using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; namespace BizHawk.Common.BizInvoke { public static class WaterboxUtils { /// /// copy `len` bytes from `src` to `dest` /// /// /// /// public static void CopySome(Stream src, Stream dst, long len) { var buff = new byte[4096]; while (len > 0) { int r = src.Read(buff, 0, (int)Math.Min(len, 4096)); dst.Write(buff, 0, r); len -= r; } } public static byte[] Hash(byte[] data) { using (var h = SHA1.Create()) { return h.ComputeHash(data); } } public static byte[] Hash(Stream s) { using (var h = SHA1.Create()) { return h.ComputeHash(s); } } public static unsafe void ZeroMemory(IntPtr mem, long length) { byte* p = (byte*)mem; byte* end = p + length; while (p < end) { *p++ = 0; } } public static long Timestamp() { return DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; } /// /// system page size /// public static int PageSize { get; private set; } /// /// bitshift corresponding to PageSize /// public static int PageShift { get; private set; } /// /// bitmask corresponding to PageSize /// public static ulong PageMask { get; private set; } static WaterboxUtils() { int p = PageSize = Environment.SystemPageSize; while (p != 1) { p >>= 1; PageShift++; } PageMask = (ulong)(PageSize - 1); } /// /// true if addr is aligned /// public static bool Aligned(ulong addr) { return (addr & PageMask) == 0; } /// /// align address down to previous page boundary /// public static ulong AlignDown(ulong addr) { return addr & ~PageMask; } /// /// align address up to next page boundary /// public static ulong AlignUp(ulong addr) { return ((addr - 1) | PageMask) + 1; } /// /// return the minimum number of pages needed to hold size /// public static int PagesNeeded(ulong size) { return (int)((size + PageMask) >> PageShift); } } // C# is annoying: arithmetic operators for native ints are not exposed. // So we store them as long/ulong instead in many places, and use these helpers // to convert to IntPtr when needed public static class Z { public static IntPtr US(ulong l) { if (IntPtr.Size == 8) return (IntPtr)(long)l; else return (IntPtr)(int)l; } public static UIntPtr UU(ulong l) { if (UIntPtr.Size == 8) return (UIntPtr)l; else return (UIntPtr)(uint)l; } public static IntPtr SS(long l) { if (IntPtr.Size == 8) return (IntPtr)l; else return (IntPtr)(int)l; } public static UIntPtr SU(long l) { if (UIntPtr.Size == 8) return (UIntPtr)(ulong)l; else return (UIntPtr)(uint)l; } } }