--Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! --Shows Oppoenent & Mac's Health and damage amounts. --adelikat local EHP = 0x0398 -- Enemy HP address local EHPx= 178 local EHPy= 14 local EnemyHP = 0 local lastEHP = 0 local MHP = 0x0391 -- Mac HP address local MHPx = 122 local MHPy = 14 local MacHP = 0 local lastMHP = 0 local OppKnockedDown = 0x0005 -- Oppoenent is on the canvas flag local OppDown -- Stores contents of 0x0005 local OppDx = 130 local OppDy = 70 local OppWillGetUpWith = 0x039E -- Health that the oppoenent will get up with local OppWillGet -- Stores contents of 0x039E local OppHitFlag = 0x03E0 local OppHit local OppHitTimer = 0 local OppHitToDisplay = 0 local OppGetUpCountAddr = 0x00C4 local OppGetUpCount = 0 local OppGetUpX = 0 local OppGetUpY = 24 OHitValuex = 100 OHitValuey = 100 --***************************************************************************** function IsOppDown() --***************************************************************************** OppDown = mainmemory.read_u8(OppKnockedDown) if OppDown > 0 then return true end return false end --***************************************************************************** function OppIsHit() --***************************************************************************** OppHit = mainmemory.read_u8(OppHitFlag) if OppHit > 0 then return true end return false end --***************************************************************************** while true do --***************************************************************************** EnemyHP = mainmemory.read_u8(EHP) gui.text(0,0,"Opponent: " .. EnemyHP, null, null, "topright") MacHP = mainmemory.read_u8(MHP) gui.text(0,12,"Mac: " .. MacHP, null, null, "topright") if IsOppDown() then OppWillGet = mainmemory.read_u8(OppWillGetUpWith) OppGetUpCount = (mainmemory.read_u8(OppGetUpCountAddr) - 153) if OppGetUpCount == -153 then OppGetUpCount = "never!" end gui.text(0, 12, "Next health: " .. OppWillGet, null, null, "bottomright") gui.text(OppGetUpX, OppGetUpY, "Will get up on: " .. OppGetUpCount, null, null, "bottomright") end if OppIsHit() then OppHitToDisplay = lastEHP - EnemyHP OppHitTimer = 60 end if OppHitTimer > 0 then gui.text(0, 0, "Damage: " .. OppHitToDisplay, null, null, "bottomright") end if OppHitTimer > 0 then OppHitTimer = OppHitTimer - 1 end emu.frameadvance() lastEHP = EnemyHP lastMHP = MacHP end