using System; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem; // The state of the cd player is quantized to the frame level. // This isn't ideal. But life's too short. // I decided not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. // It can always be refactored. It's at least deterministic. namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components { public sealed class CDAudio : ISoundProvider { public const byte CDAudioMode_Stopped = 0; public const byte CDAudioMode_Playing = 1; public const byte CDAudioMode_Paused = 2; public const byte PlaybackMode_StopOnCompletion = 0; public const byte PlaybackMode_NextTrackOnCompletion = 1; public const byte PlaybackMode_LoopOnCompletion = 2; public const byte PlaybackMode_CallbackOnCompletion = 3; public Action CallbackAction = delegate { }; public Disc Disc; public DiscSectorReader DiscSectorReader; public byte Mode = CDAudioMode_Stopped; public byte PlayMode = PlaybackMode_LoopOnCompletion; public int MaxVolume { get; set; } public int LogicalVolume = 100; public int StartLBA, EndLBA; public int PlayingTrack; public int CurrentSector, SectorOffset; // Offset is in SAMPLES, not bytes. Sector is 588 samples long. int CachedSector; readonly byte[] SectorCache = new byte[2352]; public int FadeOutOverFrames = 0; public int FadeOutFramesRemaining = 0; public CDAudio(Disc disc, int maxVolume = short.MaxValue) { Disc = disc; DiscSectorReader = new DiscSectorReader(disc); MaxVolume = maxVolume; } public void PlayTrack(int track) { if (track < 1 || track > Disc.Session1.InformationTrackCount) return; StartLBA = Disc.Session1.Tracks[track].LBA; //play until the beginning of the next track (?) EndLBA = Disc.Session1.Tracks[track + 1].LBA; PlayingTrack = track; CurrentSector = StartLBA; SectorOffset = 0; Mode = CDAudioMode_Playing; FadeOutOverFrames = 0; FadeOutFramesRemaining = 0; LogicalVolume = 100; } public void PlayStartingAtLba(int lba) { var track = Disc.Session1.SeekTrack(lba); if (track == null) return; PlayingTrack = track.Number; StartLBA = lba; //play until the beginning of the next track (?) EndLBA = Disc.Session1.Tracks[track.Number + 1].LBA; CurrentSector = StartLBA; SectorOffset = 0; Mode = CDAudioMode_Playing; FadeOutOverFrames = 0; FadeOutFramesRemaining = 0; LogicalVolume = 100; } public void Stop() { Mode = CDAudioMode_Stopped; FadeOutOverFrames = 0; FadeOutFramesRemaining = 0; LogicalVolume = 100; } public void Pause() { if (Mode != CDAudioMode_Playing) return; Mode = CDAudioMode_Paused; FadeOutOverFrames = 0; FadeOutFramesRemaining = 0; LogicalVolume = 100; } public void Resume() { if (Mode != CDAudioMode_Paused) return; Mode = CDAudioMode_Playing; } public void PauseResume() { if (Mode == CDAudioMode_Playing) Mode = CDAudioMode_Paused; else if (Mode == CDAudioMode_Paused) Mode = CDAudioMode_Playing; else if (Mode == CDAudioMode_Stopped) return; } public void FadeOut(int frames) { FadeOutOverFrames = frames; FadeOutFramesRemaining = frames; } void EnsureSector() { if (CachedSector != CurrentSector) { if (CurrentSector >= Disc.Session1.LeadoutLBA) Array.Clear(SectorCache, 0, 2352); // request reading past end of available disc else DiscSectorReader.ReadLBA_2352(CurrentSector, SectorCache, 0); CachedSector = CurrentSector; } } public void GetSamples(short[] samples) { if (Mode != CDAudioMode_Playing) return; if (FadeOutFramesRemaining > 0) { FadeOutFramesRemaining--; LogicalVolume = FadeOutFramesRemaining * 100 / FadeOutOverFrames; } EnsureSector(); int sampleLen = samples.Length / 2; int offset = 0; for (int s = 0; s < sampleLen; s++) { int sectorOffset = SectorOffset * 4; short left = (short)((SectorCache[sectorOffset + 1] << 8) | (SectorCache[sectorOffset + 0])); short right = (short)((SectorCache[sectorOffset + 3] << 8) | (SectorCache[sectorOffset + 2])); samples[offset++] += (short)(left * LogicalVolume / 100 * MaxVolume / short.MaxValue); samples[offset++] += (short)(right * LogicalVolume / 100 * MaxVolume / short.MaxValue); SectorOffset++; if (SectorOffset == 588) { CurrentSector++; SectorOffset = 0; if (CurrentSector == EndLBA) { switch (PlayMode) { case PlaybackMode_NextTrackOnCompletion: PlayTrack(PlayingTrack + 1); break; case PlaybackMode_StopOnCompletion: Stop(); return; case PlaybackMode_LoopOnCompletion: CurrentSector = StartLBA; break; case PlaybackMode_CallbackOnCompletion: CallbackAction(); if (Mode != CDAudioMode_Playing) return; break; } } EnsureSector(); } } } public short VolumeLeft { get { if (Mode != CDAudioMode_Playing) return 0; int offset = SectorOffset * 4; short sample = (short)((SectorCache[offset + 1] << 8) | (SectorCache[offset + 0])); return (short)(sample * LogicalVolume / 100); } } public short VolumeRight { get { if (Mode != CDAudioMode_Playing) return 0; int offset = SectorOffset * 4; short sample = (short)((SectorCache[offset + 3] << 8) | (SectorCache[offset + 2])); return (short)(sample * LogicalVolume / 100); } } public void DiscardSamples() { } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.BeginSection("CDAudio"); ser.Sync("Mode", ref Mode); ser.Sync("PlayMode", ref PlayMode); ser.Sync("LogicalVolume", ref LogicalVolume); ser.Sync("StartLBA", ref StartLBA); ser.Sync("EndLBA", ref EndLBA); ser.Sync("PlayingTrack", ref PlayingTrack); ser.Sync("CurrentSector", ref CurrentSector); ser.Sync("SectorOffset", ref SectorOffset); ser.Sync("FadeOutOverFrames", ref FadeOutOverFrames); ser.Sync("FadeOutFramesRemaining", ref FadeOutFramesRemaining); ser.EndSection(); if (ser.IsReader) EnsureSector(); } } }