using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES { //AKA mapper 19 + 210 //210 lacks the sound and nametable control //I'm not sure why bootgod turned all of these into mapper 19.. //some of them (example: family circuit) cannot work on mapper 19 because it clobbers nametable[0] //luckily, we work by board public sealed class NAMCOT_m19_m210 : NES.NESBoardBase { //configuration int prg_bank_mask_8k; int chr_bank_mask_1k; //state IntBuffer prg_banks_8k = new IntBuffer(4); IntBuffer chr_banks_1k = new IntBuffer(8); IntBuffer nt_banks_1k = new IntBuffer(4); bool[] vram_enable = new bool[2]; int irq_counter; bool irq_enabled; int irq_cycles; bool irq_pending; Namco163Audio audio; int audio_cycles; public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); prg_banks_8k.Dispose(); chr_banks_1k.Dispose(); nt_banks_1k.Dispose(); if (audio != null) { audio.Dispose(); audio = null; } } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("prg_banks_8k", ref prg_banks_8k); ser.Sync("chr_banks_1k", ref chr_banks_1k); ser.Sync("nt_banks_1k", ref nt_banks_1k); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) ser.Sync("vram_enable_" + i, ref vram_enable[i]); ser.Sync("irq_counter", ref irq_counter); ser.Sync("irq_enabled", ref irq_enabled); ser.Sync("irq_cycles", ref irq_cycles); ser.Sync("irq_pending", ref irq_pending); SyncIRQ(); if (audio != null) { ser.Sync("audio_cycles", ref audio_cycles); audio.SyncState(ser); } } public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin) { switch (Cart.board_type) { case "MAPPER019": break; case "MAPPER210": break; //mapper 19: case "NAMCOT-163": //final lap //battle fleet //dragon ninja //famista '90 //hydelide 3 *this is a good test of more advanced features Cart.vram_size = 8; //not many test cases of this, but hydelide 3 needs it. AssertPrg(128,256); AssertChr(128,256); AssertVram(8); AssertWram(0,8); audio = new Namco163Audio(); break; //mapper 210: case "NAMCOT-175": //wagyan land 2 //splatter house AssertPrg(128,256); AssertChr(128); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0); break; case "NAMCOT-340": //family circuit '91 //dream master //famista '92 AssertPrg(128,256,512); AssertChr(128,256); AssertVram(0); AssertWram(0,8); break; default: return false; } prg_bank_mask_8k = Cart.prg_size / 8 - 1; chr_bank_mask_1k = Cart.chr_size / 1 - 1; prg_banks_8k[3] = (byte)(0xFF & prg_bank_mask_8k); nt_banks_1k[0] = nt_banks_1k[2] = 0xFF; nt_banks_1k[1] = nt_banks_1k[3] = 0xFF; return true; } public override byte ReadEXP(int addr) { addr &= 0xF800; switch (addr) { case 0x0800: if (audio != null) return audio.ReadData(); else break; case 0x1000: return (byte)(irq_counter & 0xFF); case 0x1800: return (byte)((irq_counter >> 8) | (irq_enabled ? 0x8000 : 0)); } return base.ReadEXP(addr); } public override void WriteEXP(int addr, byte value) { addr &= 0xF800; switch (addr) { case 0x0800: if (audio != null) audio.WriteData(value); break; case 0x1000: irq_counter = (irq_counter & 0xFF00) | value; irq_pending = false; SyncIRQ(); break; case 0x1800: { irq_counter = (irq_counter & 0x00FF) | (((value & 0x7F) << 8)); bool last_enabled = irq_enabled; irq_enabled = value.Bit(7); irq_pending = false; if (irq_enabled && !last_enabled) { irq_cycles = 3; } SyncIRQ(); break; } } } public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value) { addr &= 0xF800; switch (addr) { case 0x0000: chr_banks_1k[0] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x0800: chr_banks_1k[1] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x1000: chr_banks_1k[2] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x1800: chr_banks_1k[3] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x2000: chr_banks_1k[4] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x2800: chr_banks_1k[5] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x3000: chr_banks_1k[6] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x3800: chr_banks_1k[7] = value & chr_bank_mask_1k; break; case 0x4000: //$C000 nt_banks_1k[0] = value; break; case 0x4800: //$C800 nt_banks_1k[1] = value; break; case 0x5000: //$D000 nt_banks_1k[2] = value; break; case 0x5800: //$D800 nt_banks_1k[3] = value; break; case 0x6000: //$E000 prg_banks_8k[0] = (value & 0x3F) & prg_bank_mask_8k; break; case 0x6800: //$E800 prg_banks_8k[1] = (value & 0x3F) & prg_bank_mask_8k; vram_enable[0] = !value.Bit(6); vram_enable[1] = !value.Bit(7); break; case 0x7000: //$F000 prg_banks_8k[2] = (value & 0x3F) & prg_bank_mask_8k; break; case 0x7800: //$F800 if (audio != null) audio.WriteAddr(value); break; } } public override byte ReadPRG(int addr) { int bank_8k = addr >> 13; int ofs = addr & ((1 << 13) - 1); bank_8k = prg_banks_8k[bank_8k]; addr = (bank_8k << 13) | ofs; return ROM[addr]; } public override void WritePPU(int addr, byte value) { if (addr < 0x2000) { //hydelide 3 is the first game i found that tests this VRAM[addr] = value; } else { addr -= 0x2000; int bank_1k = addr >> 10; int ofs = addr & ((1 << 10) - 1); bank_1k = nt_banks_1k[bank_1k]; if (bank_1k >= 0xE0) { int which_nt = bank_1k & 1; NES.CIRAM[which_nt * 0x400 + ofs] = value; } else { //throw new InvalidOperationException("what? the nametable was mapped to rom.."); base.WritePPU(addr + 0x2000, value); } } } public override byte ReadPPU(int addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { int bank_1k = addr >> 10; int ofs = addr & ((1 << 10) - 1); bank_1k = chr_banks_1k[bank_1k]; if (bank_1k >= 0xE0) { //chr ram handling int side = addr >> 12; if (vram_enable[side]) { bank_1k -= 0xE0; bank_1k &= 7; //?? return VRAM[bank_1k * 0x400 + ofs]; } } addr = (bank_1k << 10) | ofs; return VROM[addr]; } else { addr -= 0x2000; int bank_1k = addr >> 10; if (bank_1k > 3) return base.ReadPPU(addr); //namco classic 2 tests this at the title screen int ofs = addr & ((1 << 10) - 1); bank_1k = nt_banks_1k[bank_1k]; if (bank_1k >= 0xE0) { int which_nt = bank_1k & 1; return NES.CIRAM[which_nt * 0x400 + ofs]; } else { int chr_bank_1k = bank_1k; return VROM[chr_bank_1k * 0x400 + ofs]; } } } void SyncIRQ() { IRQSignal = (irq_pending && irq_enabled); } void TriggerIRQ() { //NES.LogLine("trigger irq"); irq_pending = true; SyncIRQ(); } void ClockIRQ() { if (irq_counter == 0x7FFF) { //irq_counter = 0; TriggerIRQ(); } else irq_counter++; } public override void ClockCPU() { if (irq_enabled) { //irq_cycles--; //if (irq_cycles == 0) //{ //irq_cycles += 3; ClockIRQ(); //} } if (audio != null) { audio_cycles++; if (audio_cycles == 15) { audio_cycles = 0; audio.Clock(); } } } public override void ApplyCustomAudio(short[] samples) { if (audio != null) audio.ApplyCustomAudio(samples); } } }