using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Client.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.WinFormExtensions; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public partial class ControllerConfig : Form { private const int MaxPlayers = 12; private static readonly Dictionary ControllerImages = new Dictionary(); private readonly ControllerDefinition _theDefinition; static ControllerConfig() { ControllerImages.Add("NES Controller", Properties.Resources.NES_Controller); ControllerImages.Add("SNES Controller", Properties.Resources.SNES_Controller); ControllerImages.Add("Nintento 64 Controller", Properties.Resources.N64); ControllerImages.Add("Gameboy Controller", Properties.Resources.GBController); ControllerImages.Add("GBA Controller", Properties.Resources.GBA_Controller); ControllerImages.Add("Dual Gameboy Controller", Properties.Resources.GBController); ControllerImages.Add("SMS Controller", Properties.Resources.SMSController); ControllerImages.Add("GPGX Genesis Controller", Properties.Resources.GENController); ControllerImages.Add("Saturn Controller", Properties.Resources.SaturnController); ControllerImages.Add("Intellivision Controller", Properties.Resources.IntVController); ControllerImages.Add("ColecoVision Basic Controller", Properties.Resources.colecovisioncontroller); ControllerImages.Add("Atari 2600 Basic Controller", Properties.Resources.atari_controller); ControllerImages.Add("Atari 7800 ProLine Joystick Controller", Properties.Resources.A78Joystick); ControllerImages.Add("PC Engine Controller", Properties.Resources.PCEngineController); ControllerImages.Add("Commodore 64 Controller", Properties.Resources.C64Joystick); ControllerImages.Add("TI83 Controller", Properties.Resources.TI83_Controller); ControllerImages.Add("WonderSwan Controller", Properties.Resources.WonderSwanColor); ControllerImages.Add("Lynx Controller", Properties.Resources.Lynx); ControllerImages.Add("PSX Gamepad Controller", Properties.Resources.PSX_Original_Controller); ControllerImages.Add("PSX DualShock Controller", Properties.Resources.psx_dualshock); ControllerImages.Add("Apple IIe Keyboard", Properties.Resources.AppleIIKeyboard); ControllerImages.Add("VirtualBoy Controller", Properties.Resources.VBoyController); ControllerImages.Add("NeoGeo Portable Controller", Properties.Resources.NGPController); } protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e) { base.OnActivated(e); Input.Instance.ControlInputFocus(this, Input.InputFocus.Mouse, true); } protected override void OnDeactivate(EventArgs e) { base.OnDeactivate(e); Input.Instance.ControlInputFocus(this, Input.InputFocus.Mouse, false); } private ControllerConfig() { InitializeComponent(); Closing += (o, e) => { buttonOK.Focus(); // A very dirty hack to avoid }; } private delegate Control PanelCreator(Dictionary settings, List buttons, Size size); private Control CreateNormalPanel(Dictionary settings, List buttons, Size size) { var cp = new ControllerConfigPanel { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, AutoScroll = true, Tooltip = toolTip1 }; cp.LoadSettings(settings, checkBoxAutoTab.Checked, buttons, size.Width, size.Height); return cp; } private static Control CreateAnalogPanel(Dictionary settings, List buttons, Size size) { return new AnalogBindPanel(settings, buttons) { Dock = DockStyle.Fill, AutoScroll = true }; } private static void LoadToPanel(Control dest, string controllerName, IList controllerButtons, Dictionary categoryLabels, IDictionary> settingsblock, T defaultvalue, PanelCreator createpanel) { Dictionary settings; if (!settingsblock.TryGetValue(controllerName, out settings)) { settings = new Dictionary(); settingsblock[controllerName] = settings; } // check to make sure that the settings object has all of the appropriate boolbuttons foreach (var button in controllerButtons) { if (!settings.Keys.Contains(button)) { settings[button] = defaultvalue; } } if (controllerButtons.Count == 0) { return; } // split the list of all settings into buckets by player number var buckets = new List[MaxPlayers + 1]; var categoryBuckets = new WorkingDictionary>(); for (var i = 0; i < buckets.Length; i++) { buckets[i] = new List(); } // by iterating through only the controller's active buttons, we're silently // discarding anything that's not on the controller right now. due to the way // saving works, those entries will still be preserved in the config file, tho foreach (var button in controllerButtons) { int i; for (i = MaxPlayers; i > 0; i--) { if (button.StartsWith("P" + i)) { break; } } if (i > MaxPlayers) // couldn't find { i = 0; } if (categoryLabels.ContainsKey(button)) { categoryBuckets[categoryLabels[button]].Add(button); } else { buckets[i].Add(button); } } if (buckets[0].Count == controllerButtons.Count) { // everything went into bucket 0, so make no tabs at all dest.Controls.Add(createpanel(settings, controllerButtons.ToList(), dest.Size)); } else { // create multiple player tabs var tt = new TabControl { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; dest.Controls.Add(tt); int pageidx = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= MaxPlayers; i++) { if (buckets[i].Count > 0) { string tabname = Global.Emulator.SystemId == "WSWAN" ? i == 1 ? "Normal" : "Rotated" : "Player " + i; // hack tt.TabPages.Add(tabname); tt.TabPages[pageidx].Controls.Add(createpanel(settings, buckets[i], tt.Size)); pageidx++; } } foreach (var cat in categoryBuckets) { string tabname = cat.Key; tt.TabPages.Add(tabname); tt.TabPages[pageidx].Controls.Add(createpanel(settings, cat.Value, tt.Size)); // zxhawk hack - it uses multiple categoryLabels if (Global.Emulator.SystemId == "ZXSpectrum" || Global.Emulator.SystemId == "AmstradCPC") pageidx++; } if (buckets[0].Count > 0) { // ZXHawk needs to skip this bit if (Global.Emulator.SystemId == "ZXSpectrum" || Global.Emulator.SystemId == "AmstradCPC") return; string tabname = (Global.Emulator.SystemId == "C64") ? "Keyboard" : "Console"; // hack tt.TabPages.Add(tabname); tt.TabPages[pageidx].Controls.Add(createpanel(settings, buckets[0], tt.Size)); } } } public ControllerConfig(ControllerDefinition def) : this() { _theDefinition = def; SuspendLayout(); LoadPanels(Global.Config); rbUDLRAllow.Checked = Global.Config.AllowUD_LR; rbUDLRForbid.Checked = Global.Config.ForbidUD_LR; rbUDLRPriority.Checked = !Global.Config.AllowUD_LR && !Global.Config.ForbidUD_LR; checkBoxAutoTab.Checked = Global.Config.InputConfigAutoTab; SetControllerPicture(def.Name); var analog = tabControl1.TabPages[0]; ResumeLayout(); } private void LoadPanels( IDictionary> normal, IDictionary> autofire, IDictionary> analog) { LoadToPanel(NormalControlsTab, _theDefinition.Name, _theDefinition.BoolButtons, _theDefinition.CategoryLabels, normal, "", CreateNormalPanel); LoadToPanel(AutofireControlsTab, _theDefinition.Name, _theDefinition.BoolButtons, _theDefinition.CategoryLabels, autofire, "", CreateNormalPanel); LoadToPanel(AnalogControlsTab, _theDefinition.Name, _theDefinition.FloatControls, _theDefinition.CategoryLabels, analog, new Config.AnalogBind("", 1.0f, 0.1f), CreateAnalogPanel); if (AnalogControlsTab.Controls.Count == 0) { tabControl1.TabPages.Remove(AnalogControlsTab); } } private void LoadPanels(ControlDefaults cd) { LoadPanels(cd.AllTrollers, cd.AllTrollersAutoFire, cd.AllTrollersAnalog); } private void LoadPanels(Config c) { LoadPanels(c.AllTrollers, c.AllTrollersAutoFire, c.AllTrollersAnalog); } private void SetControllerPicture(string controlName) { Bitmap bmp; if (!ControllerImages.TryGetValue(controlName, out bmp)) { bmp = Properties.Resources.Help; } pictureBox1.Image = bmp; pictureBox1.Size = bmp.Size; tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[1].Width = bmp.Width; // Uberhack if (controlName == "Commodore 64 Controller") { var pictureBox2 = new PictureBox { Image = Properties.Resources.C64Keyboard, Size = Properties.Resources.C64Keyboard.Size }; tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[1].Width = Properties.Resources.C64Keyboard.Width; pictureBox1.Height /= 2; pictureBox1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right; pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Top; pictureBox2.Location = new Point(pictureBox1.Location.X, pictureBox1.Location.Y + pictureBox1.Size.Height + 10); tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(pictureBox2, 1, 0); pictureBox2.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom; } if (controlName == "ZXSpectrum Controller") { pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.ZXSpectrumKeyboards; pictureBox1.Size = Properties.Resources.ZXSpectrumKeyboards.Size; tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[1].Width = Properties.Resources.ZXSpectrumKeyboards.Width; } if (controlName == "AmstradCPC Controller") { /* pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.ZXSpectrumKeyboards; pictureBox1.Size = Properties.Resources.ZXSpectrumKeyboards.Size; tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[1].Width = Properties.Resources.ZXSpectrumKeyboards.Width; */ } } // lazy methods, but they're not called often and actually // tracking all of the ControllerConfigPanels wouldn't be simpler private static void SetAutoTab(Control c, bool value) { if (c is ControllerConfigPanel) { (c as ControllerConfigPanel).SetAutoTab(value); } else if (c is AnalogBindPanel) { // TODO } else if (c.HasChildren) { foreach (Control cc in c.Controls) { SetAutoTab(cc, value); } } } private void Save() { ActOnControlCollection(NormalControlsTab, c => c.Save(Global.Config.AllTrollers[_theDefinition.Name])); ActOnControlCollection(AutofireControlsTab, c => c.Save(Global.Config.AllTrollersAutoFire[_theDefinition.Name])); ActOnControlCollection(AnalogControlsTab, c => c.Save(Global.Config.AllTrollersAnalog[_theDefinition.Name])); } private void SaveToDefaults(ControlDefaults cd) { ActOnControlCollection(NormalControlsTab, c => c.Save(cd.AllTrollers[_theDefinition.Name])); ActOnControlCollection(AutofireControlsTab, c => c.Save(cd.AllTrollersAutoFire[_theDefinition.Name])); ActOnControlCollection(AnalogControlsTab, c => c.Save(cd.AllTrollersAnalog[_theDefinition.Name])); } private static void ActOnControlCollection(Control c, Action proc) where T : Control { if (c is T) { proc(c as T); } else if (c.HasChildren) { foreach (Control cc in c.Controls) { ActOnControlCollection(cc, proc); } } } private void CheckBoxAutoTab_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetAutoTab(this, checkBoxAutoTab.Checked); } private void ButtonOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global.Config.AllowUD_LR = rbUDLRAllow.Checked; Global.Config.ForbidUD_LR = rbUDLRForbid.Checked; Global.Config.InputConfigAutoTab = checkBoxAutoTab.Checked; Save(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Controller settings saved"); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } private void ButtonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Controller config aborted"); Close(); } private void NewControllerConfig_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Text = _theDefinition.Name + " Configuration"; } private static TabControl GetTabControl(IEnumerable controls) { if (controls != null) { return controls .OfType() .Select(c => c) .FirstOrDefault(); } return null; } private void ButtonLoadDefaults_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tabControl1.SuspendLayout(); var wasTabbedMain = tabControl1.SelectedTab.Name; var tb1 = GetTabControl(NormalControlsTab.Controls); var tb2 = GetTabControl(AutofireControlsTab.Controls); var tb3 = GetTabControl(AnalogControlsTab.Controls); int? wasTabbedPage1 = null; int? wasTabbedPage2 = null; int? wasTabbedPage3 = null; if (tb1 != null && tb1.SelectedTab != null) { wasTabbedPage1 = tb1.SelectedIndex; } if (tb2 != null && tb2.SelectedTab != null) { wasTabbedPage2 = tb2.SelectedIndex; } if (tb3 != null && tb3.SelectedTab != null) { wasTabbedPage3 = tb3.SelectedIndex; } NormalControlsTab.Controls.Clear(); AutofireControlsTab.Controls.Clear(); AnalogControlsTab.Controls.Clear(); // load panels directly from the default config. // this means that the changes are NOT committed. so "Cancel" works right and you // still have to hit OK at the end. var cd = ConfigService.Load(Config.ControlDefaultPath); LoadPanels(cd); tabControl1.SelectTab(wasTabbedMain); if (wasTabbedPage1.HasValue) { var newTb1 = GetTabControl(NormalControlsTab.Controls); if (newTb1 != null) { newTb1.SelectTab(wasTabbedPage1.Value); } } if (wasTabbedPage2.HasValue) { var newTb2 = GetTabControl(AutofireControlsTab.Controls); if (newTb2 != null) { newTb2.SelectTab(wasTabbedPage2.Value); } } if (wasTabbedPage3.HasValue) { var newTb3 = GetTabControl(AnalogControlsTab.Controls); if (newTb3 != null) { newTb3.SelectTab(wasTabbedPage3.Value); } } tabControl1.ResumeLayout(); } private void ButtonSaveDefaults_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // this doesn't work anymore, as it stomps out any defaults for buttons that aren't currently active on the console // there are various ways to fix it, each with its own semantic problems var result = MessageBox.Show(this, "OK to overwrite defaults for current control scheme?", "Save Defaults", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { var cd = ConfigService.Load(Config.ControlDefaultPath); cd.AllTrollers[_theDefinition.Name] = new Dictionary(); cd.AllTrollersAutoFire[_theDefinition.Name] = new Dictionary(); cd.AllTrollersAnalog[_theDefinition.Name] = new Dictionary(); SaveToDefaults(cd); ConfigService.Save(Config.ControlDefaultPath, cd); } } private void ClearWidgetAndChildren(Control c) { if (c is InputCompositeWidget) { (c as InputCompositeWidget).Clear(); } if (c is InputWidget) { (c as InputWidget).ClearAll(); } if (c is AnalogBindControl) { (c as AnalogBindControl).Unbind_Click(null, null); } if (c.Controls().Any()) { foreach (Control child in c.Controls()) { ClearWidgetAndChildren(child); } } } private void ClearBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var c in this.Controls()) { ClearWidgetAndChildren(c); } } } }