using System; using System.Linq; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M6502; #pragma warning disable 162 namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES { public partial class NES : IEmulator { //hardware/state public MOS6502X cpu; int cpu_accumulate; //cpu timekeeper public PPU ppu; public APU apu; public byte[] ram; NESWatch[] sysbus_watch = new NESWatch[65536]; public byte[] CIRAM; //AKA nametables string game_name = ""; //friendly name exposed to user and used as filename base CartInfo cart; //the current cart prototype. should be moved into the board, perhaps internal INESBoard Board; //the board hardware that is currently driving things EDetectionOrigin origin = EDetectionOrigin.None; int sprdma_countdown; bool _irq_apu; //various irq signals that get merged to the cpu irq pin /// clock speed of the main cpu in hz public int cpuclockrate { get; private set; } //irq state management public bool irq_apu { get { return _irq_apu; } set { _irq_apu = value; } } //user configuration int[] palette_compiled = new int[64 * 8]; //variable set when VS system games are running internal bool _isVS = false; //some VS games have a ppu that switches 2000 and 2001, so keep trcak of that public byte _isVS2c05 = 0; //since prg reg for VS System is set in the controller regs, it is convenient to have it here //instead of in the board public byte VS_chr_reg; public byte VS_prg_reg; //various VS controls public byte[] VS_dips = new byte[8]; public byte VS_service = 0; public byte VS_coin_inserted=0; public byte VS_ROM_control; // cheat addr index tracker // disables all cheats each frame public int[] cheat_indexes = new int[500]; public int num_cheats; // new input system NESControlSettings ControllerSettings; // this is stored internally so that a new change of settings won't replace IControllerDeck ControllerDeck; byte latched4016; private DisplayType _display_type = DisplayType.NTSC; //Sound config public void SetSquare1(int v) { apu.Square1V = v; } public void SetSquare2(int v) { apu.Square2V = v; } public void SetTriangle(int v) { apu.TriangleV = v; } public void SetNoise(int v) { apu.NoiseV = v; } public void SetDMC(int v) { apu.DMCV = v; } /// /// for debugging only! /// /// public INESBoard GetBoard() { return Board; } public void Dispose() { if (magicSoundProvider != null) magicSoundProvider.Dispose(); magicSoundProvider = null; } class MagicSoundProvider : ISoundProvider, IDisposable { BlipBuffer blip; NES nes; const int blipbuffsize = 4096; public MagicSoundProvider(NES nes, uint infreq) { this.nes = nes; blip = new BlipBuffer(blipbuffsize); blip.SetRates(infreq, 44100); //var actualMetaspu = new Sound.MetaspuSoundProvider(Sound.ESynchMethod.ESynchMethod_V); //1.789773mhz NTSC //resampler = new Sound.Utilities.SpeexResampler(2, infreq, 44100 * APU.DECIMATIONFACTOR, infreq, 44100, actualMetaspu.buffer.enqueue_samples); //output = new Sound.Utilities.DCFilter(actualMetaspu); } public bool CanProvideAsync { get { return false; } } public SyncSoundMode SyncMode { get { return SyncSoundMode.Sync; } } public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode) { if (mode != SyncSoundMode.Sync) { throw new NotSupportedException("Only sync mode is supported"); } } public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples) { throw new NotSupportedException("Async not supported"); } public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp) { //Console.WriteLine("ASync: {0}", nes.apu.dlist.Count); foreach (var d in nes.apu.dlist) blip.AddDelta(d.time, d.value); nes.apu.dlist.Clear(); blip.EndFrame(nes.apu.sampleclock); nes.apu.sampleclock = 0; nsamp = blip.SamplesAvailable(); samples = new short[nsamp * 2]; blip.ReadSamples(samples, nsamp, true); // duplicate to stereo for (int i = 0; i < nsamp * 2; i += 2) samples[i + 1] = samples[i]; nes.Board.ApplyCustomAudio(samples); } public void DiscardSamples() { nes.apu.dlist.Clear(); nes.apu.sampleclock = 0; } public void Dispose() { if (blip != null) { blip.Dispose(); blip = null; } } } MagicSoundProvider magicSoundProvider; public void HardReset() { cpu = new MOS6502X(); cpu.SetCallbacks(ReadMemory, ReadMemory, PeekMemory, WriteMemory); cpu.BCD_Enabled = false; cpu.OnExecFetch = ExecFetch; ppu = new PPU(this); ram = new byte[0x800]; CIRAM = new byte[0x800]; // wire controllers // todo: allow changing this ControllerDeck = ControllerSettings.Instantiate(ppu.LightGunCallback); // set controller definition first time only if (ControllerDefinition == null) { ControllerDefinition = new ControllerDefinition(ControllerDeck.GetDefinition()); ControllerDefinition.Name = "NES Controller"; // controls other than the deck ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("Power"); ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("Reset"); if (Board is FDS) { var b = Board as FDS; ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Eject"); for (int i = 0; i < b.NumSides; i++) ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("FDS Insert " + i); } if (_isVS) { ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("Insert Coin P1"); ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("Insert Coin P2"); ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Add("Service Switch"); } } // don't replace the magicSoundProvider on reset, as it's not needed // if (magicSoundProvider != null) magicSoundProvider.Dispose(); // set up region switch (_display_type) { case Common.DisplayType.PAL: apu = new APU(this, apu, true); ppu.region = PPU.Region.PAL; VsyncNum = 50; VsyncDen = 1; cpuclockrate = 1662607; cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_PAL; _display_type = DisplayType.PAL; break; case Common.DisplayType.NTSC: apu = new APU(this, apu, false); ppu.region = PPU.Region.NTSC; VsyncNum = 39375000; VsyncDen = 655171; cpuclockrate = 1789773; cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_NTSC; break; // this is in bootgod, but not used at all case Common.DisplayType.Dendy: apu = new APU(this, apu, false); ppu.region = PPU.Region.Dendy; VsyncNum = 50; VsyncDen = 1; cpuclockrate = 1773448; cpu_sequence = cpu_sequence_NTSC; _display_type = DisplayType.Dendy; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown displaytype!"); } if (magicSoundProvider == null) magicSoundProvider = new MagicSoundProvider(this, (uint)cpuclockrate); BoardSystemHardReset(); // apu has some specific power up bahaviour that we will emulate here apu.NESHardReset(); if (SyncSettings.InitialWRamStatePattern != null && SyncSettings.InitialWRamStatePattern.Any()) { for (int i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) { ram[i] = SyncSettings.InitialWRamStatePattern[i % SyncSettings.InitialWRamStatePattern.Count]; } } else { // check fceux's PowerNES and FCEU_MemoryRand function for more information: // relevant games: Cybernoid; Minna no Taabou no Nakayoshi Daisakusen; Huang Di; and maybe mechanized attack for (int i = 0; i < 0x800; i++) { if ((i & 4) != 0) { ram[i] = 0xFF; } else { ram[i] = 0x00; } } } SetupMemoryDomains(); // some boards cannot have specific values in RAM upon initialization // Let's hard code those cases here // these will be defined through the gameDB exclusively for now. if (cart.DB_GameInfo!=null) { if (cart.DB_GameInfo.Hash == "60FC5FA5B5ACCAF3AEFEBA73FC8BFFD3C4DAE558" // Camerica Golden 5 || cart.DB_GameInfo.Hash == "BAD382331C30B22A908DA4BFF2759C25113CC26A" // Camerica Golden 5 || cart.DB_GameInfo.Hash == "40409FEC8249EFDB772E6FFB2DCD41860C6CCA23" // Camerica Pegasus 4-in-1 ) { ram[0x701] = 0xFF; } if (cart.DB_GameInfo.Hash == "68ABE1E49C9E9CCEA978A48232432C252E5912C0") // Dancing Blocks { ram[0xEC] = 0; ram[0xED] = 0; } } } private int VsyncNum { get; set; } private int VsyncDen { get; set; } private IController _controller; bool resetSignal; bool hardResetSignal; public void FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound) { _controller = controller; if (Tracer.Enabled) cpu.TraceCallback = (s) => Tracer.Put(s); else cpu.TraceCallback = null; lagged = true; if (resetSignal) { Board.NESSoftReset(); cpu.NESSoftReset(); apu.NESSoftReset(); ppu.NESSoftReset(); } else if (hardResetSignal) { HardReset(); } Frame++; //if (resetSignal) //Controller.UnpressButton("Reset"); TODO fix this resetSignal = controller.IsPressed("Reset"); hardResetSignal = controller.IsPressed("Power"); if (Board is FDS) { var b = Board as FDS; if (controller.IsPressed("FDS Eject")) b.Eject(); for (int i = 0; i < b.NumSides; i++) if (controller.IsPressed("FDS Insert " + i)) b.InsertSide(i); } if (_isVS) { if (controller.IsPressed("Service Switch")) VS_service = 1; else VS_service = 0; if (controller.IsPressed("Insert Coin P1")) VS_coin_inserted |= 1; else VS_coin_inserted &= 2; if (controller.IsPressed("Insert Coin P2")) VS_coin_inserted |= 2; else VS_coin_inserted &= 1; } ppu.FrameAdvance(); if (lagged) { _lagcount++; islag = true; } else islag = false; videoProvider.FillFrameBuffer(); //turn off all cheats for (int d=0;d 12 27 42 57 -> 9 24 39 54 -> 6 21 36 51 -> 3 18 33 48 -> 0 //sequence of ppu clocks per cpu clock: 3,3,3,3,4 //at least it should be, but something is off with that (start up time?) so it is 3,3,3,4,3 for now //NTSC: //sequence of ppu clocks per cpu clock: 3 ByteBuffer cpu_sequence; static ByteBuffer cpu_sequence_NTSC = new ByteBuffer(new byte[] { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 }); static ByteBuffer cpu_sequence_PAL = new ByteBuffer(new byte[] { 3, 3, 3, 4, 3 }); public int cpu_step, cpu_stepcounter, cpu_deadcounter; public int oam_dma_index; public bool oam_dma_exec = false; public ushort oam_dma_addr; public byte oam_dma_byte; public bool dmc_dma_exec = false; public bool dmc_realign; public bool IRQ_delay; public bool special_case_delay; // very ugly but the only option public bool do_the_reread; public byte DB; //old data bus values from previous reads #if VS2012 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] #endif internal void RunCpuOne() { cpu_stepcounter++; if (cpu_stepcounter == cpu_sequence[cpu_step]) { cpu_step++; if (cpu_step == 5) cpu_step = 0; cpu_stepcounter = 0; /////////////////////////// // OAM DMA start /////////////////////////// if (sprdma_countdown > 0) { sprdma_countdown--; if (sprdma_countdown == 0) { if (cpu.TotalExecutedCycles % 2 == 0) { cpu_deadcounter = 2; } else { cpu_deadcounter = 1; } oam_dma_exec = true; cpu.RDY = false; oam_dma_index = 0; special_case_delay = true; } } if (oam_dma_exec && apu.dmc_dma_countdown != 1 && !dmc_realign) { if (cpu_deadcounter == 0) { if (oam_dma_index % 2 == 0) { oam_dma_byte = ReadMemory(oam_dma_addr); oam_dma_addr++; } else { WriteMemory(0x2004, oam_dma_byte); } oam_dma_index++; if (oam_dma_index == 512) oam_dma_exec = false; } else { cpu_deadcounter--; } } else if (apu.dmc_dma_countdown == 1) { dmc_realign = true; } else if (dmc_realign) { dmc_realign = false; } ///////////////////////////// // OAM DMA end ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // dmc dma start ///////////////////////////// if (apu.dmc_dma_countdown > 0) { cpu.RDY = false; dmc_dma_exec = true; apu.dmc_dma_countdown--; if (apu.dmc_dma_countdown == 0) { apu.RunDMCFetch(); dmc_dma_exec = false; apu.dmc_dma_countdown = -1; do_the_reread = true; } } ///////////////////////////// // dmc dma end ///////////////////////////// apu.RunOne(true); if (cpu.RDY && !IRQ_delay) { cpu.IRQ = _irq_apu || Board.IRQSignal; } else if (special_case_delay || apu.dmc_dma_countdown == 3) { cpu.IRQ = _irq_apu || Board.IRQSignal; special_case_delay = false; } cpu.ExecuteOne(); apu.RunOne(false); if (ppu.double_2007_read > 0) ppu.double_2007_read--; if (do_the_reread && cpu.RDY) do_the_reread = false; if (IRQ_delay) IRQ_delay = false; if (!dmc_dma_exec && !oam_dma_exec && !cpu.RDY) { cpu.RDY = true; IRQ_delay = true; } ppu.ppu_open_bus_decay(0); Board.ClockCPU(); ppu.PostCpuInstructionOne(); } } #if VS2012 [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] #endif public byte ReadReg(int addr) { byte ret_spec; switch (addr) { case 0x4000: case 0x4001: case 0x4002: case 0x4003: case 0x4004: case 0x4005: case 0x4006: case 0x4007: case 0x4008: case 0x4009: case 0x400A: case 0x400B: case 0x400C: case 0x400D: case 0x400E: case 0x400F: case 0x4010: case 0x4011: case 0x4012: case 0x4013: return DB; //return apu.ReadReg(addr); case 0x4014: /*OAM DMA*/ break; case 0x4015: return (byte)((byte)(apu.ReadReg(addr) & 0xDF) + (byte)(DB & 0x20)); case 0x4016: if (_isVS) { byte ret = 0; ret = read_joyport(0x4016); ret &= 1; ret = (byte)(ret | (VS_service << 2) | (VS_dips[0] << 3) | (VS_dips[1] << 4) | (VS_coin_inserted << 5) | (VS_ROM_control<<7)); return ret; } else { // special hardware glitch case ret_spec = read_joyport(addr); if (do_the_reread && ppu.region==PPU.Region.NTSC) { ret_spec = read_joyport(addr); do_the_reread = false; } return ret_spec; } case 0x4017: if (_isVS) { byte ret = 0; ret = read_joyport(0x4017); ret &= 1; ret = (byte)(ret | (VS_dips[2] << 2) | (VS_dips[3] << 3) | (VS_dips[4] << 4) | (VS_dips[5] << 5) | (VS_dips[6] << 6) | (VS_dips[7] << 7)); return ret; } else { // special hardware glitch case ret_spec = read_joyport(addr); if (do_the_reread && ppu.region == PPU.Region.NTSC) { ret_spec = read_joyport(addr); do_the_reread = false; } return ret_spec; } default: //Console.WriteLine("read register: {0:x4}", addr); break; } return DB; } public byte PeekReg(int addr) { switch (addr) { case 0x4000: case 0x4001: case 0x4002: case 0x4003: case 0x4004: case 0x4005: case 0x4006: case 0x4007: case 0x4008: case 0x4009: case 0x400A: case 0x400B: case 0x400C: case 0x400D: case 0x400E: case 0x400F: case 0x4010: case 0x4011: case 0x4012: case 0x4013: return apu.PeekReg(addr); case 0x4014: /*OAM DMA*/ break; case 0x4015: return apu.PeekReg(addr); case 0x4016: case 0x4017: return peek_joyport(addr); default: //Console.WriteLine("read register: {0:x4}", addr); break; } return 0xFF; } void WriteReg(int addr, byte val) { switch (addr) { case 0x4000: case 0x4001: case 0x4002: case 0x4003: case 0x4004: case 0x4005: case 0x4006: case 0x4007: case 0x4008: case 0x4009: case 0x400A: case 0x400B: case 0x400C: case 0x400D: case 0x400E: case 0x400F: case 0x4010: case 0x4011: case 0x4012: case 0x4013: apu.WriteReg(addr, val); break; case 0x4014: Exec_OAMDma(val); break; case 0x4015: apu.WriteReg(addr, val); break; case 0x4016: if (_isVS) { write_joyport(val); VS_chr_reg = (byte)((val & 0x4)>>2); //TODO: does other stuff for dual system //this is actually different then assignment VS_prg_reg = (byte)((val & 0x4)>>2); } else { write_joyport(val); } break; case 0x4017: apu.WriteReg(addr, val); break; default: //Console.WriteLine("wrote register: {0:x4} = {1:x2}", addr, val); break; } } void write_joyport(byte value) { var si = new StrobeInfo(latched4016, value); ControllerDeck.Strobe(si, _controller); latched4016 = value; } byte read_joyport(int addr) { InputCallbacks.Call(); lagged = false; byte ret = 0; if (_isVS) { // for whatever reason, in VS left and right controller have swapped regs ret = addr == 0x4017 ? ControllerDeck.ReadA(_controller) : ControllerDeck.ReadB(_controller); } else { ret = addr == 0x4016 ? ControllerDeck.ReadA(_controller) : ControllerDeck.ReadB(_controller); } ret &= 0x1f; ret |= (byte)(0xe0 & DB); return ret; } byte peek_joyport(int addr) { // at the moment, the new system doesn't support peeks return 0; } void Exec_OAMDma(byte val) { //schedule a sprite dma event for beginning 1 cycle in the future. //this receives 2 because thats just the way it works out. oam_dma_addr = (ushort)(val << 8); sprdma_countdown = 1; } /// /// Sets the provided palette as current. /// Applies the current deemph settings if needed to expand a 64-entry palette to 512 /// public void SetPalette(byte[,] pal) { int nColors = pal.GetLength(0); int nElems = pal.GetLength(1); if (nColors == 512) { //just copy the palette directly for (int c = 0; c < 64 * 8; c++) { int r = pal[c, 0]; int g = pal[c, 1]; int b = pal[c, 2]; palette_compiled[c] = (int)unchecked((int)0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b); } } else { //expand using deemph for (int i = 0; i < 64 * 8; i++) { int d = i >> 6; int c = i & 63; int r = pal[c, 0]; int g = pal[c, 1]; int b = pal[c, 2]; Palettes.ApplyDeemphasis(ref r, ref g, ref b, d); palette_compiled[i] = (int)unchecked((int)0xFF000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b); } } } /// /// looks up an internal NES pixel value to an rgb int (applying the core's current palette and assuming no deemph) /// public int LookupColor(int pixel) { return palette_compiled[pixel]; } public byte DummyReadMemory(ushort addr) { return 0; } private void ApplySystemBusPoke(int addr, byte value) { if (addr < 0x2000) { ram[(addr & 0x7FF)] = value; } else if (addr < 0x4000) { ppu.WriteReg(addr, value); } else if (addr < 0x4020) { WriteReg(addr, value); } else { ApplyGameGenie(addr, value, null); //Apply a cheat to the remaining regions since they have no direct access, this may not be the best way to handle this situation } } public byte PeekMemory(ushort addr) { byte ret; if (addr >= 0x4020) { ret = Board.PeekCart(addr); //easy optimization, since rom reads are so common, move this up (reordering the rest of these elseifs is not easy) } else if (addr < 0x0800) { ret = ram[addr]; } else if (addr < 0x2000) { ret = ram[addr & 0x7FF]; } else if (addr < 0x4000) { ret = Board.PeekReg2xxx(addr); } else if (addr < 0x4020) { ret = PeekReg(addr); //we're not rebasing the register just to keep register names canonical } else { throw new Exception("Woopsie-doodle!"); ret = 0xFF; } return ret; } public void ExecFetch(ushort addr) { MemoryCallbacks.CallExecutes(addr); } public byte ReadMemory(ushort addr) { byte ret; if (addr >= 0x8000) { ret = Board.ReadPRG(addr - 0x8000); //easy optimization, since rom reads are so common, move this up (reordering the rest of these elseifs is not easy) } else if (addr < 0x0800) { ret = ram[addr]; } else if (addr < 0x2000) { ret = ram[addr & 0x7FF]; } else if (addr < 0x4000) { ret = Board.ReadReg2xxx(addr); } else if (addr < 0x4020) { ret = ReadReg(addr); //we're not rebasing the register just to keep register names canonical } else if (addr < 0x6000) { ret = Board.ReadEXP(addr - 0x4000); } else { ret = Board.ReadWRAM(addr - 0x6000); } //handle breakpoints and stuff. //the idea is that each core can implement its own watch class on an address which will track all the different kinds of monitors and breakpoints and etc. //but since freeze is a common case, it was implemented through its own mechanisms if (sysbus_watch[addr] != null) { sysbus_watch[addr].Sync(); ret = sysbus_watch[addr].ApplyGameGenie(ret); } MemoryCallbacks.CallReads(addr); DB = ret; return ret; } public void ApplyGameGenie(int addr, byte value, byte? compare) { if (addr < sysbus_watch.Length) { cheat_indexes[num_cheats] = addr; num_cheats++; GetWatch(NESWatch.EDomain.Sysbus, addr).SetGameGenie(compare, value); } } public void RemoveGameGenie(int addr) { if (addr < sysbus_watch.Length) { GetWatch(NESWatch.EDomain.Sysbus, addr).RemoveGameGenie(); } } public void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value) { if (addr < 0x0800) { ram[addr] = value; } else if (addr < 0x2000) { ram[addr & 0x7FF] = value; } else if (addr < 0x4000) { Board.WriteReg2xxx(addr, value); } else if (addr < 0x4020) { WriteReg(addr, value); //we're not rebasing the register just to keep register names canonical } else if (addr < 0x6000) { Board.WriteEXP(addr - 0x4000, value); } else if (addr < 0x8000) { Board.WriteWRAM(addr - 0x6000, value); } else { Board.WritePRG(addr - 0x8000, value); } MemoryCallbacks.CallWrites(addr); } // the palette for each VS game needs to be chosen explicitly since there are 6 different ones. public void PickVSPalette(CartInfo cart) { switch (cart.palette) { case "2C05": SetPalette(Palettes.palette_2c03_2c05); ppu.CurrentLuma = PPU.PaletteLuma2C03; break; case "2C04-1": SetPalette(Palettes.palette_2c04_001); ppu.CurrentLuma = PPU.PaletteLuma2C04_1; break; case "2C04-2": SetPalette(Palettes.palette_2c04_002); ppu.CurrentLuma = PPU.PaletteLuma2C04_2; break; case "2C04-3": SetPalette(Palettes.palette_2c04_003); ppu.CurrentLuma = PPU.PaletteLuma2C04_3; break; case "2C04-4": SetPalette(Palettes.palette_2c04_004); ppu.CurrentLuma = PPU.PaletteLuma2C04_4; break; } //since this will run for every VS game, let's get security setting too //values below 16 are for the 2c05 PPU //values 16,32,48 are for Namco games and dealt with in mapper 206 _isVS2c05 = (byte)(cart.vs_security & 15); } } }