using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.H6280; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.PCEngine { // HuC6270 Video Display Controller public sealed partial class VDC : IVideoProvider { public ushort[] VRAM = new ushort[0x8000]; public ushort[] SpriteAttributeTable = new ushort[256]; public byte[] PatternBuffer = new byte[0x20000]; public byte[] SpriteBuffer = new byte[0x20000]; public byte RegisterLatch; public ushort[] Registers = new ushort[0x20]; public ushort ReadBuffer; public byte StatusByte; internal bool DmaRequested; internal bool SatDmaRequested; internal bool SatDmaPerformed; public ushort IncrementWidth { get { switch ((Registers[5] >> 11) & 3) { case 0: return 1; case 1: return 32; case 2: return 64; case 3: return 128; } return 1; } } public bool BackgroundEnabled { get { return (Registers[CR] & 0x80) != 0; } } public bool SpritesEnabled { get { return (Registers[CR] & 0x40) != 0; } } public bool VBlankInterruptEnabled { get { return (Registers[CR] & 0x08) != 0; } } public bool RasterCompareInterruptEnabled { get { return (Registers[CR] & 0x04) != 0; } } public bool SpriteOverflowInterruptEnabled { get { return (Registers[CR] & 0x02) != 0; } } public bool SpriteCollisionInterruptEnabled { get { return (Registers[CR] & 0x01) != 0; } } public bool Sprite4ColorModeEnabled { get { return (Registers[MWR] & 0x0C) == 4; } } public int BatWidth { get { switch ((Registers[MWR] >> 4) & 3) { case 0: return 32; case 1: return 64; default: return 128; } } } public int BatHeight { get { return ((Registers[MWR] & 0x40) == 0) ? 32 : 64; } } public int RequestedFrameWidth { get { return ((Registers[HDR] & 0x3F) + 1) * 8; } } public int RequestedFrameHeight { get { return ((Registers[VDW] & 0x1FF) + 1); } } public int DisplayStartLine { get { return (Registers[VPR] >> 8) + (Registers[VPR] & 0x1F); } } const int MAWR = 0; // Memory Address Write Register const int MARR = 1; // Memory Address Read Register const int VRR = 2; // VRAM Read Register const int VWR = 2; // VRAM Write Register const int CR = 5; // Control Register const int RCR = 6; // Raster Compare Register const int BXR = 7; // Background X-scroll Register const int BYR = 8; // Background Y-scroll Register const int MWR = 9; // Memory-access Width Register const int HSR = 10; // Horizontal Sync Register const int HDR = 11; // Horizontal Display Register const int VPR = 12; // Vertical synchronous register const int VDW = 13; // Vertical display register const int VCR = 14; // Vertical display END position register; const int DCR = 15; // DMA Control Register const int SOUR = 16; // Source address for DMA const int DESR = 17; // Destination address for DMA const int LENR = 18; // Length of DMA transfer. Writing this will initiate DMA. const int SATB = 19; // Sprite Attribute Table base location in VRAM const int RegisterSelect = 0; const int LSB = 2; const int MSB = 3; public const byte StatusVerticalBlanking = 0x20; public const byte StatusVramVramDmaComplete = 0x10; public const byte StatusVramSatDmaComplete = 0x08; public const byte StatusRasterCompare = 0x04; public const byte StatusSpriteOverflow = 0x02; public const byte StatusSprite0Collision = 0x01; const int VramSize = 0x8000; PCEngine pce; HuC6280 cpu; VCE vce; public int MultiResHack = 0; public VDC(PCEngine pce, HuC6280 cpu, VCE vce) { this.pce = pce; this.cpu = cpu; this.vce = vce; Registers[HSR] = 0x00FF; Registers[HDR] = 0x00FF; Registers[VPR] = 0xFFFF; Registers[VCR] = 0xFFFF; ReadBuffer = 0xFFFF; } public void WriteVDC(int port, byte value) { cpu.PendingCycles--; port &= 3; if (port == RegisterSelect) { RegisterLatch = (byte)(value & 0x1F); } else if (port == LSB) { Registers[RegisterLatch] &= 0xFF00; Registers[RegisterLatch] |= value; if (RegisterLatch == BYR) BackgroundY = Registers[BYR] & 0x1FF; } else if (port == MSB) { Registers[RegisterLatch] &= 0x00FF; Registers[RegisterLatch] |= (ushort)(value << 8); CompleteMSBWrite(RegisterLatch); } } void CompleteMSBWrite(int register) { switch (register) { case MARR: // Memory Address Read Register ReadBuffer = VRAM[Registers[MARR] & 0x7FFF]; break; case VWR: // VRAM Write Register if (Registers[MAWR] < VramSize) // Several games attempt to write past the end of VRAM { VRAM[Registers[MAWR]] = Registers[VWR]; UpdatePatternData((ushort)(Registers[MAWR] & 0x7FFF)); UpdateSpriteData((ushort)(Registers[MAWR] & 0x7FFF)); } Registers[MAWR] += IncrementWidth; break; case BXR: Registers[BXR] &= 0x3FF; break; case BYR: Registers[BYR] &= 0x1FF; BackgroundY = Registers[BYR]; break; case HDR: // Horizontal Display Register - update framebuffer size FrameWidth = RequestedFrameWidth; FramePitch = MultiResHack == 0 ? FrameWidth : MultiResHack; if (FrameBuffer.Length != FramePitch * FrameHeight) FrameBuffer = new int[FramePitch * FrameHeight]; break; case VDW: // Vertical Display Word? - update framebuffer size FrameHeight = RequestedFrameHeight; FrameWidth = RequestedFrameWidth; if (FrameHeight > 242) FrameHeight = 242; if (MultiResHack != 0) FramePitch = MultiResHack; if (FrameBuffer.Length != FramePitch * FrameHeight) FrameBuffer = new int[FramePitch * FrameHeight]; break; case LENR: // Initiate DMA transfer DmaRequested = true; break; case SATB: SatDmaRequested = true; break; } } public byte ReadVDC(int port) { cpu.PendingCycles--; byte retval = 0; port &= 3; switch (port) { case 0: // return status byte; retval = StatusByte; StatusByte = 0; // maybe bit 6 should be preserved. but we dont currently emulate it. cpu.IRQ1Assert = false; return retval; case 1: // unused return 0; case 2: // LSB return (byte)ReadBuffer; case 3: // MSB retval = (byte)(ReadBuffer >> 8); if (RegisterLatch == VRR) { Registers[MARR] += IncrementWidth; ReadBuffer = VRAM[Registers[MARR] & 0x7FFF]; } return retval; } return 0; } internal void RunDmaForScanline() { // TODO: dont do this all in one scanline. I guess it can do about 227 words per scanline. // TODO: to be honest, dont do it in a block per scanline. put it in the CPU think function. Console.WriteLine("******************************* Doing some dma ******************************"); int advanceSource = (Registers[DCR] & 4) == 0 ? +1 : -1; int advanceDest = (Registers[DCR] & 8) == 0 ? +1 : -1; int wordsDone = 0; for (; Registers[LENR] < 0xFFFF; Registers[LENR]--, wordsDone++) { VRAM[Registers[DESR] & 0x7FFF] = VRAM[Registers[SOUR] & 0x7FFF]; UpdatePatternData(Registers[DESR]); UpdateSpriteData(Registers[DESR]); Registers[DESR] = (ushort)(Registers[DESR] + advanceDest); Registers[SOUR] = (ushort)(Registers[SOUR] + advanceSource); /*if (wordsDone == 227) { Console.WriteLine("ended dma for this scanline"); return; }*/ } DmaRequested = false; //Console.WriteLine("DMA finished"); if ((Registers[DCR] & 2) > 0) { //Log.Note("Vdc","FIRE VRAM-VRAM DMA COMPLETE IRQ"); StatusByte |= StatusVramVramDmaComplete; cpu.IRQ1Assert = true; } } public void UpdateSpriteAttributeTable() { if ((SatDmaRequested || (Registers[DCR] & 0x10) != 0) && Registers[SATB] <= 0x7F00) { SatDmaRequested = false; SatDmaPerformed = true; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { SpriteAttributeTable[i] = VRAM[Registers[SATB] + i]; } } } public void UpdatePatternData(ushort addr) { int tileNo = (addr >> 4); int tileLineOffset = (addr & 0x7); int bitplane01 = VRAM[(tileNo * 16) + tileLineOffset]; int bitplane23 = VRAM[(tileNo * 16) + tileLineOffset + 8]; int patternBufferBase = (tileNo * 64) + (tileLineOffset * 8); for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { byte pixel = (byte)((bitplane01 >> x) & 1); pixel |= (byte)(((bitplane01 >> (x + 8)) & 1) << 1); pixel |= (byte)(((bitplane23 >> x) & 1) << 2); pixel |= (byte)(((bitplane23 >> (x + 8)) & 1) << 3); PatternBuffer[patternBufferBase + (7 - x)] = pixel; } } public void UpdateSpriteData(ushort addr) { int tileNo = addr >> 6; int tileOfs = addr & 0x3F; int bitplane = tileOfs / 16; int line = addr & 0x0F; int ofs = (tileNo * 256) + (line * 16) + 15; ushort value = VRAM[addr]; byte bitAnd = (byte)(~(1 << bitplane)); byte bitOr = (byte)(1 << bitplane); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if ((value & 1) == 1) SpriteBuffer[ofs] |= bitOr; else SpriteBuffer[ofs] &= bitAnd; ofs--; value >>= 1; } } public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer, int vdcNo) { writer.WriteLine("[VDC" + vdcNo + "]"); writer.Write("VRAM "); VRAM.SaveAsHex(writer); writer.Write("SAT "); SpriteAttributeTable.SaveAsHex(writer); writer.Write("Registers "); Registers.SaveAsHex(writer); writer.WriteLine("RegisterLatch {0:X2}", RegisterLatch); writer.WriteLine("ReadBuffer {0:X4}", ReadBuffer); writer.WriteLine("StatusByte {0:X2}", StatusByte); writer.WriteLine("DmaRequested {0}", DmaRequested); writer.WriteLine("SatDmaRequested {0}", SatDmaRequested); writer.WriteLine("SatDmaPerformed {0}", SatDmaPerformed); writer.WriteLine("ScanLine {0}", ScanLine); writer.WriteLine("BackgroundY {0}", BackgroundY); writer.WriteLine("RCRCounter {0}", RCRCounter); writer.WriteLine("ActiveLine {0}", ActiveLine); writer.WriteLine("[/VDC" + vdcNo + "]\n"); } public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader, int vdcNo) { while (true) { string[] args = reader.ReadLine().Split(' '); if (args[0].Trim() == "") continue; if (args[0] == "[/VDC" + vdcNo + "]") break; if (args[0] == "VRAM") VRAM.ReadFromHex(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "SAT") SpriteAttributeTable.ReadFromHex(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "Registers") Registers.ReadFromHex(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "RegisterLatch") RegisterLatch = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "ReadBuffer") ReadBuffer = ushort.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "StatusByte") StatusByte = byte.Parse(args[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); else if (args[0] == "DmaRequested") DmaRequested = bool.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "SatDmaRequested") SatDmaRequested = bool.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "SatDmaPerformed") SatDmaPerformed = bool.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "ScanLine") ScanLine = int.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "BackgroundY") BackgroundY = int.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "RCRCounter") RCRCounter = int.Parse(args[1]); else if (args[0] == "ActiveLine") ActiveLine = int.Parse(args[1]); else Console.WriteLine("Skipping unrecognized identifier " + args[0]); } for (ushort i = 0; i < VRAM.Length; i++) { UpdatePatternData(i); UpdateSpriteData(i); } CompleteMSBWrite(HDR); CompleteMSBWrite(VDW); } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter writer) { for (int i = 0; i < VRAM.Length; i++) writer.Write(VRAM[i]); for (int i = 0; i < SpriteAttributeTable.Length; i++) writer.Write(SpriteAttributeTable[i]); for (int i = 0; i < Registers.Length; i++) writer.Write(Registers[i]); writer.Write(RegisterLatch); writer.Write(ReadBuffer); writer.Write(StatusByte); writer.Write(DmaRequested); writer.Write(SatDmaRequested); writer.Write(SatDmaPerformed); writer.Write(ScanLine); writer.Write(BackgroundY); writer.Write(RCRCounter); writer.Write(ActiveLine); } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader reader) { for (ushort i = 0; i < VRAM.Length; i++) { VRAM[i] = reader.ReadUInt16(); UpdatePatternData(i); UpdateSpriteData(i); } for (int i = 0; i < SpriteAttributeTable.Length; i++) SpriteAttributeTable[i] = reader.ReadUInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < Registers.Length; i++) Registers[i] = reader.ReadUInt16(); RegisterLatch = reader.ReadByte(); ReadBuffer = reader.ReadUInt16(); StatusByte = reader.ReadByte(); DmaRequested = reader.ReadBoolean(); SatDmaRequested = reader.ReadBoolean(); SatDmaPerformed = reader.ReadBoolean(); ScanLine = reader.ReadInt32(); BackgroundY = reader.ReadInt32(); RCRCounter = reader.ReadInt32(); ActiveLine = reader.ReadInt32(); CompleteMSBWrite(HDR); CompleteMSBWrite(VDW); } } }