using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Common.BizInvoke; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using PeNet; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Waterbox { public class PeRunnerOptions { // string directory, string filename, ulong heapsize, ulong sealedheapsize, ulong invisibleheapsize /// /// path which the main executable and all associated libraries should be found /// public string Path { get; set; } /// /// filename of the main executable; expected to be in Path /// public string Filename { get; set; } /// /// how large the normal heap should be. it services sbrk calls /// can be 0, but sbrk calls will crash. /// public uint SbrkHeapSizeKB { get; set; } /// /// how large the sealed heap should be. it services special allocations that become readonly after init /// Must be > 0 and at least large enough to store argv and envp, and any alloc_sealed() calls /// public uint SealedHeapSizeKB { get; set; } /// /// how large the invisible heap should be. it services special allocations which are not savestated /// Must be > 0 and at least large enough for the internal vtables, and any alloc_invisible() calls /// public uint InvisibleHeapSizeKB { get; set; } /// /// how large the "plain" heap should be. it is savestated, and contains /// Must be > 0 and at least large enough for the internal pthread structure, and any alloc_plain() calls /// public uint PlainHeapSizeKB { get; set; } /// /// how large the mmap heap should be. it is savestated. /// can be 0, but mmap calls will crash. /// public uint MmapHeapSizeKB { get; set; } /// /// start address in memory /// public ulong StartAddress { get; set; } = PeRunner.CanonicalStart; } public class PeRunner : Swappable, IImportResolver, IBinaryStateable { /// /// serves as a standin for /// private class Psx { private readonly PeRunner _parent; private readonly List _traps = new List(); public Psx(PeRunner parent) { _parent = parent; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct PsxContext { public int Size; public int Options; public IntPtr SyscallVtable; public IntPtr LdsoVtable; public IntPtr PsxVtable; public uint SysIdx; public uint LibcIdx; public IntPtr PthreadSurrogate; public IntPtr PthreadCreate; public IntPtr DoGlobalCtors; public IntPtr DoGlobalDtors; } private void PopulateVtable(string moduleName, ICollection entries, IntPtr table) { var imports = _parent._exports[moduleName]; var pointers = entries.Select(e => { var ptr = imports.Resolve(e); if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) { var s = string.Format("Trapped on unimplemented function {0}:{1}", moduleName, e); Action del = () => { Console.WriteLine(s); throw new InvalidOperationException(s); }; _traps.Add(del); ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(del); } return ptr; }).ToArray(); Marshal.Copy(pointers, 0, table, pointers.Length); } /// /// called by the PeRunner to reset pointers after a loadsave /// public void ReloadVtables() { _traps.Clear(); PopulateVtable("__syscalls", Enumerable.Range(0, 340).Select(i => "n" + i).ToList(), _syscallVtable); PopulateVtable("__syscalls", new[] // ldso { "dladdr", "dlinfo", "dlsym", "dlopen", "dlclose", "dlerror", "reset_tls" }, _ldsoVtable); PopulateVtable("__syscalls", new[] // psx { "start_main", "convert_thread", "unmapself", "log_output", "pthread_self" }, _psxVtable); /*unsafe { var ptr = (IntPtr*)_psxVtable; Console.WriteLine("AWESOMES: " + ptr[0]); }*/ } private IntPtr _syscallVtable; private IntPtr _ldsoVtable; private IntPtr _psxVtable; private IntPtr AllocVtable(int count) { return Z.US(_parent._invisibleheap.Allocate((ulong)(count * IntPtr.Size), 16)); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "__psx_init")] public int PsxInit(ref int argc, ref IntPtr argv, ref IntPtr envp, [In, Out]ref PsxContext context) { { // argc = 1, argv = ["foobar, NULL], envp = [NULL] argc = 1; var argArea = _parent._sealedheap.Allocate(32, 16); argv = Z.US(argArea); envp = Z.US(argArea + (uint)IntPtr.Size * 2); Marshal.WriteIntPtr(Z.US(argArea), Z.US(argArea + 24)); Marshal.WriteInt64(Z.US(argArea + 24), 0x7261626f6f66); } context.SyscallVtable = _syscallVtable = AllocVtable(340); context.LdsoVtable = _ldsoVtable = AllocVtable(7); context.PsxVtable = _psxVtable = AllocVtable(5); // ctx comes from the native stack, where it could have any garbage in uninited fields context.SysIdx = 0; context.LibcIdx = 0; context.DoGlobalCtors = IntPtr.Zero; context.DoGlobalDtors = IntPtr.Zero; ReloadVtables(); // TODO: we can't set these pointers 4 and preserve across session // until we find out where they get saved to and add a way to reset them /*var extraTable = CreateVtable("__syscalls", new[] { "pthread_surrogate", "pthread_create", "do_global_ctors", "do_global_dtors" }); var tmp = new IntPtr[4]; Marshal.Copy(extraTable, tmp, 0, 4); context.PthreadSurrogate = tmp[0]; context.PthreadCreate = tmp[1]; context.DoGlobalCtors = tmp[2]; context.DoGlobalDtors = tmp[3];*/ return 0; // success } } /// /// special emulator-functions /// private class Emu { private readonly PeRunner _parent; public Emu(PeRunner parent) { _parent = parent; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "alloc_sealed")] public IntPtr AllocSealed(UIntPtr size) { return Z.US(_parent._sealedheap.Allocate((ulong)size, 16)); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "alloc_invisible")] public IntPtr AllocInvisible(UIntPtr size) { return Z.US(_parent._invisibleheap.Allocate((ulong)size, 16)); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "alloc_plain")] public IntPtr AllocPlain(UIntPtr size) { return Z.US(_parent._plainheap.Allocate((ulong)size, 16)); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "_debug_puts")] public void DebugPuts(IntPtr s) { Console.WriteLine("_debug_puts:" + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(s)); } } /// /// syscall emulation layer, as well as a bit of other stuff /// private class Syscalls { private readonly PeRunner _parent; public Syscalls(PeRunner parent) { _parent = parent; } private IntPtr _pthreadSelf; public void Init() { // as the inits are done in a defined order with a defined memory map, // we don't need to savestate _pthreadSelf, only its contents _pthreadSelf = Z.US(_parent._plainheap.Allocate(512, 1)); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "log_output")] public void DebugPuts(IntPtr s) { Console.WriteLine("_psx_log_output:" + Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(s)); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n12")] public UIntPtr Brk(UIntPtr _p) { var heap = _parent._heap; var start = heap.Memory.Start; var end = start + heap.Used; var max = heap.Memory.End; var p = (ulong)_p; if (p < start || p > max) { // failure: return current break return Z.UU(end); } else if (p > end) { // increase size of heap heap.Allocate(p - end, 1); return Z.UU(p); } else if (p < end) { throw new InvalidOperationException("We don't support shrinking heaps"); } else { // no change return Z.UU(end); } } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n16")] public int IoCtl(int fd, ulong req) { return 0; // sure it worked, honest } public struct Iovec { public IntPtr Base; public ulong Length; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n0")] public long Read(int fd, IntPtr buff, ulong count) { return 0; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n1")] public long Write(int fd, IntPtr buff, ulong count) { return (long)count; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n19")] public unsafe long Readv(int fd, Iovec* iov, int iovcnt) { return 0; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n20")] public unsafe long Writev(int fd, Iovec* iov, int iovcnt) { long ret = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { ret += (long)iov[i].Length; } return ret; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n2")] public int Open(string path, int flags, int mode) { return -1; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n3")] public int Close(int fd) { return 0; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n4")] public int Stat(string path, IntPtr statbuf) { return -1; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n5")] public int Fstat(int fd, IntPtr statbuf) { return -1; } //[UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] //private delegate int LibcStartMain(IntPtr main, int argc, IntPtr argv); //bool _firstTime = true; // aka __psx_init_frame (it's used elsewhere for thread setup) // in midipix, this just sets up a SEH frame and then calls musl's start_main [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "start_main")] public unsafe int StartMain(IntPtr main, int argc, IntPtr argv, IntPtr libc_start_main) { //var del = (LibcStartMain)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(libc_start_main, typeof(LibcStartMain)); // this will init, and then call user main, and then call exit() //del(main, argc, argv); //int* foobar = stackalloc int[128]; // if we return from this, psx will then halt, so break out //if (_firstTime) //{ //_firstTime = false; throw new InvalidOperationException("This shouldn't be called"); //} //else //{ // return 0; //} } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_self")] public IntPtr PthreadSelf() { return _pthreadSelf; } /*[BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "convert_thread")] public void ConvertThread() { }*/ [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n218")] public long SetTidAddress(IntPtr address) { return 8675309; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class TimeSpec { public long Seconds; public long NanoSeconds; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n228")] public int SysClockGetTime(int which, [In, Out] TimeSpec time) { time.Seconds = 1495889068; time.NanoSeconds = 0; return 0; } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n9")] public IntPtr MMap(IntPtr address, UIntPtr size, int prot, int flags, int fd, IntPtr offs) { if (address != IntPtr.Zero) return Z.SS(-1); MemoryBlock.Protection mprot; switch (prot) { case 0: mprot = MemoryBlock.Protection.None; break; default: case 6: // W^X case 7: // W^X case 4: // exec only???? case 2: return Z.SS(-1); // write only???? case 3: mprot = MemoryBlock.Protection.RW; break; case 1: mprot = MemoryBlock.Protection.R; break; case 5: mprot = MemoryBlock.Protection.RX; break; } if ((flags & 0x20) == 0) { // MAP_ANONYMOUS is required return Z.SS(-1); } if ((flags & 0xf00) != 0) { // various unsupported flags return Z.SS(-1); } var ret = _parent._mmapheap.Map((ulong)size, mprot); return ret == 0 ? Z.SS(-1) : Z.US(ret); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n25")] public IntPtr MRemap(UIntPtr oldAddress, UIntPtr oldSize, UIntPtr newSize, int flags) { if ((flags & 2) != 0) { // don't support MREMAP_FIXED return Z.SS(-1); } var ret = _parent._mmapheap.Remap((ulong)oldAddress, (ulong)oldSize, (ulong)newSize, (flags & 1) != 0); return ret == 0 ? Z.SS(-1) : Z.US(ret); } [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "n11")] public int MUnmap(UIntPtr address, UIntPtr size) { return _parent._mmapheap.Unmap((ulong)address, (ulong)size) ? 0 : -1; } } /// /// functions that we want to redirect /// private class LibcPatch { private readonly PeRunner _parent; public LibcPatch(PeRunner parent) { _parent = parent; } private bool _didOnce = false; private readonly Dictionary _specificKeys = new Dictionary(); private uint _nextSpecificKey = 401; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate void PthreadCallback(); // pthread stuff: // since we don't allow multiple threads (for now), this is all pretty simple /* // int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key, void (*destructor)(void*)); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_key_create")] public int PthreadKeyCreate(ref uint key, PthreadCallback destructor) { key = _nextSpecificKey++; _specificKeys.Add(key, IntPtr.Zero); return 0; } // int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_key_delete")] public int PthreadKeyDelete(uint key) { _specificKeys.Remove(key); return 0; } // int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_setspecific")] public int PthreadSetSpecific(uint key, IntPtr value) { _specificKeys[key] = value; return 0; } // void *pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_getspecific")] public IntPtr PthreadGetSpecific(uint key) { IntPtr ret; _specificKeys.TryGetValue(key, out ret); return ret; } // int pthread_once(pthread_once_t* once_control, void (*init_routine)(void)); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_once")] public int PthreadOnce(IntPtr control, PthreadCallback init) { if (!_didOnce) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); _didOnce = true; init(); } return 0; } // int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t* attr); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_mutex_init")] public int PthreadMutexInit(IntPtr mutex, IntPtr attr) { return 0; } // int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t* mutex); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_mutex_destroy")] public int PthreadMutexDestroy(IntPtr mutex) { return 0; } // int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_mutex_lock")] public int PthreadMutexLock(IntPtr mutex) { return 0; } // int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_mutex_trylock")] public int PthreadMutexTryLock(IntPtr mutex) { return 0; } // int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t* mutex); [BizExport(CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "pthread_mutex_unlock")] public int PthreadMutexUnlock(IntPtr mutex) { return 0; }*/ } /// /// usual starting point for the executable /// public const ulong CanonicalStart = 0x0000036f00000000; public const ulong AlternateStart = 0x0000036e00000000; /// /// the next place where we can put a module or heap /// private ulong _nextStart = CanonicalStart; /// /// increment _nextStart after adding a module /// private void ComputeNextStart(ulong size) { _nextStart += size; // align to 1MB, then increment 16MB _nextStart = ((_nextStart - 1) | 0xfffff) + 0x1000001; } /// /// standard malloc() heap /// private Heap _heap; /// /// sealed heap (writable only during init) /// private Heap _sealedheap; /// /// invisible heap (not savestated, use with care) /// private Heap _invisibleheap; /// /// extra savestated heap /// private Heap _plainheap; /// /// memory map emulation /// private MapHeap _mmapheap; /// /// all loaded PE files /// private readonly List _modules = new List(); /// /// all loaded heaps /// private readonly List _heaps = new List(); /// /// anything at all that needs to be disposed on finish /// private readonly List _disposeList = new List(); /// /// anything at all that needs its state saved and loaded /// private readonly List _savestateComponents = new List(); /// /// all of the exports, including real PeWrapper ones and fake ones /// private readonly Dictionary _exports = new Dictionary(); private Psx _psx; private Emu _emu; private Syscalls _syscalls; private LibcPatch _libcpatch; /// /// timestamp of creation acts as a sort of "object id" in the savestate /// private readonly long _createstamp = WaterboxUtils.Timestamp(); private Heap CreateHeapHelper(uint sizeKB, string name, bool saveStated) { if (sizeKB != 0) { var heap = new Heap(_nextStart, sizeKB * 1024, name); heap.Memory.Activate(); ComputeNextStart(sizeKB * 1024); AddMemoryBlock(heap.Memory); if (saveStated) _savestateComponents.Add(heap); _disposeList.Add(heap); _heaps.Add(heap); return heap; } else { return null; } } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private delegate void LibcEntryRoutineD(IntPtr appMain, IntPtr psxInit, int options); public PeRunner(PeRunnerOptions opt) { _nextStart = opt.StartAddress; Initialize(_nextStart); using (this.EnterExit()) { // load any predefined exports _psx = new Psx(this); _exports.Add("", BizExvoker.GetExvoker(_psx)); _emu = new Emu(this); _exports.Add("", BizExvoker.GetExvoker(_emu)); _syscalls = new Syscalls(this); _exports.Add("__syscalls", BizExvoker.GetExvoker(_syscalls)); // load and connect all modules, starting with the executable var todoModules = new Queue(); todoModules.Enqueue(opt.Filename); while (todoModules.Count > 0) { var moduleName = todoModules.Dequeue(); if (!_exports.ContainsKey(moduleName)) { var module = new PeWrapper(moduleName, File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(opt.Path, moduleName)), _nextStart); ComputeNextStart(module.Size); AddMemoryBlock(module.Memory); _savestateComponents.Add(module); _disposeList.Add(module); _exports.Add(moduleName, module); _modules.Add(module); foreach (var name in module.ImportsByModule.Keys) { todoModules.Enqueue(name); } } } _libcpatch = new LibcPatch(this); _exports[""] = new PatchImportResolver(_exports[""], BizExvoker.GetExvoker(_libcpatch)); ConnectAllImports(); // load all heaps _heap = CreateHeapHelper(opt.SbrkHeapSizeKB, "brk-heap", true); _sealedheap = CreateHeapHelper(opt.SealedHeapSizeKB, "sealed-heap", true); _invisibleheap = CreateHeapHelper(opt.InvisibleHeapSizeKB, "invisible-heap", false); _plainheap = CreateHeapHelper(opt.PlainHeapSizeKB, "plain-heap", true); if (opt.MmapHeapSizeKB != 0) { _mmapheap = new MapHeap(_nextStart, opt.MmapHeapSizeKB * 1024, "mmap-heap"); _mmapheap.Memory.Activate(); ComputeNextStart(opt.MmapHeapSizeKB * 1024); AddMemoryBlock(_mmapheap.Memory); _savestateComponents.Add(_mmapheap); _disposeList.Add(_mmapheap); } _syscalls.Init(); Console.WriteLine("About to enter unmanaged code"); if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } // run unmanaged init code var libcEnter = _exports[""].SafeResolve("__libc_entry_routine"); var psxInit = _exports[""].SafeResolve("__psx_init"); var del = (LibcEntryRoutineD)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(libcEnter, typeof(LibcEntryRoutineD)); // the current mmglue code doesn't use the main pointer at all, and this just returns del(IntPtr.Zero, psxInit, 0); foreach (var m in _modules) { m.RunGlobalCtors(); } /*try { _modules[0].RunExeEntry(); //throw new InvalidOperationException("main() returned!"); } catch //(EndOfMainException) { } _modules[0].RunGlobalCtors(); foreach (var m in _modules.Skip(1)) { if (!m.RunDllEntry()) throw new InvalidOperationException("DllMain() returned false"); m.RunGlobalCtors(); }*/ } } public IntPtr Resolve(string entryPoint) { // modules[0] is always the main module return _modules[0].Resolve(entryPoint); } public void Seal() { using (this.EnterExit()) { _sealedheap.Seal(); foreach (var h in _heaps) { if (h != _invisibleheap) // TODO: if we have more non-savestated heaps, refine this hack h.Memory.SaveXorSnapshot(); } foreach (var pe in _modules) { pe.SealImportsAndTakeXorSnapshot(); } if (_mmapheap != null) _mmapheap.Memory.SaveXorSnapshot(); } } private void ConnectAllImports() { foreach (var module in _modules) { foreach (var name in module.ImportsByModule.Keys) { module.ConnectImports(name, _exports[name]); } } } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(_createstamp); bw.Write(_savestateComponents.Count); using (this.EnterExit()) { foreach (var c in _savestateComponents) { c.SaveStateBinary(bw); } } } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader br) { var differentCore = br.ReadInt64() != _createstamp; // true if a different core instance created the state if (br.ReadInt32() != _savestateComponents.Count) throw new InvalidOperationException("Internal savestate error"); using (this.EnterExit()) { foreach (var c in _savestateComponents) { c.LoadStateBinary(br); } if (differentCore) { // if a different runtime instance than this one saved the state, // Exvoker imports need to be reconnected Console.WriteLine("Restoring PeRunner state from a different core..."); ConnectAllImports(); _psx.ReloadVtables(); } } } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose(disposing); if (disposing) { foreach (var d in _disposeList) d.Dispose(); _disposeList.Clear(); PurgeMemoryBlocks(); _modules.Clear(); _exports.Clear(); _heap = null; _sealedheap = null; _invisibleheap = null; _plainheap = null; _mmapheap = null; } } } }