using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using BizHawk.Common.StringExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES9X; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public static class PathManager { public static string GetExeDirectoryAbsolute() { var path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); if (path.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { path = path.Remove(path.Length - 1, 1); } return path; } /// /// Makes a path relative to the %exe% directory /// public static string MakeProgramRelativePath(string path) { return MakeAbsolutePath("%exe%/" + path, null); } public static string GetDllDirectory() { return Path.Combine(GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(), "dll"); } /// /// The location of the default INI file /// public static string DefaultIniPath => MakeProgramRelativePath("config.ini"); /// /// Gets absolute base as derived from EXE /// public static string GetGlobalBasePathAbsolute() { var gbase = Global.Config.PathEntries.GlobalBaseFragment; // if %exe% prefixed then substitute exe path and repeat if(gbase.StartsWith("%exe%",StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) gbase = GetExeDirectoryAbsolute() + gbase.Substring(5); //rooted paths get returned without change //(this is done after keyword substitution to avoid problems though) if (Path.IsPathRooted(gbase)) return gbase; //not-rooted things are relative to exe path gbase = Path.Combine(GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(), gbase); return gbase; } public static string GetPlatformBase(string system) { return Global.Config.PathEntries[system, "Base"].Path; } public static string StandardFirmwareName(string name) { return Path.Combine(MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.PathEntries.FirmwaresPathFragment, null), name); } public static string MakeAbsolutePath(string path, string system) { //warning: supposedly Path.GetFullPath accesses directories (and needs permissions) //if this poses a problem, we need to paste code from .net or mono sources and fix them to not pose problems, rather than homebrew stuff return Path.GetFullPath(MakeAbsolutePathInner(path, system)); } static string MakeAbsolutePathInner(string path, string system) { // Hack if (system == "Global") { system = null; } // This function translates relative path and special identifiers in absolute paths if (path.Length < 1) { return GetGlobalBasePathAbsolute(); } if (path == "%recent%") { return Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent.ToString(); } if (path.StartsWith("%exe%")) return GetExeDirectoryAbsolute() + path.Substring(5); if (path.StartsWith("%rom%")) return Global.Config.LastRomPath + path.Substring(5); if (path[0] == '.') { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(system)) { path = path.Remove(0, 1); path = path.Insert(0, GetPlatformBase(system)); } if (path.Length == 1) { return GetGlobalBasePathAbsolute(); } if (path[0] == '.') { path = path.Remove(0, 1); path = path.Insert(0, GetGlobalBasePathAbsolute()); } return path; } if (Path.IsPathRooted(path)) return path; //handling of initial .. was removed (Path.GetFullPath can handle it) //handling of file:// or file:\\ was removed (can Path.GetFullPath handle it? not sure) // all bad paths default to EXE return GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(); } public static string RemoveParents(string path, string workingpath) { // determines number of parents, then removes directories from working path, return absolute path result // Ex: "..\..\Bob\", "C:\Projects\Emulators\Bizhawk" will return "C:\Projects\Bob\" int x = NumParentDirectories(path); if (x > 0) { int y = path.HowMany("..\\"); int z = workingpath.HowMany("\\"); if (y >= z) { // Return drive letter only, working path must be absolute? } return ""; } return path; } public static int NumParentDirectories(string path) { // determine the number of parent directories in path and return result int x = path.HowMany('\\'); if (x > 0) { return path.HowMany("..\\"); } return 0; } public static bool IsRecent(string path) { return path == "%recent%"; } public static string GetLuaPath() { return MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.PathEntries.LuaPathFragment, null); } // Decides if a path is non-empty, not . and not .\ private static bool PathIsSet(string path) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { return path != "." && path != ".\\"; } return false; } public static string GetRomsPath(string sysId) { if (Global.Config.UseRecentForROMs) { return Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent.ToString(); } var path = Global.Config.PathEntries[sysId, "ROM"]; if (path == null || !PathIsSet(path.Path)) { path = Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "ROM"]; if (path != null && PathIsSet(path.Path)) { return MakeAbsolutePath(path.Path, null); } } return MakeAbsolutePath(path.Path, sysId); } public static string RemoveInvalidFileSystemChars(string name) { var newStr = name; var chars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars(); return chars.Aggregate(newStr, (current, c) => current.Replace(c.ToString(), "")); } public static string FilesystemSafeName(GameInfo game) { var filesystemSafeName = game.Name .Replace("|", "+") .Replace(":", " -") // adelikat - Path.GetFileName scraps everything to the left of a colon unfortunately, so we need this hack here .Replace("\"", "") // adelikat - Ivan Ironman Stewart's Super Off-Road has quotes in game name .Replace("/", "+"); // Narry - Mario Bros / Duck hunt has a slash in the name which GetDirectoryName and GetFileName treat as if it were a folder // zero 06-nov-2015 - regarding the below, i changed my mind. for libretro i want subdirectories here. var filesystemDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filesystemSafeName); filesystemSafeName = Path.GetFileName(filesystemSafeName); filesystemSafeName = RemoveInvalidFileSystemChars(filesystemSafeName); // zero 22-jul-2012 - i dont think this is used the same way it used to. game.Name shouldnt be a path, so this stuff is illogical. // if game.Name is a path, then someone shouldve made it not-a-path already. // return Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filesystemSafeName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filesystemSafeName)); // adelikat: // This hack is to prevent annoying things like Super Mario Bros..bk2 if (filesystemSafeName.EndsWith(".")) { filesystemSafeName = filesystemSafeName.Remove(filesystemSafeName.Length - 1, 1); } return Path.Combine(filesystemDir, filesystemSafeName); } public static string SaveRamPath(GameInfo game) { var name = FilesystemSafeName(game); if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { name += "." + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Global.MovieSession.Movie.Filename); } var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Save RAM"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return Path.Combine(MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System), name) + ".SaveRAM"; } public static string AutoSaveRamPath(GameInfo game) { var path = SaveRamPath(game); return path.Insert(path.Length - 8, ".AutoSaveRAM"); } public static string RetroSaveRAMDirectory(GameInfo game) { // hijinx here to get the core name out of the game name var name = FilesystemSafeName(game); name = Path.GetDirectoryName(name); if (name == "") { name = FilesystemSafeName(game); } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { name = Path.Combine(name, "movie-" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Global.MovieSession.Movie.Filename)); } var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Save RAM"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return Path.Combine(MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System), name); } public static string RetroSystemPath(GameInfo game) { // hijinx here to get the core name out of the game name var name = FilesystemSafeName(game); name = Path.GetDirectoryName(name); if (name == "") { name = FilesystemSafeName(game); } var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "System"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return Path.Combine(MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System), name); } public static string GetGameBasePath(GameInfo game) { var name = FilesystemSafeName(game); var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System); } public static string GetSaveStatePath(GameInfo game) { var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Savestates"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System); } public static string SaveStatePrefix(GameInfo game) { var name = FilesystemSafeName(game); // Neshawk and Quicknes have incompatible savestates, store the name to keep them separate if (Global.Emulator.SystemId == "NES") { name += "." + Global.Emulator.Attributes().CoreName; } // Gambatte and GBHawk have incompatible savestates, store the name to keep them separate if (Global.Emulator.SystemId == "GB") { name += "." + Global.Emulator.Attributes().CoreName; } if (Global.Emulator is Snes9x) // Keep snes9x savestate away from libsnes, we want to not be too tedious so bsnes names will just have the profile name not the core name { name += "." + Global.Emulator.Attributes().CoreName; } // Bsnes profiles have incompatible savestates so save the profile name if (Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore) { name += "." + (Global.Emulator as LibsnesCore).CurrentProfile; } if (Global.Emulator.SystemId == "GBA") { name += "." + Global.Emulator.Attributes().CoreName; } if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { name += "." + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Global.MovieSession.Movie.Filename); } var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Savestates"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return Path.Combine(MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System), name); } public static string GetCheatsPath(GameInfo game) { var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Cheats"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System); } public static string GetPathType(string system, string type) { var path = GetPathEntryWithFallback(type, system).Path; return MakeAbsolutePath(path, system); } public static string ScreenshotPrefix(GameInfo game) { var name = FilesystemSafeName(game); var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Screenshots"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[game.System, "Base"]; return Path.Combine(MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, game.System), name); } /// /// Takes an absolute path and attempts to convert it to a relative, based on the system, /// or global base if no system is supplied, if it is not a subfolder of the base, it will return the path unaltered /// public static string TryMakeRelative(string absolutePath, string system = null) { var parentPath = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(system) ? GetGlobalBasePathAbsolute() : MakeAbsolutePath(GetPlatformBase(system), system); if (IsSubfolder(parentPath, absolutePath)) { return absolutePath.Replace(parentPath, "."); } return absolutePath; } public static string MakeRelativeTo(string absolutePath, string basePath) { if (IsSubfolder(basePath, absolutePath)) { return absolutePath.Replace(basePath, "."); } return absolutePath; } // private static bool IsSubfolder(string parentPath, string childPath) { var parentUri = new Uri(parentPath); var childUri = new DirectoryInfo(childPath).Parent; while (childUri != null) { if (new Uri(childUri.FullName) == parentUri) { return true; } childUri = childUri.Parent; } return false; } /// /// Don't only valid system ids to system ID, pathType is ROM, Screenshot, etc /// Returns the desired path, if does not exist, returns platform base, else it returns base /// private static PathEntry GetPathEntryWithFallback(string pathType, string systemId) { var entry = Global.Config.PathEntries[systemId, pathType]; if (entry == null) { entry = Global.Config.PathEntries[systemId, "Base"]; } if (entry == null) { entry = Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Base"]; } return entry; } /// /// Puts the currently configured temp path into the environment for use as actual temp directory /// public static void RefreshTempPath() { if (Global.Config.PathEntries.TempFilesFragment != "") { //TODO - BUG - needs to route through PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath or something similar, but how? string target = Global.Config.PathEntries.TempFilesFragment; BizHawk.Common.TempFileManager.HelperSetTempPath(target); } } } }