/* Copyright (C) 2005 Rice1964 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // =========================================================================== #include #include "ConvertImage.h" #include "DeviceBuilder.h" #include "FrameBuffer.h" #include "UcodeDefs.h" #include "RSP_Parser.h" #include "Render.h" extern TMEMLoadMapInfo g_tmemLoadAddrMap[0x200]; // Totally 4KB TMEM; // 0 keeps the most recent CI info // 1 keeps the frame buffer CI info which is being displayed now // 2 keeps the older frame buffer CI info. This can be used if we are using triple buffer /* Overview of framebuffer implementation 1) Check if backbuffer has changed, via different detection techniques 2) If changed, we copy the GFX card's backbuffer to main RAM 3) This is slow due to the reading process, not the writing */ RecentCIInfo g_RecentCIInfo[5]; RecentCIInfo *g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[5] = { &g_RecentCIInfo[0], &g_RecentCIInfo[1], &g_RecentCIInfo[2], &g_RecentCIInfo[3], &g_RecentCIInfo[4], }; int numOfRecentCIInfos = 5; RecentViOriginInfo g_RecentVIOriginInfo[5]; uint32 dwBackBufferSavedAtFrame=0; RenderTextureInfo gRenderTextureInfos[20]; int numOfTxtBufInfos = sizeof(gRenderTextureInfos)/sizeof(RenderTextureInfo); RenderTextureInfo *g_pRenderTextureInfo = NULL; FrameBufferManager* g_pFrameBufferManager = NULL; bool LastCIIsNewCI=false; FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferManager() : m_isRenderingToTexture(false), m_curRenderTextureIndex(-1), m_lastTextureBufferIndex(-1) { } FrameBufferManager::~FrameBufferManager() { } void FrameBufferManager::CloseUp() { for( int i=0; i=0x20?1:0; return ((r>>3)<>3)<>3)<>7); } uint16 ConvertRGBATo555(uint32 color32) { return (uint16)((((color32>>19)&0x1F)<>11)&0x1F)<>3)&0x1F)<>31)));; } void FrameBufferManager::UpdateRecentCIAddr(SetImgInfo &ciinfo) { if( ciinfo.dwAddr == g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]->dwAddr ) return; RecentCIInfo *temp; int i; for( i=1; idwAddr ) { temp = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]; for( int j=i; j>0; j-- ) { g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[j] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[j-1]; } break; } } if( i >= numOfRecentCIInfos ) { temp = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[4]; g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[4] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[3]; g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[3] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[2]; g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[2] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[1]; g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[1] = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]; temp->dwCopiedAtFrame = 0; temp->bCopied = false; } g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0] = temp; // Fix me here for Mario Tennis temp->dwLastWidth = windowSetting.uViWidth; temp->dwLastHeight = windowSetting.uViHeight; temp->dwFormat = ciinfo.dwFormat; temp->dwAddr = ciinfo.dwAddr; temp->dwSize = ciinfo.dwSize; temp->dwWidth = ciinfo.dwWidth; temp->dwHeight = gRDP.scissor.bottom; temp->dwMemSize = (temp->dwWidth*temp->dwHeight/2)<dwSize; temp->bCopied = false; temp->lastUsedFrame = status.gDlistCount; temp->lastSetAtUcode = status.gUcodeCount; } /************************************************************************/ /* Mark the ciinfo entry that the ciinfo is used by VI origin register */ /* in another word, this is a real frame buffer, not a fake frame buffer*/ /* Fake frame buffers are never really used by VI origin */ /************************************************************************/ void FrameBufferManager::SetAddrBeDisplayed(uint32 addr) { uint32 viwidth = *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG; addr &= (g_dwRamSize-1); int i; for( i=0; idwAddr+2*viwidth == addr ) { g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame = status.gDlistCount; } else if( addr >= g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr && addr < g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr+0x1000 ) { g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame = status.gDlistCount; } } for( i=0; idwAddr == 0 ) continue; if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr == addr ) { if( status.gDlistCount-g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame < 20 ) //if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->bUsedByVIAtFrame != 0 ) { return true; } else { TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE0("This is a new buffer address, the addr is never a displayed buffer");); return false; } } } for( i=0; i addr && (g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr - addr)%width == 0 && (g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].addr - addr)/width <= 4) { if( status.gDlistCount-g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount < 20 ) //if( g_RecentVIOriginInfo[i].FrameCount != 0 ) { return true; } else { TXTRBUF_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("This is a new buffer address, the addr is never a displayed buffer");); return false; } } } } if( status.gDlistCount > 20 ) return false; else { TXTRBUF_DUMP({DebuggerAppendMsg("This is a new buffer address, the addr is never a displayed buffer");}); return true; } } int FrameBufferManager::FindRecentCIInfoIndex(uint32 addr) { for( int i=0; idwAddr <= addr && addr < g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwAddr+g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]->dwMemSize ) { return i; } } return -1; } bool FrameBufferManager::IsDIaRenderTexture() { // Knowing g_CI and g_ZI //if( g_CI.dwWidth ) bool foundSetScissor=false; bool foundFillRect=false; bool foundSetFillColor=false; bool foundSetCImg=false; uint32 newFillColor = 0; uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction for( int i=0; i<10; i++ ) { uint32 w0 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + i*8); uint32 w1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + 4 + i*8); if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETSCISSOR ) { foundSetScissor = true; continue; } if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETFILLCOLOR ) { foundSetFillColor = true; newFillColor = w1; continue; } if( (w0>>24) == RDP_FILLRECT ) { uint32 x0 = ((w1>>12)&0xFFF)/4; uint32 y0 = ((w1>>0 )&0xFFF)/4; uint32 x1 = ((w0>>12)&0xFFF)/4; if( x0 == 0 && y0 == 0 ) { if( x1 == g_CI.dwWidth ) { foundFillRect = true; continue; } if(x1 == (unsigned int)(g_CI.dwWidth-1)) { foundFillRect = true; continue; } } } if( (w0>>24) == RDP_TEXRECT ) { break; } if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETCIMG ) { foundSetCImg = true; break; } } /* bool foundSetScissor=false; bool foundFillRect=false; bool foundSetFillColor=false; bool foundSetCImg=false; bool foundTxtRect=false; int ucodeLength=10; uint32 newFillColor; */ if( foundFillRect ) { if( foundSetFillColor ) { if( newFillColor != 0xFFFCFFFC ) return true; // this is a render_texture else return false; } if( gRDP.fillColor != 0x00FFFFF7 ) return true; // this is a render_texture else return false; // this is a normal ZImg } else if( foundSetFillColor && newFillColor == 0xFFFCFFFC && foundSetCImg ) { return false; } else { return true; } if( !foundSetCImg ) return true; if( foundSetScissor ) return true; } int FrameBufferManager::CheckAddrInBackBuffers(uint32 addr, uint32 memsize, bool copyToRDRAM) { int r = FindRecentCIInfoIndex(addr); if( r >= 0 ) { // Also check if the address is overwritten by a recent render_texture //int t = CheckAddrInRenderTextures(addr,false); int t =-1; for( int i=0; i=gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr && addr < gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr+bufMemSize) { if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[r]->lastSetAtUcode < gRenderTextureInfos[i].updateAtUcodeCount ) { t = i; break; } } } if( t >= 0 ) return -1; } if( r >= 0 && status.gDlistCount - g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[r]->lastUsedFrame <= 3 && g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[r]->bCopied == false ) { DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&r==1),TRACE2("Hit current front buffer at %08X, size=0x%X", addr, memsize)); DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&r==0),TRACE2("Hit current back buffer at %08X, size=0x%X", addr, memsize)); DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&r>1),TRACE2("Hit old back buffer at %08X, size=0x%X", addr, memsize)); SaveBackBuffer(r, NULL, true); } return r; } uint8 CIFindIndex(uint16 val) { for( int i=0; i<=0xFF; i++ ) { if( val == g_wRDPTlut[i] ) { return (uint8)i; } } return 0; } void TexRectToFrameBuffer_8b(uint32 dwXL, uint32 dwYL, uint32 dwXH, uint32 dwYH, float t0u0, float t0v0, float t0u1, float t0v1, uint32 dwTile) { // Copy the framebuffer texture into the N64 framebuffer memory // Used in Yoshi /* uint32 maxW = g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwWidth; uint32 maxH = maxW*3/4; if( status.dwTvSystem == TV_SYSTEM_PAL ) { maxH = maxW*9/11; } */ uint32 maxW = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width; uint32 maxH = g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height; uint32 maxOff = maxW*maxH; TMEMLoadMapInfo &info = g_tmemLoadAddrMap[gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwTMem]; uint32 dwWidth = dwXH-dwXL; uint32 dwHeight = dwYH-dwYL; float xScale = (t0u1-t0u0)/dwWidth; float yScale = (t0v1-t0v0)/dwHeight; uint8* dwSrc = g_pRDRAMu8 + info.dwLoadAddress; uint8* dwDst = g_pRDRAMu8 + g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwAddr; uint32 dwSrcPitch = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].dwPitch; uint32 dwDstPitch = g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwWidth; uint32 dwSrcOffX = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].hilite_sl; uint32 dwSrcOffY = gRDP.tiles[dwTile].hilite_tl; uint32 dwLeft = dwXL; uint32 dwTop = dwYL; dwWidth = min(dwWidth, maxW-dwLeft); dwHeight = min(dwHeight, maxH-dwTop); if( maxH <= dwTop ) return; for (uint32 y = 0; y < dwHeight; y++) { uint32 dwByteOffset = (uint32)(((y*yScale+dwSrcOffY) * dwSrcPitch) + dwSrcOffX); for (uint32 x = 0; x < dwWidth; x++) { if( (((y+dwTop)*dwDstPitch+x+dwLeft)^0x3) > maxOff ) { #ifdef DEBUGGER TRACE0("Warning: Offset exceeds limit"); #endif continue; } dwDst[((y+dwTop)*dwDstPitch+x+dwLeft)^0x3] = dwSrc[(uint32)(dwByteOffset+x*xScale) ^ 0x3]; } } TXTRBUF_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("TexRect To FrameBuffer: X0=%d, Y0=%d, X1=%d, Y1=%d,\n\t\tfS0=%f, fT0=%f, fS1=%f, fT1=%f ", dwXL, dwYL, dwXH, dwYH, t0v0, t0v0, t0u1, t0v1);); } void TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_16b(uint32 x0, uint32 y0, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 dwTile) { // Copy the framebuffer texture into the N64 RDRAM framebuffer memory structure DrawInfo srcInfo; if( g_textures[dwTile].m_pCTexture->StartUpdate(&srcInfo) == false ) { DebuggerAppendMsg("Fail to lock texture:TexRectToN64FrameBuffer_16b" ); return; } uint32 n64CIaddr = g_CI.dwAddr; uint32 n64CIwidth = g_CI.dwWidth; for (uint32 y = 0; y < height; y++) { uint32* pSrc = (uint32*)((uint8*)srcInfo.lpSurface + y * srcInfo.lPitch); uint16* pN64Buffer = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8+(n64CIaddr&(g_dwRamSize-1)))+(y+y0)*n64CIwidth; for (uint32 x = 0; x < width; x++) { pN64Buffer[x+x0] = ConvertRGBATo555(pSrc[x]); } } g_textures[dwTile].m_pCTexture->EndUpdate(&srcInfo); } #define FAST_CRC_CHECKING_INC_X 13 #define FAST_CRC_CHECKING_INC_Y 11 #define FAST_CRC_MIN_Y_INC 2 #define FAST_CRC_MIN_X_INC 2 #define FAST_CRC_MAX_X_INC 7 #define FAST_CRC_MAX_Y_INC 3 extern uint32 dwAsmHeight; extern uint32 dwAsmPitch; extern uint32 dwAsmdwBytesPerLine; extern uint32 dwAsmCRC; extern uint8* pAsmStart; uint32 CalculateRDRAMCRC(void *pPhysicalAddress, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes ) { dwAsmCRC = 0; dwAsmdwBytesPerLine = ((width<=32 || (dwAsmdwBytesPerLine>>2)>=16)) { uint32 realWidthInDWORD = dwAsmdwBytesPerLine>>2; uint32 xinc = realWidthInDWORD / FAST_CRC_CHECKING_INC_X; if( xinc < FAST_CRC_MIN_X_INC ) { xinc = min(FAST_CRC_MIN_X_INC, width); } if( xinc > FAST_CRC_MAX_X_INC ) { xinc = FAST_CRC_MAX_X_INC; } uint32 yinc = height / FAST_CRC_CHECKING_INC_Y; if( yinc < FAST_CRC_MIN_Y_INC ) { yinc = min(FAST_CRC_MIN_Y_INC, height); } if( yinc > FAST_CRC_MAX_Y_INC ) { yinc = FAST_CRC_MAX_Y_INC; } uint32 pitch = pitchInBytes>>2; register uint32 *pStart = (uint32*)(pPhysicalAddress); pStart += (top * pitch) + (((left<>3); // The original assembly code had a bug in it (it incremented pStart by 'pitch' in bytes, not in dwords) // This C code implements the same algorithm as the ASM but without the bug uint32 y = 0; while (y < height) { uint32 x = 0; while (x < realWidthInDWORD) { dwAsmCRC = (dwAsmCRC << 4) + ((dwAsmCRC >> 28) & 15); dwAsmCRC += pStart[x]; x += xinc; dwAsmCRC += x; } dwAsmCRC ^= y; y += yinc; pStart += pitch; } } else { try { dwAsmdwBytesPerLine = ((width<>1); dwAsmHeight = height - 1; dwAsmPitch = pitchInBytes; #if defined(NO_ASM) uint32 pitch = pitchInBytes>>2; uint32* pStart = (uint32*)pPhysicalAddress; pStart += (top * pitch) + (((left<>3); int y = dwAsmHeight; while(y >= 0) { uint32 esi = 0; int x = dwAsmdwBytesPerLine - 4; while(x >= 0) { esi = *(uint32*)(pAsmStart + x); esi ^= x; dwAsmCRC = (dwAsmCRC << 4) + ((dwAsmCRC >> 28) & 15); dwAsmCRC += esi; x-=4; } esi ^= y; dwAsmCRC += esi; pAsmStart += dwAsmPitch; y--; } #elif !defined(__GNUC__) // !defined(NO_ASM) __asm { push eax push ebx push ecx push edx push esi mov ecx, pAsmStart; // = pStart mov edx, 0 // The CRC mov eax, dwAsmHeight // = y l2: mov ebx, dwAsmdwBytesPerLine // = x sub ebx, 4 l1: mov esi, [ecx+ebx] xor esi, ebx rol edx, 4 add edx, esi sub ebx, 4 jge l1 xor esi, eax add edx, esi add ecx, dwAsmPitch dec eax jge l2 mov dwAsmCRC, edx pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax } #elif defined(__x86_64__) // defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM) asm volatile(" xorl %k2, %k2 \n" " movslq %k4, %q4 \n" "0: \n" " movslq %3, %%rbx \n" " sub $4, %%rbx \n" "1: \n" " movl (%0,%%rbx,1), %%eax \n" " xorl %%ebx, %%eax \n" " roll $4, %k2 \n" " addl %%eax, %k2 \n" " sub $4, %%rbx \n" " jge 1b \n" " xorl %k1, %%eax \n" " addl %%eax, %k2 \n" " add %q4, %0 \n" " decl %k1 \n" " jge 0b \n" : "+r"(pAsmStart), "+r"(dwAsmHeight), "=&r"(dwAsmCRC) : "m"(dwAsmdwBytesPerLine), "r"(dwAsmPitch) : "%rbx", "%rax", "memory", "cc" ); #elif !defined(__PIC__) // !defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM) asm volatile("pusha \n" "mov %[pAsmStart], %%ecx \n" // = pStart "mov $0, %%edx \n" // The CRC "mov %[dwAsmHeight], %%eax \n" // = y "0: \n" //l2: "mov %[dwAsmdwBytesPerLine], %%ebx \n" // = x "sub $4, %%ebx \n" "1: \n" //l1: "mov (%%ecx,%%ebx), %%esi \n" "xor %%ebx, %%esi \n" "rol $4, %%edx \n" "add %%esi, %%edx \n" "sub $4, %%ebx \n" "jge 1b \n" //jge l1 "xor %%eax, %%esi \n" "add %%esi, %%edx \n" "add %[dwAsmPitch], %%ecx \n" "dec %%eax \n" "jge 0b \n" //jge l2 "mov %%edx, %[dwAsmCRC] \n" "popa \n" : [pAsmStart]"+m"(pAsmStart), [dwAsmHeight]"+m"(dwAsmHeight), [dwAsmCRC]"=m"(dwAsmCRC) : [dwAsmdwBytesPerLine]"m"(dwAsmdwBytesPerLine), [dwAsmPitch]"m"(dwAsmPitch) : "memory", "cc" ); #else // defined(__PIC__) && !defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_ASM) unsigned int saveEBX; unsigned int saveEAX; unsigned int saveECX; unsigned int saveEDX; unsigned int saveESI; unsigned int asmdwBytesPerLine = dwAsmdwBytesPerLine; unsigned int asmPitch = dwAsmPitch; unsigned int asmHeight = dwAsmHeight; unsigned int asmCRC; asm volatile("mov %%ebx, %2 \n" "mov %%eax, %5 \n" "mov %%ecx, %7 \n" "mov %%edx, %8 \n" "mov %%esi, %9 \n" "mov %0, %%ecx \n" // = pStart "mov $0, %%edx \n" // The CRC "mov %1, %%eax \n" // = y "0: \n" //l2: "mov %3, %%ebx \n" // = x "sub $4, %%ebx \n" "1: \n" //l1: "mov (%%ecx,%%ebx), %%esi \n" "xor %%ebx, %%esi \n" "rol $4, %%edx \n" "add %%esi, %%edx \n" "sub $4, %%ebx \n" "jge 1b \n" //jge l1 "xor %%eax, %%esi \n" "add %%esi, %%edx \n" "add %4, %%ecx \n" "dec %%eax \n" "jge 0b \n" //jge l2 "mov %2, %%ebx \n" "mov %%edx, %6 \n" "mov %5, %%eax \n" "mov %7, %%ecx \n" "mov %8, %%edx \n" "mov %9, %%esi \n" : : "m"(pAsmStart), "m"(asmHeight), "m"(saveEBX), "m"(asmdwBytesPerLine), "m"(asmPitch), "m"(saveEAX), "m"(asmCRC), "m"(saveECX), "m"(saveEDX), "m"(saveESI) : "memory", "cc" ); dwAsmCRC = asmCRC; #endif } catch(...) { TRACE0("Exception in texture CRC calculation"); } } return dwAsmCRC; } unsigned char CalculateMaxCI(void *pPhysicalAddress, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes ) { uint32 x, y; unsigned char *buf; unsigned char val = 0; if( TXT_SIZE_8b == size ) { for( y = 0; y val ) val = buf[x]; if( val == 0xFF ) return 0xFF; } } } else { unsigned char val1,val2; left >>= 1; width >>= 1; for( y = 0; y>4; val2 = buf[x]&0xF; if( val1 > val ) val = val1; if( val2 > val ) val = val2; if( val == 0xF ) return 0xF; } } } return val; } bool FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferInRDRAMCheckCRC() { RecentCIInfo &p = *(g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]); uint8 *pFrameBufferBase = (uint8*)(g_pRDRAMu8+p.dwAddr); uint32 pitch = (p.dwWidth << p.dwSize ) >> 1; uint32 crc = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pFrameBufferBase, 0, 0, p.dwWidth, p.dwHeight, p.dwSize, pitch); if( crc != p.dwCRC ) { p.dwCRC = crc; TRACE0("Frame Buffer CRC mismitch, it is modified by CPU"); return false; } else { return true; } } extern std::vector frameWriteRecord; void FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferWriteByCPU(uint32 addr, uint32 size) { if( !frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite ) return; //WARNING(TRACE2("Frame Buffer Write, addr=%08X, CI Addr=%08X", addr, g_CI.dwAddr)); status.frameWriteByCPU = TRUE; frameWriteRecord.push_back(addr&(g_dwRamSize-1)); } extern RECT frameWriteByCPURect; extern std::vector frameWriteByCPURects; extern RECT frameWriteByCPURectArray[20][20]; extern bool frameWriteByCPURectFlag[20][20]; #define FRAMEBUFFER_IN_BLOCK bool FrameBufferManager::ProcessFrameWriteRecord() { int size = frameWriteRecord.size(); if( size == 0 ) return false; int index = FindRecentCIInfoIndex(frameWriteRecord[0]); if( index == -1 ) { LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE1("Frame Buffer Write to non-record addr = %08X", frameWriteRecord[0])); frameWriteRecord.clear(); return false; } else { uint32 base = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwAddr; uint32 uwidth = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwWidth; uint32 uheight = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwHeight; uint32 upitch = uwidth<<1; frameWriteByCPURect.left=uwidth-1; frameWriteByCPURect.top = uheight-1; frameWriteByCPURect.right=0; frameWriteByCPURect.bottom = 0; int x, y, off; for( int i=0; idwMemSize ) { y = off/upitch; x = (off - y*upitch)>>1; #ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_IN_BLOCK int xidx=x/32; int yidx=y/24; RECT &rect = frameWriteByCPURectArray[xidx][yidx]; if( !frameWriteByCPURectFlag[xidx][yidx] ) { rect.left=rect.right=x; rect.top=rect.bottom=y; frameWriteByCPURectFlag[xidx][yidx]=true; } else { if( x < rect.left ) rect.left = x; if( x > rect.right ) rect.right = x; if( y < rect.top ) rect.top = y; if( y > rect.bottom ) rect.bottom = y; } #else if( x < frameWriteByCPURect.left ) frameWriteByCPURect.left = x; if( x > frameWriteByCPURect.right ) frameWriteByCPURect.right = x; if( y < frameWriteByCPURect.top ) frameWriteByCPURect.top = y; if( y > frameWriteByCPURect.bottom ) frameWriteByCPURect.bottom = y; #endif } } frameWriteRecord.clear(); LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE4("Frame Buffer Write: Left=%d, Top=%d, Right=%d, Bottom=%d", frameWriteByCPURect.left, frameWriteByCPURect.top, frameWriteByCPURect.right, frameWriteByCPURect.bottom)); return true; } } void FrameBufferManager::FrameBufferReadByCPU( uint32 addr ) { ///return; // it does not work very well anyway if( !frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPURead ) return; addr &= (g_dwRamSize-1); int index = FindRecentCIInfoIndex(addr); if( index == -1 ) { // Check if this is the depth buffer uint32 size = 2*g_RecentCIInfo[0].dwWidth*g_RecentCIInfo[0].dwHeight; addr &= 0x3FFFFFFF; if( addr >= g_ZI.dwAddr && addr < g_ZI.dwAddr + size ) { TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(TRACE1("Depth Buffer read, reported by emulator, addr=%08X", addr)); } else { return; } } if( status.gDlistCount - g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->lastUsedFrame > 3 ) { // Ok, we don't have this frame anymore return; } //TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(TRACE1("FB Read By CPU at %08X", addr)); if( g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->bCopied ) return; //if( addr != g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[index]->dwAddr ) return; TXTRBUF_OR_CI_DUMP(TRACE1("Frame Buffer read, reported by emulator, addr=%08X", addr)); uint32 size = 0x1000 - addr%0x1000; CheckAddrInBackBuffers(addr, size, true); DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{TRACE0("Frame Buffer read");}); DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after setting Frame Buffer read:\n Cur CI Addr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d", g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_CI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_CI.dwSize], g_CI.dwWidth);}); } extern RECT frameWriteByCPURect; extern std::vector frameWriteByCPURects; extern RECT frameWriteByCPURectArray[20][20]; extern bool frameWriteByCPURectFlag[20][20]; #define FRAMEBUFFER_IN_BLOCK void FrameBufferManager::UpdateFrameBufferBeforeUpdateFrame() { if( (frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite && status.frameWriteByCPU ) || (frameBufferOptions.bLoadBackBufFromRDRAM && !FrameBufferInRDRAMCheckCRC() ) ) // Checks if frame buffer has been modified by CPU // Only happens to Dr. Mario { if( frameBufferOptions.bProcessCPUWrite ) { if( ProcessFrameWriteRecord() ) { #ifdef FRAMEBUFFER_IN_BLOCK int i,j; for( i=0; i<20; i++) { for( j=0; j<20; j++ ) { if( frameWriteByCPURectFlag[i][j] ) { CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(false, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].right-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left+1, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].bottom-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top+1); } } } for( i=0; i<20; i++) { for( j=0; j<20; j++ ) { if( frameWriteByCPURectFlag[i][j] ) { ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].right-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].left+1, frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].bottom-frameWriteByCPURectArray[i][j].top+1); frameWriteByCPURectFlag[i][j] = false; } } } //memset(frameWriteByCPURectArray, 0, sizeof(frameWriteByCPURectArray)); //memset(frameWriteByCPURectFlag, 0, sizeof(frameWriteByCPURectFlag)); #else CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(false, frameWriteByCPURect.left, frameWriteByCPURect.top, frameWriteByCPURect.right-frameWriteByCPURect.left, frameWriteByCPURect.bottom-frameWriteByCPURect.top); ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(frameWriteByCPURect.left, frameWriteByCPURect.top, frameWriteByCPURect.right-frameWriteByCPURect.left+1, frameWriteByCPURect.bottom-frameWriteByCPURect.top+1); /* int size = frameWriteByCPURects.size(); for( int i=0; iDrawFrameBuffer(false, frameWriteByCPURects[i].left, frameWriteByCPURects[i].top, frameWriteByCPURects[i].right-frameWriteByCPURects[i].left, frameWriteByCPURects[i].bottom-frameWriteByCPURects[i].top); ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(frameWriteByCPURects[i].left, frameWriteByCPURects[i].top, frameWriteByCPURects[i].right-frameWriteByCPURects[i].left+1, frameWriteByCPURects[i].bottom-frameWriteByCPURects[i].top+1); } frameWriteByCPURects.clear(); */ #endif } status.frameWriteByCPU = FALSE; } else { if (CRender::IsAvailable()) { RecentCIInfo &p = *(g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]); CRender::GetRender()->DrawFrameBuffer(false, 0,0,p.dwWidth,p.dwHeight); ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(); } } } } uint32 FrameBufferManager::ComputeCImgHeight(SetImgInfo &info, uint32 &height) { uint32 dwPC = gDlistStack[gDlistStackPointer].pc; // This points to the next instruction for( int i=0; i<10; i++ ) { uint32 w0 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + i*8); uint32 w1 = *(uint32 *)(g_pRDRAMu8 + dwPC + 4 + i*8); if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETSCISSOR ) { height = ((w1>>0 )&0xFFF)/4; TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height)); return RDP_SETSCISSOR; } if( (w0>>24) == RDP_FILLRECT ) { uint32 x0 = ((w1>>12)&0xFFF)/4; uint32 y0 = ((w1>>0 )&0xFFF)/4; uint32 x1 = ((w0>>12)&0xFFF)/4; uint32 y1 = ((w0>>0 )&0xFFF)/4; if( x0 == 0 && y0 == 0 ) { if( x1 == info.dwWidth ) { height = y1; TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height)); return RDP_FILLRECT; } if(x1 == (unsigned int)(info.dwWidth-1)) { height = y1+1; TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height)); return RDP_FILLRECT; } } } if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETCIMG ) { goto step2; } if( (w0>>24) == RDP_SETCIMG ) { goto step2; } } if( gRDP.scissor.left == 0 && gRDP.scissor.top == 0 && (unsigned int)gRDP.scissor.right == info.dwWidth ) { height = gRDP.scissor.bottom; TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("buffer height = %d", height)); return RDP_SETSCISSOR+1; } step2: TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE0("Not sure about buffer height")); height = info.dwWidth*3/4; if( status.dwTvSystem == TV_SYSTEM_PAL ) { height = info.dwWidth*9/11; } if( gRDP.scissor.bottom < (int)height && gRDP.scissor.bottom != 0 ) { height = gRDP.scissor.bottom; } if( info.dwAddr + height*info.dwWidth*info.dwSize >= g_dwRamSize ) { height = info.dwWidth*3/4; if( status.dwTvSystem == TV_SYSTEM_PAL ) { height = info.dwWidth*9/11; } if( gRDP.scissor.bottom < (int)height && gRDP.scissor.bottom != 0 ) { height = gRDP.scissor.bottom; } if( info.dwAddr + height*info.dwWidth*info.dwSize >= g_dwRamSize ) { height = ( g_dwRamSize - info.dwAddr ) / info.dwWidth; } } TXTRBUF_DETAIL_DUMP(TRACE1("render_texture height = %d", height)); return 0; } int FrameBufferManager::CheckRenderTexturesWithNewCI(SetImgInfo &CIinfo, uint32 height, bool byNewTxtrBuf) { int matchidx = -1; uint32 memsize = ((height*CIinfo.dwWidth)>>1)<>1)< CIinfo.dwAddr && info.CI_Info.dwAddr < CIinfo.dwAddr + memsize) covered = true; else if( info.CI_Info.dwAddr+memsize2 > CIinfo.dwAddr && info.CI_Info.dwAddr+memsize2 < CIinfo.dwAddr + memsize) covered = true; else if( CIinfo.dwAddr > info.CI_Info.dwAddr && CIinfo.dwAddr < info.CI_Info.dwAddr + memsize2 ) covered = true; else if( CIinfo.dwAddr+ memsize > info.CI_Info.dwAddr && CIinfo.dwAddr+ memsize < info.CI_Info.dwAddr + memsize2 ) covered = true; } if( covered ) { //SAFE_DELETE(info.psurf); if( info.pRenderTexture->IsBeingRendered() ) { TRACE0("Error, covering a render_texture which is being rendered"); TRACE3("New addrr=%08X, width=%d, height=%d", CIinfo.dwAddr, CIinfo.dwWidth, height ); TRACE3("Old addrr=%08X, width=%d, height=%d", info.CI_Info.dwAddr, info.N64Width, info.N64Height ); } info.isUsed = false; TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE5("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, covered by new CI at %08X, Width=%d, Height=%d", i, info.CI_Info.dwAddr, CIinfo.dwAddr, CIinfo.dwWidth, height )); SAFE_DELETE(info.pRenderTexture); info.txtEntry.pTexture = NULL; continue; } } return matchidx; } extern RecentCIInfo *g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[5]; RenderTextureInfo newRenderTextureInfo; int FrameBufferManager::FindASlot(void) { int idx; // Find an empty slot bool found = false; for( int i=0; iN64Height);}); } int FrameBufferManager::SetBackBufferAsRenderTexture(SetImgInfo &CIinfo, int ciInfoIdx) { // MUDLORD: // OK, heres the drill! // // We set the graphics card's back buffer's contents as a render_texure // This is done due to how the current framebuffer implementation detects // changes to the backbuffer memory pointer and then we do a texture // copy. This might be slow since it doesnt use hardware auxillary buffers RenderTextureInfo tempRenderTextureInfo; memcpy(&(tempRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info), &CIinfo, sizeof(SetImgInfo)); tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Width = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->dwLastWidth; tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Height = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->dwLastHeight; tempRenderTextureInfo.knownHeight = true; tempRenderTextureInfo.maxUsedHeight = 0; tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth = windowSetting.uDisplayWidth; tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight = windowSetting.uDisplayHeight; tempRenderTextureInfo.scaleX = tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth / float(tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Width); tempRenderTextureInfo.scaleY = tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight / float(tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Height); status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn = false; status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles = false; tempRenderTextureInfo.updateAtFrame = status.gDlistCount; tempRenderTextureInfo.updateAtUcodeCount = status.gUcodeCount; // Checking against previous render_texture infos //uint32 memsize = ((tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Height*tempRenderTextureInfo.N64Width)>>1)<= 0) ? matchidx : FindASlot(); if( gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture == NULL || matchidx < 0 ) { gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture = new COGLRenderTexture(tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth, tempRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight, &gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], AS_BACK_BUFFER_SAVE); } // Need to set all variables for gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse] CRenderTexture *pRenderTexture = gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture; memcpy(&gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], &tempRenderTextureInfo, sizeof(RenderTextureInfo) ); gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture = pRenderTexture; gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].isUsed = true; gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.pTexture = pRenderTexture->m_pTexture; gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.txtrBufIdx = idxToUse+1; TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Set back buf as render_texture %d, addr=%08X", idxToUse, CIinfo.dwAddr)); DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after setting render_texture:\nAddr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d, Height:%d", CIinfo.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[CIinfo.dwFormat], pszImgSize[CIinfo.dwSize], CIinfo.dwWidth, g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height);}); return idxToUse; } void FrameBufferManager::CloseRenderTexture(bool toSave) { if( m_curRenderTextureIndex < 0 ) return; status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = false; if( status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM ) { // TODO: Implement } else { RestoreNormalBackBuffer(); if( !toSave || !status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn || !status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles ) { TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE0("Closing render_texture without save");); SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture); gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed = false; TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Delete render_texture %d",m_curRenderTextureIndex);); } else { TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Closing render_texture %d", m_curRenderTextureIndex);); StoreRenderTextureToRDRAM(); if( frameBufferOptions.bRenderTextureWriteBack ) { SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture); gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed = false; TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Delete render_texture %d after writing back to RDRAM",m_curRenderTextureIndex);); } else { g_pRenderTextureInfo->crcInRDRAM = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(m_curRenderTextureIndex); g_pRenderTextureInfo->crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount; } } } SetScreenMult(windowSetting.uDisplayWidth/windowSetting.fViWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight/windowSetting.fViHeight); CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle(); CRender::g_pRender->ApplyScissorWithClipRatio(); DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE, { DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after saving render_texture %d:\nAddr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d", m_curRenderTextureIndex, g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwSize], g_pRenderTextureInfo->CI_Info.dwWidth); }); } void FrameBufferManager::ClearN64FrameBufferToBlack(uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height) { RecentCIInfo &p = *(g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]); uint16 *frameBufferBase = (uint16*)(g_pRDRAMu8+p.dwAddr); uint32 pitch = p.dwWidth; if( width == 0 || height == 0 ) { uint32 len = p.dwHeight*p.dwWidth*p.dwSize; if( p.dwSize == TXT_SIZE_4b ) len = (p.dwHeight*p.dwWidth)>>1; memset(frameBufferBase, 0, len); } else { for( uint32 y=0; yUpdateFrame(); RecentCIInfo *info = g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[i]; StoreBackBufferToRDRAM( info->dwAddr, info->dwFormat, info->dwSize, info->dwWidth, info->dwHeight, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight, addr, 0x1000-addr%0x1000); TRACE1("Copy back for CI Addr=%08X", info->dwAddr); } } // We do these checks to see if a render_texture operation is occurring... void FrameBufferManager::CheckRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(void) { for( int i=0; iIsBeingRendered() ) continue; if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame < status.gDlistCount ) { uint32 crc = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(i); if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcInRDRAM != crc ) { // RDRAM has been modified by CPU core TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, CRC in RDRAM changed", i, gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr )); SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[i].pRenderTexture); gRenderTextureInfos[i].isUsed = false; continue; } else { gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount; } } } } // Check render_texture memory addresses int FrameBufferManager::CheckAddrInRenderTextures(uint32 addr, bool checkcrc) { for( int i=0; iIsBeingRendered() ) continue; uint32 bufHeight = gRenderTextureInfos[i].knownHeight ? gRenderTextureInfos[i].N64Height : gRenderTextureInfos[i].maxUsedHeight; uint32 bufMemSize = gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwSize*gRenderTextureInfos[i].N64Width*bufHeight; if( addr >=gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr && addr < gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr+bufMemSize) { if(checkcrc) { // Check the CRC in RDRAM if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame < status.gDlistCount ) { uint32 crc = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(i); if( gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcInRDRAM != crc ) { // RDRAM has been modified by CPU core TRACE3("Buf %d CRC in RDRAM changed from %08X to %08X", i, gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcInRDRAM, crc ); TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, crcInRDRAM failed.", i, gRenderTextureInfos[i].CI_Info.dwAddr )); SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[i].pRenderTexture); gRenderTextureInfos[i].isUsed = false; continue; } else { gRenderTextureInfos[i].crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount; } } } TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Loading texture addr = %08X from txtr buf %d", addr, i)); return i; } } return -1; } // Load texture from render_texture buffer void FrameBufferManager::LoadTextureFromRenderTexture(TxtrCacheEntry* pEntry, int infoIdx) { if( infoIdx < 0 || infoIdx >= numOfTxtBufInfos ) { infoIdx = CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pEntry->ti.Address); } if( infoIdx >= 0 && gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].isUsed && gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture ) { TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Loading from render_texture %d", infoIdx)); gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture->LoadTexture(pEntry); } } void FrameBufferManager::RestoreNormalBackBuffer() { if( m_curRenderTextureIndex >= 0 && m_curRenderTextureIndex < numOfTxtBufInfos ) { if( gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture ) gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture->SetAsRenderTarget(false); m_isRenderingToTexture = false; m_lastTextureBufferIndex = m_curRenderTextureIndex; } if( !status.bFrameBufferIsDrawn || !status.bFrameBufferDrawnByTriangles ) { gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed = false; TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Delete txtr buf %d at %08X, it is never rendered", m_curRenderTextureIndex, gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].CI_Info.dwAddr )); SAFE_DELETE(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture); } } uint32 FrameBufferManager::ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(int infoIdx) { if( infoIdx >= numOfTxtBufInfos || infoIdx < 0 || !gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].isUsed ) return 0; RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx]; uint32 height = info.knownHeight ? info.N64Height : info.maxUsedHeight; uint8 *pAddr = (uint8*)(g_pRDRAMu8+info.CI_Info.dwAddr); uint32 pitch = (info.N64Width << info.CI_Info.dwSize ) >> 1; return CalculateRDRAMCRC(pAddr, 0, 0, info.N64Width, height, info.CI_Info.dwSize, pitch); } // Activates texture buffer for drawing void FrameBufferManager::ActiveTextureBuffer(void) { status.bCIBufferIsRendered = true; if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture ) { // Checking against previous render_texture infos int matchidx = -1; //uint32 memsize = ((newRenderTextureInfo.N64Height*newRenderTextureInfo.N64Width)>>1)<= 0 ) { // Reuse the matched slot idxToUse = matchidx; } else { idxToUse = FindASlot(); } if( gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture == NULL || matchidx < 0 ) { int w = newRenderTextureInfo.bufferWidth; if( newRenderTextureInfo.knownHeight == RDP_SETSCISSOR && newRenderTextureInfo.CI_Info.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr ) { w = gRDP.scissor.right; } gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture = new COGLRenderTexture(w, newRenderTextureInfo.bufferHeight, &gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], AS_RENDER_TARGET); } // Need to set all variables for gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse] CRenderTexture *pRenderTexture = gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture; memcpy(&gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse], &newRenderTextureInfo, sizeof(RenderTextureInfo) ); gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture = pRenderTexture; gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].isUsed = true; gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.pTexture = pRenderTexture->m_pTexture; gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].txtEntry.txtrBufIdx = idxToUse+1; g_pRenderTextureInfo = &gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse]; // Active the render_texture if( m_curRenderTextureIndex >= 0 && gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].isUsed && gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture ) { gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].pRenderTexture->SetAsRenderTarget(false); m_isRenderingToTexture = false; } if( gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].pRenderTexture->SetAsRenderTarget(true) ) { m_isRenderingToTexture = true; //Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_BUFFER,0x80808080,1.0f); if( frameBufferOptions.bFillRectNextTextureBuffer ) CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_BUFFER,gRDP.fillColor,1.0f); else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width > 64 && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width < 300 ) { CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_BUFFER,0,1.0f); } else if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width < 64 && g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Width > 32 ) { CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->Clear(CLEAR_COLOR_BUFFER,0,1.0f); } m_curRenderTextureIndex = idxToUse; status.bDirectWriteIntoRDRAM = false; //SetScreenMult(1, 1); SetScreenMult(gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].scaleX, gRenderTextureInfos[m_curRenderTextureIndex].scaleY); CRender::g_pRender->UpdateClipRectangle(); // If needed, draw RDRAM into the render_texture //if( frameBufferOptions.bLoadRDRAMIntoRenderTexture ) //{ // CRender::GetRender()->LoadTxtrBufFromRDRAM(); //} } else { if( CDeviceBuilder::m_deviceGeneralType == DIRECTX_DEVICE ) { TRACE1("Error to set Render Target: %d", idxToUse); TRACE1("Addr = %08X", gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].CI_Info.dwAddr); TRACE2("Width = %d, Height=%d", gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].N64Width, gRenderTextureInfos[idxToUse].N64Height); } } TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE2("Rendering to render_texture %d, addr=%08X", idxToUse, g_CI.dwAddr)); DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE, {DebuggerAppendMsg("Paused after activating render_texture:\nAddr: 0x%08x, Fmt: %s Size: %s Width: %d, Height:%d", g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[g_CI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[g_CI.dwSize], g_CI.dwWidth, g_pRenderTextureInfo->N64Height);}); } else { UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI); CheckRenderTexturesWithNewCI(g_CI,gRDP.scissor.bottom,false); } } #define SAVE_CI {g_CI.dwAddr = newCI.dwAddr;g_CI.dwFormat = newCI.dwFormat;g_CI.dwSize = newCI.dwSize;g_CI.dwWidth = newCI.dwWidth;g_CI.bpl=newCI.bpl;} // Sets CI address for framebuffer copies void FrameBufferManager::Set_CI_addr(SetImgInfo &newCI) { bool wasDrawingTextureBuffer = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer; status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer = ( newCI.dwSize != TXT_SIZE_16b || newCI.dwFormat != TXT_FMT_RGBA || newCI.dwWidth < 200 || ( newCI.dwAddr != g_ZI.dwAddr && newCI.dwWidth != 512 && !g_pFrameBufferManager->HasAddrBeenDisplayed(newCI.dwAddr, newCI.dwWidth)) ); status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer; if( !wasDrawingTextureBuffer && g_CI.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr && status.bCIBufferIsRendered ) { TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE0("ZI is rendered")); if( options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_CONKER && g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[0]->bCopied == false ) { // Conker is not actually using a backbuffer g_pFrameBufferManager->UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI); if( status.leftRendered != -1 && status.topRendered != -1 && status.rightRendered != -1 && status.bottomRendered != -1 ) { RECT rect={status.leftRendered,status.topRendered,status.rightRendered,status.bottomRendered}; g_pFrameBufferManager->SaveBackBuffer(0,&rect); } else { g_pFrameBufferManager->SaveBackBuffer(0,NULL); } } } frameBufferOptions.bFillRectNextTextureBuffer = false; if( g_CI.dwAddr == newCI.dwAddr && status.bHandleN64RenderTexture && (g_CI.dwFormat != newCI.dwFormat || g_CI.dwSize != newCI.dwSize || g_CI.dwWidth != newCI.dwWidth ) ) { // Mario Tennis player shadow g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(true); if( options.enableHackForGames == HACK_FOR_MARIO_TENNIS ) frameBufferOptions.bFillRectNextTextureBuffer = true; // Hack for Mario Tennis } SAVE_CI; if( g_CI.dwAddr == g_ZI.dwAddr && !status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer ) { if( g_pFrameBufferManager->IsDIaRenderTexture() ) { status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer = true; status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer; } } status.bCIBufferIsRendered = false; status.leftRendered = status.topRendered = status.rightRendered = status.bottomRendered = -1; if( currentRomOptions.screenUpdateSetting==SCREEN_UPDATE_AT_CI_CHANGE && !status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer ) { if( status.curRenderBuffer == 0 ) { status.curRenderBuffer = g_CI.dwAddr; } else if( status.curRenderBuffer != g_CI.dwAddr ) { status.curDisplayBuffer = status.curRenderBuffer; CGraphicsContext::Get()->UpdateFrame(); status.curRenderBuffer = g_CI.dwAddr; DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(pauseAtNext,{DebuggerAppendMsg("Screen Update because CI change to %08X, Display Buf=%08X", status.curRenderBuffer, status.curDisplayBuffer);}); } } if( frameBufferOptions.bAtEachFrameUpdate && !status.bHandleN64RenderTexture ) { if( status.curRenderBuffer != g_CI.dwAddr ) { if( status.gDlistCount%(currentRomOptions.N64FrameBufferWriteBackControl+1) == 0 ) { g_pFrameBufferManager->StoreBackBufferToRDRAM(status.curRenderBuffer, newCI.dwFormat, newCI.dwSize, windowSetting.uViWidth, windowSetting.uViHeight, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight); } } //status.curDisplayBuffer = status.curRenderBuffer; status.curRenderBuffer = g_CI.dwAddr; } switch( currentRomOptions.N64RenderToTextureEmuType ) { case TXT_BUF_NONE: if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture ) g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(false); status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = false; // Don't handle N64 render_texture stuffs if( !status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer ) g_pFrameBufferManager->UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI); break; default: if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture ) { #ifdef DEBUGGER if( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE ) { pauseAtNext = TRUE; eventToPause = NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE; } #endif g_pFrameBufferManager->CloseRenderTexture(true); } status.bHandleN64RenderTexture = status.bN64IsDrawingTextureBuffer; if( status.bHandleN64RenderTexture ) { if( options.enableHackForGames != HACK_FOR_BANJO_TOOIE ) { g_pFrameBufferManager->SetRenderTexture(); } } else { #ifdef DEBUGGER if( g_CI.dwWidth == 512 && pauseAtNext && (eventToPause==NEXT_OBJ_BG || eventToPause==NEXT_SET_CIMG) ) { DebuggerAppendMsg("Warning SetCImg: new Addr=0x%08X, fmt:%s size=%sb, Width=%d\n", g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[newCI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[newCI.dwSize], newCI.dwWidth); } #endif //g_pFrameBufferManager->UpdateRecentCIAddr(g_CI); // Delay this until the CI buffer is actally drawn } break; } TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE4("SetCImg : Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n", g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[newCI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[newCI.dwSize], newCI.dwWidth)); DEBUGGER_PAUSE_AND_DUMP_NO_UPDATE(NEXT_SET_CIMG, { DebuggerAppendMsg("Pause after SetCImg: Addr=0x%08X, Fmt:%s-%sb, Width=%d\n", g_CI.dwAddr, pszImgFormat[newCI.dwFormat], pszImgSize[newCI.dwSize], newCI.dwWidth); } ); } void FrameBufferManager::StoreRenderTextureToRDRAM(int infoIdx) { if( !frameBufferOptions.bRenderTextureWriteBack ) return; if( infoIdx < 0 ) infoIdx = m_lastTextureBufferIndex; if( !gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture ) return; if( gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture->IsBeingRendered() ) { TXTRBUF_DUMP(TRACE1("Cannot SaveTextureBuffer %d, it is being rendered", infoIdx)); return; } gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].pRenderTexture->StoreToRDRAM(infoIdx); } //does FB copy to N64 RDAM structure void FrameBufferManager::CopyBufferToRDRAM(uint32 addr, uint32 fmt, uint32 siz, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 bufWidth, uint32 bufHeight, uint32 startaddr, uint32 memsize, uint32 pitch, TextureFmt bufFmt, void *buffer, uint32 bufPitch) { uint32 startline=0; if( startaddr == 0xFFFFFFFF ) startaddr = addr; startline = (startaddr-addr)/siz/pitch; if( startline >= height ) { //TRACE0("Warning: check me"); startline = height; } uint32 endline = height; if( memsize != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { endline = (startaddr+memsize-addr)/siz; if( endline % pitch == 0 ) endline /= pitch; else endline = endline/pitch+1; } if( endline > height ) { endline = height; } if( memsize != 0xFFFFFFFF ) { TXTRBUF_DUMP(DebuggerAppendMsg("Start at: 0x%X, from line %d to %d", startaddr-addr, startline, endline);); } int indexes[600]; { float sx; int sx0; float ratio = bufWidth/(float)width; for( uint32 j=0; jIsBeingRendered() ) { TRACE1("Render texture %d is being rendered, cannot display", infoIdx); } else { TRACE1("Texture buffer %d:", infoIdx); TRACE1("Addr=%08X", gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].CI_Info.dwAddr); TRACE2("Width=%d, Created Height=%d", gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].N64Width,gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].N64Height); TRACE2("Fmt=%d, Size=%d", gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].CI_Info.dwFormat,gRenderTextureInfos[infoIdx].CI_Info.dwSize); } } else { TRACE1("Texture buffer %d is not used", infoIdx); } } #endif // Saves backbuffer // this is the core to the current framebuffer code // We need to save backbuffer when changed by framebuffer // so that we can use it for framebuffer effects void FrameBufferManager::SaveBackBuffer(int ciInfoIdx, RECT* pSrcRect, bool forceToSaveToRDRAM) { RecentCIInfo &ciInfo = *g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]; if( ciInfoIdx == 1 ) // to save the current front buffer { CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->UpdateFrame(true); } if( frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM || forceToSaveToRDRAM ) { uint32 width = ciInfo.dwWidth; uint32 height = ciInfo.dwHeight; if( ciInfo.dwWidth == *g_GraphicsInfo.VI_WIDTH_REG && ciInfo.dwWidth != windowSetting.uViWidth ) { width = windowSetting.uViWidth; height = windowSetting.uViHeight; } StoreBackBufferToRDRAM( ciInfo.dwAddr, ciInfo.dwFormat, ciInfo.dwSize, width, height, windowSetting.uDisplayWidth, windowSetting.uDisplayHeight); g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->bCopied = true; if( ciInfoIdx == 1 ) // to save the current front buffer { CGraphicsContext::g_pGraphicsContext->UpdateFrame(true); } return; } SetImgInfo tempinfo; tempinfo.dwAddr = ciInfo.dwAddr; tempinfo.dwFormat = ciInfo.dwFormat; tempinfo.dwSize = ciInfo.dwSize; tempinfo.dwWidth = ciInfo.dwWidth; int idx = SetBackBufferAsRenderTexture(tempinfo, ciInfoIdx); CopyBackBufferToRenderTexture(idx, ciInfo, pSrcRect); gRenderTextureInfos[idx].crcCheckedAtFrame = status.gDlistCount; gRenderTextureInfos[idx].crcInRDRAM = ComputeRenderTextureCRCInRDRAM(idx); DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&pSrcRect==NULL),TRACE1("SaveBackBuffer at 0x%08X", ciInfo.dwAddr)); DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((logTextureBuffer&&pSrcRect),TRACE5("SaveBackBuffer at 0x%08X, {%d,%d -%d,%d)", ciInfo.dwAddr, pSrcRect->left,pSrcRect->top,pSrcRect->right,pSrcRect->bottom)); DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP(( pauseAtNext && eventToPause == NEXT_RENDER_TEXTURE),{g_pFrameBufferManager->DisplayRenderTexture(idx);}); g_uRecentCIInfoPtrs[ciInfoIdx]->bCopied = true; }