using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using BizHawk.Client.Common; using BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.WinFormExtensions; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public partial class PathConfig : Form { // All path text boxes should do some kind of error checking // Config path under base, config will default to %exe% private void LockDownCores() { if (VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild) { return; } string[] coresToHide = { }; foreach (var core in coresToHide) { PathTabControl.TabPages.Remove( PathTabControl.TabPages().FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.Name == core) ?? new TabPage()); } } private static AutoCompleteStringCollection AutoCompleteOptions => new AutoCompleteStringCollection { "%recent%", "%exe%", ".\\", "..\\", }; public PathConfig() { InitializeComponent(); } private void LoadSettings() { RecentForROMs.Checked = Global.Config.UseRecentForROMs; DoTabs(Global.Config.PathEntries.ToList()); SetDefaultFocusedTab(); DoRomToggle(); } private void SetDefaultFocusedTab() { var tab = FindTabByName(Global.Game.System); if (tab != null) { PathTabControl.SelectTab(tab); } } private TabPage FindTabByName(string name) { var global = PathTabControl.TabPages .OfType() .First(tp => tp.Name.ToUpper().Contains("GLOBAL")); return PathTabControl.TabPages .OfType() .FirstOrDefault(tp => tp.Name.ToUpper().StartsWith(name.ToUpper())) ?? global; } private void DoTabs(List pathCollection) { PathTabControl.Visible = false; PathTabControl.TabPages.Clear(); // Separate by system var systems = Global.Config.PathEntries .Select(s => s.SystemDisplayName) .Distinct() .ToList(); systems.Sort(); // Hacky way to put global first var global = systems.FirstOrDefault(s => s == "Global"); systems.Remove(global); systems.Insert(0, global); var tabPages = new List(systems.Count); int x = UIHelper.ScaleX(6); int textboxWidth = UIHelper.ScaleX(70); int padding = UIHelper.ScaleX(5); int buttonWidth = UIHelper.ScaleX(26); int buttonHeight = UIHelper.ScaleY(23); int buttonOffsetY = -1; // To align the top with the textbox I guess? Always 1 pixel regardless of scaling. int widgetOffset = UIHelper.ScaleX(85); int rowHeight = UIHelper.ScaleY(30); foreach (var systemDisplayName in systems) { var systemId = Global.Config.PathEntries.First(p => p.SystemDisplayName == systemDisplayName).System; var t = new TabPage { Text = systemDisplayName, Name = systemId, Width = UIHelper.ScaleX(200), // Initial Left/Width of child controls are based on this size. AutoScroll = true }; var paths = pathCollection .Where(p => p.System == systemId) .OrderBy(p => p.Ordinal) .ThenBy(p => p.Type) .ToList(); var y = UIHelper.ScaleY(14); foreach (var path in paths) { var box = new TextBox { Text = path.Path, Location = new Point(x, y), Width = textboxWidth, Name = path.Type, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right, MinimumSize = new Size(UIHelper.ScaleX(26), UIHelper.ScaleY(23)), AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend, AutoCompleteCustomSource = AutoCompleteOptions, AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource, }; var btn = new Button { Text = "", Image = Properties.Resources.OpenFile, Location = new Point(widgetOffset, y + buttonOffsetY), Size = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight), Name = path.Type, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right, }; var tempBox = box; var tempPath = path.Type; var tempSystem = path.System; btn.Click += delegate { BrowseFolder(tempBox, tempPath, tempSystem); }; int infoPadding = UIHelper.ScaleX(0); if (t.Name.Contains("Global") && path.Type == "Firmware") { infoPadding = UIHelper.ScaleX(26); var firmwareButton = new Button { Name = "Global", Text = "", Image = Properties.Resources.Help, Location = new Point(UIHelper.ScaleX(115), y + buttonOffsetY), Size = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight), Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right }; firmwareButton.Click += delegate { if (Owner is FirmwaresConfig) { MessageBox.Show("C-C-C-Combo Breaker!", "Nice try, but"); return; } var f = new FirmwaresConfig { TargetSystem = "Global" }; f.ShowDialog(this); }; t.Controls.Add(firmwareButton); } var label = new Label { Text = path.Type, Location = new Point(widgetOffset + buttonWidth + padding + infoPadding, y + UIHelper.ScaleY(4)), Size = new Size(UIHelper.ScaleX(100), UIHelper.ScaleY(15)), Name = path.Type, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right, }; t.Controls.Add(label); t.Controls.Add(btn); t.Controls.Add(box); y += rowHeight; } var sys = systemDisplayName; if (systemDisplayName == "PCE") // Hack { sys = "PCECD"; } tabPages.Add(t); } PathTabControl.TabPages.AddRange(tabPages.ToArray()); PathTabControl.Visible = true; } private static void BrowseFolder(TextBox box, string name, string system) { // Ugly hack, we don't want to pass in the system in for system base and global paths if (name == "Base" || system == "Global" || system == "Global_NULL") { system = null; } var f = new FolderBrowserEx { Description = "Set the directory for " + name, SelectedPath = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(box.Text, system) }; var result = f.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { box.Text = PathManager.TryMakeRelative(f.SelectedPath, system); } } private void SaveSettings() { Global.Config.UseRecentForROMs = RecentForROMs.Checked; foreach (var t in AllPathBoxes) { var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries.First(p => p.System == t.Parent.Name && p.Type == t.Name); pathEntry.Path = t.Text; } } private void DoRomToggle() { AllPathControls .Where(c => c.Name == "ROM") .ToList() .ForEach(control => control.Enabled = !RecentForROMs.Checked); } private IEnumerable AllPathBoxes { get { var allPathBoxes = new List(); foreach (TabPage tp in PathTabControl.TabPages) { allPathBoxes.AddRange(tp.Controls.OfType()); } return allPathBoxes; } } private IEnumerable AllPathControls { get { var allPathControls = new List(); foreach (TabPage tp in PathTabControl.TabPages) { allPathControls.AddRange(tp.Controls()); } return allPathControls; } } #region Events private void NewPathConfig_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadSettings(); LockDownCores(); } private void RecentForRoms_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DoRomToggle(); } private void SpecialCommandsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new PathInfo().Show(); } private void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveSettings(); } private void DefaultsBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DoTabs(PathEntryCollection.DefaultValues); SetDefaultFocusedTab(); } private void Ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveSettings(); PathManager.RefreshTempPath(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Path settings saved"); Close(); } private void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Path config aborted"); Close(); } #endregion } }