using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//No provisions are made for caching synthesized data for later accelerated use.
//This is because, in the worst case that might result in synthesizing an entire disc in memory.
//Instead, users should be advised to `hawk` the disc first for most rapid access so that synthesis won't be necessary and speed will be maximized.
//This will result in a completely flattened CCD where everything comes right off the hard drive
//Our choice here might be an unwise decision for disc ID and miscellaneous purposes but it's best for gaming and stream-converting (hawking and hashing)
//TODO: in principle, we could mount audio to decode only on an as-needed basis
//this might result in hiccups during emulation, though, so it should be an option.
//This would imply either decode-length processing (scan file without decoding) or decoding and discarding the data.
//We should probably have some richer policy specifications for this kind of thing, but it's not a high priority. Main workflow is still discohawking.
//Alternate policies would probably be associated with copious warnings (examples: ? ? ?)
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem
public partial class Disc : IDisposable
/// Automagically loads a disc, without any fine-tuned control at all
public static Disc LoadAutomagic(string path)
var job = new DiscMountJob { IN_FromPath = path };
//job.IN_DiscInterface = DiscInterface.MednaDisc; //TEST
return job.OUT_Disc;
/// The DiscStructure corresponding to the TOCRaw
public DiscStructure Structure;
/// DiscStructure.Session 1 of the disc, since that's all thats needed most of the time.
public DiscStructure.Session Session1 { get { return Structure.Sessions[1]; } }
/// The name of a disc. Loosely based on the filename. Just for informational purposes.
public string Name;
/// The DiscTOCRaw corresponding to the RawTOCEntries.
/// TODO - there's one of these for every session, so... having one here doesnt make sense
/// so...
/// TODO - remove me
public DiscTOC TOC;
/// The raw TOC entries found in the lead-in track.
/// These aren't very useful, but theyre one of the most lowest-level data structures from which other TOC-related stuff is derived
public List RawTOCEntries = new List();
/// Free-form optional memos about the disc
public Dictionary Memos = new Dictionary();
public void Dispose()
foreach (var res in DisposableResources)
/// Easily extracts a mode1 sector range (suitable for extracting ISO FS data files)
public byte[] Easy_Extract_Mode1(int lba_start, int lba_count, int byteLength = -1)
int totsize = lba_count * 2048;
byte[] ret = new byte[totsize];
var dsr = new DiscSectorReader(this);
dsr.Policy.DeterministicClearBuffer = false;
for (int i = 0; i < lba_count; i++)
dsr.ReadLBA_2048(lba_start + i, ret, i*2048);
if (byteLength != -1 && byteLength != totsize)
byte[] newret = new byte[byteLength];
Array.Copy(ret, newret, byteLength);
return newret;
return ret;
/// The DiscMountPolicy used to mount the disc. Consider this read-only.
//public DiscMountPolicy DiscMountPolicy;
/// Disposable resources (blobs, mostly) referenced by this disc
internal List DisposableResources = new List();
/// The sectors on the disc. Don't use this directly! Use the SectorSynthProvider instead.
/// TODO - eliminate this entirely and do entirely with the delegate (much faster disc loading... but massively annoying architecture inside-out logic)
internal List _Sectors = new List();
/// ISectorSynthProvider instance for the disc. May be daisy-chained
internal ISectorSynthProvider SynthProvider;
/// Parameters set during disc loading which can be referenced by the sector synthesizers
internal SectorSynthParams SynthParams = new SectorSynthParams();
/// Forbid public construction
internal Disc()