using System; using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo { // pirate FDS conversion // this is probably two different boards, but they seem to work well enough the same public sealed class Mapper042 : NES.NESBoardBase { int prg = 0; int chr = 0; int irqcnt = 0; bool irqenable = false; public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin) { switch (Cart.board_type) { case "MAPPER042": break; default: return false; } AssertPrg(128); if (Cart.vram_size == 0) AssertChr(128); else { AssertVram(8); AssertChr(0); } AssertWram(0); // not sure on initial mirroring SetMirrorType(EMirrorType.Vertical); return true; } public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value) { addr &= 0x6003; switch (addr) { case 0x0000: chr = value & 15; break; case 0x6000: prg = value & 15; break; case 0x6001: if ((value & 8) != 0) SetMirrorType(EMirrorType.Horizontal); else SetMirrorType(EMirrorType.Vertical); break; case 0x6002: Console.WriteLine("{0:x4}:{1:x2} @{2}", addr + 0x8000, value,; if ((value & 2) == 0) { irqcnt = 0; irqenable = false; IRQSignal = false; } else irqenable = true; break; } } public override byte ReadPRG(int addr) { return ROM[addr | 0x18000]; } public override byte ReadWRAM(int addr) { return ROM[addr | prg << 13]; } public override void ClockCPU() { if (irqenable) { irqcnt++; if (irqcnt >= 32768) irqcnt -= 32768; IRQSignal = irqcnt >= 24576; } } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("prg", ref prg); ser.Sync("chr", ref chr); ser.Sync("irqenable", ref irqenable); ser.Sync("irqcnt", ref irqcnt); } public override byte ReadPPU(int addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { if (VRAM != null) return VRAM[addr]; else return VROM[addr | chr << 13]; } else return base.ReadPPU(addr); } } }