using System; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.PCEngine; using BizHawk.Client.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { partial class MainForm { private enum LoadOrdering { ROM, STATE, WATCH, CDLFILE, LUASESSION, LUASCRIPT, CHEAT, MOVIEFILE, LEGACYMOVIEFILE } public struct FileInformation { public string DirectoryName { get; } public string FileName { get; } public string ArchiveName { get; } public FileInformation(string directory, string file, string archive) { DirectoryName = directory; FileName = file; ArchiveName = archive; } } // This is the list from MainForm->RomFilter()'s non-developer build. It needs to be kept up-to-date when new cores are added. // adelikat: This is annoying and bad. Maybe we could generate RomFilter from this property? private string[] KnownRomExtensions { get { if (VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild) { return new[] { ".NES", ".FDS", ".UNF", ".SMS", ".GG", ".SG", ".GB", ".GBC", ".GBA", ".PCE", ".SGX", ".BIN", ".SMD", ".GEN", ".MD", ".SMC", ".SFC", ".A26", ".A78", ".LNX", ".COL", ".ROM", ".M3U", ".CUE", ".CCD", ".SGB", ".Z64", ".V64", ".N64", ".WS", ".WSC", ".XML", ".DSK", ".DO", ".PO", ".PSF", ".MINIPSF", ".NSF", ".EXE", ".PRG", ".D64", "*G64", ".CRT", ".TAP", ".32X", ".MDS", ".TZX", ".PZX", ".CSW", ".WAV", ".CDT" }; } return new[] { ".NES", ".FDS", ".UNF", ".SMS", ".GG", ".SG", ".GB", ".GBC", ".GBA", ".PCE", ".SGX", ".BIN", ".SMD", ".GEN", ".MD", ".SMC", ".SFC", ".A26", ".A78", ".LNX", ".COL", ".ROM", ".M3U", ".CUE", ".CCD", ".SGB", ".Z64", ".V64", ".N64", ".WS", ".WSC", ".XML", ".DSK", ".DO", ".PO", ".PSF", ".MINIPSF", ".NSF", ".32X", ".MDS", ".TZX", ".PZX", ".CSW", ".WAV" }; } } private readonly string[] _nonArchive = { ".ISO", ".CUE", ".CCD" }; #region Loaders private void _LoadCDL(string filename, string archive = null) { if (GlobalWin.Tools.IsAvailable()) { CDL cdl = GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); cdl.LoadFile(filename); } } private void _LoadCheats(string filename, string archive = null) { Global.CheatList.Load(filename, false); GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } private void _LoadLegacyMovie(string filename, string archive = null) { if (Global.Emulator.IsNull()) { OpenRom(); } if (Global.Emulator.IsNull()) { return; } // tries to open a legacy movie format by importing it string errorMsg; string warningMsg; var movie = MovieImport.ImportFile(filename, out errorMsg, out warningMsg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg)) { MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Conversion error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { // fix movie extension to something palatable for these purposes. // for instance, something which doesnt clobber movies you already may have had. // i'm evenly torn between this, and a file in %TEMP%, but since we dont really have a way to clean up this tempfile, i choose this: StartNewMovie(movie, false); } GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(warningMsg); } private void _LoadLuaFile(string filename, string archive = null) { OpenLuaConsole(); if (GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { GlobalWin.Tools.LuaConsole.LoadLuaFile(filename); } } private void _LoadLuaSession(string filename, string archive = null) { OpenLuaConsole(); if (GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { GlobalWin.Tools.LuaConsole.LoadLuaSession(filename); } } private void _LoadMovie(string filename, string archive = null) { if (Global.Emulator.IsNull()) { OpenRom(); } if (Global.Emulator.IsNull()) { return; } StartNewMovie(MovieService.Get(filename), false); } private void _LoadRom(string filename, string archive = null) { var args = new LoadRomArgs(); args.OpenAdvanced = new OpenAdvanced_OpenRom { Path = filename }; LoadRom(filename, args); } private void _LoadState(string filename, string archive = null) { LoadState(filename, Path.GetFileName(filename)); } private void _LoadWatch(string filename, string archive = null) { GlobalWin.Tools.LoadRamWatch(true); (GlobalWin.Tools.Get() as RamWatch).LoadWatchFile(new FileInfo(filename), false); } #endregion private void ProcessFileList(IEnumerable fileList, ref Dictionary> sortedFiles, string archive = null) { foreach (string file in fileList) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(file).ToUpper() ?? ""; FileInformation fileInformation = new FileInformation(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), Path.GetFileName(file), archive); switch (ext) { case ".LUA": sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.LUASCRIPT].Add(fileInformation); break; case ".LUASES": sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.LUASESSION].Add(fileInformation); break; case ".STATE": sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.STATE].Add(fileInformation); break; case ".CHT": sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.CHEAT].Add(fileInformation); break; case ".WCH": sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.WATCH].Add(fileInformation); break; case ".CDL": sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.CDLFILE].Add(fileInformation); break; default: if (MovieService.IsValidMovieExtension(ext)) { sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.MOVIEFILE].Add(fileInformation); } else if (MovieImport.IsValidMovieExtension(ext)) { sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.LEGACYMOVIEFILE].Add(fileInformation); } else if (KnownRomExtensions.Contains(ext)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(archive) || !_nonArchive.Contains(ext)) { sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.ROM].Add(fileInformation); } } else { /* Because the existing behaviour for archives is to try loading * ROMs out of them, that is exactly what we are going to continue * to do at present. Ideally, the archive should be scanned and * relevant files should be extracted, but see the note below for * further details. */ int offset = 0; bool executable = false; var archiveHandler = new SevenZipSharpArchiveHandler(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(archive) && archiveHandler.CheckSignature(file, out offset, out executable)) { sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.ROM].Add(fileInformation); } else { // adelikat: adding this hack to restore the default behavior that unrecognized files are treated like roms sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.ROM].Add(fileInformation); } /* * This is where handling archives would go. * Right now, that's going to be a HUGE hassle, because of the problem with * saving things into the archive (no) and with everything requiring filenames * and not streams (also no), so for the purposes of making drag/drop more robust, * I am not building this out just yet. * -- Adam Michaud (Invariel) int offset = 0; bool executable = false; var archiveHandler = new SevenZipSharpArchiveHandler(); // Not going to process nested archives at the moment. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (archive) && archiveHandler.CheckSignature(file, out offset, out executable)) { List fileNames = new List(); var openedArchive = archiveHandler.Construct (file); foreach (BizHawk.Common.HawkFileArchiveItem item in openedArchive.Scan ()) fileNames.Add(item.Name); ProcessFileList(fileNames.ToArray(), ref sortedFiles, file); openedArchive.Dispose(); } archiveHandler.Dispose(); */ } break; } } } private void _FormDragDrop_internal(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { /* * Refactor, moving the loading of particular files into separate functions that can * then be used by this code, and loading individual files through the file dialogue. * * Step 1: * Build a dictionary of relevant files from everything that was dragged and dropped. * This includes peeking into all relevant archives and using their files. * * Step 2: * Perhaps ask the user which of a particular file type they want to use. * Example: rom1.nes, rom2.smc, rom3.cue are drag-dropped, ask the user which they want to use. * * Step 3: * Load all of the relevant files, in priority order: * 1) The ROM * 2) State * 3) Watch files * 4) Code Data Logger (CDL) * 5) LUA sessions * 6) LUA scripts * 7) Cheat files * 8) Movie Playback Files * * Bonus: * Make that order easy to change in the code, heavily suggesting ROM and playback as first and last respectively. */ var filePaths = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); Dictionary> sortedFiles = new Dictionary>(); // Initialize the dictionary's lists. foreach (LoadOrdering value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(LoadOrdering))) { sortedFiles.Add(value, new List()); } ProcessFileList(HawkFile.Util_ResolveLinks(filePaths), ref sortedFiles, null); // For each of the different types of item, if there are no items of that type, skip them. // If there is exactly one of that type of item, load it. // If there is more than one, ask. foreach (LoadOrdering value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(LoadOrdering))) { switch (sortedFiles[value].Count) { case 0: break; case 1: FileInformation fileInformation = sortedFiles[value].First(); string filename = Path.Combine(new string[] { fileInformation.DirectoryName, fileInformation.FileName }); switch (value) { case LoadOrdering.ROM: _LoadRom(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; case LoadOrdering.STATE: _LoadState(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; case LoadOrdering.WATCH: _LoadWatch(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; case LoadOrdering.CDLFILE: _LoadCDL(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; case LoadOrdering.LUASESSION: _LoadLuaSession(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; case LoadOrdering.LUASCRIPT: _LoadLuaFile(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; case LoadOrdering.CHEAT: _LoadCheats(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; case LoadOrdering.MOVIEFILE: case LoadOrdering.LEGACYMOVIEFILE: // I don't really like this hack, but for now, we only want to load one movie file. if (sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.MOVIEFILE].Count + sortedFiles[LoadOrdering.LEGACYMOVIEFILE].Count > 1) break; if (value == LoadOrdering.MOVIEFILE) _LoadMovie(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); else _LoadLegacyMovie(filename, fileInformation.ArchiveName); break; } break; default: break; } } } } }