// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "math/lin/matrix4x4.h" #include "../../Core/MemMap.h" #include "../ge_constants.h" #include "VertexDecoder.h" void PrintDecodedVertex(VertexReader &vtx) { if (vtx.hasNormal()) { float nrm[3]; vtx.ReadNrm(nrm); printf("N: %f %f %f\n", nrm[0], nrm[1], nrm[2]); } if (vtx.hasUV()) { float uv[2]; vtx.ReadUV(uv); printf("TC: %f %f\n", uv[0], uv[1]); } if (vtx.hasColor0()) { float col0[4]; vtx.ReadColor0(col0); printf("C0: %f %f %f %f\n", col0[0], col0[1], col0[2], col0[3]); } if (vtx.hasColor0()) { float col1[3]; vtx.ReadColor1(col1); printf("C1: %f %f %f\n", col1[0], col1[1], col1[2]); } // Etc.. float pos[3]; vtx.ReadPos(pos); printf("P: %f %f %f\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]); } const u8 tcsize[4] = {0,2,4,8}, tcalign[4] = {0,1,2,4}; const u8 colsize[8] = {0,0,0,0,2,2,2,4}, colalign[8] = {0,0,0,0,2,2,2,4}; const u8 nrmsize[4] = {0,3,6,12}, nrmalign[4] = {0,1,2,4}; const u8 possize[4] = {0,3,6,12}, posalign[4] = {0,1,2,4}; const u8 wtsize[4] = {0,1,2,4}, wtalign[4] = {0,1,2,4}; inline int align(int n, int align) { return (n + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1); } int DecFmtSize(u8 fmt) { switch (fmt) { case DEC_NONE: return 0; case DEC_FLOAT_1: return 4; case DEC_FLOAT_2: return 8; case DEC_FLOAT_3: return 12; case DEC_FLOAT_4: return 16; case DEC_S8_3: return 4; case DEC_S16_3: return 8; case DEC_U8_1: return 4; case DEC_U8_2: return 4; case DEC_U8_3: return 4; case DEC_U8_4: return 4; case DEC_U16_1: return 4; case DEC_U16_2: return 4; case DEC_U16_3: return 8; case DEC_U16_4: return 8; case DEC_U8A_2: return 4; case DEC_U16A_2: return 4; default: return 0; } } #if 0 // This is what the software transform spits out, and thus w DecVtxFormat GetTransformedVtxFormat(const DecVtxFormat &fmt) { DecVtxFormat tfm = {0}; int size = 0; int offset = 0; // Weights disappear during transform. if (fmt.uvfmt) { // UV always becomes float2. tfm.uvfmt = DEC_FLOAT_2; tfm.uvoff = offset; offset += DecFmtSize(tfm.uvfmt); } // We always (?) get two colors out, they're floats (although we'd probably be fine with less precision). tfm.c0fmt = DEC_FLOAT_4; tfm.c0off = offset; offset += DecFmtSize(tfm.c0fmt); tfm.c1fmt = DEC_FLOAT_3; // color1 (specular) doesn't have alpha. tfm.c1off = offset; offset += DecFmtSize(tfm.c1fmt); // We never get a normal, it's gone. // But we do get a position, and it's always float3. tfm.posfmt = DEC_FLOAT_3; tfm.posoff = offset; offset += DecFmtSize(tfm.posfmt); // Update stride. tfm.stride = offset; return tfm; } #endif void VertexDecoder::Step_WeightsU8() const { u8 *wt = (u8 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.w0off); const u8 *wdata = (const u8*)(ptr_); for (int j = 0; j < nweights; j++) wt[j] = wdata[j]; } void VertexDecoder::Step_WeightsU16() const { u16 *wt = (u16 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.w0off); const u16 *wdata = (const u16*)(ptr_); for (int j = 0; j < nweights; j++) wt[j] = wdata[j]; } // Float weights should be uncommon, we can live with having to multiply these by 2.0 // to avoid special checks in the vertex shader generator. // (PSP uses 0.0-2.0 fixed point numbers for weights) void VertexDecoder::Step_WeightsFloat() const { float *wt = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.w0off); const float *wdata = (const float*)(ptr_); for (int i = 0; i < nweights; i++) { wt[i] = wdata[i] * 0.5f; } } void VertexDecoder::Step_TcU8() const { u16 *uv = (u16*)(decoded_ + decFmt.uvoff); const u16 *uvdata = (const u16*)(ptr_ + tcoff); *uv = *uvdata; } void VertexDecoder::Step_TcU16() const { u32 *uv = (u32 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.uvoff); const u32 *uvdata = (const u32*)(ptr_ + tcoff); *uv = *uvdata; } void VertexDecoder::Step_TcU16Through() const { u16 *uv = (u16 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.uvoff); const u16 *uvdata = (const u16*)(ptr_ + tcoff); uv[0] = uvdata[0]; uv[1] = uvdata[1]; } void VertexDecoder::Step_TcFloat() const { float *uv = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.uvoff); const float *uvdata = (const float*)(ptr_ + tcoff); uv[0] = uvdata[0] * 0.5f; uv[1] = uvdata[1] * 0.5f; } void VertexDecoder::Step_TcFloatThrough() const { float *uv = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.uvoff); const float *uvdata = (const float*)(ptr_ + tcoff); uv[0] = uvdata[0] * 0.5f; uv[1] = uvdata[1] * 0.5f; } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color565() const { u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; u16 cdata = *(u16*)(ptr_ + coloff); c[0] = Convert5To8(cdata & 0x1f); c[1] = Convert6To8((cdata>>5) & 0x3f); c[2] = Convert5To8((cdata>>11) & 0x1f); c[3] = 255; } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color5551() const { u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; u16 cdata = *(u16*)(ptr_ + coloff); c[0] = Convert5To8(cdata & 0x1f); c[1] = Convert5To8((cdata>>5) & 0x1f); c[2] = Convert5To8((cdata>>10) & 0x1f); c[3] = (cdata >> 15) ? 255 : 0; } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color4444() const { u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; u16 cdata = *(u16*)(ptr_ + coloff); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) c[j] = Convert4To8((cdata >> (j * 4)) & 0xF); } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color8888() const { u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; const u8 *cdata = (const u8*)(ptr_ + coloff); memcpy(c, cdata, sizeof(u8) * 4); } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color565Morph() const { float col[3] = {0}; for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float w = gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; u16 cdata = *(u16*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + coloff); col[0] += w * (cdata & 0x1f) * (255.0f / 31.0f); col[1] += w * ((cdata>>5) & 0x3f) * (255.0f / 63.0f); col[2] += w * ((cdata>>11) & 0x1f) * (255.0f / 31.0f); } u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { c[i] = (u8)col[i]; } c[3] = 255; } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color5551Morph() const { float col[4] = {0}; for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float w = gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; u16 cdata = *(u16*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + coloff); col[0] += w * (cdata & 0x1f) * (255.0f / 31.0f); col[1] += w * ((cdata>>5) & 0x1f) * (255.0f / 31.0f); col[2] += w * ((cdata>>10) & 0x1f) * (255.0f / 31.0f); col[3] += w * ((cdata>>15) ? 255.0f : 0.0f); } u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { c[i] = (u8)col[i]; } } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color4444Morph() const { float col[4] = {0}; for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float w = gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; u16 cdata = *(u16*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + coloff); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) col[j] += w * ((cdata >> (j * 4)) & 0xF) * (255.0f / 15.0f); } u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { c[i] = (u8)col[i]; } } void VertexDecoder::Step_Color8888Morph() const { float col[4] = {0}; for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float w = gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; const u8 *cdata = (const u8*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + coloff); for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) col[j] += w * cdata[j]; } u8 *c = decoded_ + decFmt.c0off; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { c[i] = (u8)(col[i]); } } void VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS8() const { s8 *normal = (s8 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.nrmoff); u8 xorval = 0; if (gstate.reversenormals & 1) xorval = 0xFF; // Using xor instead of - to handle -128 const s8 *sv = (const s8*)(ptr_ + nrmoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) normal[j] = sv[j] ^ xorval; normal[3] = 0; } void VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS16() const { s16 *normal = (s16 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.nrmoff); u16 xorval = 0; if (gstate.reversenormals & 1) xorval = 0xFFFF; const s16 *sv = (const s16*)(ptr_ + nrmoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) normal[j] = sv[j] ^ xorval; normal[3] = 0; } void VertexDecoder::Step_NormalFloat() const { float *normal = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.nrmoff); float multiplier = 1.0f; if (gstate.reversenormals & 1) multiplier = -multiplier; const float *fv = (const float*)(ptr_ + nrmoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) normal[j] = fv[j] * multiplier; } void VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS8Morph() const { float *normal = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.nrmoff); memset(normal, 0, sizeof(float)*3); for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float multiplier = gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; if (gstate.reversenormals & 1) { multiplier = -multiplier; } const s8 *bv = (const s8*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + nrmoff); multiplier *= (1.0f/127.0f); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) normal[j] += bv[j] * multiplier; } } void VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS16Morph() const { float *normal = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.nrmoff); memset(normal, 0, sizeof(float)*3); for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float multiplier = gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; if (gstate.reversenormals & 1) { multiplier = -multiplier; } const s16 *sv = (const s16 *)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + nrmoff); multiplier *= (1.0f/32767.0f); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) normal[j] += sv[j] * multiplier; } } void VertexDecoder::Step_NormalFloatMorph() const { float *normal = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.nrmoff); memset(normal, 0, sizeof(float)*3); for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float multiplier = gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; if (gstate.reversenormals & 1) { multiplier = -multiplier; } const float *fv = (const float*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + nrmoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) normal[j] += fv[j] * multiplier; } } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosS8() const { s8 *v = (s8 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); const s8 *sv = (const s8*)(ptr_ + posoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] = sv[j]; v[3] = 0; } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosS16() const { s16 *v = (s16 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); const s16 *sv = (const s16*)(ptr_ + posoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] = sv[j]; v[3] = 0; } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosFloat() const { u8 *v = (u8 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); const u8 *fv = (const u8*)(ptr_ + posoff); memcpy(v, fv, 12); } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosS8Through() const { float *v = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); const s8 *sv = (const s8*)(ptr_ + posoff); v[0] = sv[0]; v[1] = sv[1]; v[2] = sv[2]; v[3] = 0; } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosS16Through() const { float *v = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); const s16 *sv = (const s16*)(ptr_ + posoff); v[0] = sv[0]; v[1] = sv[1]; v[2] = sv[2]; v[3] = 0; } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosFloatThrough() const { u8 *v = (u8 *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); const u8 *fv = (const u8*)(ptr_ + posoff); memcpy(v, fv, 12); } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosS8Morph() const { float *v = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); memset(v, 0, sizeof(float) * 3); for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float multiplier = 1.0f / 127.0f; const s8 *sv = (const s8*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + posoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] += (float)sv[j] * (multiplier * gstate_c.morphWeights[n]); } } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosS16Morph() const { float *v = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); memset(v, 0, sizeof(float) * 3); for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { float multiplier = 1.0f / 32767.0f; const s16 *sv = (const s16*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + posoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] += (float)sv[j] * (multiplier * gstate_c.morphWeights[n]); } } void VertexDecoder::Step_PosFloatMorph() const { float *v = (float *)(decoded_ + decFmt.posoff); memset(v, 0, sizeof(float) * 3); for (int n = 0; n < morphcount; n++) { const float *fv = (const float*)(ptr_ + onesize_*n + posoff); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] += fv[j] * gstate_c.morphWeights[n]; } } static const StepFunction wtstep[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_WeightsU8, &VertexDecoder::Step_WeightsU16, &VertexDecoder::Step_WeightsFloat, }; static const StepFunction tcstep[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_TcU8, &VertexDecoder::Step_TcU16, &VertexDecoder::Step_TcFloat, }; static const StepFunction tcstep_through[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_TcU8, &VertexDecoder::Step_TcU16Through, &VertexDecoder::Step_TcFloatThrough, }; // TODO: Tc Morph static const StepFunction colstep[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color565, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color5551, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color4444, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color8888, }; static const StepFunction colstep_morph[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color565Morph, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color5551Morph, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color4444Morph, &VertexDecoder::Step_Color8888Morph, }; static const StepFunction nrmstep[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS8, &VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS16, &VertexDecoder::Step_NormalFloat, }; static const StepFunction nrmstep_morph[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS8Morph, &VertexDecoder::Step_NormalS16Morph, &VertexDecoder::Step_NormalFloatMorph, }; static const StepFunction posstep[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosS8, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosS16, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosFloat, }; static const StepFunction posstep_morph[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosS8Morph, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosS16Morph, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosFloatMorph, }; static const StepFunction posstep_through[4] = { 0, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosS8Through, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosS16Through, &VertexDecoder::Step_PosFloatThrough, }; void VertexDecoder::SetVertexType(u32 fmt) { fmt_ = fmt; throughmode = (fmt & GE_VTYPE_THROUGH) != 0; numSteps_ = 0; int biggest = 0; size = 0; tc = fmt & 0x3; col = (fmt >> 2) & 0x7; nrm = (fmt >> 5) & 0x3; pos = (fmt >> 7) & 0x3; weighttype = (fmt >> 9) & 0x3; idx = (fmt >> 11) & 0x3; morphcount = ((fmt >> 18) & 0x7)+1; nweights = ((fmt >> 14) & 0x7)+1; int decOff = 0; memset(&decFmt, 0, sizeof(decFmt)); DEBUG_LOG(G3D,"VTYPE: THRU=%i TC=%i COL=%i POS=%i NRM=%i WT=%i NW=%i IDX=%i MC=%i", (int)throughmode, tc,col,pos,nrm,weighttype,nweights,idx,morphcount); if (weighttype) { // && nweights? //size = align(size, wtalign[weighttype]); unnecessary size += wtsize[weighttype] * nweights; if (wtalign[weighttype] > biggest) biggest = wtalign[weighttype]; steps_[numSteps_++] = wtstep[weighttype]; int fmtBase = DEC_FLOAT_1; int weightSize = 4; if (weighttype == GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_8BIT >> GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_SHIFT) { fmtBase = DEC_U8_1; weightSize = 1; } else if (weighttype == GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_16BIT >> GE_VTYPE_WEIGHT_SHIFT) { fmtBase = DEC_U16_1; weightSize = 2; } if (nweights < 5) { decFmt.w0off = decOff; decFmt.w0fmt = fmtBase + nweights - 1; } else { decFmt.w0off = decOff; decFmt.w0fmt = fmtBase + 3; decFmt.w1off = decOff + 4 * weightSize; decFmt.w1fmt = fmtBase + nweights - 5; } decOff += nweights * 4; } if (tc) { size = align(size, tcalign[tc]); tcoff = size; size += tcsize[tc]; if (tcalign[tc] > biggest) biggest = tcalign[tc]; steps_[numSteps_++] = throughmode ? tcstep_through[tc] : tcstep[tc]; switch (tc) { case GE_VTYPE_TC_8BIT >> GE_VTYPE_TC_SHIFT: decFmt.uvfmt = throughmode ? DEC_U8A_2 : DEC_U8_2; break; case GE_VTYPE_TC_16BIT >> GE_VTYPE_TC_SHIFT: decFmt.uvfmt = throughmode ? DEC_U16A_2 : DEC_U16_2; break; case GE_VTYPE_TC_FLOAT >> GE_VTYPE_TC_SHIFT: decFmt.uvfmt = DEC_FLOAT_2; break; } decFmt.uvoff = decOff; decOff += DecFmtSize(decFmt.uvfmt); } if (col) { size = align(size, colalign[col]); coloff = size; size += colsize[col]; if (colalign[col] > biggest) biggest = colalign[col]; steps_[numSteps_++] = morphcount == 1 ? colstep[col] : colstep_morph[col]; // All color formats decode to DEC_U8_4 currently. // They can become floats later during transform though. decFmt.c0fmt = DEC_U8_4; decFmt.c0off = decOff; decOff += DecFmtSize(decFmt.c0fmt); } else { coloff = 0; } if (nrm) { size = align(size, nrmalign[nrm]); nrmoff = size; size += nrmsize[nrm]; if (nrmalign[nrm] > biggest) biggest = nrmalign[nrm]; steps_[numSteps_++] = morphcount == 1 ? nrmstep[nrm] : nrmstep_morph[nrm]; if (morphcount == 1) { // The normal formats match the gl formats perfectly, let's use 'em. switch (nrm) { case GE_VTYPE_NRM_8BIT >> GE_VTYPE_NRM_SHIFT: decFmt.nrmfmt = DEC_S8_3; break; case GE_VTYPE_NRM_16BIT >> GE_VTYPE_NRM_SHIFT: decFmt.nrmfmt = DEC_S16_3; break; case GE_VTYPE_NRM_FLOAT >> GE_VTYPE_NRM_SHIFT: decFmt.nrmfmt = DEC_FLOAT_3; break; } } else { decFmt.nrmfmt = DEC_FLOAT_3; } // Actually, temporarily let's not. decFmt.nrmoff = decOff; decOff += DecFmtSize(decFmt.nrmfmt); } //if (pos) - there's always a position { size = align(size, posalign[pos]); posoff = size; size += possize[pos]; if (posalign[pos] > biggest) biggest = posalign[pos]; if (throughmode) { steps_[numSteps_++] = posstep_through[pos]; decFmt.posfmt = DEC_FLOAT_3; } else { steps_[numSteps_++] = morphcount == 1 ? posstep[pos] : posstep_morph[pos]; if (morphcount == 1) { // The non-through-mode position formats match the gl formats perfectly, let's use 'em. switch (pos) { case GE_VTYPE_POS_8BIT >> GE_VTYPE_POS_SHIFT: decFmt.posfmt = DEC_S8_3; break; case GE_VTYPE_POS_16BIT >> GE_VTYPE_POS_SHIFT: decFmt.posfmt = DEC_S16_3; break; case GE_VTYPE_POS_FLOAT >> GE_VTYPE_POS_SHIFT: decFmt.posfmt = DEC_FLOAT_3; break; } } else { // Actually, temporarily let's not. decFmt.posfmt = DEC_FLOAT_3; } } decFmt.posoff = decOff; decOff += DecFmtSize(decFmt.posfmt); } decFmt.stride = decOff; size = align(size, biggest); onesize_ = size; size *= morphcount; DEBUG_LOG(G3D,"SVT : size = %i, aligned to biggest %i", size, biggest); } void GetIndexBounds(void *inds, int count, u32 vertType, u16 *indexLowerBound, u16 *indexUpperBound) { // Find index bounds. Could cache this in display lists. // Also, this could be greatly sped up with SSE2/NEON, although rarely a bottleneck. int lowerBound = 0x7FFFFFFF; int upperBound = 0; u32 idx = vertType & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK; if (idx == GE_VTYPE_IDX_8BIT) { const u8 *ind8 = (const u8 *)inds; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ind8[i] < lowerBound) lowerBound = ind8[i]; if (ind8[i] > upperBound) upperBound = ind8[i]; } } else if (idx == GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT) { const u16 *ind16 = (const u16*)inds; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (ind16[i] < lowerBound) lowerBound = ind16[i]; if (ind16[i] > upperBound) upperBound = ind16[i]; } } else { lowerBound = 0; upperBound = count - 1; } *indexLowerBound = (u16)lowerBound; *indexUpperBound = (u16)upperBound; } void VertexDecoder::DecodeVerts(u8 *decodedptr, const void *verts, int indexLowerBound, int indexUpperBound) const { // Decode the vertices within the found bounds, once each decoded_ = decodedptr; // + lowerBound * decFmt.stride; ptr_ = (const u8*)verts + indexLowerBound * size; for (int index = indexLowerBound; index <= indexUpperBound; index++) { for (int i = 0; i < numSteps_; i++) { ((*this).*steps_[i])(); } ptr_ += size; decoded_ += decFmt.stride; } } // TODO: Does not support morphs, skinning etc. u32 VertexDecoder::InjectUVs(u8 *decoded, const void *verts, float *customuv, int count) const { u32 customVertType = (gstate.vertType & ~GE_VTYPE_TC_MASK) | GE_VTYPE_TC_FLOAT; VertexDecoder decOut; decOut.SetVertexType(customVertType); const u8 *inp = (const u8 *)verts; u8 *out = decoded; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (pos) memcpy(out + decOut.posoff, inp + posoff, possize[pos]); if (nrm) memcpy(out + decOut.nrmoff, inp + nrmoff, nrmsize[nrm]); if (col) memcpy(out + decOut.coloff, inp + coloff, colsize[col]); // Ignore others for now, this is all we need for puzbob. // Inject! memcpy(out + decOut.tcoff, &customuv[i * 2], tcsize[decOut.tc]); inp += this->onesize_; out += decOut.onesize_; } return customVertType; } int VertexDecoder::ToString(char *output) const { char * start = output; output += sprintf(output, "P: %i ", pos); if (nrm) output += sprintf(output, "N: %i ", nrm); if (col) output += sprintf(output, "C: %i ", col); if (tc) output += sprintf(output, "T: %i ", tc); if (weighttype) output += sprintf(output, "W: %i ", weighttype); if (idx) output += sprintf(output, "I: %i ", idx); if (morphcount > 1) output += sprintf(output, "Morph: %i ", morphcount); output += sprintf(output, "Verts: %i ", stats_[STAT_VERTSSUBMITTED]); if (throughmode) output += sprintf(output, " (through)"); output += sprintf(output, " (size: %i)", VertexSize()); return output - start; }