using System;
using System.Globalization;
namespace BizHawk.Client.ApiHawk
/// This class holds a converter for BizHawk SystemId (which is a simple
/// It allows you to convert it to a value and vice versa
/// I made it this way just in case one day we need it for WPF (DependencyProperty binding). Just uncomment :IValueConverter implementation
/// I didn't implemented it because of mono compatibility
public sealed class BizHawkSystemIdToEnumConverter //:IValueConverter
/// Convert BizHawk SystemId to value
/// you want to convert
/// The type of the binding target property
/// The converter parameter to use; null in our case
/// The culture to use in the converter
/// A that is equivalent to BizHawk SystemId
/// Thrown when SystemId hasn't been found
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
switch ((string)value)
case "AppleII":
return CoreSystem.AppleII;
case "A26":
return CoreSystem.Atari2600;
case "A78":
return CoreSystem.Atari7800;
case "Coleco":
return CoreSystem.ColecoVision;
case "C64":
return CoreSystem.Commodore64;
case "DGB":
return CoreSystem.DualGameBoy;
case "GB":
return CoreSystem.GameBoy;
case "GBA":
return CoreSystem.GameBoyAdvance;
case "GEN":
return CoreSystem.Genesis;
case "INTV":
return CoreSystem.Intellivision;
case "Libretro":
return CoreSystem.Libretro;
case "Lynx":
return CoreSystem.Lynx;
case "SMS":
return CoreSystem.MasterSystem;
case "NES":
return CoreSystem.NES;
case "N64":
return CoreSystem.Nintendo64;
case "NULL":
return CoreSystem.Null;
case "PCE":
case "PCECD":
case "SGX":
return CoreSystem.PCEngine;
case "PSX":
return CoreSystem.Playstation;
case "PSP":
return CoreSystem.PSP;
case "SAT":
return CoreSystem.Saturn;
case "SNES":
return CoreSystem.SNES;
case "TI83":
return CoreSystem.TI83;
case "WSWAN":
return CoreSystem.WonderSwan;
case "VB":
case "NGP":
case "DNGP":
case "O2":
case "SGB":
case "UZE":
case "PCFX":
return 0; // like I give a shit
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(string.Format("{0} is missing in convert list", value));
/// Convert BizHawk SystemId to value
/// you want to convert
/// A that is equivalent to BizHawk SystemId
/// Thrown when SystemId hasn't been found
public CoreSystem Convert(string value)
return (CoreSystem)Convert(value, null, null, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
/// Convert a value to BizHawk SystemId
/// you want to convert
/// The type of the binding target property
/// The converter parameter to use; null in our case
/// The culture to use in the converter
/// A that is used by BizHawk SystemId
/// Thrown when hasn't been found
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
switch ((CoreSystem)value)
case CoreSystem.AppleII:
return "AppleII";
case CoreSystem.Atari2600:
return "A26";
case CoreSystem.Atari7800:
return "A78";
case CoreSystem.ColecoVision:
return "Coleco";
case CoreSystem.Commodore64:
return "C64";
case CoreSystem.DualGameBoy:
return "DGB";
case CoreSystem.GameBoy:
return "GB";
case CoreSystem.GameBoyAdvance:
return "GBA";
case CoreSystem.Genesis:
return "GEN";
case CoreSystem.Intellivision:
return "INTV";
case CoreSystem.Libretro:
return "Libretro";
case CoreSystem.Lynx:
return "Lynx";
case CoreSystem.MasterSystem:
return "SMS";
case CoreSystem.NES:
return "NES";
case CoreSystem.Nintendo64:
return "N64";
case CoreSystem.Null:
return "NULL";
case CoreSystem.PCEngine:
return "PCE";
case CoreSystem.Playstation:
return "PSX";
case CoreSystem.PSP:
return "PSP";
case CoreSystem.Saturn:
return "SAT";
case CoreSystem.SNES:
return "SNES";
case CoreSystem.TI83:
return "TI83";
case CoreSystem.WonderSwan:
return "WSWAN";
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(string.Format("{0} is missing in convert list", value.ToString()));
/// Convert a value to BizHawk SystemId
/// you want to convert
/// A that is used by BizHawk SystemId
/// Thrown when hasn't been found
public string ConvertBack(CoreSystem value)
return (string)ConvertBack(value, null, null, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);