//TODO - make sure msvc builds with 32bit enums and get rid of the extra marshalling fluff here using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sony.PSX { public unsafe static class OctoshockDll { const CallingConvention cc = CallingConvention.Cdecl; const string dd = "octoshock.dll"; public enum eRegion : int { JP = 0, NA = 1, EU = 2, NONE = 3 //TODO - whats the difference between unset, and region unknown? } public enum eVidStandard : int { NTSC = 0, PAL = 1, } public enum eShockStep { Frame }; public enum eShockFramebufferFlags { None = 0, Normalize = 1 } public enum eMemType { MainRAM = 0, //2048K BiosROM = 1, //512K PIOMem = 2, //64K GPURAM = 3, //512K SPURAM = 4, //512K DCache = 5 //1K }; public enum eShockStateTransaction : int { BinarySize = 0, BinaryLoad = 1, BinarySave = 2, TextLoad = 3, TextSave = 4 } public enum eShockMemcardTransaction { Connect = 0, //connects it to the addressed port (not supported yet) Disconnect = 1, //disconnects it from the addressed port (not supported yet) Write = 2, //writes from the frontend to the memcard Read = 3, //reads from the memcard to the frontend. Also clears the dirty flag CheckDirty = 4, //checks whether the memcard is dirty }; public enum ePeripheralType : int { None = 0, //can be used to signify disconnection Pad = 1, //SCPH-1080 DualShock = 2, //SCPH-1200 DualAnalog = 3, //SCPH-1180 Multitap = 10, }; /// /// this is implemented as an overall render type instead of a horizontal clip control /// in case the Framebuffer render type ever develops any differences in its Y-handling. /// At that time, we might need to change the GUI to separate the vertical and horizontal components, or something like that /// public enum eShockRenderType : int { Normal, ClipOverscan, Framebuffer }; public enum eShockDeinterlaceMode : int { Weave, Bob, BobOffset } [Flags] public enum eShockMemCb : int { None = 0, Read = 1, Write = 2, Execute = 4 } public const int SHOCK_OK = 0; public const int SHOCK_FALSE = 0; public const int SHOCK_TRUE = 1; public const int SHOCK_ERROR = -1; public const int SHOCK_NOCANDO = -2; public const int SHOCK_INVALID_ADDRESS = -3; public const int SHOCK_OVERFLOW = -4; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockDiscInfo { public eRegion region; public unsafe fixed sbyte id[5]; //SCEI, SCEA, SCEE, etc. with null terminator }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockTOCTrack { public byte adr; public byte control; public uint lba; }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockTOC { public byte first_track; public byte last_track; public byte disc_type; }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockFramebufferInfo { public int width, height; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public eShockFramebufferFlags flags; public void* ptr; }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockRenderOptions { public int scanline_start, scanline_end; public eShockRenderType renderType; public eShockDeinterlaceMode deinterlaceMode; public bool skip; }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockMemcardTransaction { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] public eShockMemcardTransaction transaction; public void* buffer128k; }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockRegisters_CPU { public fixed uint GPR[32]; public uint PC, PC_NEXT; public uint IN_BD_SLOT; public uint LO, HI; public uint SR, CAUSE, EPC; }; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ShockStateTransaction { public eShockStateTransaction transaction; public void* buffer; public int bufferLength; public TextStateFPtrs ff; }; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate void ShockCallback_Trace(IntPtr opaque, uint PC, uint inst, string dis); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate int ShockDisc_ReadTOC(IntPtr opaque, ShockTOC* read_target, ShockTOCTrack* tracks101); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate int ShockDisc_ReadLBA(IntPtr opaque, int lba, void* dst); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public delegate void ShockCallback_Mem(uint address, eShockMemCb type, uint size, uint value); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Util_DisassembleMIPS(uint PC, uint instr, IntPtr outbuf, int buflen); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_CreateDisc(out IntPtr outDisc, IntPtr Opaque, int lbaCount, ShockDisc_ReadTOC ReadTOC, ShockDisc_ReadLBA ReadLBA2448, bool suppliesDeinterleavedSubcode); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_DestroyDisc(IntPtr disc); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_AnalyzeDisc(IntPtr disc, out ShockDiscInfo info); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Create(out IntPtr psx, eRegion region, void* firmware512k); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Destroy(IntPtr psx); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Peripheral_Connect( IntPtr psx, int address, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] ePeripheralType type ); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Peripheral_SetPadInput(IntPtr psx, int address, uint buttons, byte left_x, byte left_y, byte right_x, byte right_y); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Peripheral_MemcardTransact(IntPtr psx, int address, ref ShockMemcardTransaction transaction); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Peripheral_PollActive(IntPtr psx, int address, bool clear); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_MountEXE(IntPtr psx, void* exebuf, int size, bool ignore_pcsp); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_PowerOn(IntPtr psx); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_SoftReset(IntPtr psx); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_PowerOff(IntPtr psx); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_OpenTray(IntPtr psx); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_SetDisc(IntPtr psx, IntPtr disc); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_PokeDisc(IntPtr psx, IntPtr disc); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_CloseTray(IntPtr psx); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_SetRenderOptions(IntPtr psx, ref ShockRenderOptions opts); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_Step(IntPtr psx, eShockStep step); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_GetFramebuffer(IntPtr psx, ref ShockFramebufferInfo fb); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_GetSamples(IntPtr psx, void* buffer); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_GetMemData( IntPtr psx, out IntPtr ptr, out int size, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] eMemType memType ); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_StateTransaction(IntPtr psx, ref ShockStateTransaction transaction); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_GetRegisters_CPU(IntPtr psx, ref ShockRegisters_CPU buffer); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_SetRegister_CPU(IntPtr psx, int index, uint value); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_SetTraceCallback(IntPtr psx, IntPtr opaque, ShockCallback_Trace callback); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_SetMemCb(IntPtr psx, ShockCallback_Mem cb, eShockMemCb cbMask); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_SetLEC(IntPtr psx, bool enable); [DllImport(dd, CallingConvention = cc)] public static extern int shock_GetGPUUnlagged(IntPtr psx); } }