#define MUSASHI using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M68000; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.Z80; using Native68000; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sega.Genesis { [CoreAttributes( "GenesisHawk", "Vecna", isPorted: false, isReleased: false )] public sealed partial class Genesis : IEmulator, ISaveRam, IStatable, IInputPollable { private int _lagcount = 0; private bool lagged = true; private bool islag = false; // ROM public byte[] RomData; // Machine stuff public MC68000 MainCPU; public Z80A SoundCPU; public GenVDP VDP; public SN76489 PSG; public YM2612 YM2612; public byte[] Ram = new byte[0x10000]; public byte[] Z80Ram = new byte[0x2000]; private bool M68000HasZ80Bus = false; private bool Z80Reset = false; private bool Z80Runnable { get { return (Z80Reset == false && M68000HasZ80Bus == false); } } private SoundMixer SoundMixer; [FeatureNotImplemented] public IInputCallbackSystem InputCallbacks { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; _lagcount = 0; islag = false; } // Genesis timings: // 53,693,175 Machine clocks / sec // 7,670,454 Main 68000 cycles / sec (7 mclk divisor) // 3,579,545 Z80 cycles / sec (15 mclk divisor) // At 59.92 FPS: // 896,081 mclks / frame // 128,011 Main 68000 cycles / frame // 59,738 Z80 cycles / frame // At 262 lines/frame: // 3420 mclks / line // ~ 488.5 Main 68000 cycles / line // 228 Z80 cycles / line // Video characteristics: // 224 lines are active display. The remaining 38 lines are vertical blanking. // In H40 mode, the dot clock is 480 pixels per line. // 320 are active display, the remaining 160 are horizontal blanking. // A total of 3420 mclks per line, but 2560 mclks are active display and 860 mclks are blanking. #if MUSASHI VdpCallback _vdp; ReadCallback read8; ReadCallback read16; ReadCallback read32; WriteCallback write8; WriteCallback write16; WriteCallback write32; #endif public Genesis(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom) { ServiceProvider = new BasicServiceProvider(this); CoreComm = comm; MainCPU = new MC68000(); SoundCPU = new Z80A(); YM2612 = new YM2612() { MaxVolume = 23405 }; PSG = new SN76489() { MaxVolume = 4681 }; VDP = new GenVDP(); VDP.DmaReadFrom68000 = ReadWord; (ServiceProvider as BasicServiceProvider).Register(VDP); SoundMixer = new SoundMixer(YM2612, PSG); MainCPU.ReadByte = ReadByte; MainCPU.ReadWord = ReadWord; MainCPU.ReadLong = ReadLong; MainCPU.WriteByte = WriteByte; MainCPU.WriteWord = WriteWord; MainCPU.WriteLong = WriteLong; MainCPU.IrqCallback = InterruptCallback; // ---------------------- musashi ----------------------- #if MUSASHI _vdp = vdpcallback; read8 = Read8; read16 = Read16; read32 = Read32; write8 = Write8; write16 = Write16; write32 = Write32; Musashi.RegisterVdpCallback(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_vdp)); Musashi.RegisterRead8(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(read8)); Musashi.RegisterRead16(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(read16)); Musashi.RegisterRead32(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(read32)); Musashi.RegisterWrite8(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(write8)); Musashi.RegisterWrite16(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(write16)); Musashi.RegisterWrite32(Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(write32)); #endif // ---------------------- musashi ----------------------- SoundCPU.ReadMemory = ReadMemoryZ80; SoundCPU.WriteMemory = WriteMemoryZ80; SoundCPU.WriteHardware = (a, v) => { Console.WriteLine("Z80: Attempt I/O Write {0:X2}:{1:X2}", a, v); }; SoundCPU.ReadHardware = x => 0xFF; SoundCPU.IRQCallback = () => SoundCPU.Interrupt = false; Z80Reset = true; RomData = new byte[0x400000]; for (int i = 0; i < rom.Length; i++) RomData[i] = rom[i]; SetupMemoryDomains(); #if MUSASHI Musashi.Init(); Musashi.Reset(); VDP.GetPC = () => Musashi.PC; #else MainCPU.Reset(); VDP.GetPC = () => MainCPU.PC; #endif InitializeCartHardware(game); } public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; private set; } void InitializeCartHardware(GameInfo game) { LogCartInfo(); InitializeEeprom(game); InitializeSaveRam(game); } public void FrameAdvance(bool render, bool rendersound) { lagged = true; Frame++; PSG.BeginFrame(SoundCPU.TotalExecutedCycles); YM2612.BeginFrame(SoundCPU.TotalExecutedCycles); // Do start-of-frame events VDP.HIntLineCounter = VDP.Registers[10]; //VDP.VdpStatusWord &= unchecked { VDP.VdpStatusWord &= (ushort)~GenVDP.StatusVerticalBlanking; } for (VDP.ScanLine = 0; VDP.ScanLine < 262; VDP.ScanLine++) { //Log.Error("VDP","FRAME {0}, SCANLINE {1}", Frame, VDP.ScanLine); if (VDP.ScanLine < VDP.FrameHeight) VDP.RenderLine(); Exec68k(365); RunZ80(171); // H-Int now? VDP.HIntLineCounter--; if (VDP.HIntLineCounter < 0 && VDP.ScanLine < 224) // FIXME { VDP.HIntLineCounter = VDP.Registers[10]; VDP.VdpStatusWord |= GenVDP.StatusHorizBlanking; if (VDP.HInterruptsEnabled) { Set68kIrq(4); //Console.WriteLine("Fire hint!"); } } Exec68k(488 - 365); RunZ80(228 - 171); if (VDP.ScanLine == 224) { VDP.VdpStatusWord |= GenVDP.StatusVerticalInterruptPending; VDP.VdpStatusWord |= GenVDP.StatusVerticalBlanking; Exec68k(16); // this is stupidly wrong. // End-frame stuff if (VDP.VInterruptEnabled) Set68kIrq(6); SoundCPU.Interrupt = true; //The INT output is asserted every frame for exactly one scanline, and it can't be disabled. A very short Z80 interrupt routine would be triggered multiple times if it finishes within 228 Z80 clock cycles. I think (but cannot recall the specifics) that some games have delay loops in the interrupt handler for this very reason. } } PSG.EndFrame(SoundCPU.TotalExecutedCycles); YM2612.EndFrame(SoundCPU.TotalExecutedCycles); if (lagged) { _lagcount++; islag = true; } else islag = false; } void Exec68k(int cycles) { #if MUSASHI Musashi.Execute(cycles); #else MainCPU.ExecuteCycles(cycles); #endif } void RunZ80(int cycles) { // I emulate the YM2612 synced to Z80 clock, for better or worse. // So we still need to keep the Z80 cycle count accurate even if the Z80 isn't running. if (Z80Runnable) SoundCPU.ExecuteCycles(cycles); else SoundCPU.TotalExecutedCycles += cycles; } void Set68kIrq(int irq) { #if MUSASHI Musashi.SetIRQ(irq); #else MainCPU.Interrupt = irq; #endif } public IDictionary GetCpuFlagsAndRegisters() { return new Dictionary { { "A-0", MainCPU.A[0].s32 }, { "A-1", MainCPU.A[1].s32 }, { "A-2", MainCPU.A[2].s32 }, { "A-3", MainCPU.A[3].s32 }, { "A-4", MainCPU.A[4].s32 }, { "A-5", MainCPU.A[5].s32 }, { "A-6", MainCPU.A[6].s32 }, { "A-7", MainCPU.A[7].s32 }, { "D-0", MainCPU.D[0].s32 }, { "D-1", MainCPU.D[1].s32 }, { "D-2", MainCPU.D[2].s32 }, { "D-3", MainCPU.D[3].s32 }, { "D-4", MainCPU.D[4].s32 }, { "D-5", MainCPU.D[5].s32 }, { "D-6", MainCPU.D[6].s32 }, { "D-7", MainCPU.D[7].s32 }, { "SR", MainCPU.SR }, { "Flag X", MainCPU.X }, { "Flag N", MainCPU.N }, { "Flag Z", MainCPU.Z }, { "Flag V", MainCPU.V }, { "Flag C", MainCPU.C } }; } int vdpcallback(int level) // Musashi handler { InterruptCallback(level); return -1; } void InterruptCallback(int level) { unchecked { VDP.VdpStatusWord &= (ushort)~GenVDP.StatusVerticalInterruptPending; } } public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } public ISoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return SoundMixer; } } public ISyncSoundProvider SyncSoundProvider { get { return new FakeSyncSound(SoundMixer, 735); } } public bool StartAsyncSound() { return true; } public void EndAsyncSound() { } public int Frame { get; set; } public int LagCount { get { return _lagcount; } set { _lagcount = value; } } public bool IsLagFrame { get { return islag; } set { islag = value; } } public bool DeterministicEmulation { get { return true; } } public string SystemId { get { return "GEN"; } } public string BoardName { get { return null; } } public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer) { var buf = new byte[141501 + SaveRAM.Length]; var stream = new MemoryStream(buf); var bwriter = new BinaryWriter(stream); SaveStateBinary(bwriter); writer.WriteLine("Version 1"); writer.Write("BigFatBlob "); buf.SaveAsHex(writer); /*writer.WriteLine("[MegaDrive]"); MainCPU.SaveStateText(writer, "Main68K"); SoundCPU.SaveStateText(writer); PSG.SaveStateText(writer); VDP.SaveStateText(writer); writer.WriteLine("Frame {0}", Frame); writer.WriteLine("Lag {0}", _lagcount); writer.WriteLine("IsLag {0}", islag); writer.Write("MainRAM "); Ram.SaveAsHex(writer); writer.Write("Z80RAM "); Z80Ram.SaveAsHex(writer); writer.WriteLine("[/MegaDrive]");*/ } public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader) { var buf = new byte[141501 + SaveRAM.Length]; var version = reader.ReadLine(); if (version != "Version 1") throw new Exception("Not a valid state vesrion! sorry! your state is bad! Robust states will be added later!"); var omgstate = reader.ReadLine().Split(' ')[1]; buf.ReadFromHex(omgstate); LoadStateBinary(new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(buf))); /*while (true) { string[] args = reader.ReadLine().Split(' '); if (args[0].Trim() == "") continue; if (args[0] == "[MegaDrive]") continue; if (args[0] == "[/MegaDrive]") break; if (args[0] == "MainRAM") Ram.ReadFromHex(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "Z80RAM") Z80Ram.ReadFromHex(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "[Main68K]") MainCPU.LoadStateText(reader, "Main68K"); else if (args[0] == "[Z80]") SoundCPU.LoadStateText(reader); else if (args[0] == "Frame") Frame = int.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "Lag") _lagcount = int.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "IsLag") islag = bool.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "[PSG]") PSG.LoadStateText(reader); else if (args[0] == "[VDP]") VDP.LoadStateText(reader); else Console.WriteLine("Skipping unrecognized identifier " + args[0]); }*/ } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter writer) { Musashi.SaveStateBinary(writer); // 124 //SoundCPU.SaveStateBinary(writer); // 46 TODO fix this, there is no way to invoke this core from the UI for testing anyway. //PSG.SaveStateBinary(writer); // 15 VDP.SaveStateBinary(writer); // 65781 YM2612.SaveStateBinary(writer); // 1785 writer.Write(Ram); // 65535 writer.Write(Z80Ram); // 8192 writer.Write(Frame); // 4 writer.Write(M68000HasZ80Bus); // 1 writer.Write(Z80Reset); // 1 writer.Write(BankRegion); // 4 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { writer.Write(IOPorts[i].Data); writer.Write(IOPorts[i].TxData); writer.Write(IOPorts[i].RxData); writer.Write(IOPorts[i].SCtrl); } if (SaveRAM.Length > 0) writer.Write(SaveRAM); // TODO: EEPROM/cart HW state // TODO: lag counter crap } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader reader) { Musashi.LoadStateBinary(reader); //SoundCPU.LoadStateBinary(reader); //PSG.LoadStateBinary(reader); VDP.LoadStateBinary(reader); YM2612.LoadStateBinary(reader); Ram = reader.ReadBytes(Ram.Length); Z80Ram = reader.ReadBytes(Z80Ram.Length); Frame = reader.ReadInt32(); M68000HasZ80Bus = reader.ReadBoolean(); Z80Reset = reader.ReadBoolean(); BankRegion = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { IOPorts[i].Data = reader.ReadByte(); IOPorts[i].TxData = reader.ReadByte(); IOPorts[i].RxData = reader.ReadByte(); IOPorts[i].SCtrl = reader.ReadByte(); } if (SaveRAM.Length > 0) SaveRAM = reader.ReadBytes(SaveRAM.Length); } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { var buf = new byte[141501 + SaveRAM.Length]; var stream = new MemoryStream(buf); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); SaveStateBinary(writer); //Console.WriteLine("buf len = {0}", stream.Position); writer.Close(); return buf; } public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred { get { return false; } } MemoryDomainList memoryDomains; void SetupMemoryDomains() { var domains = new List(3); var MainMemoryDomain = new MemoryDomain("Main RAM", Ram.Length, MemoryDomain.Endian.Big, addr => Ram[addr & 0xFFFF], (addr, value) => Ram[addr & 0xFFFF] = value); var Z80Domain = new MemoryDomain("Z80 RAM", Z80Ram.Length, MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, addr => Z80Ram[addr & 0x1FFF], (addr, value) => { Z80Ram[addr & 0x1FFF] = value; }); var VRamDomain = new MemoryDomain("Video RAM", VDP.VRAM.Length, MemoryDomain.Endian.Big, addr => VDP.VRAM[addr & 0xFFFF], (addr, value) => VDP.VRAM[addr & 0xFFFF] = value); var RomDomain = new MemoryDomain("MD CART", RomData.Length, MemoryDomain.Endian.Big, addr => RomData[addr], //adelikat: For speed considerations, I didn't mask this, every tool that uses memory domains is smart enough not to overflow, if I'm wrong let me know! (addr, value) => RomData[addr & (RomData.Length - 1)] = value); var SystemBusDomain = new MemoryDomain("System Bus", 0x1000000, MemoryDomain.Endian.Big, addr => (byte)ReadByte((int)addr), (addr, value) => Write8((uint)addr, (uint)value)); domains.Add(MainMemoryDomain); domains.Add(Z80Domain); domains.Add(VRamDomain); domains.Add(RomDomain); domains.Add(SystemBusDomain); memoryDomains = new MemoryDomainList(domains); (ServiceProvider as BasicServiceProvider).Register(memoryDomains); } public void Dispose() { } } }