200]; ushort image_offset; byte compression_run_lenth; bool compression_run_is_compressed; public GambattePrinter(Gameboy gb, PrinterCallback callback) { = gb; this.callback = callback; linkCallback = OnSerial; LibGambatte.gambatte_setlinkcallback(gb.GambatteState, linkCallback); // connect the cable LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(gb.GambatteState, 259); } public void Disconnect() { if (gb.GambatteState != IntPtr.Zero) LibGambatte.gambatte_setlinkcallback(gb.GambatteState, null); } void OnSerial() { if (LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(gb.GambatteState, 256) != 0) // ClockTrigger { LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(gb.GambatteState, 257); // ack byte output = HandleSerial((byte)LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(gb.GambatteState, 258)); // GetOut LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(gb.GambatteState, output); // ShiftIn } } byte HandleSerial(byte byte_received) { byte byte_to_send = 0; switch (command_state) { case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_MAGIC1: if (byte_received != 0x88) { return byte_to_send; } status &= 254; command_length = 0; checksum = 0; break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_MAGIC2: if (byte_received != 0x33) { if (byte_received != 0x88) { command_state = CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_MAGIC1; } return byte_to_send; } break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_ID: command_id = (CommandID)(byte_received & 0xF); break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_COMPRESSION: compression = (byte_received & 1) != 0; break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_LENGTH_LOW: length_left = byte_received; break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_LENGTH_HIGH: length_left |= (ushort)((byte_received & 3) << 8); break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_DATA: if (command_length != GB_PRINTER_MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) { if (compression) { if (compression_run_lenth == 0) { compression_run_is_compressed = (byte_received & 0x80) != 0; compression_run_lenth = (byte)((byte_received & 0x7F) + 1 + (compression_run_is_compressed ? 1 : 0)); } else if (compression_run_is_compressed) { while (compression_run_lenth > 0) { command_data[command_length++] = byte_received; compression_run_lenth--; if (command_length == GB_PRINTER_MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH) { compression_run_lenth = 0; } } } else { command_data[command_length++] = byte_received; compression_run_lenth--; } } else { command_data[command_length++] = byte_received; } } length_left--; break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_CHECKSUM_LOW: checksum ^= byte_received; break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_CHECKSUM_HIGH: checksum ^= (ushort)(byte_received << 8); if (checksum != 0) { status |= 1; /* Checksum error*/ command_state = CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_MAGIC1; return byte_to_send; } break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_ACTIVE: byte_to_send = 0x81; break; case CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_STATUS: if (((int)command_id & 0xF) == (byte)CommandID.GB_PRINTER_INIT_COMMAND) { /* Games expect INIT commands to return 0? */ byte_to_send = 0; } else { byte_to_send = status; } /* Printing is done instantly, but let the game recieve a 6 (Printing) status at least once, for compatibility */ if (status == 6) { status = 4; /* Done */ } command_state = CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_MAGIC1; HandleCommand(); return byte_to_send; } if (command_state >= CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_ID && command_state < CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_CHECKSUM_LOW) { checksum += byte_received; } if (command_state != CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_DATA) { command_state++; } if (command_state == CommandState.GB_PRINTER_COMMAND_DATA) { if (length_left == 0) { command_state++; } } return byte_to_send; } void HandleCommand() { switch (command_id) { case CommandID.GB_PRINTER_INIT_COMMAND: status = 0; image_offset = 0; break; case CommandID.GB_PRINTER_START_COMMAND: if (command_length == 4) { status = 6; /* Printing */ uint[] outputImage = new uint[image_offset]; int palette = command_data[2]; uint[] colors = new uint[] { 0xFFFFFFFFU, 0xFFAAAAAAU, 0xFF555555U, 0xFF000000U }; for (int i = 0; i < image_offset; i++) { outputImage[i] = colors[(palette >> (image[i] * 2)) & 3]; } if (callback != null) { // The native-friendly callback almost seems silly now :P unsafe { fixed (uint* imagePtr = outputImage) { callback((IntPtr)imagePtr, (byte)(image_offset / 160), (byte)(command_data[1] >> 4), (byte)(command_data[1] & 7), (byte)(command_data[3] & 0x7F)); } } } image_offset = 0; } break; case CommandID.GB_PRINTER_DATA_COMMAND: if (command_length == GB_PRINTER_DATA_SIZE) { image_offset %= (ushort)image.Length; status = 8; /* Received 0x280 bytes */ int data_index = 0; for (int row = 2; row > 0; row--) { for (int tile_x = 0; tile_x < 160 / 8; tile_x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++, data_index += 2) { for (int x_pixel = 0; x_pixel < 8; x_pixel++) { image[image_offset + tile_x * 8 + x_pixel + y * 160] = (byte)((command_data[data_index] >> 7) | ((command_data[data_index + 1] >> 7) << 1)); command_data[data_index] <<= 1; command_data[data_index + 1] <<= 1; } } } image_offset += 8 * 160; } } break; default: break; } } } }