using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.Gameboy; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class Config { public static string ControlDefaultPath { get { return PathManager.MakeProgramRelativePath("defctrl.json"); } } public void ConfigCheckAllControlDefaults() { if (AllTrollers.Count == 0 && AllTrollersAutoFire.Count == 0 && AllTrollersAnalog.Count == 0) { ControlDefaults cd = ConfigService.Load(ControlDefaultPath); AllTrollers = cd.AllTrollers; AllTrollersAutoFire = cd.AllTrollersAutoFire; AllTrollersAnalog = cd.AllTrollersAnalog; } } public Config() { ConfigCheckAllControlDefaults(); } public void ResolveDefaults() { PathEntries.ResolveWithDefaults(); HotkeyBindings.ResolveWithDefaults(); } //Path Settings ************************************/ public bool UseRecentForROMs = false; public string LastRomPath = "."; public PathEntryCollection PathEntries = new PathEntryCollection(); //BIOS Paths public Dictionary FirmwareUserSpecifications = new Dictionary(); //key: sysid+firmwareId; value: absolute path public string FFMpegPath = "%exe%/dll/ffmpeg.exe"; // General Client Settings public int Input_Hotkey_OverrideOptions = 0; public bool StackOSDMessages = true; public int TargetZoomFactor = 2; public int TargetDisplayFilter = 0; public int TargetScanlineFilterIntensity = 0; //choose between 0 and 256 public RecentFiles RecentRoms = new RecentFiles(8); public bool PauseWhenMenuActivated = true; public bool SaveWindowPosition = true; public bool StartPaused = false; public int MainWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored public int MainWndy = -1; public bool RunInBackground = true; public bool AcceptBackgroundInput = false; public bool SingleInstanceMode = false; public bool AllowUD_LR = false; public bool ShowContextMenu = true; public bool EnableBackupMovies = true; public bool HotkeyConfigAutoTab = true; public bool InputConfigAutoTab = true; public bool ShowLogWindow = false; public bool BackupSavestates = true; public bool BackupSaveram = true; public bool AutoSavestates = false; public bool SaveScreenshotWithStates = true; public int AutofireOn = 1; public int AutofireOff = 1; public bool AutofireLagFrames = true; public int SaveSlot = 0; //currently selected savestate slot public bool AutoLoadLastSaveSlot = false; public bool WIN32_CONSOLE = true; public bool SkipLagFrame = false; public string MovieExtension = "bkm"; public bool SupressAskSave = false; public bool AVI_CaptureOSD = false; public bool Screenshot_CaptureOSD = false; public enum SaveStateTypeE { Default, Binary, Text }; public SaveStateTypeE SaveStateType = SaveStateTypeE.Default; // Run-Control settings public int FrameProgressDelayMs = 500; //how long until a frame advance hold turns into a frame progress? public int FrameSkip = 4; public int SpeedPercent = 100; public int SpeedPercentAlternate = 400; public bool ClockThrottle = true; public bool AutoMinimizeSkipping = true; public bool VSyncThrottle = false; //Rewind settings public bool Rewind_UseDelta = true; public bool RewindEnabledSmall = true; public bool RewindEnabledMedium = false; public bool RewindEnabledLarge = false; public int RewindFrequencySmall = 1; public int RewindFrequencyMedium = 4; public int RewindFrequencyLarge = 60; public int Rewind_MediumStateSize = 262144; //256kb public int Rewind_LargeStateSize = 1048576; //1mb public int Rewind_BufferSize = 128; //in mb public bool Rewind_OnDisk = false; public bool Rewind_IsThreaded = false; /// use vsync. if VSyncThrottle = false, this will try to use vsync without throttling to it public bool VSync = false; // Display options public int MessagesColor = -1; public int AlertMessageColor = -65536; public int LastInputColor = -23296; public int MovieInput = -8355712; public bool DisplayFPS = false; public int DispFPSx = 0; public int DispFPSy = 0; public int DispFPSanchor = 0; //0 = UL, 1 = UR, 2 = DL, 3 = DR public bool DisplayFrameCounter = false; public int DispFrameCx = 0; public int DispFrameCy = 14; public int DispFrameanchor = 0; public bool DisplayLagCounter = false; public int DispLagx = 0; public int DispLagy = 42; public int DispLaganchor = 0; public bool DisplayInput = false; public int DispInpx = 0; public int DispInpy = 28; public int DispInpanchor = 0; public bool DisplayRerecordCount = false; public int DispRecx = 0; public int DispRecy = 56; public int DispRecanchor = 0; public int DispMultix = 0; public int DispMultiy = 14; public int DispMultianchor = 1; public bool DisplayGDI = false; public bool SuppressGui = false; public bool DisplayStatusBar = true; public int DispRamWatchx = 0; public int DispRamWatchy = 70; public bool DisplayRamWatch = false; public bool ShowMenuInFullscreen = false; public int DispMessagex = 3; public int DispMessagey = 0; public int DispMessageanchor = 2; public int DispAutoholdx = 0; public int DispAutoholdy = 0; public int DispAutoholdanchor = 1; public bool DispBlurry = false; // make display look ugly // Sound options public bool SoundEnabled = true; public bool MuteFrameAdvance = true; public int SoundVolume = 100; //Range 0-100 public bool SoundThrottle = false; public string SoundDevice = ""; // Log Window public bool LogWindowSaveWindowPosition = true; public int LogWindowWndx = -1; public int LogWindowWndy = -1; public int LogWindowWidth = -1; public int LogWindowHeight = -1; // Lua Console public RecentFiles RecentLua = new RecentFiles(8); public RecentFiles RecentLuaSession = new RecentFiles(8); public bool AutoLoadLuaConsole = false; public bool LuaConsoleSaveWindowPosition = true; public int LuaConsoleWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int LuaConsoleWndy = -1; public int LuaConsoleWidth = -1; public int LuaConsoleHeight = -1; public bool DisableLuaScriptsOnLoad = false; // RamWatch Settings public RecentFiles RecentWatches = new RecentFiles(8); public bool RamWatchSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool RamWatchAlwaysOnTop = false; public int RamWatchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int RamWatchWndy = -1; public int RamWatchWidth = -1; public int RamWatchHeight = -1; public bool RamWatchShowChangeColumn = true; public bool RamWatchShowPrevColumn = false; public bool RamWatchShowDiffColumn = false; public bool RamWatchShowDomainColumn = true; public Dictionary RamWatchColumnWidths = new Dictionary { { "AddressColumn", -1 }, { "ValueColumn", -1 }, { "PrevColumn", -1 }, { "ChangesColumn", -1 }, { "DiffColumn", -1 }, { "DomainColumn", -1 }, { "NotesColumn",-1 }, }; public Dictionary RamWatchColumnIndexes = new Dictionary { { "AddressColumn", 0 }, { "ValueColumn", 1 }, { "PrevColumn", 2 }, { "ChangesColumn", 3 }, { "DiffColumn", 4 }, { "DomainColumn", 5 }, { "NotesColumn", 6 }, }; public Watch.PreviousType RamWatchDefinePrevious = Watch.PreviousType.LastFrame; // RamSearch Settings public int RamSearchPrev_Type = 1; public bool RamSearchSaveWindowPosition = true; public RecentFiles RecentSearches = new RecentFiles(8); public int RamSearchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int RamSearchWndy = -1; public int RamSearchWidth = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored public int RamSearchHeight = -1; public int RamSearchPreviousAs = 0; public bool RamSearchPreviewMode = true; public bool RamSearchAlwaysExcludeRamWatch = false; public int RamSearchAddressWidth = -1; public int RamSearchValueWidth = -1; public int RamSearchPrevWidth = -1; public int RamSearchChangesWidth = -1; public int RamSearchAddressIndex = 0; public int RamSearchValueIndex = 1; public int RamSearchPrevIndex = 2; public int RamSearchChangesIndex = 3; public bool RamSearchFastMode = false; public bool RamSearchAlwaysOnTop = false; public Dictionary RamSearchColumnWidths = new Dictionary { { "AddressColumn", -1 }, { "ValueColumn", -1 }, { "PrevColumn", -1 }, { "ChangesColumn", -1 }, { "DiffColumn", -1 }, }; public Dictionary RamSearchColumnIndexes = new Dictionary { { "AddressColumn", 0 }, { "ValueColumn", 1 }, { "PrevColumn", 2 }, { "ChangesColumn", 3 }, { "DiffColumn", 4 }, }; public bool RamSearchShowPrevColumn = true; public bool RamSearchShowChangeColumn = true; public bool RamSearchShowDiffColumn = false; // HexEditor Settings public bool AutoLoadHexEditor = false; public bool HexEditorSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool HexEditorAlwaysOnTop = false; public int HexEditorWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set public int HexEditorWndy = -1; public int HexEditorWidth = -1; public int HexEditorHeight = -1; public bool HexEditorBigEndian = false; public int HexEditorDataSize = 1; //Hex Editor Colors public Color HexBackgrndColor = Color.FromName("Control"); public Color HexForegrndColor = Color.FromName("ControlText"); public Color HexMenubarColor = Color.FromName("Control"); public Color HexFreezeColor = Color.LightBlue; public Color HexHighlightColor = Color.Pink; public Color HexHighlightFreezeColor = Color.Violet; //Trace Logger Settings public bool TraceLoggerAutoLoad = false; public bool TraceLoggerSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool TraceLoggerOnTop = false; public int TraceLoggerMaxLines = 100000; public int TraceLoggerWndx = -1; public int TraceLoggerWndy = -1; public int TraceLoggerWidth = -1; public int TraceLoggerHeight = -1; // Video dumping settings public string VideoWriter = ""; public int JMDCompression = 3; public int JMDThreads = 3; public string FFmpegFormat = ""; public string FFmpegCustomCommand = "-c:a foo -c:v bar -f baz"; public string AVICodecToken = ""; public int GifWriterFrameskip = 3; public int GifWriterDelay = -1; #region emulation core settings public Dictionary CoreSettings = new Dictionary(); public Dictionary CoreSyncSettings = new Dictionary(); public object GetCoreSettings() where T : IEmulator { return GetCoreSettings(typeof(T)); } public object GetCoreSettings(Type t) { object ret; CoreSettings.TryGetValue(t.ToString(), out ret); return ret; } public void PutCoreSettings(object o) where T : IEmulator { PutCoreSettings(o, typeof(T)); } public void PutCoreSettings(object o, Type t) { if (o != null) CoreSettings[t.ToString()] = o; else CoreSettings.Remove(t.ToString()); } public object GetCoreSyncSettings() where T : IEmulator { return GetCoreSyncSettings(typeof(T)); } public object GetCoreSyncSettings(Type t) { object ret; CoreSyncSettings.TryGetValue(t.ToString(), out ret); return ret; } public void PutCoreSyncSettings(object o) where T : IEmulator { PutCoreSyncSettings(o, typeof(T)); } public void PutCoreSyncSettings(object o, Type t) { if (o != null) CoreSyncSettings[t.ToString()] = o; else CoreSyncSettings.Remove(t.ToString()); } #endregion // NESPPU Settings public bool AutoLoadNESPPU = false; public bool NESPPUSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESPPUWndx = -1; public int NESPPUWndy = -1; public int NESPPURefreshRate = 4; // NESDebuger Settings public bool AutoLoadNESDebugger = false; public bool NESDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESDebuggerWndx = -1; public int NESDebuggerWndy = -1; public int NESDebuggerWidth = -1; public int NESDebuggerHeight = -1; // NESNameTableViewer Settings public bool AutoLoadNESNameTable = false; public bool NESNameTableSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESNameTableWndx = -1; public int NESNameTableWndy = -1; public int NESNameTableRefreshRate = 4; // gb gpu view settings public bool AutoLoadGBGPUView = false; public bool GBGPUViewSaveWindowPosition = true; public int GBGPUViewWndx = -1; public int GBGPUViewWndy = -1; public Color GBGPUSpriteBack = Color.Lime; // SNES Graphics Debugger Dialog Settings public bool AutoLoadSNESGraphicsDebugger = false; public bool SNESGraphicsDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true; public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndx = -1; public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndy = -1; public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerRefreshRate = 4; public bool SNESGraphicsUseUserBackdropColor = false; public int SNESGraphicsUserBackdropColor = -1; // PCE BG Viewer settings public bool PCEBGViewerSaveWIndowPosition = true; public bool PCEBGViewerAutoload = false; public int PCEBGViewerWndx = -1; public int PCEBGViewerWndy = -1; public int PCEBGViewerRefreshRate = 16; #region Cheats Dialog public bool Cheats_ValuesAsHex = true; public bool CheatsSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool DisableCheatsOnLoad = false; public bool LoadCheatFileByGame = true; public bool CheatsAutoSaveOnClose = true; public RecentFiles RecentCheats = new RecentFiles(8); public int CheatsWndx = -1; public int CheatsWndy = -1; public int CheatsWidth = -1; public int CheatsHeight = -1; public int CheatsNameWidth = -1; public int CheatsAddressWidth = -1; public int CheatsValueWidth = -1; public int CheatsCompareWidth = -1; public int CheatsDomainWidth = -1; public int CheatsOnWidth = -1; public int CheatsNameIndex = 0; public int CheatsAddressIndex = 1; public int CheatsValueIndex = 2; public int CheatsCompareIndex = 3; public int CheatsOnIndex = 4; public int CheatsDomainIndex = 5; public bool CheatsAlwaysOnTop = false; public Dictionary CheatsColumnWidths = new Dictionary { { "NamesColumn", -1 }, { "AddressColumn", -1 }, { "ValueColumn", -1 }, { "CompareColumn", -1 }, { "OnColumn", -1 }, { "DomainColumn", -1 }, { "SizeColumn", -1 }, { "EndianColumn", -1 }, { "DisplayTypeColumn", -1 }, }; public Dictionary CheatsColumnIndices = new Dictionary { { "NamesColumn", 0 }, { "AddressColumn", 1 }, { "ValueColumn", 2 }, { "CompareColumn", 3 }, { "OnColumn", 4 }, { "DomainColumn", 5 }, { "SizeColumn", 6 }, { "EndianColumn", 7 }, { "DisplayTypeColumn", 8 }, }; public Dictionary CheatsColumnShow = new Dictionary { { "NamesColumn", true }, { "AddressColumn", true }, { "ValueColumn", true }, { "CompareColumn", true }, { "OnColumn", false }, { "DomainColumn", true }, { "SizeColumn", true }, { "EndianColumn", false }, { "DisplayTypeColumn", false }, }; #endregion // TAStudio Dialog public bool TAStudioSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool AutoloadTAStudio = false; public bool AutoloadTAStudioProject = false; public bool TAStudioTopMost = false; public int TASWndx = -1; public int TASWndy = -1; public int TASWidth = -1; public int TASHeight = -1; public bool TAStudioDrawInput = true; public RecentFiles RecentTas = new RecentFiles(8); // VirtualPad Dialog public bool VirtualPadsUpdatePads = true; public bool VirtualPadSaveWindowPosition = true; public bool AutoloadVirtualPad = false; public bool VirtualPadSticky = true; public int VPadWndx = -1; public int VPadWndy = -1; public int VPadWidth = -1; public int VPadHeight = -1; // NES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder public bool NESGGAutoload = false; public bool NESGGSaveWindowPosition = true; public int NESGGWndx = -1; public int NESGGWndy = -1; // SNES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder public bool SNESGGAutoload = false; public bool SNESGGSaveWindowPosition = true; public int SNESGGWndx = -1; public int SNESGGWndy = -1; // GB/GG Game Genie Encoder/Decoder public bool GBGGAutoload = false; public bool GBGGSaveWindowPosition = true; public int GBGGWndx = -1; public int GBGGWndy = -1; // GEN Game Genie Encoder/Decoder public bool GENGGAutoload = false; public bool GENGGSaveWindowPosition = true; public int GENGGWndx = -1; public int GENGGWndy = -1; //Movie Settings public RecentFiles RecentMovies = new RecentFiles(8); public string DefaultAuthor = "default user"; public bool UseDefaultAuthor = true; public bool DisplaySubtitles = true; public bool VBAStyleMovieLoadState = false; public bool MoviePlaybackPokeMode = false; //Play Movie Dialog public bool PlayMovie_IncludeSubdir = true; public bool PlayMovie_ShowStateFiles = false; public bool PlayMovie_MatchGameName = false; //TI83 public bool TI83autoloadKeyPad = true; public bool TI83KeypadSaveWindowPosition = true; public int TI83KeyPadWndx = -1; public int TI83KeyPadWndy = -1; public bool TI83ToolTips = true; public BindingCollection HotkeyBindings = new BindingCollection(); //Analog Hotkey values public int Analog_LargeChange = 10; public int Analog_SmallChange = 1; public struct AnalogBind { /// the physical stick that we're bound to public string Value; /// sensitivity and flip public float Mult; /// portion of axis to ignore public float Deadzone; public AnalogBind(string Value, float Mult, float Deadzone) { this.Value = Value; this.Mult = Mult; this.Deadzone = Deadzone; } } // [ControllerType][ButtonName] => Physical Bind public Dictionary> AllTrollers = new Dictionary>(); public Dictionary> AllTrollersAutoFire = new Dictionary>(); public Dictionary> AllTrollersAnalog = new Dictionary>(); //GB settings // as this setting spans multiple cores and doesn't actually affect the behavior of any core, // it hasn't been absorbed into the new system public bool GB_AsSGB = false; //LuaWriter Settings public int LuaDefaultTextColor = -16777216; public bool LuaDefaultTextBold = false; public int LuaWriterBackColor = -1; public int LuaKeyWordColor = -16776961; public bool LuaKeyWordBold = false; public int LuaCommentColor = -16744448; public bool LuaCommentBold = false; public int LuaStringColor = -8355712; public bool LuaStringBold = false; public int LuaSymbolColor = -16777216; public bool LuaSymbolBold = false; public int LuaLibraryColor = -16711681; public bool LuaLibraryBold = false; public int LuaDecimalColor = -23296; public bool LuaDecimalBold = false; public float LuaWriterFontSize = 11; public string LuaWriterFont = "Courier New"; public float LuaWriterZoom = 1; public bool LuaWriterStartEmpty = false; } // these are used in the defctrl.json or wherever public class ControlDefaults { public Dictionary> AllTrollers = new Dictionary>(); public Dictionary> AllTrollersAutoFire = new Dictionary>(); public Dictionary> AllTrollersAnalog = new Dictionary>(); } }